��1 5�7���
<br /> in th�Proper�y and rights under�his S�curi�y Insfrumen�; and�d} �akes such action as Lend�r may
<br /> reasonabl�requ�re�o as�ure tha� Lender's interest in the Prnper��and rights under this Security Instrument,
<br /> and Borrower's obliga�i�n t��a�t�ae sums secur�d by�his Securi�y In�trumen�, sha�i�ontinue unchanged.
<br /> Lendex may requ�re�ha�Borrau�er pa�such re�nstatemen�sums and expenses in one ar more�f the followin�
<br /> farms, as s�l�ct�d�y i..�n��r: �a��ash; �b�m�ney order; �c�G�rtifi��ch��k, ban�k�h��k, �reas�r�r's�heck or
<br /> cashier's check, prflwided an�su�h�heck is drawn u�on an ins�itution wh�se deposi�s are�nsured�y a
<br /> federal agency, instrurnen�a�i�y flr ent�ty; ar�d3 Eiectroni�Funds Transfer. Upo�reinstate�n�nt by B�rrower,
<br /> this Securit� Instrument and abliga�ions secured hereb�sha��rema�n fu�ly effect��r�as if no acceieration had
<br /> occurred. However, this right t� reinstate sha�i not apply in�he cas��f acccleratian unde�r 5�ct��n ��.
<br /> 24. Sa�e of Nate; �hartge af Laan Servicer; N�#i�e af �r�evance. The Note or a partial interes�in�he
<br /> N�te�together v�ith th�s Securit�Instrumen�}can be sold one or more times w��hou�pri�r notiee to
<br /> Borrower, A sale rnigh�r�sult �n a chang�in th�entity �known as the "Loar�Servicer"}that colle�ts Fe�r�odic
<br /> Pa�rrn�nts du�under the No�e and this S��;uri�y Instrurnent and performs other mor�gag�l�an ser�icing
<br /> ob�igations under the No�e, th�s Security �nstrument, and Applicable Law, There a�so might be one or more
<br /> changes of the Laan Servicer unrelated t�a sa���f th�Note. �f there is a chang�nf the Loan Ser�icer,
<br /> B�rrawer wi��be g��en wri�ten na�ic�af the chang�which vvi�� state�h�name and address flf the n�w Loan
<br /> Servicer, �he address to which pa�ments shou�d�e made and any other inf�rma��on RESPA requires in
<br /> connec�ion with a notice of�ransfer of servic�ng. �f the Note is sold and thereafter�he Loan is servic�d by a
<br /> Laan Ser�i�er��her than the purcha�er of the No�e, �he m��rtgage loan�er�icing ob��gat�ons��B�rrawer wi��
<br /> rema�n v���h the Loan Servi�er ar be transferred��a successor Loan S�rvi�er and are nat assumed�y�he
<br /> Note purchaser unless otherwise pra�vided by the l�a�e purchaser.
<br /> I�Iei�her Borrower nor Lender may com�nence,join, ar be�oined to any�udicial action�as ei�her an
<br /> �ndividual li�igan�or the m�mber of a class}tha�arises from�he other party's a�t��ns�ursuan��o�h�s
<br /> Secur��y�nstrument or�hat a���ges tha�the other par�y I�as breaGhed any provis�on of, ar any du�y awed b�
<br /> reas�n�f, th�s Security �nstrum�nt, unt�l such BQrrower or Lender has na�ified the Qther par�y�with such
<br /> notice gi�en in compiiance with the re�ui�remen�s af Sect��n �5}of such a��eged breach and affarded�he
<br /> other par��hereto a reasonab�e peri�d after the gi�ing of such not�ce���ake correc�iv�action. �f App�icable
<br /> Law pro��des a�ime period�vhich must elapse befare cer�ain ac�ion can be�a�en, tha���m�perind wili be
<br /> deemed ta be reasonab�e for purpases af th�s paragraph. The notice of acc�lerati�n arid�pp�r�unity to cure
<br /> gi�en�o Barr�wer pur�uant t� Section 22 and�he notice of acc�Ieration gi�en to B�rrov�er pursuant�o
<br /> Sec�ion I8 sha11 be deerned��satisfy the notice and opp��uni�y ta take correct�ve ac�ion prflv�s�ons flf this
<br /> Sec�ion ZD.
<br /> 2'[. Ha�ardaus Suhstances. As used in this Section 2�: �a} "�a�ardnus Substances"are�hose su�stances
<br /> define�as to�ic or hazardous substances, pollu�ants, or was�es by Envir�xa�mental Law and the fal�av��ng
<br /> subsfances: gaso��ne, kerosene, other flarnmable or�ox�c petraleum pr�duc�s, to�ic pestic�des and herbicide�,
<br /> �oiatzle sn�ven�s, materia�s can�ain�ng asbestos or formaldehyde, and radiaacti�e mater�als; �b}
<br /> "Er2vir���j�2ental La�v"means f�dera�laws and lau�s of the jurisd�ction��vhere�he Property i�Ioca�ed�ha�
<br /> relate to health, safe�y�r environrnental�rotect�an; �c} ".�n�ironmentat CIQaMup" includes any r�span�e
<br /> action, remedial ac��on, or remova�action, as defined in Envirar�mental Law; and�d} an "�nvironrrien�ar
<br /> Co�diti�n"means a condi�ion�hat can cause, contribute ta, �r atherwise tri��er an En�iror�rnen�al Cleanup.
<br /> Bo�rawer sha��not�ause or perm�t�he presence, use, disposal, s��rage, or release of any�azardous
<br /> Substances, ar��reaten�o rc�casc any Hazardous Su��tan�es, an or in�he �'rap�r�y. Borrow�r s�a11 not do,
<br /> nor allov�anyone e�se to do, any�hing affec�ing the Proper�y�a}that i�in�iola�iQn of any En��ronmen�a�
<br /> Law, ���which creates an En��ranm�ntal�ond�tinn, or��}�rh�ch, due ta �he presence, use, or release�f a
<br /> Hazardous Substance, cr�ates a condition�hat ad��rsel�affects the�a�ue af the Praperty. The preced�ng two
<br /> N�BRASKA-5ing�s Family-Fannie Mael�reddis Mac UN1F�ftM iNSTRUM�NT �arm 30�8 11�1
<br /> VMP[Q VMP6{NEy(13a2f
<br /> Wolters Ktuwer Financial Services Page 13 of 17
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