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��15��833 <br /> �]EE� �]F TRL��T' <br /> Loan No: ��'��9���4 ��vn�t�nued} Page 9 <br /> noti�e to the other parties, speci�ying that �he purpose o� #he natice is to �hangs �h� party's address. For nafice <br /> purposes, Trustor agrees to keep Lender informed a� all times vf Trustor`s �urrent address. �nl�ss n�herwise prov�ded <br /> ❑r requir�d by lawr if there is rnor�fhan one Trustor, any nat�ce giuen by Lender to any Trustor is deemed t� be natice <br /> gi�en to all Trustors. <br /> IVIISCELLANE�US PR�VISIaNS, The fallowing miscellaneaus pro�isi�ns ara a part of this Deed�f Trust: <br /> Amendments. This Deed a�Trust,tag�the�-with any Re[ated Documents, cons�itutes the entire understanding and <br /> agreemen� af the par�ies as to the rnatters set �arth in this �eed af Trus�. No alteratian a�a�amendment tv this <br /> Deed ��Trust shall t�e�fFectiWe unless gi�en in writing and signcd �y the party ar part�es sought to �e charged ar <br /> bvund by the alterafiion or amendm�n�. <br /> Annual F�eports. If �he Property is used far purposes other than Trustor's residence� Trustor shall furnish to <br /> Lender, upon reques�C, a c�rti�isd s�atement of net �perating income �ecei�ed from the Property during Trustor's <br /> previaus fiscal year in su�h f�rm and deta�l as Lender shall re�uire, �Ne� operat�ng incvrne" shall rnean ali cash <br /> receipts fram th�Praperty less all cash expendi�ures made in�onne�tian with th�aperation vf the Property, <br /> Captian Headirtgs. Captian headings in �this Deed af Trust are �or con�enien�s purpvses only and are na� to be <br /> use�ta interpret or define the provisians vf this �eed�-�Trust. <br /> iVlerger. There shall be na merger o�f the in�erest ar estate crea�ed by fihis ❑��d of Trusfi with any vth�r interest ar <br /> estate in the Praperty at any time he[d by ar far the bene�it of Lender in any �apaci�y, withaut the writt�n consent <br /> af Lender. <br /> Govern�ng Law. This Deed o�Trust wiil be governed by �ederal �arrv applicahle to Lender and, t❑ the exten�t not <br /> preempted by federal law,the laws of�he Stafie o�iVebraska wi#haut regar��v its �vn�FEicts of lawv pra�isians. This <br /> Deed of Trust has he�n accepted by Lender in the State of Nebraska. <br /> Ch�ica of Venue. [�there is a fawsuit, Trus�or agrees upan Lender's request t� submit to th�jurisd�ctian of the <br /> courts af HALL County� Stat�of lVebraska. <br /> Jaint and 5everal Liahility. All abligatians of gorrvwer and Trustor under this Qeed of Trust shall be joint and <br /> se�eral, and alf references to Trustor shal! mean each and e�ery Trustor, and all references to Borrower shalf rnean <br /> each and e�ery Borrowe�. This means that each Trustar si�ning�elaw is responsihle for all obligations in this ❑eed <br /> of Trust. V1lnere any vne or mvre of �he par��ies is a �orparati�n, partnership, limi�ed liability cornpany or similar <br /> enti�ty, i�#is nat necessary far Lender tv inquire in�v the powers�f any❑f the officers, dire�tors,par�ners, members, <br /> ar other agents a��ing or purporting to a�t �n�he �ntity's behalf, and any abligations made or crea�ked in reliance <br /> upvn the prvfesse�exercise of such pawers shali b�guarant�ed under this Deed a�Trust. <br /> No VIlaiver by Lender. Lender shall nat b�deerned�o have waived any rights under this Deed of Trus�un�ess such <br /> waiver is gi�en in writing and signed by Lender. Na delay or omission on the part��f Lender in exercising any right <br /> shall �perate as a wai�er�f su�h right or any other right. A wai��r by Lender of a provision of th�s De�d of Trust <br /> shall not prejudi�e or constituts a wai�er of Lend�r�5 right ath�rwise tv dernand stri�t compliance ►rvith that <br /> praWisian or any vther provision of this Deed of Trust. Na prior waiver by Lender, nor any caurse vf dealing <br /> hetween Lender and Trus�or, shall canstitute a wai�er vf any vf Lender's rights ar af any of Trus�or's obligativns <br /> as�o any �Future trans�ctians. Whene�er the �ansent of Lender is required under�his Deed af Trust, the grant�ng <br /> o� such cons�nfi by Lend�r in any instance shaiZ not constitufie cantinuing cvnsent to subsequent instances where <br /> such cansen��s re�uired and in a�l cases such consent may be granfied or withheld in the sole discret�on�f Lsnder. <br /> S�verability. I� a cour��f competen��u�isdiction finds any pravision of�his ❑eed o�Trust to be illegal, in�afid, or <br /> unenf�rceable as to any circumstance, tha� finding shall nat make the offending pra�isi�n illegal, invalid, ar <br /> unen�orceable as to any other circumstan��. If �easible, the affending provision sh�ll be c�nsidered mod�f�ed s❑ <br /> that it becomes legal, ►�alid and en�orceable. lf the offending pro�ision cannat b� sa modified, it shali he <br /> considered deleted from this Deed of Trust. LJnl�ss atherwise requ�red hy lav►�, the i�legality, in�alidi�y, or <br /> unenfor���bility�f any proWis�on of�his ❑eed of Trus�t shall n�t aff�ct the lega�ity, �alidi�y or enforGeability af any <br /> other pro�ision of this Deed of Trust, <br /> 5u�cessars and Assigns. 5ubject t� any limitati�ns stated in this Qeed of Trust on trans�er of Trus�or's interest, <br /> thi� Deed of Trust shall be hinding upon and inure tv �he bene�it of the parties, th�ir successors and assigns. If <br /> ownership o�f the Property becomes �ested in a person ather than Trustarr Lender, withaut na��ce�o Trustar, may <br /> deal with Trustor's su�cessors wi�h referen�e to this Qeed af Trust and the �ndeb�tedness by way of�forbearanc� ❑r <br /> extensian without releasing Trustor from the ❑bliga�ions af this a�ed of Trust�r liability under th�Indeb�edness. <br /> Time is af the Essence. Time is❑f the essence in the performance of this Deed o�f Trust. <br /> LNaiver o# Hamesfiead Exempti8n. Trus�or here�y rcieases and w�i�res all ri�h�s and benefifs of the hamestead <br /> exemp�ivn laws of the 5tate��iVebraska as to alI lndeb�edness s�cured by this Deed af Trusfi. <br /> DEFINITI�NS. The follov�ring capitalized wards and terms shaf! ha�e the foliowing meanings when used in this Deed of <br /> Trust. Llnless sp�cifically s�ated to th� contraryr all referen��s t� d�llar am�unts shall mean amounts in law�ul mt�ney <br /> of �he United States of America. Words and terms used in the singular shali include th� plural, and the plural shall <br /> include the singular, as the cvnt�xt may require. Vllords and ierms n�t oth�rwis� defined in this ❑eed o�Trust shall <br /> ha�e the m�anings a�tribut�d ta such terms in the Uniforrn Commercial �ade: <br />