<br /> DEE� C3F TIRLJS�`
<br /> Lvan [V�: '��125�86� 4�o�t��ued� Page �
<br /> Fa�se Sta�temen�s. Any representativn or statement rnade or �urnished t� Lender by ��rrower ar T�ustor vr on
<br /> Borrawer's or Trustor's behal� under this Deed of Trust or the Reiated D�cuments is fa�se ar mis�eading in any
<br /> mafie�ial respect� eith�r n�w or at the time made or furnished.
<br /> Defecti�e Cvflatera[i�ation. This ❑�ed o� Trust or any of �rhe Rela�ed ❑ocumen�s ceases �to �e in fu[I force and
<br /> e��e�t �inciuding failure of any cvllateral document fio creat� a Walid and perfec�ed se�urity int�rest or lien� at any
<br /> time and for any reas�n.
<br /> Death or tnsolvency. The death o�Borrower ar Trustor, th� insol�ency o� Borrawer or Trus�toc,the appaintrnen�of
<br /> a r�ceiWe�for any part af Borrower's Qr Trustor`s proper�y, any assignm�n�f�r the benefit o�credit�rs, any type of
<br /> credi�or worf�ou�, or the commencem�nt ❑f any proc�eding under any bankruptcy or ins�lv�n�y iaws by or against
<br /> l3arr�wer or Trustar.
<br /> Taking �f �he Proper�ty. Any credi�tor or gv��rnmental agency tries ta take any of the Praperty or any other of
<br /> gorrower's �r Trustar's property in �rvhich Lender has a lien. This includes taking af, garnishing af or �eWying an
<br /> Borrower`s ❑r Trustor's a��ounts with Lend�r. Howe�er� if B�rrower or Trustor disputes in good fai�h wheth�r the
<br /> claim an which �he talcing of�he Property is based is�alid or reasonable, and if Borrovuer or Trustar gives Lender
<br /> v►�ritten nvti�e of the claim an�furnEshes Lender with rnonies ar a surety bond satisfactory to Lender ta satis�y the
<br /> claim,then�his default pro�ision will nat apply.
<br /> Brea�h o��ther.�4greement. Any breach by Borrower�r Trustor under the terrns o�F any ather agreemen�between
<br /> B�rrower ❑r Trusfor and Lender that is nai: remedied within any grace periad provided therein� in�luding w�thout
<br /> [imitaCion any agreement concerning any indeb�edness or other obligatian o� Borrvwer or Trus��r fio Lender,
<br /> whe�ther existing now ar later.
<br /> EWents Af�ecting �uarantor. Any of the precedin� e�ents accurs with r�spect to any guarantor, �ndorser, surety,
<br /> or accommodativn party of any of the {ndebtedness or any guarantar, endorser, surety, or accommodati�n party
<br /> dies or becam�s inc�mpe�ent, or re�okes ar disputes the �afidity of. or IiahiE�ty under, any Guaranty af the
<br /> I ndebtedness.
<br /> Insecurity. Lender in good#aith befie�es its��f insecure.
<br /> Right t❑Cure. I�F any default, ather than a defau[t in payment, is curablc and i�F Trustor has no�been giWen a notice
<br /> �f a brea�h❑�the same provisian of this D�ed of Trust wi�hin the preGeding twel�e ���} rnonths, it may be cured if
<br /> Trus�or, after Lender sends `rvritten notice to Borr�w�r demanding cure of such de�aul�: �17 cures th� default
<br /> within��n �1 Df days; or �2} i�th�cure r�quir�s mv�e�han ten ��❑� days, immedia�ely inifiiates steps ►nrhich Lender
<br /> deems in Lender's sol� dis�retion to be sufficient to cure the default and thereaf�er continues and �ompietes all
<br /> reasonabl�and neces�ary steps suf�icient ta produce�omp�iance as so�n as reasonably practi�al.
<br /> RI�HTS AI�D REMEDIES �N DEF�4ULT. lt an Event af De�ault occurs under�this D�:ed a�Trus�, at an�time thereafter,
<br /> Trustee or Lender may exercise any one or mor�❑f the fv�[�wing rights and remedies:
<br /> A�celeration Upon D�fautt: Additional Remedies. [f any EWent��❑efaulf��curs as per�he terms ofi the N��e
<br /> secured hereby, Lender may declare all lndebt�dness secured by this ❑eed of Trust to be due and pa�ahl�and
<br /> the same shall thereupon become due and payabie withau�any presentrnent, demand, pra�est or notice of any
<br /> kind. Thereafter, Lender ma�:
<br /> {a� Either in person ar by agent, with or withou�t bringing any a��ion ar pr�ceeding, ar by a re��i�er
<br /> appointed by a cour�and w�thvut re�ard to �he adequacy of its security, enter upon and tak� possession
<br /> of the P�operty, or any par�thereof, in its awn name❑r in the name af Trustee, and do any ac�s which it
<br /> deems necessary or desirahle�❑pr�ser��the value, mar�{eta�ility or rentability of�he Praper�y, or part o�
<br /> the Praperty or in�erest in the Proper�y; increase the incame from the Property or protect fihe secur�ty of
<br /> the Pr�per�y; and, with or with4ut taking pvssessian ❑f the Prope�ty, sue for �r othervvise collect the
<br /> r�nts, issues and profi�ts af the Property, inc�uding �hase past due and unpaid, and apply th� same, less
<br /> costs and expenses�f❑peration and coll��tian a�torneys' �e�s,to any indebtedn�ss secured �y this Deed
<br /> of Trust, all in such order as Lender may de�ermine. The �ntering upon and taking possession of the
<br /> Property, the collection �f such rents, issues and pro�its, and the applicatian thereof sha[I not cura ❑r
<br /> waive any default ar no�ice af defaul� under this Deed of Trust o� invaEidate any act done in resp�nse to
<br /> such defaul�t or pursuant t�such notice af defiault; and, natwithstanding the�antinuan�e in possession af
<br /> the Propert�r or the collection. receipt and applicati�n vf rents, issu�s or p�ofi�s, Truste� or Lender shall
<br /> be entitied tfl exercise every righ� �rovided far in the Note ar the Related ❑�cumen�s or by law upon the
<br /> ac�urr�nce of any eWent af default, including fh�right to�xer�ise th� power af sale;
<br /> �b] Commence an a�ti�n ta �Fflreclose this Deed of Trus�as a martgage, ap�oint a receiver ar specifically
<br /> enfarce any o�the co�enants he�eof; and
<br /> (c� Deiiv�r tn Trustee a written de�lara�ion o�de�ault and demand�or sale and a writt�n no�ice of de�Fault
<br /> and election ta cause Trustor's infierest in the Praperty to be sold, which noti�e Trustee shall cause to be
<br /> duly filed'�or r�c�rd in�h�appropriate off�ces of the County in which th�Prop�rty is lac�t�d; and
<br /> {d� With respecfi�Ca all �r any part af the Personal Property� Lender sha�l ha�e all the rights and rernedies
<br /> of a secur�d party under the N�braska Unif�rm �ommercial Code.
<br /> Foreclosure by Power of Sale. lf Lender ele�ts to forec[ose by exercise a��he Power af 5ale herein contained,
<br />