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��1 5�7��� <br /> designated a su�s�ztute no�ice address by not�ce��L�nder. B�rrovvet�shall prom�tly n�tify Lender of <br /> B�r�r�we�r's change of address. If Lender sp�czf�es a pracedure far reporting Borrawer's change of address, <br /> then B�rxovc���r�ha�� onl�report a change�f addr��s through�hat s��cified procedure. <br /> The�re may be on�y one de�ignated na�ice addr�ss under this 5ecurity Instrum�nt at any one t�me. Any noti�� <br /> �o Lendex shal�b�g�ven by del�vering��or by ma�ling it by first c�ass mail �a Lender's address s�at�d herein <br /> un�ess L�nder has des�gnated ano�her address by no��ce�o B�rrnwer. Any notice in conne�t�on w�th this <br /> Security �n�trument shal�not be deerned�a have been given�� Lender unti� actua�Iy r��eived by L�nd�r. �� <br /> any notic�required by this 5ecurity Instrum�nt is aiso requ��ed under App��cab�e Law, �he Appl�ca��e Law <br /> requ���m�nt�ill satisf��h�c�rr�sponc�ing requir�rn�nt under thi5 Securi�y�ns�rument. <br /> ��. Ga�erning Law; Se�erability: Rules vf Const�uct�on. This�ecurit�Instrument shall be governed by <br /> fed�ral �aw and the law o�the jurisdict��n in whic���ae PxQpert�is lacated. A�l rights and abligati�ns <br /> �ontain�d in th�s Security Instrumen�are subject�o any re�u�remen�s and��mita��ons of App�xca��e La,c�v. <br /> Appl�cable Law m�igh�explicitly or implicitly a�I�w the parties ta agre�by contract or it rn�ght be s��ent, but <br /> such s��ence shai�na�b�c�nstrued as a prah�bi��on a�ainst agreement by contract, In the event that any <br /> pro�isi�n or c�ause af this Security �nstrument or the��te�onflicts�vith App�icable La�r, such canfl�ct shall <br /> not affect other pro�isi�ns af�his Security Instrumen�or the Na�e wh�ch can be given effect�v��hou�the <br /> can#��cting pr�Wisia�. <br /> As us�d in th�s Secur�ty Instrument: �a}word��f the masculin�g�nd�r shall mean and in�iude�ar�r�spond�ng <br /> neuter words or w�rds nf the f�minine gender; �b}words�n the singular sha11 rn�an and includ��he p�ural <br /> and�ic��ersa; and �c}th�w�rd "xr�ay" gi�es so�e d��cretz�n v��thaut any abligatian ta take any ac���n. <br /> 'I 7. BorrQwer's C�py, Borrower�hall be given one copy of the No�e and of this Securit� �nstrurnent, <br /> �8. Transfer of the Proper�y or a Benef�c�a� In#erest in Bflrrawer. As used in this Section 18, "Interest in <br /> the Praperty" m�ans ar�.y lega�ar h�neficial �nteres�in the Proper�y, including, but not�imited�a, �hose <br /> benef�c�al.�nter�sts transferred�n a bond for deed, contract for de��, ins�alim�nt sal�s�ontract or escr�w <br /> agreement, the intent of wh�ch is the��ansfer of����e by Barrow�r at a future date to a purchaser. <br /> If al�or any par��f the Prvper�y or any Interest in�he Propert� is sald ar transferzed(or if Borrower is no�a <br /> na�ural pers�n and a b�ne�icial in�erest in Barrower is sald�r transferred}with�ut Lender's prior written <br /> c�nsent, L�nder may r�quire irnm�dia�e payment in full of a��sum�se�ured by this Se�urity Inst�-u�nent. <br /> However, �his option shal�not be exercised by Lender if such e�ercise is prohib�ted by Appli�able Law. <br /> If Lender exercis�s th��option, Lender shal�give Barrawer no��ce of acce�eratz�n. Th�nnt�ce shal�pra�zde a <br /> period af not les�than 30 da�s fram the date the natice is giWen�n accordanc�with Sectian �5 vvithin whzch <br /> Barrower mus�pay all surns secured b�this Security Instrurnent. If Borrower fa�ls to pay�he�e sums prior to <br /> the expiration of this per�ad, Lender rna�in�oke any remed�es perrn�tt�d by thi�Security Instrurnent withou� <br /> fur�her no��c�or demand on Borrower. <br /> 79. Borrower`s Right to Reinstate After Ac�eleration. �f B�rrower meet�certain c:onditions, Borrower <br /> sha�i ha�e the right to ha�e enfar��ment of this Security Instrument discontinued at any time prior ta�he <br /> ear�ies�of: �a}f��ve da���efore sal�of th�Proper��pursuant to any pow�r of�ale contained in�hi� Se�uri�� <br /> �nstrument; �b} such�ther per�od as.�-lpplzcab��Law might speGify f�r the term�nation of Bflrrower's righ�to <br /> reins�ate; or�c}entry of a judgm�nt enforcing this S�cur�ty�nstrument. Those canditions are�hat Bor�ower: <br /> �a}pays Lender all surn� r�vhich�h�n wou�d be du�under this Se�urity Ins�runnent and�he Note as if n� <br /> acCe�eratian had�ccurr�d; �b)cures an�defauit af an�ather cov�nants�r agreements; ��}pays al1��penses <br /> incurred�n enforczng this Secur��y�r�s�rument, �nc�uding, but nat limit�d to;reasanabie a��a�neys' fees, <br /> prap�rty inspe�tian and va�ua���n fees, and oth�r fees�ncur��d f�r the purpas��f pr�tect�ng Lender's �nterest <br /> NFRFASKA-Sin{��p�art�ily-Fannia MaplFraririi�M��:f1NIFC}RM fNSTRl1MFNT Fnrtr�:��7.R 11C17 <br /> VMP� VMP6tNE]t7 302� <br /> Wviters K�uwer Financial 5ervices Page 12 af l 7 <br />