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��15�7��1 <br /> DEE� �F TRUST <br /> t�ontinued} Pa�e 4 <br /> Trus#�r wil!deli�er, or�euse ta he daliWered,to Lender suGh instrumants as Lender may requ�st fram time to time <br /> to permit such parti�ipati�n. <br /> Comp�i�n�a With L�►�us. Tru�tar warr�nts thet the PrQperty �nd Trustor's use vf th� �ropert� comp�ies with all <br /> e�isting�ppl�c�ble�aws,ordinan�es,and regulation��f go��rnmen#a[�utharities. <br /> 5urvival o�Represer�t�tions and Werrerities. AI1 representet�ans, warrantigs, and agreements made by Trustor in <br /> �h�s Deed o�Trust sh�l�sur�i�e th�execution �nd deii�rery�f this❑e�d❑f Trust,shall be �antinuing in nature, and <br /> shall remain in full fvrc�end effect un�il such tirn�as Barraw�r's Indehtedness shalf be paid in full. <br /> CQNDEMNA'TI�N. The�ollowing provisions relatin9 tn c�nd�mnatian proceedings are a part of this Deed of Trust: <br /> Prviceedings. If any proceeding in candemn�tion is filed, T�ustor shali pramptl� nat��y Lender in writing, and <br /> Trustv�she�! promptly take such steps es mey be n��e�s�ry to defend the actian and �btain the award. Trustar <br /> ma�be the nomina�party in such proceeding,but Lender shali be�ntitled tv perticipate in the proceeding and t❑be <br /> represent�d in the proceeding by counsel vf its own chv�ice, and Tru�tvr will deli�er or cause iv be deli�ered tQ <br /> Lender su�h instruments and do�umsntation es m�y b� request�d by Lender frvm time to time �a permit such <br /> part�cipetion. <br /> Applicat�on art Net Procseds. If al!ar any p�rt of#he Propgrty is candemned by erninent domain proceedings ar by <br /> any prvicegding❑r purchas�in lieu of�vndemnetion,�.ender may et its e�ection requ�re that ai��r any pv�tion vf the <br /> net proceeds vf the award be applie� to �h� Indebtedn�as or the r�pair or r�sto�etian af the Prc�perty. The n�� <br /> praceeds of the award sh�l� mean the awerd�fter paym�nt af el1 re�sonable co9ts, expenses� and attarneys' fees <br /> in�urred by Trustee a�Lender in connectian with ihe�ondemnation. <br /> 11UIP�S�Tr�N �F TAXES. FEES AN8 CHARGES BY G�VERNMENTAL AVTH4R�TEES. T'he following pr��isions re�atin� <br /> ta�ga�ernm�nta!taxes,fe�s�nc!ch�rges are�p�rt of thi�Deed af Trust: <br /> �urrent Taxes, Fe�� and Charg�s. Upvn request k�y Lender, Trustar ahall execute su�h dacum�nts in addition t� <br /> this Deed ot Trust and take whatever ath���ct�on ts requssted by Lender to perfect and continue Lender's lien on <br /> the Real Prvperty. Trustor sha�� reimhurse Lender #�r a�l taxes, as dgscr�bed belvw, tagether wi�h all exp�n5e5 <br /> in�urred in recarding, perfe�ting �r cont�nui�g this Deed o� Trust, inciuding without lirnit�tian all taxes, fees, <br /> dacumen�ary stamps,and vther charges for�e�ording ar regist�ring�his Dead af Trust. <br /> T�xes. The toilvwing shell ca�nst�tut� taxes tv whiGh thrs section �ppl�ea: �1) a sp�Gific tax upon th�s type vf <br /> Deed of Trust�r upon a!� or any part o�the �ndebtedness secured by this ❑eed af Trust; ��f a specifi� tax an <br /> Bo�rvwer whi�h Barrawer is euthoriied or required t�deduct from peyments�n the {ndebtadn�ss se�ured by this <br /> typ� af��ed a�Trust; �3) a tax an this type of Deed af Tru�t�harg�ebl�e�ain�t the Lender ar the hol�iar v�the <br /> Nate; and t4y a �p�cific tax an alI or any partivn a�tha �ndabtedness ar❑n payments o� princip�l and interest <br /> made by Bo�row�r. <br /> Subsequent Taxes. �f any tax ta which thi� se�tit�n �pplies is enacted subsequent tt� the date o�this Deed af <br /> Trust, xhis event shall ha�e the same effect as an Eaent of ❑efauit, and Lender may exercise eny ar atl �f its <br /> a�eil��l� temedies for an Event of []ef�ult as pr�v�ded belaw unlesg Trustor eithe� �'1) pays the tax be#o�e �t <br /> be�ames delinquent, ar ��y contest��he tax as prv�ided ebo�e in the Taxes�nd Liens sectian and deposits with <br /> Lender�ash Qr a suff�cient�orp4rate surety k�ond ur ather security sarsfa�tory to Lend�r. <br /> SECURITY AGREElVIENT: FINANCIIVG STATEMENTS. The follc�wing pr��isions rel�ting tv this Deed �f Trust as a <br /> s�curity agr�ement are a part vf this Q�ad❑f Trust: <br /> Sa�urity Agreemen#. This instrurnent sh��! cnnstituta � Security A�reem�nt ta the extent any vf the �raperty <br /> canstitutes�ixtures� end Lender shal�h��e�II af the rights of�secured p�rty under the Llnifarm Cc�mmercia!CQde <br /> as amended frvm time ta time. <br /> Se�ur�ty Int�re�t. Upon r�quest hy Lender, Trustvr sha11 take whate�er act+on#a requested by Len�er ta psrfe�t <br /> end cvntinue Lend�r's security interest in the Rents and Personal Proper�ty. In addition tv recv�dtng th�s Qeed ❑f <br /> Trus� in the real prop�rty records, Lender may, �t �ny tima and withaut further authorizat+vn �rom Trustor, fil� <br /> executed counterparts, c4pies �rr reprodu��iQns of this Deed ot Trust �s a finenc�ng statement. Trustor sha!! <br /> reimburse L�ndef for all expensBs incurred in pe�#ect�ng or continu�ng this security Fnterest. l�pnn default, Trustvr <br /> sh��i not rema�e, sever vr detaGh the Persan�i Prvperty from the Property. Upan default, Trustor �hall �ssemble <br /> any Persvnal Property not�f#ixed to the Prvperty in a rnanner and at a p��ce reesonably cvnvenient ta Trust�r and <br /> Lender and make it a��ifahle to Lender w+thin thre� �3y deys aftar rece�pt af written demand firom Lender to the <br /> �xtent p�rmit�ed by epplicab�e i�w. <br /> Addres�as. The mailing addrasses Qf Trustor �debtvr� and Lendgr �s�cured p�rtyf frorn which in#ormation <br /> concerning the securit� interest grsnted by this Deed�f Trust mey be olateined {each as required by the Unifarm <br /> Camm�rcial Codef a�e as st�ted on the first page of this Deed nf Trust. <br /> FIJRTHER ASSURANCES: ATT�RNEY-IN-FACT. The fvllvwing prv�isions re��ting tv further ass�ran�es and <br /> attarney-in-f�ct�re a part of this Deed of Tru�t: <br /> Further Asaur�ncas. At�ny tim�. and from t�me ta time, upon �equest of Lender,Trus#or wiil make, execute and <br /> deli�er,or will cause�o be made,exe�uted or deli�ered,tv Lender or to Lender's d�signee.and when requ�st�d by <br /> L�nder, cause tv he filed. re�arded. �efiled� �r r�re�vrded, as the casg may be, at such times and in such �f�ces <br /> and pl��es as Lender maY d�em apprapriate, any an�a11 su�h mart�ages, deeds of�rust, secu��ty deeds, seGurity <br /> agreem�n�s, �inan�ing statements� �ant�nu�tion st�tements, instruments of further assuran�e, certificates� and <br /> other dc�curnents as may, in the svle apin�an af Lender, b� nsc�ssary ar desirable in arder to effectuate, campiete, <br /> perfect, cantinue, or preser�e �1 y 8arrawer's and Trustvr'� oblig�tions unde�the Note, thi� De�d flf Trust, and <br /> the Related �ocuments, and ��f the liena and securi#y in#erests created by#hia Desd af Trust as first and p�iar <br /> iiens �n�he Prop�rty, whQther now owned or hereafter�cquired by Trustor. llnl�ss prQhibited by 18w vr Lender <br /> agrees ta the cantrary in writing, Tru�tar shali reimburse Lender for�I� costs and expenses incurr�d in cc�nnecti�n <br /> with the matters referred ta in this paregraph, <br /> Attarn�y-in-Fs�ct. I�Trustvr fai�s ta dv any vf the things referred tv in the preceding paragraph, Lender may do so <br /> for and in the narne of Trustar and at Trust�r's expense. Far such purposes, Trustar hereby irre��cabiy appaints <br /> Lender as Trust�r's�ttorney-in-f�ct fo�the pu►pasg of m�king,�xecuting,dei+ver�ng.filing, recarding, and d�ing all <br /> other th�ngs as may be necessary ar desirahle, in Lender's �vle opinion� to accompii�h the metters re#grred ta in <br /> �he preced�ng paragreph. <br /> FULL PERFQ�lVIANCE. If Borrawer and Trustar psy aii the Indebtedness when due, end Trustar❑therwisa performs a!I <br /> the obligations im�avsed upon Trustvr under this De�d o�Trust,Lendsr sha�l�xecute and deli�er to Trustee�request�or <br /> fu11 r�can�eyan�e and�hall execute and deli��r tv�Trustor�uitable statements of terminat�on of eny�inanGing stetem�nt <br /> on fil�evidencing Lender's s�curity intere�t in the Rents end the Persanal Property. Any r�canveyance fee r�qusrad by <br /> law shall be paid�y Trustar, if permitted by app�icsble�aw. <br /> EVENTS �� QEFALILT. Each af th� #fll�ow�ng. et Lender's❑ptian, shall canstitute an E��nt af Default under#his De�d <br /> of Trust: <br /> �'eyment Def�ult. Barrower f�ils ta make any payment when due unde�th�Indebtadn�,ss. <br /> �ther Da�sult�. Borrower ar Trustar fails to �or�nply with o� to perfQrm any other t�rm, a���igatian, cav�nant ar <br />