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��l 5�71 75 <br /> �►55!G N�ENT �F �ENTS <br /> �G�11t1nU��#} Page 3 <br /> rn�m�er wstndraws from tf�e limi�ed fiabi�ity cornpany, or any ather term3nation o� Borrower's ar Granfior's <br /> existence as a going business or the dea�h��any member,the insolven�y of S�rrawer�r Grantor,the appointment <br /> of a re�eiver far any park vf Barrower's ar Grantor'S property,any assignrnent far the benef�of creditors,any type <br /> of eredi�or warkou�, ar the cammencement af any proceeding unde� any bankrupt�y ar insvfven�y laws �y ❑r <br /> agains�Bo�rower❑r Grantor. <br /> Creditor vr Forfeitur� Praceedings. Cornmen�ement af �vreclosure ar farteiture praceedings, whether by judic�al <br /> praceedir7g, �e�f he�p, repvssess€an or any ❑ther rnethad, by any credito� of Borrawer or Grantar o� by any <br /> go�ernmental agency against�he Rents ar any property securing the Ind�btedness. This includes a garnishment of <br /> any of Barrower's vr Grantar's accaunts, including deposit accoun�s,wi�h Lsnder. Howe�er,�his�vent of Default <br /> sha�f n�#apply if there is a goad fai�h dispute �y �vrrower�r Grantor as to the validi�y or reasonableness af the <br /> �laim which is the basis of the c�editor or�orteiture praceeding and if Borrower o� Grantor g�ves Lender written <br /> nvtice���he creditar or forfeiture pro�eeding and depasits wi�h Lende�rnonies or a surety bond far the creditor❑r <br /> fvrF�iture pracee�ing, in an amvunt determined by Lender, in its sole discretion, as �eing an adequate reserve or <br /> band for th e d ispute. <br /> Property Damag�ar Lass. The Prope�ty�s losf,stalen,substantially damaged,sold,or ba�ro�ved agains�. <br /> Events Af�e�ting Guarantor. Any af the preced�ng events occurs with respe�t t❑ any Guarantor o�any of�he <br /> ind�b�edness flr an� �uarantor dies vr b�c�mes incvmpeten�t, �r re��kes vr dispu�es th� �alidity ❑f, ar lial�ili�y <br /> under,any Guaranty of�he f n�eb�edne�s. <br /> �►d�erse Change. A material ad�erse Ghange accurs in Grant�r`s financial condition, ❑r L�nder helie�es �he <br /> prospect af paymen�vr performance af the Indeh�edness�s i�npai�ed. <br /> lnse�urity. Lender in gvod fiaith be�ieves i�tse�f ins��ure. <br /> R�GHTS AN�3 REIVIEDIES ah�DEFAULT. UpQn the occurrence❑f any Ev�nt of Default and at any time thereai�er,Lend�r <br /> may exercise any an�or mare of the following rights and remedies,€n ad�ition to any other€-igh�s or remedies prv�ided <br /> by law: <br /> Accelerate Indebtedness. Lender sha�f have�he right at its flp�ion ta de�lare the en�Ere lndehtedness immedia�ely <br /> due and payahle,inGludin�any prepayment penalfy that Borrower would be required to pay. <br /> Col�ect Rents. Lender sha�� ha�e the righ�, without no�ice to BorrQwer vr Grantor, to take possess�on of the <br /> Prvperty and c�llect the Ren�s, in��uding amnunts p�st due and unpaid, and apply the net praceeds, ❑ver and <br /> above Lender's �asts, agains� the lndebtedness. ln fu�heranGe vf this right, Lender sha2] have al! �he rights <br /> provided �or in the Lender's Right to Recei�e and Col�ect Rents SeGtion, above. lf the Ren�s are coliected by <br /> Lender,�hen�ran�vr irre�ncahly designates Lender as Grantor's attorney-in-fa�t to endors�instruments recei�ed in <br /> paymen�th�reof in#he name of Grantor and�❑ negotiate the same and�vllecf�he proceeds. Payments by tenants <br /> o� ather users to Lender in respnnse to L�nder's demand sha�i satisfy the obligatEans far vuhich the payments are <br /> made, whether or nvt any proper graunds far �he demand existed, Lender may exercise �ts righ�s under �his <br /> subparagraph ei�her in pers�n,by agent,�r th�ough a receiver. <br /> Other Remedies. Lender shall have ail Qth�r rights and remedie� provided in �his Assignm�nt or the Note or by <br /> #a w. <br /> EieGti�n vf Remedi�s. Elec�ian by Lender ta pursue any remedy shall not exclude pu�suit af any❑ther�emedy,and <br /> an efeGtian to rnake exp�nditures or t❑ take action to perforrn an ohligation�f�ranta�under th is Assignment,after <br /> G�an�or's fiailure�a perfo�rm,shall not af�ect L�nder's right to declare a de�ault and exercise i�s remedies. <br /> Attorneys" Fees;Expenses. If Lender institutes any suit or activn ta enforce any at the�srms of this Assignment, <br /> Lend�r shall be entifiled �o �ecv�er such sum as the caur�may adjudge reasanable as attnmeys'fees a#trial and <br /> upan any appea�. Whether ar nat any ovu� ackion is invalved, and �o the exten� nvt �rohibited by �aw, all <br /> reasvnab�e expenses Lender incurs that in Lende�'s opinian are necessary a� any�ime for the prvtecti�n of its <br /> �n�eres��r the enforcernent of ifs rights shall became a par�of the fndeb�edness payable on demand and shalf bear� <br /> i n�erest at the Note rate�rom the�ate�f the expendi�ure u nti!repaid. Expenses eo�ered by th is para�raph i n�l ude, <br /> without limitation, haweve�`subseck ko any limit� und�r�pplfcable law, Lenders at�o�neys' �ee�and Lende�'s legal <br /> expenses, whether ar no�thers �s a �avvsui�, inc�uding attvrney�' fees and expenses for bankn.�ptcy prooeedings <br /> �i ncl udi ng effar�s to madify ar�acate an�r au�amatic�tay ar i n j u nc�fon},appeals,and any an�i ci pa�ed p�st j udgment <br /> collec�ion services,�he cost�f searching reGards,obtaining titfe repor�s �including fore�fosure reports}y SLIIVG]I�T'ST <br /> reports, and appraisa� fees, title insurance, �nd fees fvr the Trustee, �o �he exCent permitted by applicable iaw. <br /> Grantor a[so will pay any cvurt costs, in addition to all o�her sums Rro�ided by law. <br /> ELE�TRQN1� C�PIES. L,ender may copy, el�ctronical[y or atherwise, an� thereafter destroy, the Qriginals of this <br /> Agre�men� andlor Related D�cuments in fihe regular �ourse af Lender's business. A�� su�h copies produced fr�m an <br /> electronic form ar by any other re�iable means �i.e., pho�ographiG image❑r facsirnila}shall in aIl respe��s be�ansid�red <br /> e�ui�aient to an�riginal, and Borrower hereby waives any rights vr ohjec�ions t❑the use❑f such capies. <br /> MfSCELLANEQUS PR�V15��NS. The fallowing miscellaneous praWisions are a part ofi#his Assignmen�: <br /> Amendments. This Assignrnent, �oge�her w�th any Related Documents, cvnstitutes the entire ur�d�rstanding and <br /> agreement❑f the parties as to the matte�'s set forth in this Assignrnent. Na alteration ❑f or amendm�nt t❑ this <br /> Assignment shall b�effe�ti�e unless given in writing a�d signed by th� par�y vr parties sought to he charged �r <br /> baund by the alteration❑r arnendment. <br /> Capt�an Headings. �aptian headings in this Assignment are for con�enience purpvses vnly and are not ta be used <br /> to interpre�or defin�the provisions�f thi�Assignment. <br /> Go�erning Law. This Assignmen� will be gvverned by f�deral law appC'rcable #v Lend�r and, to �he exten� not <br /> preempted by federal law,the laws af the Sta�e of Nebraska without regard to its conflic�s a�taw prov�sians. Thes <br /> Assignmen�has be�n accepted by Lender in#he State o�Nebraska, <br /> Cho�ce of Venue. I�F there is a lawsuit, Grantor a�ree� upon Lend�r's r-equest�❑ submit to fhe}urisdict�an of the <br /> caur�s of Hall Coun�y,State❑f hlebraska. <br /> Jaint and Se�eral Liab�lity� All vbl�gativns af B�rrawer and Grantor under this Assignmen� shall �e jaint and <br /> se�eral, and alI re�erences tfl Grantor sha![ mean�ach and every Grantor,and ail r�fe�-ences t❑Borrov►rer shall mean <br /> each and �very �orrower. This means tha� each ���ntar signing belaw is resp�nsible fvr ali ab�igafions in this <br /> Assignmen�. Vllhere any one or ma�e o�the part�es is a cvrpvrat�Qn,partnership, limited �ia�il�tjr cvmpany or similar <br /> entity, it is not necessary for Lender to inquire intv the power$of any of the o�Fficers, dir�ctors,partners,mem�ers, <br /> or other agents a�ting vr purporking to act vn the entity's b�halfr, and any vbliga�ions made or created in reliance <br /> upan the profess�d exerc�se af such pawers shall be gua�an�e�d under th�s Assignment. <br /> Merger. There shall be n� merger of the interest or estate created by th is assignrnent w ith any�the�-interest or <br /> esfate in the Property at any time held by or�or the benefit�f L�nder in any capacity, withou�the v+rri�ten consent <br /> of L�nde�. <br /> lnterpretativn. t'1} in all cases where there is more than ane B�rrower o� Grantar, then al� wards used in th is <br /> Assignment in the s�ngular shall be deem�d�o have k�een used in#he plural where the cantext and constructi�n sa <br /> require. {2} If more than one�ersvn signs th is Assignment as"Gra n�vr,"the obligativns�f eaGh�rantor are jvint <br />