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��1 5�7��� <br /> sent�nces sha�l na� apply to�he p�rese�ce, use, nr s�ora�e on the Prop�rty af smaii quantities af Hazardous <br /> Subs�ances that are genera�l�rec�gnz�ed�a be app�opr�ate to normal residen�ial use� and to mazn�enance of <br /> the Property�including, bu�nat lim��ed�o, haza�dou� �ubstances in consumer produc�s}. <br /> Bo�rowe�sha�l pr�mpt�y give L�nder writ�en notice of�a} any investigation, claim, demand, Iawsuit or other <br /> ac�ion�y an�gav�rnmenta�ar regu�atory agency❑r pr�vate party invol�ing�h�Prop�r�y and any Hazardou� <br /> Substan��or En�irt�nmental Law of wh�ch Bor�rflw�r has actua�l�nowle�ge, �b}any Envir�nrnen�a� <br /> ��nd�t��n, inC�ud�ng but n�t limi��d ta, any spilling, leaking, dischar��, �eleas��r th�ea�of reiease nf any <br /> Hazardaus Substanc�, and(c}a.�ay condi�ian cau��d by the presenc�, use or xe�ease❑f a Hazardous Subs�ance <br /> v�hich�dver,sely affects th��a�ue of the P�op�r�y. If Borrow�r�earns, or is not��ed by an�r ga���rnmenta��r <br /> regulatary authari�y, ar any pri�a�e par�y, tha�any remova� or oth�r r�med�atian af any Hazardaus Subs�ance <br /> affecting the Pr�per�y is n�cessary, Borr�v�rer shal�pramp��y�al��a�l n�cessar�remed�a� actians in <br /> accardance��vith Environmental Law. Nothing herein�hall crea�e any ab��ga��an on for an <br /> En��ranmen�a� ��eanup. <br /> Non-Unifarm Cvvenants. Borro�rer ax�d Lend�r�ovenant and agree as f�iio�vs: <br /> �2. Acce�eration; Remedies. Lender sha��g�ve not�ce to Barrower prior to accelera�ivn Fa��otivin� <br /> Borrower's brea�h of any Covenan�or agreexn�n�in th�s Secur��y Instrumen��bu�not prior�� <br /> accel�rat�on und�r Se�t�on 18 unl�ss Applicable Law pravides otherw�se�. 'The not�ce sha��specify: �a� <br /> �he default; �b}the ac�ion required to�ure the default; ��}a date, nat�ess than 34 days from�he date <br /> �he na�ice is given to Borrower, by�vh�ch the defau��must be cured; and�d� that fai�ure�o cure�he <br /> default on or before the date specif�ed�n�he no�i�e nr�ay resu�t in acceierat�on of the sums secured by <br /> �h�s Secur��y Ins�rument and 5ale�f the Pr�pQrty. The nat�ce sha��fur�her�nfarni Borrower of�he <br /> r�ght�o re�ns�ate after accel�ra�ion and the righ��o�ring a cour�act�on�o assert the non-ex�stenCe af a <br /> defau�t or any a�her defens�nf Borrower ta accelera�ion and saie.If�he default is not cured on or <br /> before�he date spec�f�ed�n the notice, Lender at i��ap�ian may require irnmediate payment in full of <br /> ai�sums�ecured by this Secur��y Instrumen�w��hout Fur�her demand and may invake�he power of sale <br /> and any a�her remedi�s p�rmi��ed by App���ab�e Law. L�nd�r sha��be entit�.ed to c�ile�t ali expenses <br /> incurred�n pursu�ng the remedies provided in�h�s Sec��fln�2, inc�uding, hu�n�ti l�rn�.�ted�o, reas�na�le <br /> attorneys' fees and cos�s of��t�e evidenc�. <br /> If�he po�ver of sa�e is in�nked, Trustee shall record a natice vf defaul�in each c�un�y in which any <br /> part of�he Pr�per�y is located�nd shal�mail cap�es of sueh no�ice in�he manner prescribed by <br /> Applieahl�Law tn Barrower and�o t�e nther persans prescribed hy Appiicable Iaa�v. Af�er the time <br /> requ�red�y App���ab�e Law, Trus�ee s�aa��gi�e pub��c notice of sale to�he persons and in�he manner <br /> presCribed by Applicab�e Law. Trus�ee, wi�h�ut demand on�iarrnwer, sha��s�l��he Prap�rty a�puhlic <br /> auction ta�he hi�he5�b�dder a�the time and pi�c�and under the�er�ms designa��d in the not�ce flF sale <br /> in�ne nr mare parce��and in any arder Tr��Stee determines. Trustee may pastpane sa�e of a�l or any <br /> parce�af�he Proper�y by public annaunc�ment at�he��me and p�ace af any pre��vusly scheduled sal�. <br /> Lender ar i�s des�gnee may purchase the Property at any sa�e. <br /> Upon receip�of payment of�he price bid, Tru��ee shall deliver to�he purchaser Trustee's deed <br /> can�eying�he Property. The rec�ta�s in the Tru�tee's deed shall be prima facie eWidence of the�ru�h of <br /> �he 5�atemen�s made�herein.Trustee sha�I app�y�he proceeds of�h�sale�n the ffl��a��ing�rder: �a}to <br /> a��cos�s and expen�es vf ex�rcising�he power oF sale, and the sa�e, xn��ud�ng the payxnent of�he <br /> 'Trus�ee's fees actually incurred an€�reasonable attarneys' fees as per�n���ed by Applicab�e La�v; �b} ta <br /> all suxns secured b�this�ecurity Ins�rument; and�c} any excess�o the person ar per�on�lega��y <br /> enti��ed�o i�. <br /> NEBRAS}CA-5ingle Farr►ily-Fannie Mael�reddie Mae UNi�DFtM kNSTRUMENT Form 3��8 7l�� <br /> VMP� VMPfi�NEy��3Q�� <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial Services Page 14 a#7 7 <br />