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! � <br /> ��1 5�6754 <br /> t�e opti�n�f the��nef���ary-,be�ome due and payah�e. <br /> FIFTH. Upon default by Trust�r ir� the payment �f or performance of the terms and <br /> cand.it7ons of the Note, or an� renew�.s, modif�.cations or executians thereaf, the payment of any <br /> other in.debtedn.ess secured hereby or in the per��rmance of a�a.�r ag�eement, covenant or warranty <br /> herein cantain�d or set forth in any agr�ement or in.strumex�t executed by Trustor in c�nnect�on with <br /> the�ndel�tedness hereby secuxed,Beneficiar�ma�d�claxe al� s�ms secured hereby immedi�tely du� <br /> and paya�b�� and the same sha1� ti�ereupon become due and payable v�rithaut pre�er�tme�t, demaz�d, <br /> protest or nati�e�f any ki�d. Thereaf�er,Benefic�ary may deliver to Trustee a wr�tten declarat�on of <br /> d�fau�t a�.d dema�d far sa1e. Trustee sha��have the pawer of sale�f th�Prop�rty and if Benef�ciary <br /> decides the Pro�er�y is to be sold, zt shal� depasit�vith Trustee t�is Deed of Trust a�d�he N�te or <br /> note�and any other d�cuments eva.dencing e�pend�tures secured��reby;and sh.a�1 de�.�v�r to Trustee <br /> a wri.tten not�ce af default and el�ct�on to cause the Pr�per�y to be s�1d, and Trustee, in turn, shal� <br /> prepare a sim�.lar�otice in the form requi�ed by�aw,wh�ch�ha:l�be du:1�file�l for record by Trustee. <br /> �a� After the �apse of such time as may be requir�d by la�r follow�ing the rec�rdation of Natice <br /> of Defaul�, and n�t�ee of Default and l�otice of Sa�e having been given as requ�red by�a�r, <br /> Trustee,�without d�mand on Trustor, shall sell the Prop�rty h�rea.n.before des�r�bed, and any <br /> and eve�-y paxt thereof, in separate parcels or en masse as the Trustee may elect an�.in such <br /> order as Trustee rn.ay determi�e o� the date an.d at the t�me an.d place desig�a.ated ir� said <br /> Not�c� af Sa�e, at pul�lic auction to the highest b�dder,th.e pur�hase pr�ce pa�ab�e in cash irl <br /> lawFul money of the Ur�ited States at the time of sale. Th�person conduCting the sa�e may, <br /> far any cause h� or she deems ex�aedien�, postpone the sale �rom trm�to t�me untrl it shall <br /> �e c�mp��ted and, �n. every such case, notice of postponement sha1� be given by pub�ic <br /> �eclarat�on th�re�f 1�y such p�rs�n at th� time and �lace last appo�ted for the sa�e; <br /> provrded, if the sale �s pastponed f�r I�nger t�an one �I� day beyond the da� designated in <br /> the Nat�.ce of Sale,not�.ce thereof shall be g�ven in the same manner as th�Qr�gina�I�l�ati��of <br /> sale. Trus�tee shail e�ecute and delYver ta t]he purchaser�.ts D�ed c�nveying the property so <br /> sold, but v�rithaut any cov�nant or v�rarran�y, e�press or i.rn:p�ied. The rec�ta�s in the Deed of <br /> any matters or facts shall 1�e conclus�ve pro�f of the t�uthfulness thereof. .�.riy person, <br /> �nclud�ng w�thout lirnitatior.� Bene�iciary �r Tru�tee may purchas� at the sa1e. Saxd sale <br /> sha�1 be con�lucted at the rea� estate for.r�.�.ng a part of the Proper�y or at the c��house in <br /> the c�unty in which the Property��be so1d, or some�art�hereof,�s srtuated. <br /> (t�� When. Trustee sells pursuant to t.�.e powers herei.n, Trustee sha11 apply the pro�eeds of the <br /> sale to pa�men.t of the casts and. e�penses of exercising the po-v�er af sale and �f the sa�e, <br /> �ncluding, with�ut lin�aitation, the payment of Trustee's fe�s incurred, which Tru.stee's fees <br /> shaLl not iri the aggregate exceed the sum of Five Hundred and no�l��th D�llars ($5 4�.��� <br /> plu.s U� of I°�o ��t�ie amount secured hereby and r� ur��aid and then to the it�ms set <br /> forth a.�.subparagraph�c�of t.�.a.s paragraph FIFTH�:n.the arder therein sta:ted. <br /> �c� After pay�ng the xtems specrf�ed in subparagraph �b) of this paragraph FIFTH, if the sale i.s <br /> by �rustee, or trie praper c�urt ar�.� ot�ier c�sts o�toreci�s�re ana saie if saie �s �ursuarxt to <br /> judicia� for�ciasure, the pr�ceeds �f�a�.e sha1l b� applied in the stated �e�ow to th.e <br /> paym��t a <br /> �I} C�st �f any ev�d.�nce �f tit�e �pro�ured in ���n�ct��n vw�.th such sale and nf any <br /> revenue requi�ed ta b��aid; <br /> ��� Al�s�ns then securec�hereby; <br />