<br /> App1��a�iun of Payme���s. Unless Appl�cable Law pro�ides atherr�ise, al��ayments.receiWed by Lender shal�t�e
<br /> applied: tirs�,to any�repaymen�charges due under the Note; second,to in�erest due;th�rd, ta principal due; and
<br /> Iast,t�an�r late�l�arges due u��der t��e�flte.
<br /> �harg�s; Liens. Borr�v�er shall pay a1l taxes, ass�ssments, charges, f nes and impflsi�ians attributable �a th�
<br /> Proper�y�vhich may a�tain p�i�rity o�er�his Securi�y rns�rument, and �easehald payme��ts a�-gr�und rents, if any.
<br /> Borravver sha11 pay th�se �bligati�ns on t�rne�and direc�ly to the pe�s��ov�ed paymen�. At the r�ques�of Lender,
<br /> Barrov��er shal�prompt�y fur�ii���to Lender receip�s evidel�cing tl��payi�.en�s.
<br /> �orr�wer sha��pr4mp#���d�scharge any�i�n which has prior��y over this Security Ins�rumen�unless Barrower: (a�
<br /> agrees in �nrriting to the payment of�he abligat��n se�ur�d by the l�en in a�rnanner acc�p�able t� Lender; �b}
<br /> c�t�tes�s in g��d faith �he lien by, or defends a�ains� e�forcernent �f the lien �n, lebal pr�ceedin�s vvh��h �n the
<br /> Lender'S c�pinion �p�rate �a preven� the e��force�nent of the Iien; or [c} se�ures from �he l�older o�the lien an
<br /> agreemen�sa��sfac�aty��Len�er subordina�ing�he lien�o this Se�urity�nstrument. If Lender determines that any
<br /> part of the ProperCy �s subjec#t� a l�en��vhich ma�attain pr�ority�wer�h�s Securit�Instrument, Lender may givc
<br /> Borravsrer a notice ider��ify�ng�he l�en: Borro�er sha�l s�tisfyr�he lien �r take one or more of�he actions se�for�h
<br /> above��r�����n 14 days of the g��ing af nat�ce.
<br /> Hazard �r Proper�y I�nsurance. �orro��er shall l�eep�he irnprovements now ex�sting or hereafter erected on�he
<br /> Pr�perty i-nsured against l�ss b.y fre,ha�ards includ�d wi�h�n the term "ex�ended co�erage"and any other ha�ards,
<br /> including f��ods o�r floodin�, fo� wh�ch L�nd�r requires insurance. This insurance shal� be maintained �n �he
<br /> amounts and for the periods tha�Lender requires.The i�surance carrier pr�vid�n��he�nsurance sha�i be chosen by
<br /> Borrower subjec� to Lender's appra�a� �vhich �ha�l n�t be unreasonably v���thhe�d. �f B�rrower fai�� �o maintain
<br /> c��erag� described aho�ve, Lender may, a� Lender's opti�n, ��btain �o�erage �fl pro�ec� Lender's rights in the
<br /> Pr�per�i�r��ccordance with sec�ion ti�led Pr.v�ec�ion of Lend�r's R'rgh��in�he Property.
<br /> Ail insura�ce po�icies and renewals shali be acc�ptable �o Lender and sha�l include a standard rnar�gage c�ause.
<br /> Lender sh��l have��he�-i�h�ta�t�ld�he pfllicie� and renewals. �f Lender requires,I3�rrower shall prarnpt�y give t�
<br /> Le�der ali receip�s af paid prerniums and renev�al notices. �n the event�f las�,Barrawer shal�gi��prompt na�ice
<br /> ta the insurance can ier and Lender.Lender�-na�xna�e proof of�oss if na�made promp�ly b�B�rrower.
<br /> Unless Le.nder and B�rrower othervvise a�ree .in �vriting, insuranc� praceeds sha�� be app�ied �o rest�rat�on or
<br /> �repa��- af�:he Praper�y da,rnaged, if, in Lei�der's �ale disGretion, �he restoration �r repair is ecar�ami�ally feasible
<br /> and Lend�r's securi�y �s nat ��ssened. �F, in Lender's so�e discre�i�n, the res�ara��an �r repair �s na�ec�narn�ca�l��
<br /> feasible o�•Lender's security would be�essened,�he insu�rance praeeeds shaX�be applied to the sur�.s se�ured by this
<br /> S�GUrity �nStxllm�nt, vvhether or nat then due, with any excess pa�d �o Barrower. �f Barrov��r abandnns the
<br /> Praperty,�r d�es nat answ�er��vithin the numbe�-of days prescribed by Appl�cable La��v as set f�r�h in a no�ic�from
<br /> Lender�o Barra�ver�ha�the�nsuran�e ca1-rier has nffered t� se�le a c�a�m, �hen I.�ender may��Il�ct the insuran�e
<br /> proceeds. Lend�r may use�he proceecis tfl repai� or�es�ore�he Proper�ty or��pay surns secured�y th�s Security
<br /> Inst�-umen�t,vvhe�her or rifl�then due.Tl�e periad af t�me f�r Borrower to answer as se�forth in�h�n�t��e wi�l beg�n
<br /> when the no�ice is gi�en. � �
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrav�er�therwise agree �n writin�, any application af pro�eeds to princ�pal shall not extend
<br /> or postpo��e the due dat� af�he pa�rnents referred t�_in �he sec�ian titled Payment �f Princi�al and �nteres�;
<br /> PrepaymE�n�and Late�harges or cha�age t��e amou��t flf�he paymen�s. �f under tl�� sec��an t�t��d Acceleratfon;
<br /> T�.emedies, the P�raper�y is acq��ired by Lender, Sarr�wer's right to any insurance p�licies and proce�ds resultin�
<br /> from damage ta the Property pr�ar�fl�he acquisi�ian shall pass to Len�er ta the ex�ent of the su.rns secured by this
<br /> Security rr�strument imrn�diate�y pr�or to�he a�c���isition.
<br /> Pres�rvatio�, l�ain�enanc� and Prot�ct�an �f �he Pr�per�y; Barrav►�er's I.oan App��c�tion; Leasehalds.
<br /> Bo�•r�vver shall no�d�s�r�y, damag�or impair the Praper�y, a��o�v the Property to deter�ora�e, or c�mm�t vvas�e an
<br /> the Pr�p�r�y.B�rrower shal�be.in default�f any forfeiture ac�ion ar prc�ceeding,��hether c�vil ar�riminal,is begun
<br /> tha� �n Lea�der's good fa��h j udgment��uid resut� in forfeitu�•e �f the Prope�-ty flr �ther�nrise mater�al�y �mpa�r the
<br /> iXe� crea��d �y �his Se�uri� ���strumen� or Lender's s�curity in�eres�. Barrav�er may cure such a default and
<br /> reinstate, as prov�d�d in sectian tit�ed Barrovver's �.igl��t❑ ]E�einsta�e, b�causing�he ac�tion or proceeding to be
<br /> dismi�sed w��h a ruiing�hat; in Lender's goad fai�h�eterrnnination, prec�udes f�rfei�ure of the Borrawer's interest in
<br /> �he Prope�� or �ther rna�e�-ial impairmen� of�he lien created by this S�cur��y �nstrum�n� or Lender's security
<br /> in�eres�. Borr�v�rer shall a���be�n d�faul��f BorrQ�ver,during�he��an appl�cation pracess,gave rnaterially false or
<br /> inaccurate informati�n or s�a�emen�s �o Lender (or fai�ed to pr��ide Lender v�ri�h any m.at�rial inf�rma��on� in
<br /> connection vvi�la the loan evidence� by the No��. �f�his Secur��y �nstrument �� �n a leaseh�ld, Borrower sh�I�
<br /> comply with all�he pro��sxons of�he �ease. �f Barr�vver acqu�res fee t���e to�he Property,the leasehflld and the fee
<br /> �itle shall no�merge un less I.ender agrees ta�he merger in�v�iti��g.
<br /> Protectio�� of L���c��r's Righ�s �n ���e Praper�y. �f Borrov��er fai�s t� perform the cavenant� and agreements
<br /> ��n�ained in this Security Ins�rumen�, or�here is a l�bal pr�ceeding�hat may signifcantly affec�Lender's rights in
<br /> �he Pr�perty �such as a proceeding in bank�•uptcy, proba�e, far candemna�i�n �r forfeiture or to enforce lavYs ar
<br /> regulation�}, �hen Lender m�.y do and pay for whater�er is necessar� �o protec� �he value of the Proper�ty and
<br /> Lender's r�gh�s in�he Prop�rty.Lender's ac��ans may inciude paying any sums secured hy a�ien which has priori�y
<br /> over this�ecur�ty Ins�rument, appear�ng in caurt,paying reasonabte a�t�rneys'fees and enter�ng on�he Property�a
<br /> make repai��s.A�though Lender may�ake actian under this secti�n,Lender does n��ha�re to�❑sa.
<br /> Any arn�unts disbursed by Lender under th�s s�ction shall become additional debt of Bor-r�wer secured b� �]��s
<br /> Securi�y ��ns�ru���ent. Unless�Barrawer and Lender agree to other terms of payment, these amaunts shall be�.r
<br /> 9 2D��-2�15 Ca���lian�e Sys#�nis,Ii�c.A6k3C;-D��E-2D� D6�€
<br /> �onsiimer Real Estate-Security�nstrument DL2D3d Page�af 5 www,c�mplaancesystems.corn
<br />