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' '' ��1 5�6754 <br /> �3� The remainder,�f any,to the p�rson or persons�egally e�tit�e�thereto. <br /> E�.�h of the parties to t.�is Deed af Trust hereby requests that a copy of any Notxce �f Defau�t an�l a <br /> co�y of any Nat�ce�f Sa�e�ro�r�ded for here�nab�ve b�ma�led t�each such party at�he part�'s post <br /> of�ice address set for�h here�n. Upon the occurre�ce of any default hereund�r, Ben�fic�ary shall <br /> ha�re the option to forec�ose this I�eed of Trust in the manner provided by�aw f�r the farecla�ure of <br /> mor�gages on real property. <br /> SI�TH. Trustor spec�fically agrees that�a} Trustor, at its expense,will e�ecute and deliver <br /> t� Benef-���ary,pr�rn.ptly upon request, such secura.ty vlstrua�rients as may be required by Benef ciary, <br /> 1n a form and substance sat�sfac�ory to Bene�ciary, Gov�ri.:ng any of t�e l�ra�erty c�x�veyed by this <br /> Deed of Trust �hich security�uments sha11 be additiana.l security far �`rustor's faithfui <br /> p�rformance of alI �f the terms, covenants and condit��ns of this Deed of Trust, the I�ate and <br /> xndebtedness secur�d hereb�, and an� other s�cU.rit� instru.ments e�ecut�d in ��ra.necti�n with the <br /> indebtedness secured��this Deed �f Trust; and aIl su�h instrun�ents sha11 be filed and recorde� at <br /> Tr�ust�r's cxpense; (b� �enefic�ar� may, �rom tirr�e t� ti�e, by vvr�itten instru�ment executed and <br /> a�knowledged by B�neficiary,mai�:ed ta Trustvr and recorded i�the cc�un�.y or�oUnties�n which th� <br /> Pr�perty �s lacated and by otherwise corxiplyin� vvith the provi.s��ns af the appl�ca��� �aw� of the <br /> State af l�ebras�a, su�stitute a success�r or success�r� ta the Trustee narned herei� �r actin <br /> � <br /> hereund�r; �c� a�though the Trustee, or Trustee's suc�essor or successors, may be � agent af, or <br /> attor�:ey f�r, or �ther�se connected �ith th.e Benef�ciar�, such fact shal� not be construed to <br /> disqualify Trustee to act as such Trustee,nor shall such fact prevent the Tru�tee or Benef ciary�ram <br /> b�ddYng at a sale and any par�or a1�af the Proper�y at a�y sa�e hereunder; �d�that if it shauld <br /> be necessary Qr appropr�a�e f�r the protection af the security here�y�onveyed�r enforccment of the <br /> d�bt hereby secuxed, far the Tru�t�e �r the Bene�c�ar� ta insti�ute or become a party to any <br /> proceeding ar suit �r� a �ourt af ban�ruptcy or prnbate or �ther cour� of gen�ral or Iirnited <br /> juri�d��tian, a.�1 exp�n�es ar�d Gosts praperly Yncurr�d by saxd�`rustee or said Beneficiary�including <br /> re�.sonable attorneys' fees} pa�d or i�a.curred l�y such Trustee ar Beneficiary in ma�ntain�.n.g, <br /> prosecut�ng ar defenc�irig such praceedi�g ar pratectir�g the�r xe�pective r�ghts hereunder sha1�be an <br /> a�ditianal debt secure�. �� this I�eed af Trust in �ike manner w�th the pr�ncipal debt herein <br /> descri�ed; [e� Benef c�ar,y, �r its agents, repr�s��ta.tives �r wor�m.�n, ar� authoriz�d to enter at any <br /> re�.s�nablc time upon �r xn any part af the Property for the purpose af inspe�ting the same ar�d far <br /> th�purpose of�erf�rmu�g any of the acts�t is authori�ed to perform under the terms�f this I)eed of <br /> T�ust; (f� any f�rbearance by Be�ef�ciary ar Trustee�n exercis�a►.g any right or remedy hereunder, �r <br /> otherv� afforded�y a�p�icab�e Iav�, shal�nat be a wa�ver of or preclude the exerc�se of any such <br /> right or rerned�hereunder; s�m�.larl�,the wa.iv�r by B eneficiary ox Trustee of an�r default�f Trustor <br /> under this Deed af Trus�shali n�t be deemed a waiver�f any�ther or similar defaults subsequent�y <br /> occurrin.g; �g� extensior� af the time for pa�ment or rnodificat�on or �anor�i�atzon of the sums <br /> se�ured i�y this D�ed�f Trust granted by Beneficiary t�any suc�essor�n�nterest of Tru.sto�sha11 not <br /> operate t� re�ease, in a�.y manner �he �iability of the original Tarustor and Trustor's successor in <br /> intere�t. Bene�.cxary shal� not be required to con�rmence proc�edir�gs against such successar or <br /> refuse t� e�end the time f�r pay�m.:ent or otherwrse mod�fy amortizatxon �f t�e sums and <br /> zn+de�tedness secured�by tnis Deea�f�r��t by reason o�any d�r�ax�a mac�� �y t��e ari�ina.l i�stor <br /> a�d Trustor's successors i.n. �nterest; �h� without affecting the liabilxty of the Trustar or any vther <br /> p�r��r���ab�e for�i�pa�rment af th��bi�gati��.s ax�d inc�ebtedx�ess sec�red by this Deed�f�`�u.�-�,and <br /> �:thout�°�ct�.g�he �xen��cl�a.�ge �f th�s Deed of Trus�upar�any�aortion of�e l�r��erty not�her� <br /> �r th���t�f�re �e�.eas�d as sec��ty far t�ie fu�I amount �f al1 unpa:�..d ob�igat�.ons, �enef Giary m.ay, <br /> �-�r�n.�i�ne t�t�r�e and�ithout notice�i}release an�person so I�.able, (x�:��xten�.the maturifi�o�alter <br /> �y of��ie te�-ms o�such obl�gation, �i�i} grant ��ier ind�.Igen�es, �iv�re��ase �r rec�n�ey, �r �ause <br /> t� be r��eas�d �r reconve�ec� �.t any �m.e at B ene�ic�a�y's o�t�on a:�y parce�, pox t�on ar alI of th� <br /> �r�pe�, ��r� �a�e or r�Iease any �ther or add��ional secur�ty for an� obl�gat�on �r zndebtedness <br />