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. ��15�6954 <br /> Nntice�. A�ny not�c� �o Borrov��er pr��r�d�d for in t��s Securi�y Instrument sha�l be given b� de�i�ering it ar by <br /> �nai�ing i�by��rst c�ass mai�unless App�icab�e �.,avv requir�s use of anather methad. The no�ice sha�l b�directed to <br /> �he Property Address ar ariy at��er addr�ss Borr��er designa�es by natice�o Lender. Barrovver agr�es to prav�de <br /> Lender vai��h BQrr���!er's mos� curren�in.a�l�ng address, as i�rnay chan�e fr�m time-to--tirr�e. Any notice�o Lender <br /> shali�ven by first ciass mail�a Lender's address stated herein�r an�ather addres�Lender des�gna�es by nat��e <br /> �o Bo�raw�r. Any no�ice provided f�r in this S.ecuri�y��ns�rurnen�shall�e deemed t�ha�e been gi�en to B�rr�wer <br /> �r Lender tivhen given as pro�ided in this p�.ragraph. <br /> �o�ernin�Law; Se�erability.T��is��ecurit�instrurnen�sha�l be governed by federal lavv and ihe laws af the state <br /> of Nebras;ka. �i� �1�� evenl: tha� ariy pro��sion or clause of�his Security In��rument or the 1�C�te c�nfl�cts w�th <br /> Appl�cabl�.Law,su�h c�pfl�ct shall not affec�oth�r proW�s�ans�f this Secur�ty�ns�rumen�4r t��e N�t��vhich can be <br /> given eff���t vvith�u���the canfl�cting pro��sian. To�his end the pr��isio�s of this Security �ns�ru�nen�and the l�a�e <br /> �re declared to be s���rable. <br /> ]Bar�-ower's�npy.Borro�er shall Ue gi�en ane copy of�his Securit��ns�rument. <br /> '�rar�sfer+af tlhe Pro���ty ar a Be�ef�c�a[I�ter�st in Borrawer. If a�i�r any part of�he Praperty or any interes� <br /> in it is so�d or t�-ans�ferred ��r iC a beneficial:in�eres� in Ba�-�-awer is sold or t�-ansferred an�i �3orrower is nat a <br /> natural persan� un�ess �he l��te shaws �hat B�rr�wer's l�an is assu�nable, Lender. may; at ifis optzan, requir� <br /> imm�diate payr�aent in tull �f ail sums secured by this Securi�ty Instrumen�. Ho�ve�er, th�s �ption shal� na� be <br /> �xercised by Lender i�f ex�r�ise is prahibited by federal law as af the da�e of th�s Se�urity Ins�rumenf. �f the Note <br /> shows�ha�Barrower's�oan is assumab�e,B�r�-ow�r mus�obta�n Lend�r's v��r�t�en permissian for an assumpti�n and <br /> fol�aw�any aYher requi�rem�nl:s af Lender r��a�ed�o an ass�mp�iar�.If B�rrawer d���not d�so, Lender may�-equire <br /> imrn�dia�e pay��ent in fu�l of all sur�s secured by�his Secu�ri�y Instrum�n�. <br /> If Lender exer�ises th�s opti�n; Lender shall g�We Barro�ver natice �f accel�rati�n. The notice sha�l pr���de a <br /> period of not ]�ss �han th� rr�inimum number of days es�abl�shed by Appl�cab�e La�� frorn�he date the notice �s <br /> d�li�ered or mai�ed within w�ic�� �3orr�w�r must pay all sums secure�d by this Secu�ity �nstrumen�. �f Borro�ver <br /> fails ��pay�hese surns pri�r t� �he exp�ra��on a��his pe�iad, Lender may inv�ke any remedies perm�t�ed by�his <br /> Se�urity Ins�rurnent vvit��vut fur�her notice ar den�and on Boa-rawer. <br /> Bo�r�we�r�'s Righ� to R�ins�tate. �f Bflrrower meets c�rtain c�ndi�ians, Borrawer shal� ha�e the righ� �o_ha�e <br /> enf�rcem�nt of t�is Security Ins�rumen� discantinue�a�any� �irne pr�or ta�he earl��r af: �a} 5 days (ar such��her <br /> period as Appl�cahle Law may specity fo�-reinstat�m�n�� before sale��'�he Proper�y pursuant to a.ny pawer af sal� <br /> c�n�ai��ed in ���is Se�ur��}r �r�stru�nent; �r �b} entry �f a ,�udgment �nforcing th�s Se�urity rnstru�nen�. Thflse <br /> c�nditians ar� tha� Borrower: �a}pa�s Lender a11 sums u�hich�hen vv�u�d be due under this �e�urity �ns�rument <br /> and�he N�ote as if n� a�celera��on had occurred; (b� cu.res any default of any a�her cflvenants �r agreements; �c� <br /> pays all e�penses incurred���enf�rcing�his Securi�y Ins�rument, in��lld�ng,but no�l��nited��,reas�na��e at��rneys' <br /> fees to the:ex�ent permitt�d by lavv; and �d} takes such ac�i�n as Lender may reasanably re�uire to assure�hat�he <br /> iien of this Se�uri�y Instrulne��t, Le�lder's rights i���he Proper�y and Borrovvez-'s ob�igation t�pay the�ums secured <br /> by this Securif.y Instru�nent sha�i c�ntinue unci�a��ged. U��n reins�aternen�by �3orro��er, this 5ecuri�y �ris�rurnen� <br /> and the o�Iigations secured her�by sha�� rema�n ful�y ef�ecti�e as if n� a�celera�ion had o�curred. Hovs�ever, this <br /> rigl���o�•eil�sta�e shail not apply in�he case of aGce�erat�on under t�e s�c�ion�i�ted Transfer af the Property or a <br /> �enef�cial���ter�s�i� 8orravver. <br /> Sale �f Nat� �hange �f Laan Servicer. The Nat� ar a par�ial interest in the Note �tage�her�uith this Security <br /> �nst�un7en���rnay be s��d one��-�n�re times withaut priflr natice to Borrawer.A saie�-nay result in a cizange in the <br /> entity �l�n��vvn as the "L�a� Ser�v���r"� tha� c��i�cts periodic payments due under the No�e and �his Security <br /> Instrumen�t.Ther�aiso may be ane or more changes of the Loan Ser�ic�r unrela�ed�o a sale of th�Note.If there is <br /> a�hange�f�he L�an S�rWi�er, B�rr�wer vvi11 be giW�n writ�en notice Qf th�ci�ange in accardance w��h the se��ion <br /> �i�led N�t�c�s and Applicabie Law. The no�ice vv�l� state�:he name an�address af the new Loan Scrui��r and�he <br /> address ta which paymen�s sh�uld be made. The no�ic� wi�l alsa can�ain any o�her information required �� <br /> Applicabl�Lavv. <br /> �iazardou�s Su�a��ances.B���rovv�r shall nat�ause Qr perm�t the presence,use,disposal,s�orage,or re��ase of an� <br /> Hazardaus Subs�an�es an ar in�he Pr�per�y.B�r�•awer shal�nat da,n�r a�i�w any�ne e�se to do,anything affecting <br /> - �he P�-ope�rty�hat is i�� vio�ati�n of ar�y E��v�ranmentai Law. Th� pr�ceding twa sentences �ha�� n�� apply t� �he <br /> presence,�use,or storage an the Praperty❑f srn.all quantities�f Hazardaus Substances that are generally re�o�,ni�ed <br /> ta be appr{opr�a�e to n��mai residential uses and�o maintenarice of the Froper�. <br /> �3orrower shall promp�iy�i�e Lender��ritten no�ice�f a��y�nWest�ga�ion,cla�m,demand,�awsuit�r�ther ac�ian by <br /> any gaWernmental o�regulatory agency or pY-ivate pa��ty invalvir�g the Proper�y and any �a�ar�iflus Substan�e or <br /> En���ranm�n�a� La� af which Borrow�r has ac�uai �nowledge. If Borrov�er learns, or is n�tifi�d by any <br /> governmental or regu�at�r�au�horit�,�hat any rerno�al or��h�r��med��tion of any��a�ardous Substance affecting <br /> �he Praperty is necessary, B�rr�vver shall prQm��l�r �ake �l� n�cessar� remedial ac�ions in accordance with <br /> En��rantn��ntal Law. <br /> 1-�s used in�his�ara.graph, "HazardaUs Subs�ances" are thase su�s�anc�s defined as toxic�r hazardous substances <br /> by Environmen�a� Law and the f�llov��ing subs�an�es: gas�l�ne, keraser�e, ��her flammable �r taxic petra�eum <br /> products, t�xiG pes��ci�es and I�erbicides, va�atiie s��ven�s, materials containing asbestos or forma�dehyde, and <br /> radioac�iv�:materials.As used�n�his paragraph, "En�iro���n�n�al Law"means federa��aws and laws af the s�a�e af <br /> Nebraska�that rela�e t�heal�h,safety or env�ra��men�al p�r��ecti�n. <br /> Acceleration; �.emec�a�s. ]L�nder shal� gi�e n��ice �o �orr�wer prior ta ac�el�ratiom fallawing Borrower's <br /> breach of'an�r cavex�a�� or agr���ne��� in fhis ���:uri�� �n�#rurnent�but nat prior to acceleration under the <br /> ��2fl44�-2�I5 Compliance Syste�ns,Ir��.AGBC=Dl6B-2Q]5.3.5.laG4 <br /> Consumer R�al Fstace-Security I�st3 urn�ril DL?036 Pa�;e�of G www.campIiar�cesystems.�am <br /> , . <br />
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