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��l 5�71 75 <br /> �4���GN�EIVT' �F F�ENTS <br /> �C�ntinu�d} Page 4 <br /> an� several. This means tha� i#� ��nder brit�gs a �awsui�, Lende� rnay sue any ane Qr more of the �rantors. If <br /> Borrower and Grantor a�e not the same person, Lender need no�sue Bvrrower first, and that go�-rower need not be <br /> joined in any lawsuit. [3} The r�ames g�v�n to paragraphs or s�ctians in this Assignment a�e for cvnvenience <br /> purposes only.They are nat to b�used ta interpret vr define the prvvisions of this Assignment. <br /> No 1Nairrer by Lender. L�nd�r sha!! not be deem�d to have waiWed any rights under this Assignment unless such <br /> waiWer is given in writing and signed by Lender. No delay or omissian❑n the part af Lender in �xer�ising any right <br /> shall operate as a waiver of such right or any other righ�. A waiver by Lender af a provision of this Assignment <br /> shall nat pr�judice or cans�itute a waiver �� Lender'� righ# otherwise to demand strict campliance with that <br /> pro�isivn or any other provisian��this Assignment. No prior wai�er by Lender, nor any cou�-se��dealing between <br /> Lender and Grantor, shall constitute a waiver of any of L�nder`s rights or Qf any of�rantvr`s obligatians as to any <br /> future transactions. Wh�ne�er the consent of Lender is r�quired under this Assignm�nt, the gran��ng of such <br /> cons�nt by Lender in any instance shall not consti�ute �ontinuing consent to subsequent instances where su�h <br /> consent is required and in afl Gases such ��nsent may be granted ar withhefd in the sole discretior�of Lender. <br /> Notices. Any nv�ice required tv be gi�en under this Assignment sha�l be gi�en in writi n g, and shall be efFecti�e <br /> when actually d�iivered, when ac�uafly receive� hy �ele�acsimile �unfess atherwise required by law�, when <br /> deposited w�th a natfor�aily�ecognized vv�rnigh�cvurie�, or,if rnailed,when�ep�sit�d in the L1ni�ed 5tates mai�, as <br /> firs# �lass,certified or registered mail postage prepa�d, direc�ed ta the addr�sses shvv�rn near the beginning of this <br /> Assignment. Any party may change�ts address for not��es under this Assignrnent�y g'r�ing farmal wri�ten not�ce <br /> #o the o�her parties, specifying �ha� �he Qurpose of the notice is �a change the parky's address. For nvtice <br /> pur�pases, Gran�or agrees to keep Lender fn�ormed at aIl times ❑� Grantar's current address. �nless ofherv�ise <br /> pro�ided or required by law, i� �here is more than one Gran�or, any notice gNen by Lender tv any �rantflr is <br /> deemed to be n�tice given ta a�l Gran�ors. <br /> Pawers of Attarney. The�arivus agencies and pawers❑�a#torney conveyed on Lender under this Assignment�re <br /> granted f�r purpases of security and may n�t be re�oked b}�Grantor until such time as the same are renounced by <br /> Lender. <br /> Severabiiity. !f a caurt vf camp�fen�jurisdicirian finds any prv�ision a#this �ssignment to be i�legal, inva�id, vr <br /> unenfarc�abSe as �o any circurnstance, that finding sha�� nair rr�ke the af�ending provision illegal, inWafid, or <br /> unenfvrcea�le as ta any othe� �ircumstance. ]f f�asible,the vffending prouision shall be cansidered m�dified so <br /> that it beoomes �egal, Walid and enforceable. �f �he offend�ng pravisian cannot be sv modified, it shall he <br /> cansidered deleted fram this Assignment. Unfess othsrwise required by law, #he ille�ality, in�a�idity, o� <br /> unenfvrceabiiity o�any pravisian of�his Assignment sha�� not affecf the�egality, validi�ty or enforc�ability of any <br /> other pr�vision of�his Assignment. <br /> Suc�es�ors and Assigns. Subject to any limrtations sfiated in this Assignmen�on transfer o��rantor's interest,this <br /> Rssignment shall be binding upon and inure ta the beneft vf the parties, their successars and assigns. If <br /> ❑wnership af the P�aper�y becomes v�sted in a persvn o�he�than Grantor, Lender,without na�ice tv �rantor,may <br /> dea!with GrantQr's successors with referen�e ta this Assignment and the lndebtedn�ss by way of f�rbea�ance or <br /> extensian withau#releasing�rantor from the obligations of�his Assignrnen�or liability under the Indeb�edness. <br /> Time�s af the�ssence. Tirne�s o�the essence in the pertorrnance of this Assignment. <br /> 1rVaive Jury. Afl parties tv this Assignment hereby wai�e the right#a any jury trial �n any actian, pro�eeding, or <br /> count�rc�aim brought by any party against any afher par�y. <br /> Wai�er af Ham�stead E�remptivn. Grantar hereby refeases and waives alf r�ghts and benefi�s af the hvmestead <br /> exernpti�n laws of the State af Nebraska as to al[Indebt�dness secured by this Assignrn�nt_ <br /> Waiver af Righ� of Redemptivn. NpTV1l1THST�N�]lNG AN"� �F THE PROVISI�NS TD THE CDNTRARY <br /> GaNTAINED iN THIS ASSIG�MENT, GP.ANTQR HEREBY WAfVES ANY AN❑ALL RI�HTS�F RE�EMPTfQIV FR�M <br /> SALE UNDER ANY DR�ER �R JUC�GMENT DF Ff]RECLDSURE �N GRANTaR'S BEHALF AND QN BEHALF OF <br /> EACH ANi7 EVERY PEF�SaN, EXGEPT�UD�MENT CRED�TQ1�5 OF GRANT�R, A�QUIRING ANY 1NTEREST IN�R <br /> TfTLE TC�THE PR4PERTY SUBSEC�UEIVT TO THE DATE�F TH15 AS5l�NMEh1T. <br /> DEFINIT{�NS. T�e �oll�wing capi�afized w�rds and terms sha�i ha�e the follawing meanings when used in this <br /> Ass�gnment. Unless sp�cifically stated tv the cantrary, al[ references tv dollar amvunts shal[ mean amounts in lawful <br /> maney�fi the United 5ta#es ofi America. Ward� and ��rms u�ed in fhe singular shal� in��ude th� plural, and �he pluraf <br /> sha�� incfude the singular, as�he cantex� may require. Wards and t�rms nat atherwise defined in this Assignment shall <br /> have the meanings attributed to such t�rms in the Uniform Cornm��cial Code: <br /> Assignment. The word "Assignmant" means this aSSf�NMEIVT QF RENTS, as this ASSIGNMENT�F RENTS may <br /> be amended�r madifred�ram time fo time,tagether►nrith a!I exhibits and schedu�es atta�hed tv this ASSI�h]MENT <br /> OF RENTS fram time ta time. <br /> Bor�-ower. The wvrd '"Ba�-rower"mear�s A.G.I., L,L.C.;Jerame�J,tiNatsvn;and Jane L,V1latson. <br /> De�aul#. The word "Default"msans the Default se�forth in fhis Ass�gnment in the sec�ian titled "Defaultrr <br /> Event af De�auit. The vtirords"�vent vf Defauft"mean any of�he even�s ❑�defauft se�forth in this Assignmen�in <br /> the defaull se�tion o�fhis AssignR�ent. <br /> Gran�or. The word"G ra n�or"means A.G.f., L.L.C.. <br /> � Guarantvr. Th� wo�-d "Guarantar" means any guarantvr, surety, or ac�ommodativn party �f any or a3i vf the <br /> Ind�btedness. <br /> Guaranty, T�e word "Guaranty" means the guaranty from Guarantor t� ��nder, including withau� limita{ian a <br /> guaran�y afi all or part vf the Nate. <br /> lndehtedness. The word "Indebt�dness" means all principal, interest, and other amounts, cvsts and expenses <br /> payable under the Nvte or Related Documents, tog�th�r with all renevsrals vf, extensions of, mod�fications of, <br /> cansalida�ions af and substitutions for the Note vr Re�ated Documents and any amounts expended❑r advanced by <br /> Lender fa discharge Grantor's abligations or expenses incurr�d by Lender tv enforce Grantor's obliga�ions undsr <br /> this Assignment, tage�her with interest on su�h amounts as provided in this Assi�nment. Sp�cifically, withou� <br /> limitatinn, Indehtedness includes the future ad�ances se��ar�h in the Future Ad�ances pro�ision,together with al� <br /> interest ther�vn and alf amounts that ma� be indirec��y s�cured by the Cross-�o�lateralization pro�is�on of this <br /> Assig n mertt. <br /> Lender. The wvrd "Lender"means First National �ank vf amaha,its successvrs and assigns. <br /> Na�e. The ward "N ate" m�ans any and all �f gorrower's �iabi�ities, obligat�vns and debts t❑ Lender, naw exis�ing <br /> ar hereina�ter incurred vr created,�nG��ding,withvut limifation, ail I�ans, ad�ances,interes�, C�S�S d@b�5,averdra�t <br /> indeb#edness, credit card indebfedness, lease obliga�ians, liabili�ies and abliga#3ons under int�rest ra�e protection <br /> agreements o��oreign currency exchange agrsem�n�s a�-cammodity pri�e protection agreements,afher❑bfiga�ions, <br /> and liabtlities o� 6nrrower tagether with a�l modificat�ans, �ncreases, renewals, and extensfons af �he <br /> a�vrementioned. Additianafly, hereby incarporated as i� fu11y s�t farth herein are the t�rms and �vnditions of any <br /> prvmissvry n�te, agreement ❑r vther document execu��d by Borrowe� andlar Lender indicating this securiiy <br /> instrumen� or the pr�perty describe� h�rein sha�� be canside��d "Co[iateral" securing such pramissary note, <br />