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��15��833 <br /> DEE� �F TF�UST <br /> Loan �a: '1��Z9�'I44 {Cont�nued� Pag� �� <br /> Be:nefi�iary. The w�rd "Beneficiary" means Five Points Bank, and its successors and assigns. <br /> B��rvwer. Th� word "gvrro�er" means Vti11NG EIII�PIRE, IN�.; DEAN R PE�G; and AM�S ANSaIV and includes all <br /> ca-signers and ca-makers signing the Not�and all thei� successars and assi�ns. <br /> ❑��d �� Trust. The words "a��d of Trus�" mean �his Deed of Trust among Trus�tarr Lender, and Trustee, and <br /> ine�udes without limitation all assignment and securi�y int�rest pr��isions relating ta �Che Persanat Prop�r�y and <br /> Rents. <br /> De:#ault. The word "��fault" means�he Default set farth in this Deed of Trust in the section ti�led "�efaul�". <br /> Enurirvnmental Laws. Th� words "En�ironmental Laws" mean any and al� state, federal and local sta�utes, <br /> regulations and ordinances relating to the prvt�:�tion ofi human health or the environrnent, includin� without <br /> lir�itation the Comprehensi�e En�ironm�nfial Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 'l�80, as amended, 4� <br /> U.�.C. 5ect�on 960'1, et seq. �"CERCLA"], th� Superfund Amendrnen�s and Reauthori�ation Act of �98�, Pub. L. <br /> Na. 99-A-99 �"SARA"},the Hazardaus Materia�s Transpartati�n Act, 49 LJ.S.C. Sec�ion 18��, et seq.,the Resaurce <br /> � Canser�a�ion and Reco��ry Act, 42 U.S.C. Se��ion 6901, e�se�., or��h�r a�plicable state or federal laws, ru�es, <br /> or regulations adapted pursuant there�o. <br /> Event�f Default. The w�rds "Ev�nt�f Defiault" mean any o�the ev�n�s o�defaulfi sef for�h in�his �eed o�Trust in <br /> the events❑f defauf t sectian vf this Deed o�Trust. <br /> Existing Indebtedn�ss. The words "Existing inde�t�dness" mean the indeb�edness describ�d in the Existing Liens <br /> proWision of this De�d��Trust. <br /> Guaranty. The w�rd "Guarant�" means the guaranty frorn guarantor, endars�r, surety,ar accommvda�ion party to <br /> L�nder, inc�uding without iimitation a guaranty of ail or par�af the Note. <br /> H��ardaus Subs�an�es. Th� �vards "Ha�ardous 5ubstances" mean mat�r�als fhat, because ❑f their quantity, <br /> �a�n�entrat�an or physical, chemical ar infectious chara�teristicsf may cause or pose a present or pQtential hazard <br /> tv human health or the�n�ironment when impraperly used, treated, stor�d, disposed of, generated, manufac�ured, <br /> transported ar❑therwise handled. The words "Hazardous Substances" are used in their ��ry brvades# sense and <br /> in�lude withaut �imi�atian any and al� hazardous or toxic substances, materials or waste as defined by ❑r lis�ed <br /> under the En�irnnmental Laws. The term "Ha�ardaus 5ubstanGes" als❑ includes, without limitat�on, petraleum and <br /> p�troleum by-pro�ucts or any fracfiion thereof and asbestos, <br /> Imprvvernents. The w�rd "Imp�a�ements" means all �xisting and fu�ture impro�ements, bui�dings, structures, <br /> mabile homes a��ixed on the Real Property, fa�ilities, additions, replacements and other cons#ruct�an tin the ReaE <br /> Property. <br /> lndebt�dness, The w�rd "Indebtedn�ss" means al[ principa�, int�rest, and other amvunts, costs and expenses <br /> payab�e under the iVa�e ar Reiated D�cuments, toge�her wi�h ail r�newals o�, extensions af, m�dificati�ns ❑f, <br /> c�nsaljda�iflns ❑f and subs�i�u�tians for the N��e or Rela�ed ❑acurn�n�s and any amounts expended or advanced by <br /> Lender to discharge Trusfivr's ❑hliga�ions �r expenses incurred �y Trustee or Lend�r �o enf�r�e Trus�or`s <br /> abligativns under this D�ed of Trust, together with interest on such amounts as provided in this Deed af Trust, <br /> Specifica�fy, without limita�ion, indebtedness �ncludes the �uture advances set fo�th in �h� Future Ad�ances <br /> pro�ision of this Deed�f Trust,tagether With alE in��rest�hereonn <br /> Len�er. The ward "Lender" means Five Po�nts Bank, its successors and assigns. <br /> Nate. The word "N❑t�" means�he pramissory note dated�c�aber�, �Q�5, in the nrigina! principal amaunt <br /> C�� $1��,[]��.DD fram Bvrrower to Lender, toge�her with all renewals of, extensions of, modi�i�ations of, <br /> refinancings of, c�nsolidations of, and subs�itu�ions for the promissory note ar agreement. <br /> Persanal Property. Th� wnrds "P�rsonal Pr�perty" mean a�l equipmen�, fixtures, and ather articles af personal <br /> proper�y now or h�r�after �wned by Trustor, and nflw or her�after at�ached or afifixed �o the Real Prop�rty; <br /> tagether with a�l aGcessions, par�ts, and additians to, a!I replacements o'�, and ai� subs�itu�ivns for, any of such <br /> property; and tagether with all praceeds {in�luding wi�haut limita�i�n alI insurance proGeeds and refunds of <br /> pr�miums} �rorn any sale or o�h�r dispvsition ofi the Property� <br /> Praperty. The word "Property" m�ans coliecti�ely the Real Prope�ty and the Personal Property. <br /> Real Property. The words "R�a� Property" mean the real property, int�res�s and righfis, as fiur�her described in this <br /> ❑�ed❑�Trust. <br /> ReEated aacurnents. The words "Related ❑ocuments" mean all promissflry notes, cr�dit agrcements, Ioan <br /> agreemen�s, en�irvnmenta[ agreemen�s, guaranties, se�uri�y agre�ments, mflrt�ages, deeds �f trust, security <br /> deeds, callateral mortgay�s, and all o�her instrum�n�s, agr�ements and docum�nts, whe�her now vr herea�ter <br /> existing,executed in cannection wi�h the Indebtedness, <br /> Rents. Thg word "Ren�s" rneans all present and future rents, re�enues� inc�me, issues, royalti�s, profits, and <br /> ather benefits deri�ed from the Praperty. <br /> Trustee. The word "Trus�Cee" means Five Points Bank, whose address is P.O Box 15a7. �rand island, NE <br /> �88a2��507 and any substitut�or success�r trus�ees. <br />