��l 5�71 75
<br /> ASSI�N�ENT C]F ��NTS
<br /> �CDn��n���� Rage 2
<br /> �RANTOR'S REPRESENTAT34NS AND 1�fARRANTIES. Gran�vr warran�s that:
<br /> �wneE-ship. Grantor i� entitled to rece��e#he Rents free and �lear of ail rights, laans, liens, encumbrances, and
<br /> claims excepf as disclosed to and aGc�pfied by Lender in writing.
<br /> Right to Assign. Grantor has the fui� right, power and au#harity�o enter intQ �his Assignment and t❑ ass�gn and
<br /> con�ey th�Rents to Lender.
<br /> Na P�ivr Assignment. Grantar has nvt previvus�y assign�d Qr �anvey�d �he Rents t� any q�har p�rson by any
<br /> ins�rument narrv in�or�e.
<br /> Na Fu�ther Transfer. Grantor wilf nvt sell,assign,encumber,ar otherwise dispose of any of Grant�r's righ�s in the
<br /> Rents except as pro�ided in this Assignment.
<br /> LENDER'S RICHT T� REGEIVE AND G�LLECT RENT�. Lender shall have khe right a� any time, and ev�n thaugh no
<br /> default shal�have accurred under this Assignment, tQ Gollec�and recei�e#he Rents. For this purpose, �.ender is her�hy
<br /> given and granted the following rights, powers and.authority:
<br /> NofiG� fio Tenants. Lend�r may send notices to any and al[ tenanfs afi the Properiy advising �hem ❑f th��
<br /> Assignment and dire�ting all Rents�a]��paid directly to Lender or Lender's agent.
<br /> Enter the Pr�per#y. Lender may enter upon and take passess��n of the Property;demand, ca�lect and re�eive�rom
<br /> the tenants or frvm any vkher p�rsons liab�e there�ar, aIl o��he Rents; institute and carry �n all lagal proceed�ngs
<br /> n�c�ssary far the prote�tion vf �he Property, including �u�h pro�eedings as may �e necessary �o recover
<br /> passession of the Property;collect the Rents and rema�e any tenant❑r tenants or❑�h�r persons f�-om the Proper�y.
<br /> Maintain the Pro�erty. Lender may enter upan the Prape�ky tv maintain the Property and k�ep the same in repair;
<br /> to pay the casts thereof and of af�services❑�alI employe�s, inc�uding their equipment,and of afl continuing ca�ts
<br /> and expenses of ma�ntaining the Property in propgr repai�and�onditian,and alsQ to pay all tax�s, assessments and
<br /> wa�er utilities,and the premiums vn fire and vther insurance��Fe�#ed ��Lender on the Proper�y.
<br /> Compllance with Laws. Lender may dv any and all things t❑ execut� and comply with the laws of the 5tate o�
<br /> Nebraska and a�sa all other �aws, rules, orders, ordinances ancl requirements af all a�her governm�ntal agencies
<br /> affecting the Proper#y.
<br /> Lease the Prape�ty. Lender may rent�r lease the whvle ar any part Qf the Proper#y for such ferm❑r terms and vn
<br /> su�h eanditions as Lender may deem appropriate.
<br /> Emp�ay Agents. Lender may engage such agen� or agents as Lender may deem apprQpriate, either in Lende�'s
<br /> name or in Grantor's name,t❑rent and rnanage the Praperty,including the coflection and application of Rents.
<br /> �ther ►�cts. Lender may do alf such other things and act� with respect �a the Prvperty as Lender may deem
<br /> appropriate and may act ex�lusiveiy and soiely in the place and s�ead of ��rantor and tv hav�all of the powers of
<br /> Grantvr far the purposes s�a�ed above.
<br /> Nv Requirement to Act. Lsnder shall na�be requsred tv da any of the foregaing a��s ar things, and the�act that
<br /> Lender shalZ ha�e performed ane or more af the foreg�ing acts vr�h�ngs shall noti reaui�e Lends�ta do any other
<br /> specific act or thing.
<br /> APF'LICATCQN �F RENTS. All cas�s and expens�s in�urred by Lender �n cvnne��ivn wi�h the Pra�erty sha�� be far
<br /> Grant�r's accaunt and Lende�may pay such casts and expenses from the Rents. Lende�-, in ifs sole discretion, shaf[
<br /> de�ermine�he applica�ivn af any and a�l F�ents�ece�ved by it; howeUe�, any su�h Ren�s received by Lender whi�h ar�
<br /> not appli�d ta such costs and expenses sha�[ be appfied to�he lndebtedness. A[[ expenditures made by Lende�under
<br /> th is Assignment and not reimbursed from th� Rents sha�i bec�me a part ❑f the I ndebtedness secured by �h is
<br /> Assignment,and shall be p�yable on demand,with in�e�est at th�No�e�ate frvm dafie of exp�nditure until paid.
<br /> FLlLL PERFaRMANCE. If Grantar p�ys al[ �f the Indebtedness when due and othen►vise performs al� #hc abligatians
<br /> impased upvn�ran�or under�his Assignment,the No�e,and fih�Related I7ocum�nts, Lende�shall execute and de�i�er ta
<br /> Grantor a su�table satisfac�ion o��his Assignment and suitab�e staternen#s of terminat�on a�r any financing st�tement on
<br /> fr�e evidencin� Lender's security interest in the R�nts and�he Pra��ty. Any termina�ian�ee ret�uired by lav�r shall k�e
<br /> paid by�rantor,if permitted by applir�ble law.
<br /> LENDER'S EXPENDCTURES. If any action or proceeding is commenced that wvuld material�y a�Feet Lend�r's interest in
<br /> the Prnperky or if Gran#or fails t�comply with any prv�isian of this A.ssignment or any Rela�ed[7�cum�nt�,includ�ng bu�
<br /> nvt limi�ed ta Grantor's�ai�u�'e�o discharg�or pay when due any amounts Granta�is requir�d to discharge or pay under
<br /> this Assignmen� �r any Re�ated Documents, Lender an Grantor's behalf may{but shaf� na� be obligated�o}take any
<br /> actian tha� Lender deems appropriate, indudin� but no� I�m�ted �o discharging or paying afl tax�s, liens, securi�y
<br /> interests,encumbrances and other clairns,at any��me le�ied or pfac�d on�he Ren�s ar the Property and paying all casts
<br /> for Fnsur�ng, maintainin� and pr�serving the Prop�rty_ AII such �xp�ndifures incurred ar paid by Lender fo� such
<br /> purposes will then�ear interest at the rate charged under the Note from the date in�urred or paid by Lender to�he dat�
<br /> c�f repayment by Grantor. All such expenses v►riil became a pa�t of�he�ndebtedness and, a�Lender's op�ion, will (A3
<br /> be payabie an demand; �B} be added�o�he balance of�h�Nofe and be appvrtioned among and be payable wi�h �ny
<br /> instal�ment payments to become due during eith�r ��} th� term of any applica�le insuranc� poficy; or �2} the
<br /> remaining terrn ❑�th� Nate; vr �C} be treated as a halloan payment which will be due and payable at the Nn�e's
<br /> maturity. Th�Assi�nment also w��l secure payment of these amoun�s. Sucf�right sha[I be in addition ta all other righ#s
<br /> and remedies to whi�h Lender may be enti��ed upan Defauit.
<br /> DEFAI]LT. Each vf the fall�wing,at L�}'lCj��'�5 D�7#Ifli�r shall�onstitute an Event❑f Defa�l�under this Ass�gnmen#:
<br /> Payment DQfault. Borrvwer�ai1�tv make any payment►rvhen due under the fndebtedness.
<br /> Other Defaults. Borrower qr Grantvr fails tv cvmp�y with v� to per�orm any other te�m, obligation, covenant or
<br /> conditi�n cantained in this Assignment ❑r in any af the Related I�ocuments ar tn camply wifh ar fo per�vrm any
<br /> term,ob�igati�n,co�enan�or cnnditian contained in any ather agreement be�reen Lender and E3�rrawer or Gran�vr.
<br /> Default on a#her Payments. Failure af Gran�o�with�n the�im� r�quired by this Assignment to make any paym�nt
<br /> fvr tax�s ar insuran�e,or any v�her payrnent necessary�a pre�ent filing of or tv effe���ischarge vf any lien.
<br /> Default in Favvr af Third Pa�ties. Borrawer,any guarantar or Gran�or defaults under any Ivan, ex�ension vf�redit,
<br /> securi�►j agreem�nt, purchase vr sa�es agreernent, ar�ny other agreement, �n favor af any other creditor ar person
<br /> #ha� may materia[ly a�FeGt any af Bar�-ower`5, any guarantar's or Grant�r's p�aperty or� ability �o p�rf�rm their
<br /> respec-�ive�bli�atians und�r this Assignment or any❑f the Related Documents.
<br /> Fals�Statements. Any warranty, repr�sen�atian vr statement made or�Furnished to I�ender by B�rrawer vr Grantv�
<br /> or an 6orrower's or�rantor's behalf under this As�ignment❑r the R�lat�d❑acurnents is false or misleading in�ny
<br /> mater�al respect, either now ❑r at the �irne made ❑r furnished ❑r bec�mes false �r misleading at any time
<br /> thereaf�er. �
<br /> Defect�ve Collatsralizatian. This Assignment�r any af the Rela�ed flocumen�s�eases to be in full ftirce and effect
<br /> �inclu�ing fai�u�e Q�any ca�l�tera!da�ument t� �r�ate a valid and perf�cted security irtterest or�;en}at any time a�d
<br /> fio r any reason.
<br /> Death vr �nsol►rency. The dissalufion of Grantor's �regardfess af whether elecfion to cont�nu� is made}, any
<br />