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��15�7��1 <br /> �]EFD �F TRUST <br /> �C�ntinued y Page � <br /> recordation of such Notice of DefauFt and a#ter No#ice of Sale ha�ing been gi�en as requirad hy law, seEt <br /> the Praperty at the time and p�ace a'� saie fixed hy it in such Natics af 5ale. either as e who1�, o� in <br /> seperate lots or per�els ar items as Trustee shall deem expedient.and in such ord�r as it may determine, <br /> at pubfic auction tv the highest bidder for cash in lawful money af the United 5tates payable at the time <br /> a# sale. Trustee sha�l deli�er t� such purchaser or purchasers thereof its gaod and sufficient deed or <br /> deeds can�eying the property sv sald, but without any co�enant or w�rranty, express �r implied. The <br /> reGitals in such deed of any matters o�facts shall be canclusi�e proof of the truthfulness thereo#. Any <br /> person� including withnut�imitatian T�ustor�Truste�,or Lender.may purchese a#such sale. <br /> �bf As rnay be permitted by law, efter deducting ali �osts� feas and expenses of Trustee and af this <br /> Trust� including Gvsts af evidence of#itle in connection with s�le,Trustee shell apply the proceeds❑f sale <br /> ta payment af (if a11 sums expended under the tsrms a�thFs De��af Trust or under the te�ms af the Note <br /> nat then repaid, including but nat limited tv eccrued '+nterest and late charges. �ii� all other sums then <br /> secured hereby.and �iii�the remainder, if any�ta the person or persons legaliy entitled ther�to. <br /> �cf Trustee rnay in the manner pro�ided by 1aw pt�stp�ne sale��a�l v�any porti�n vf the Prvperty. <br /> Remedies Not Exclust�e. Trustea and Lender, and ea�h of them, shall be ent�tFed tv en#orc� peyment and <br /> perfarmence of any indehtedness or obligations se�ured by this ❑eed of Trust and tv exer�ise a�1 r[ghts and pvwers <br /> under this Deed of Trust, under the Nvte, under any of the I�elated docurr+ents, or unde�any other agrsemen# or <br /> any laws now or hereafter in force; nvtwithstending. sorne❑r all af such indebtedness and abligatians se�ured �y <br /> this ❑eed af Trust may now ❑r hereafter h��th�rwise secured. whether hy mvrtgage. deed af trust, pledge, lien, <br /> assignment or �therwise. N�ither the acceptance of this De�d of Trust nor it� enfor�ement, whether by court <br /> act�on or pursuent ta ths power vf sale �r other pvwers cvnta�ned in#his Deed of Trust, shsl� preaudice vr in any <br /> rnanner �fifect Trustee's or Lender's right to realize upon vr enforce any othsr security n�w or herea#t�r held by <br /> Trustee or Lender, it�eing agreed that Trustee and L�ander,and each of them,shall be entit�ed to en�n��e this❑eed <br /> af Trust and any other se�urity now or hereaft�r held by Lender �r Trustee in such order and m�nner as they or <br /> eithe�a#tham may in their a�so�ute discretion d�termxna. Na rernedy canterred upon ar res�r►►ed to Trustee or <br /> Lender, is in#ended to be exclusi�e of any ath�r remedy in this ❑eed of Trust vr by law pro�ided or permitted, but <br /> each shall be �umuleti�re end shall be in �ddition to every �ther remedy gi�en in this Deed of Trust or now o� <br /> here�fter axisting et�aw or in equity�r by st�tute. Every powe�vr r�mgdy gi�en by the Note❑r any af the Reiated <br /> Dvcuments to Trustee or Lender �r to whi�h either o� them may be othen+vise entitled� may be exercised, <br /> c�ncurrently ar independentfy, frvm time ta tims snd as often es may ba deemed expedEent by Trus#ee ar Lender, <br /> and either a� them may pursue inconsistent remedEes. Noth�ng in this ❑e�d o� Trust sha11 be canstrued as <br /> prohfbiting Lender from seeking a deficiency judgment against the Trustor to the extent suGh action is permitted by <br /> law. Election by Lender ta pursue any remedy shsll no#exclude pursuit of any other remedy, and an ele�tian t❑ <br /> mak� expenditures ar to take action t� p�rf�rrn an ohl�g�tinn of Trustor under this Deed ❑f Trust, after Trustor's <br /> failure to perform.shafl not effect Lender's�ight to deciare a d�fault and exercise its remedies. <br /> Request f�r Notice. Trustar, vn behal�o�Trustor and Lender, hereby requests tha���apy of any Notice of De�auit <br /> and a�apy a#any Nvtice o#5ai�under this Deed a�Trust be mailed ta them �t the addressss s�t forth in the first <br /> p�ragraph Qf thi9 Deed vf Trust. <br /> Attorr►sys' Faas; Expansas. lf Lender institu�es eny suit ar a�tivn to enforCe any of the terms of this Deed ❑f <br /> Trust, Lender shall be entitfed to reGv�er such aum ss the court may adjudge r�ssanabie as attarngys' faes at tri�l <br /> end upon any appeai. Whether ar nnt any court ecticn is in�ol�sd, and to the extent not prohibited by law, a�l <br /> reason�bla expsnses Lender incurs that in Lender's apinion ere ne�essary �t eny time fvr the protectfon vf its <br /> int�rest or the enfarcement�f its rights sha!!became a part of th�In�#eb#edness pay�ble on demand end shall bear <br /> interest at the Note rate from the de#s of the expenditure until rspaid. Expsnses co�ered by this paragraph inc�ude, <br /> without IEmitativn. hawe�er sub�ec#t�any limtts under applicable law� Lender's ettarneys' fees and L�nder's legal <br /> expenses, whether or not there is a lawsuit, inc�uding attnrn�ys' fees and expenses for bankruptcy proceedings <br /> [�nclud�ng e�f#arts ta madity or�acate any au#omatic stay or injun�tiony, ap�eals� snd any antic�pa#ed past-judgment <br /> cofle�tion ser�ices, the cost a#s�arching records. vbtaining title repa�s tin��uding foreclosure reparts�, sur►►eyors' <br /> reparts. and apprais�l �ees, title insurance. �nd fees for th� Trust�e, tn the axtent permitt�d by epplicable 1aw. <br /> Trustor al�a wi11 pay any court cos�s. in additivn to all other sums pra�ided by law. <br /> Rights of Trustee. Trusta�shall ha�e all af the rights and dutiss a#Lender as set f�rth in this section. <br /> PQWERS AND aBLlGATI�NS DF TRUSTEE. The fvllowing pro�isions relating ta the powers and vb[igations a#Trustee <br /> are part of this Deed of Trust: <br /> Powers of Trustee. In additian to a�i pawers a�Truste�arising as a matter af��w,Trustee shall ha�e the power t� <br /> take the following actians with respect to thg Prapsrty upon the written�equest vf Lender and Trustor: ta} �oin in <br /> preparing end fi�+ng a map or plet o� the Real Property, including #he dedi�ation of st�eets ❑r vth�r rights ta the <br /> pubfic; tbf join in granting any easement or creating any res#riction ❑n #he Resl Prape�rty; end �c} jain in any <br /> subardination�r other�greement affecting this Deed�f Trust�r the interest af Lender under this❑eed of Trust. <br /> Trustea. Trustee shall me�t all qu�lificat�ons required f�r Trustee under applicable 1aw. En edditivn tv the rights <br /> and remedies sat forth �bove, with respect to e�� vr an� pert o�the Prapgrty. tha Truste� sh�ll ha�e the �ight t❑ <br /> fvreclase by natice and sale, and Lender shal� ha�e the r�ght ta forecf�se �y judicial fvreclosure, in either case in <br /> accardance with and ta the fu��extent prnvided by applicable law. <br /> Successflr Trustee. Lend�r,at Lender's opti�n,may f«m time t❑timg appoint�su�cessar Trustee t�any Trust�e <br /> appainted under this Deed of Trust by an instrument executed and acknowledgsd by Lender and recvrded in the <br /> office of the recarder of HALL �ounty. 5tate af Nehraska. The instrument sha�l can�ainl in add�tian to a�� other <br /> matters required by state law, the names �f the vriginal Lender. Trus#ee, and Trustor, th� book end page tor <br /> computer systern r�ferencej where this Deed of Trust is recorded, and the neme and address of the successar <br /> trust�e,end the instrument shafl be executed and acknowlsdge�hy ail the benefici�ries under this Deed a�Trust or <br /> their successars in interest. The su�ce$sor trustee, with�ut�on�eyance af the Pcaperty, sha�l succeed to all the <br /> title, p�wer, �nd dut�es confierred upon th�Trustee in th�s Deed af Trust�nd by applicabfe law. This pro�edure far <br /> suhstitution vf Trustee sha11 gv�srn to the exclus�on of 811 other pro�isians for substitutiQn, <br /> N�TICES. ►4ny notice required to be gi�en under this Deed of Trust, including withaut limitetion any notice of default <br /> and any nntice nf sale shall be gi�en in writing, and shall be effecti�e when a�tually deli�ered. when ectually recei�ed <br /> by telefacsirni�e (unless otherwise required by lawf,when deposited with e nationaily��cognized��ernight couri�r�or, if <br /> mailed, w►hen deposited in the United 5tetes mai�, as#irst cfass, certified ar regis#ered meil pastage pr�pald, directed to <br /> the addresses shown near the heginning af this Deed of Trust. A!I copies of nvtices af fore�losure fram the holder�# <br /> eny lien whi�h hes priority v�er thi� Deed of Trust ahel� t�e sent ta Lender's addr�ss� as shvwn near the beginning af <br /> this Deed of Trust. Any party may changs i#s ad�ress #or notices under this Deed af Trus# by giving formal written <br /> notfce to the other parties, specifying that #he purp�se af the notice is to change th� pa�ty's address. Far notice <br /> purpvses.Trus�vr agrees t❑ keep Lender informed at all times of Trustor`s current address. Unless atherwise pravided <br /> or required by 18w. �f there is more than one Trustor, any natice given by Lender to eny Trustor is deemed to b�natice <br /> gi�en tv ell Trustors. <br /> MlSCELLANE�US PR�VISl�NS. The following mi9celianeous pro�isions are a part of this Deed af Trust: <br /> Amsndmants. This Dsed of Trust,tvgether with any Related Dacuments,canstitu#es th�entire understanding and <br />