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��15�6954 <br /> in�erest fra�n�he date of d.isbursement a����e N�te rate anc�shal�be�ayah�e,with in�eres�, up�n no�ice from Lend�r <br /> �a Borrawer reques��ng paym�nt. � <br /> Mnr#gage �nsurance. �f Lender reyu�red mnr�gage ins��r�nc� �s a condit�on �f makipg�he �oan secured by this <br /> Se�ur�ty Instrumen�, Barra�er sha�i pay the pre�-niu�l�s required�o main�ain t�ae mortgage insurance�n effect. �f,f�r <br /> any r�asnn, the ��ar��age �nsura��ce c�verage �eguired by Lender la��es or ceases �o be in �ffect, Borro�n�er sha]1 <br /> pay �he premiums required to obtain covera�e substant�ally equi�al�n� to the �r�ortga�e ins�.�rance prev�ously in <br /> effe�t, at a cos� subs�arttia�ly �quivalen� �� the cas� �o �arro�er af the m�r�ga�e ipsurance pre��i�usly in �ffec�, <br /> fr�m an a��ernate�n�rtgage i nsurer appro��d by I��nder. I f Su�7S��.n�1 a��y�aU�Va���'l�ln��'��a��ipSU�"anC�C�V�Y'age l S <br /> no� a�ailab�e, Ba�rowe�r shal� pay �o Lend�r e�ch ��n�n�h a surrt equal ta ane-tvve�fth �rf the year�y mflr�g�.ge <br /> ���su�-an�e prem�urn be�ng pa�d hy F3arr�wer vir��en the �nsu�ance ca�erage lapsed ar ceased�o be i�� effec�. Lende� <br /> �vil� accept, use�apd �-etain�hese paymen�s as a loss reserve in l�eu nf mo��age insu�-ance. LQss rese�-ve payn�en�s <br /> may na lopger be rec�uired, a� t��e np�ion of Lender, if mQrtg�ge insu�rar�ce coWerage ��n �he amount and for �he <br /> period�hati Lender requires�pr���ded by an �nsurer app�-a��ed by L�n���-aga�n becames a�ailab�e and is ob�a���ed. <br /> Bflrr�wer sha�� pay���e pxemiu�ns requ�red �a mail��ain mortgage �ns�.�ran�e in effe��, or to p�ro���de a loss reser�e, <br /> un��l �he re�u�rernen� for mo�-tgage insuranc� ends �n ac�ardance wi��� any vc�ritten ag�•ee�nen� bet�e�n Ba�-r�wer <br /> and L�nder or App��cabl�Law. <br /> InSp�ctiun. Lende�• or its agen� mayr mal{e reasonable entr��s upo�� �nd ���spec���ns of�he Prope�-�y. Le��der sl�a�i <br /> g�ve Bon�otiver no�ice a�the time of ar p�-ior�o an.inspec���rt� �pecify�ng re�sanabl�cause for�he inspecti�n. <br /> Condemna�i�n.The praceeds of any ativard or c�a�m for damages,direct fl�-conse�uential, in canr�ec�ion wvith any <br /> candemnation or ather taking af any par� af the Proper��, or for�onve�ance,in l�eu of�ondemna�ian, a�re �ereb� <br /> assigned and s�al� be paid to L�nder. <br /> In th� eWen� af a��tia� taking of the P�roperCy; the p��a�eeds shal� be applied ta �he surns sec��red by this Securi�y <br /> Ins�rumen�, whether ar not th�n due, with anyr excess paid �� Lorravver. I�t �1�e even� of a par�ial �akirYg of the <br /> Pr�perty in��hich 1:he fair rnarke���a.�ue of the Praper�y immed�a�ely before�h��a.�cin� is equa��ta or grea�er�h��� <br /> �he amaun�of the suxns secu�red by this Security Inst��urne��t ir�nmediately bcfare�he �a1�.inb, unless Bar�-�vWer a��d <br /> Le�zder a�her�ise agree in wr��ing,the sums se�ured hy this Securi�y Ins�rumen��hall be reduced by the a�naunt af <br /> �he proceeds multiplied b�fhe fa��aw�ng frac�ian: �a}�l�e ta�ai amaun�flf�he surns secur�d immedTa�e��r bcf�re th� <br /> �aking, dividec� by �b� tI-�e fair marke� vafue Qf t��e Praper�y immec�iately befo�e the taking. �1ny balance �hal� be <br /> paid �a Borra��er. In �he e�en�of a�ar�ial �akinb af�he Prop�r�y �n which the fair marke� va�ue of the Praperty <br /> immediafiely bef�re �he #ai�in� �s �ess than the amount of�l�e sums secured i�r�znedia�ely befare t��e �ak����, un�ess <br /> F3oz-rower and Lender ot��er`�ise agree in�ritin� or upless Applicabl� Lav�o����r��vise provides, �he p�-oceeds sha�� <br /> be app��ed�o�he sums secured by this Securi�r�ns�rua�nen�����e�her or na�:�he sums are���en due. <br /> if the Praperty is abandan�d by Borro�ver, �r if, after na�i�e by Lende�-�a �3�rro�ve�-�ha�the c�ndemnor���ers to <br /> rnake an award o�r set�le a c�a�m for damages, Barrower fa�ls ta respond�a Lender�vitl�i��the�nin����u�n nu���ber of <br /> days e�tablished b�r App�icab�� Lav��after th�da�e the n��ice is given, Lender is au�horized ta GolIect and apply the <br /> pr��e�ds, a� i�s ap�ion, e�t��er �o restorat�on or �-epa�r of the Proper�y or t4 the su�ns s�cured by �his Securi�y <br /> �nstrurr�en�,whet�er or nat then due. <br /> tlnl�ss Lender and Barr�wer o�hervvise �gree in ��ri�ing, any applic��ian af proceeds ta principa� shalI na�e;�tend <br /> ar postpane �he due da�e of_��e payrnen�s referr�d �a in the sec�ion tifled Paymen� vF Princ�pat and Interesf; <br /> Prepayment and Late Charges or change the amaunt of su�h payments. <br /> Borrov�er Nat ReleaSed; Forbearance By LQnder �o� a ti'�ai�er. �xtension of fhe �im� for payment �r <br /> rnodif�ca�ion af arn�r.tizatifln of�he sums secured b� this S�curi�� �ns�rument granted by Ler�de���o I3arraw•er or <br /> any suc�essor in �n�eres� �f B�rrov��r s}�aIi ��o� �perat� �o release �he� �ia�il��y af �he ariginal Borra��e� �r <br /> Borrower's successars�n �nfieres�. Lender sh��� no�be ��equir�c� �o com�nen�e praceed�ngs aga�ns�any successo�-�n <br /> �ntere�t or refuse�o ex�end�i�ne for payrnen��r��her�vise mndify arnc�r�i�a�inn�f���sums secured by�h�s 5ecur��ty <br /> �ns�ru�nent by reas�n of any dernand made by �he flriginal L�orrower ar�Borrov�er's successo�-s in in�eresfi. Any <br /> forbearance by Lender �n exer�ising any r�ght or remedy sha�l not be a�aiv�r of a�-prec�ud� t��e exercise af ar�y <br /> right�r remedy. � : � <br /> Succ�s5or� and As�ign� Bound, Jnin� and SQ�eraI L��h�l��y; Ac�ornmoda�i4n ��gn�rs. The covepants �nd <br /> agreemen�s af this Se�ur��y �nst�umen�sh�.11 bind and benef��he su�cess�rs and ass��ns af Lend�r and Sorrower, <br /> subjec� �a the pravisio��s af section ti�Ied 7`ransfer of �h� Prn�erty or a �enefic��� Int�rest �n Borrv«�er. <br /> Borrawer's co�enan�s and ag�eemen�s shal i b��oint and sev�ral. ,�-1�ny person,wha ��-s�gns th�s 5ecu��ity�ns�rumen� <br /> but does ��ot execu�e �he Note �"Accoz�}r���da�ion �ign�r''}: �a} is ca-signing �l�is Security �ns��ru���e��t ar�ly to <br /> �n�rtgage, �rant and con�ey,���at Accomrnodat�an S�gner's in�eres�in �h� P�roperty under the�erms �f�he Secu�-��ty� <br /> �nstrumen�; �b) is no�persona�ly ab�i�a�ed�a,pay�l�e sums se�ured by this Securi�y Ins�rument; and ����.grees�ha� <br /> Lend�r and�.ny other B�rrower may agree to��x#end,mod�fy,farbe�r�r make�ny��.ccammodations vvith regard to <br /> the�exms af�his Security�nstrumen�a�r�he No�e w�thout�ha��lccommodation Signer's cnnsen�. <br /> Loan Charges. �f�he �oan secured b� �his Se�uri�y Ins�rume����is sub�e�t to a �aw wh�ch s��s maxianum ]aan <br /> charges, and that lavv is fnally interpreted so tha��he interest or o���er ioan cl�ar�es cQi�e�ted or�a b�collec�ed in <br /> Gonne��ian vvitl� t��e loan exce�d the permz��ed l�mits, then: �a� any such��oan c��a�rge sha�l be redu�ed by the <br /> amount neG�ssary�o reduce�he charge to �he permi�ted l�rni�s and �U} any su�ns alr�ady c�ilec�ed from Barrav�er <br /> �vhi�h exceeded perrnifi��d limi�s �vilt b� r��f�inded �� Barro��er. �.ender ma.y ch�ose �a make this refz���d by� <br /> reduc�ng the p�rincipal owed under �he Note ar by rnaki��� a d�rect pay�nen� �a Bar�a��ver. If a refund reduces <br /> prin�ipa�,the reductian wi�l he�reated as a par�ial prepayznent�vit��au�an��p�epay����n�char�e un�er the Nate. <br /> c�.2dd4-20 I S Cnm�iiance Syste�rts,tnc.A�BC-D I dS-20 T 5.3.5..1064 , <br /> �onsun�er Real Lstate-Secur'sty Instniment DL203G i'age 3 of£� w�w��r.cflrnp€ianccsystc�ns.carn <br />