<br /> �EEID �� TRLJST
<br /> Loan No: '�0'1�898�� ��ontinu�d� Page 5
<br /> Deed a# Trust �r up�n a[I �r any part o�F�he Indebtedness secured by this ❑eed of Trust; ��} a specific tax on
<br /> F3orrower which Borrower is authorized ar required �ko dedu�t from payments an the Indebt�dness secured by this
<br /> typ� ❑f aeed of Trust; �3} a tax on this type of Deed of Trust chargeable against�he Lender or the ho[�er of the
<br /> Note; and {4} a specifi� �ax on al� �r any por�ion of the Indebt�dness or an payments of principal and interes�
<br /> made by Barrawer.
<br /> Subsequent Taxes. If any tax to wh�ch this �ectian applies is enaGted subsequent to the date af this ���d o�
<br /> Trust, this �v�nt shall have the same efi�ec� as an Event of ❑e�aul�, and Lender may exer�ise any or a[I of its
<br /> a�ailabl� remedies for an Event of D�fault as pro�ided below unless Trust�r either ��} pays the tax before i�
<br /> be�omes delinquent, �r ��� �ontests�he tax as pra�ided above in the Taxes and Liens section and deposits wi�fh
<br /> Lender cash ar a sufficient�orporat�surety bond or v�h�r security satisfactory�o Lender.
<br /> SE�URITY AGREEMENT'; FINANCIIVG STATEMENTS. The fvllawing pra�Esians relating to this Deed of Trust as a
<br /> security agreement are a part of this ❑�ed af Trust:
<br /> SeGurity �►gre�men�. This ins�rument shal� constitute a Security Agreement �o the exten�t any of the Property
<br /> constitutes fixtures, and Lend�r shaf! have alI ❑f�he rights of a secured party under the Uniform Commercial Code
<br /> as amended �rorn time t�time.
<br /> Security ln�kerest. �pon request by Lender, Trust�r shal[ take whate�er activn is requested by L�nder ta perfect
<br /> and cantinue Lender's security in�erest in the Persanal Prvperty, ln addition to reca�ding this Deed of Trust in the
<br /> real praperty records, Lender may, a� any t�me an� withaut further authoriza�tion from Trustvr, file executed
<br /> counte�parts, copi�s or reproductians a� this Deed of Trust as a �inancing statement. Trustor shall reimburse
<br /> Lend�r '�or all exp�nses incurred in per�ecting or con�inuing this se�urity interest. Upon default, Trus�or shall not
<br /> remo�e, se��r ar deta�h �he Personal Prape�-t� from �he Prope�ty. Upon defau�t. Trustor sha�l ass�mble any
<br /> Personal Praperty no� affixed �o �khe Property in a manne� and at a place reasonably convenient to Trustor and
<br /> Lender and make it avai�able �o Lender within three �3� days after re��ipt afi written demand from Lender ta �he
<br /> extent permitted by app�i�abl� law.
<br /> ►4ddresses. The rnailing addresses of Trustar {debtory and Lender {secured party) frvm which infi�rmativn
<br /> can�erning �he security interest yranted by this Deed of Trust may be abtained {each as required by the Uni�orm
<br /> �ommercial �ode� are as stated�n th� first page of this Deed of Trust.
<br /> FURTHER 1�5SURANCES; ATT�RNEY-jN-FACT. The �allowing pro�isions relatEng t� �urther assurances and
<br /> attorney-in-fact are a part af this❑e�d�f Trust:
<br /> Further Assuran�es. At any tirne, and frarn time fia time� upon �equest of Lender, Trustor will make, �xe�ute and
<br /> del�ver, ar will cause ta be made,�xecuted or d�li�ered, ta Lender or to Lender`s designee, and when requested by
<br /> Lender, cause to b� filed, recorded, refi[ed, or rere�ord�d, as the �ase may be, at such times and in such a�Fices
<br /> and places as L�nder may�eem appropria�e, any and all such mor�gages, deeds of�rust, secu�ity deeds, security
<br /> agreements, finan�in� statements, continua�ion statements, ins�rum�nts vf further assuranGe, �ertifEcates. and
<br /> � v�her doGumen�s as may, in the sole opinion af Lsnder, be necessary or desirable in arder to effectuate, �omplefe,
<br /> per�ect, continue� ar preser�e {�� gorrawer's and Trus�or's �bligations under�he Note, this Deed vf Trust, and
<br /> the Reiated Do�uments, and �2y the liens and security interes�s created by�his Qeed of Trust as first and privr
<br /> [iens an the Property, v�rh�ther n�w owned nr h�reaf�er acquired by Trustor. lJnl�ss prahibited by !aw �r Lender
<br /> agrees t� the cvn�rary in writing, Trustor shall reirnburse Lender for all costs and �xpenses incurred in conne�tian
<br /> with the matters referred to�n�his paragraph.
<br /> Attorn�y-in�Fact. If Trustar fails t�do any of the thtngs re�erred to in�he pr�ceding paragraph, Lend�r may dn so
<br /> far and in the name of Trustar and at Trustor's exp�nse. For such purp�ses, Trustor here�y irre�rocab�y appaints
<br /> Lend�r as Trustar`s attorney-in-fa�t�ar the purpose af making, execu�ing, de�ivering, filing, recarding, and daing all
<br /> ather things as may be necessary or desirable, in Lender's s�Ie npinion, to accompiish the matters ref�rred to in
<br /> the preceding paragraph.
<br /> FULL PERF�RMANCE. If Borrower and Trustor pay a�l the Indebtednes5, including without limitatian all fu�ur�
<br /> advances, when due, and Trustor otherwise perfarms al�the a�ligations imposed upon Trust�r under this Deed of Trus�,
<br /> Lender shali exeeute and deli�er to Trustee a request far full recon�eyan�e and shall exe�ute and de[i�er �a Trustor
<br /> suitable statem�nts �f�erminati�n flf any finan�ing sfa�ernent on file e�idencing Lender's securi�y interes�t in th� Rents
<br /> and the Persona� Praper�y. Any rec�nWeyance fe� required by lar�v shall be paid by Trusfor, i�F permit�ed by applicab[e
<br /> law.
<br /> EVENTS ❑F DEFAULT. At L�nder's op�iQn, Trustor will be in de�ault under this Deed of Trust if any vf the follow3ng
<br /> happen:
<br /> Payment Default. Borrower fails�o rnake any paymen�when due under the lndebtedness.
<br /> 6reak��her Promises. g�rrawer or Trus�or br�aks any pr�mise made ta Len�er ar fiails to p�r#orm prvmptly at the
<br /> tirne and stricfly in�he manner pro�ided in this Deed a�Trusf�r in any agreement related to this Deed af Trust.
<br /> Ctimp�ian�e �efault. Failure ta comply wi�th any ather terrn, ohliga�i�n, covenan� ar condition cantained in �his
<br /> Deed af Trust, the Note or in any a��the Related Docurnents,
<br /> Default on Other Payments. Failure of Trustar within the�ime required by this Deed v�F Trust to make any payrnen�
<br /> far�taxes or insurance, �r any other payrnent necessary to pre�enf�iling of or fo effect discharge of any lien.
<br /> r
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