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��15�6954 <br /> sec��on titled Transfer vf the Proper�y or a ��nef�cia� �n�erest in �arr�ri=er,u��i�ss Ap��ic�b�e La►�v pro�id�s <br /> other�vise�. The n4#�ce sha�l sp�c�fy: �a) �he def���lt; (b� �h+e actaon r�qu�red �a cure �he defau[#; �c� a da#e, <br /> na���ss�nan the m�n�mum number of days e��ablished �y Apptic��le Lavv fram t1�e dat�the n�tice �� given <br /> �o Borraw�r, b� wh�ch �he default mus� be cured; and �d} �h�t� failure t� cure the defau�t on vr befare �h� <br /> daf:e specified in �he n���ce may resul� in acce�era�i�n of the sums secured by th�s Securi�y Ins�rument and <br /> sale vf�he Proper�y.Ta�he exten� perm��te� �y law,t��e �ia�ice�haIl furth�r inform S�rrawer of the right <br /> #a rezns�ate after accelerat�on artd �he r�gn�ta br�ng a court acti�n to ass�r�the non-existence of a defau�� <br /> Qr any o�her defense af Borr��ver�o acceiera#�on �r�d sale. [f the defau�� �s not cure� on vr before�he datQ <br /> spccif�ed in the nv�ice, Lender at �ts opt�an �nay req���re �mmed�ate paymQn� �n fu�� of��� �ums secured by <br /> �his S�cur��y Ins�rumen�v����hau�fur�her demand and may in�a��e the�auwer tif sa�e and any ather remedies <br /> p�rmit�ed by Appl�cab�e Lar�v. Ta the extent �er�ni��e� by Iaw, Lender sha�l �e en�it�ed ta �al�ect a�� <br /> expe�tses in�urred in purs���ng the r�med�es �arou�ded in this Sectian� inc�ud�r�g, bu� not lirnited to, <br /> reas�nabl�at�arneys'fees and eosts af ti�l�e��d�nce. <br /> �f th� power�f sa�e �s �n�aked, Trustee�ha�i record a na�ice of d�fau�t�n each coun�y in �vhich any par#of <br /> �he Prvperty �s ���a��d and shail mai�co��es a��uch no�i�e i�� the manner prescrib�d by A�pl�cabl� Law�o <br /> Borro�ver ai�d t❑ �he o�her persan� pre�cribed by .Ap���cabI� L.�v:-�A.fte.,��rt�a�e.�time�req,u�r�d b� A�pl�cab[e <br /> Law, Trustee sha�l give pub��� na�ice af sa�e �a �he persons a��'`i�ri��fk�:e":�rfa�nr�er�::Fr.���r:��e'�'�°.�,�p�ica��Ie <br /> ��rr azs��!i�r •N { <br /> Lavv. Trustee,withou� dernan� arx �flrrov��er,sh���seli the Pra�er�y:��;;����i����.���Qn ta �h�e:h�g�est bidder <br /> at the��m�and ��ace and under the terms des�gn�ted in �h�no��ce"�of�a�e�'.�� {�i�,�' ` r�`�'�:�ar��s��and �n an <br /> , �Q-�...p.. �' <br /> order Trus��e dc�erm�n�s. Trustee may posfno��e sa�� of al� �r any parc�l of the Pro�er�y by �ubl�� <br /> announcement a�the t�rne�nd pla�e�f any pre�iou�ly sch�du��d sa��. Lender or i�s designee rnay�urchas� <br /> the Property at any sa�e. <br /> Upon recei�t of paymen��f the pric� bid, Trustee sha�l d�����er to �he �urcha�er Trus�e�Ts de�d c�n�ey�n� <br /> th�Proper�y.The reci�a�s in �he Tru��ee's de�d sha�� b� prima f�cie evi����ce af the �ruth af the s�atements <br /> made fljere�n. Trustee sha�� app�y the �rncee�s nf the sa�e in �he foliow�ng �rd�r: �a} �v aIl c�s�s and <br /> expenses of exercising the pawer af sale, an� �hc sa�e, inc�udin� the paymen�of�ne Trustee's f�es actua��y <br /> �ncurred and reasonable at�orneys' fees as perm�tted �v A��Iicab�e Law; �b3 tv a1� surns secured by �his <br /> Se�uri���nstrum�nt; and�c�any ex�ess to the person or p�rsans�egal�y e���itiIed tti�t. <br /> RQcanveyane�. Upo�� pa��a�ent of a�I sums secured by t�is S�cur�ty� Instrt���ent, L���der shal� rec�uest Trus�ee �� <br /> re�on�ey�he Proper�y and shali surrender�his Securi�y �ns�run�e��t an� �I1 no�es ev�dencipg debt seG�.�red by�his <br /> Securit� �nst�-ument �o Trus�ee. Trustee sha�,l �-ecflr�vey the Pr�per�y vvi�i�aut v��arra�lty to the p�rson or, pers�ns <br /> legally ent�tled t� i�. Such person or pe�•sans sha�i pay an�recardation costs. Lender may �harge such persan �r <br /> person� a fee for reconveying �hc Proper�y, bu� only if�he fee is p�id to a th ird par�y �such as the Tru�tee� far <br /> ser�i�es ren�ered and t�1�charging af the fe� �s permi��ed under Appl�cabie�,a�v. <br /> Substitute Trustee. Lender, at its op�ion, rna�fi-oz���iine t�tir��e remave Trus�ee and appo�nt a successnr tr��s�ee <br /> to any Trus��� appo�nt�d h�reunder by an instrumen� reco�ded in t�e cou��y in whi�h �his Securi�� �ns�rurnen� �s <br /> recorded. �i�hout c�nW�yance af�he Proper�y,�he successox�ruste�si�all succeed�to a1��he�it�e, pflwer and du�ies � <br /> ��nferred upfln Trus�ee I�erein and by App��cabl�Lav�. � � <br /> Request far Na�ices. Borra��er r�quests fi�a�copies af�}xe not�ce of deTault and sa�e be se��t tfl Borro�ver's ad��ess <br /> v�°��ch is th�Praper�y Address. , <br /> BY SI N� BEL�W, Snrro accep�s and a�rees ta �h� �erms and cg�enan�s cfln�ained in a�l pa�es �his <br /> Securi I t�rurnent and in a �der executed by Ba�-rawer and r�corded �i�h it. S�gned and sealed by B rrativ : <br /> �. <br /> � -- Seal � .� � <br /> --- � �. <br /> � � <br /> I3AV�D L A NQLD Date ,`'����' MAR�LYN S A N�LU Date� � . <br /> � �� � <br /> t�'�2[][]4-?U 15�:ampliance Systerns,�nc.�6SGD i GS-2�I 5.3.5.��G4 <br /> Consumer Rea�Est�tte-Security Ir�strurrient DL�03G Pa�e S vf G ' w����v.corrf�liar� <br />