<br /> QEED �F T1RU��
<br /> Loan iVa: 1�1�89��� ���nt�nu�d� Page 7
<br /> Lender shall notify Trustee and shall d�posit with Trustee this �eed ofi Trust and the Nate and such receipts
<br /> and e�ridence of expenditures made and secured by this Deed o�f Trust as Trustee may require.
<br /> ��7 Upon receipt vf such natice from Lencler, Trustee shall �ause ta be recorded, published and deliv�r�d
<br /> tv Trus�vr such No�ice �f D�fauft and Noticc vf �ale as then required by law and by this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Trustee shall, without demand on Trust�r, a�Fter such �irne as may then be requir�d hy law and af�er
<br /> recordation of such Natice af Default and after Notice ❑f Sal� ha�ing �een given as required by law, scll
<br /> th� Property at �he time and pface ❑f sale fixed by it in such Notice �f 5ale, either as a whQle, �r in
<br /> separa�e lots v�parcels �r i�ems as Trustee shall d�em expedient, and in such ❑rder as it may deterrnine,
<br /> at pubfic auction to the highest bidder for Gash in lawful money of the lJnit�d S�ates payable at�he tirne
<br /> af sa[e. Trust�e shall deli�er to such pur�haser or purchasers thereaf its good and sufficient deed or
<br /> deeds c�nWey�ng the �roperty so svld, but withou� any cavenant ar warranty, express or imp�ied, The
<br /> recitals in such deed of any matt�rs ar fac�s shall be cvnclusi�e proof af the �ruthfu�ness thereof. Any
<br /> person, inciuding withaut limitation Trustor,Trus�ee,ar Lender, rnay pur�hase at such sale,
<br /> �b} As may be permitted by law, after deduc�ing all CQS�Sr fees and expenses ❑f Trus�ee and o� this
<br /> Trust, including costs of e�idence❑�title in cvnnection with sale,Trusfiee shall apply the prQceeds of sale
<br /> �o paym�nt�f �i} all sums expend�d under�he terms of this Deed of Trus�or under the terms o��he Na�e
<br /> nat then repaid, including bu� nvt iimi�ed to accrued interest and late charges, �ii) ail �ther surns then
<br /> secured hereby, and �iii}the remainder, if any,to the person or persvns legally entitled thereto.
<br /> �c} Trustee may�n the manne�pro�id�d by larrv postpone sale af all�r any por�ian of the Praperty,
<br /> Rerne�ies No�t Exciusi�ea Trustee and Lender, and each of themf shall b� ent�tled to enfar�e payment and
<br /> perfvrmance of an�indebtedness or ob[igations secured by�his D�ed v�Trust and ta exercise all rights and povvers
<br /> under this Deed o�Trust, under the N�fe, under any af the Related ❑acuments, or und�r any oth�r agreement or
<br /> any�a�ws n�w or hereafter in�orce; notwiths�anding, some �r all of su�h indebtedness and ohligations secured by
<br /> this aeed o�Trus� may now or hereafter be otherwise secured, whether by mor�gage, deed �f trust, pledge, lien,
<br /> assignment �r �therwise. Neither the acceptance af this Deed vf Trus� nor its enforcement, whether by caurt
<br /> a�tion or pursuant �o �he pvwer o� sale or other powers �an�tained in this Deed of Trust, shall pre�udi�e ��- in any
<br /> manner affect Trusfiee`s or Lender's right to realize upan �r enforc� any other security norrv or hereaf�er held by
<br /> Trust�e�r Lender, it being agreed that Trustee and Lender. and each vf them,shall be enti�led ta en#�rce�his Deed
<br /> a�Trust and any o�her security now vr hereafter held by Lender ar Trustee in such �rder and manner as they or
<br /> either of th�m rnay in their absalute discrefian determine. IVa r�medy conferred upon vr reserved t� Trustee or
<br /> Lender, is intended ta be ex�lusi�e �f any ath�r rem�dy in this Deed �fi Trust or hy law pra�id�d�r permitted, but
<br /> ea�h shall be cumulatiWe and shall be in addition to every other �emedy g9�en in �his Deed ❑f Trust ❑r now ar
<br /> herea�ter existing at law ar in equity or by s�atute. Every paw�r or�emedy gi��n by the Note�r any af�he Related
<br /> ❑ocurn�nts �❑ Trust�e o� Lender ❑r tv rrvhi�h either afi �hern may be ath�rvvise entitled, may b� exercised,
<br /> concurrent�y or independently, from time to time and as often as may be deemed expedient by Trustee ❑r Lender,
<br /> and ei�her of them rr�ay pursue in�ansistenf remedies. Nathing in this Deed ot Trusfi shall be construed as
<br /> prohi�i�ing Lender from seeking a deficiency judgment against the Trustor to the exten#such action is perrnitted by
<br /> law.
<br /> Efe�tic�n vf Remediese Al! �f Lender's rights and rem�dies �vill be eumula�iW� and rnay he e�cercised alane or
<br /> �together. If Lender decides �to spend maney or ta perf�rrn any o� Trustor's obligations under this ❑eed �f Trust,
<br /> after Trus�ar's failure to do so, that decision by Lender will nvt a�fect Lender's right to declar� Trustvr in de�ault
<br /> and to exercise Lendsr's r�rnedies.
<br /> Requ�st�or Noti�e. Trustvr, an behalf of Trustor and Lender, hcreby requesfs thafi a copy of any Notice af Default
<br /> and a capy af any Notice af 5ale under this ❑eed at Trust b� mailed�o them at the addresses set f�rth in the first
<br /> paragraph❑f�his ❑eed of Trust.
<br /> At�orneys' F�es; Expenses. I� Lender institutes any suit ❑r actian �o enfarce an� of the terrns of this ❑eed vf
<br /> Trus�, Lender shall be entftled to �ecover su�h sum as �Che cour�may adjudge reas�nable as attorneys' �ees a�trial
<br /> and upon any appeal. Vllhe�her vr nat any �ourt a�tion is in�ol�ed, and to the �x�ent not prah�bited by law� all
<br /> reasonable e�penses Lender incurs that �n Lender's opinivn are necessary at any time for the prat�ction of its
<br /> in��rest or fihe enfvrcem�nt�f its�ights shall become a part af�he Indehtedness paya�le on dernand and shall bear
<br /> interest at th�Not� rate fram the date❑f�he expenditure until repaid. Expenses cv�ered by this paragraph include.
<br /> withaut limitation, howeWer subje�t t❑ any limi�s under applicahle law, Lender's attarneys' fees and Lender's lega�
<br /> expenses, whether or no� there is a lawsuit, inciuding a��arneys' #ees an� expenses for banlcruptcy pro��edin�s
<br /> {including efforts ta modify or vacate any automati�stay ar injuncfion3, appea[s, and any anticipated pos�-judgment
<br /> co�lec�ian services, the �os�t�f searching recar�s, o�taining title reports �inc[uding �areclasure rep�rts�, surWeyors'
<br /> reports, and appraisal fees, title insurancs, and fees for �he Trustee, �o �Che extent p�rmit�ed by applicable law.
<br /> Trustar also will pay any caurt cvsts, in additivn tv all o�her sums proWid�d by law.
<br /> R�ghts af Trus�ee. Trust�e shali ha�e all of the rights and duties a�Lender as set farth in this section.
<br /> PD'WERS AND �BLIGATIQNS �F TRllSTEE. The following provisiflns r�lating �o�he powers and �blEgations of Trustee
<br /> are part vf this De�d af Trust:
<br /> Pvwers of Trustee. In additian t❑ all pow�rs o�Trustee arising as a matter of iaw,Trus�t��shall ha�e the power to
<br /> take the fiol�owing actions wz�h respeCt to ths Property upan�rhe written requ�st of Lender and Trustor: ta� join in
<br />