° � ��1 5�6754
<br /> hereb�r conveycd and Trust�r daes hereby expressl� wai�e, release alI right� and bene�ts of an�
<br /> homestead, dower, curtesy, appraisement,exemptio�.and stay laws of this sta.te. It is agreed that the
<br /> �nterest pravided fo� irn suhsect��n (g� ab�ve shal� be at the same rate as speci.�-�ed in the N�te
<br /> s�cure�hereb��n the principal there�f after default ar�.d rnatur�.ty.
<br /> SEC�ND. In the event Trust�r, w�thout th��rior�.tten c�nsent of Benef��ar�, shall se11,
<br /> transfe� or �an�rey ar ��r�tract to se�l, transfer or conve�the Pr�per�y, ar an� par� there�f or any
<br /> interest therein, the entire balar�ce �f the indebt�dness hereby secure� shall hecome and be
<br /> immed�at��� du� axid payab�e at the opti.on of Beneficiazy; prov�ded, however, Bencficiar� may
<br /> w�ive such op�on to a�ce�erate if, �rior to sueh sale, transfer ar conve�ance or con.tract therefor,
<br /> B�n��.�iary and the persor�to wh�m the praperty is to be s�ld�r transferred reach an agreernent in
<br /> writing �ha�the cr�dit of such persan is sat�sfactary to Bene�f�c�ar�and that the i.nterest payab�e an
<br /> the sums se�ured by this Deed of Tru.st shall be at such rate as Bene�'iciary sha�l request.
<br /> THIl�. That as further secur�ty f�r the�ayment af the N�te ar�d the �ndebtedness �hereby
<br /> ev�denced ancl the performance of a11 of the terrns, ��venants and cond�tions here�f, T�u.stor agrees
<br /> that B ene�rciary shai�and does hereby have the right,power a�d autriarity dur�ng the continuance of
<br /> this Deed of Trust to �ollect the r�nt�, 1S511�S and prof ts �� the Pro�er�r a�.d of any pers�nal
<br /> prope�.y located thereor� with or w�thout ta.king possession of the prapert� affe�ted thereby; ar�.d
<br /> Trustor hereby absolutely and unc�nd�t�onally assigns all such rents3 issues arrd praf ts to B�nef�c�a-
<br /> r�. Ber�e���ary, howe�er,hereby eonsents to TrustarTs co�Iect���.and ret�nt�an of such rents, issues
<br /> ar�.d profits a�they accrue and�e��me payable s�lang as Trustar is not at such t�me in defau�t with
<br /> respect to pa�ment of any �ndebtedx�.ess sect�ed Jhereby or in the performance of any agreement
<br /> hereun.der. U�on aa�y such defau.�t, Benef ciary ma� at any t�me, either in person, hy agent, �r �b�
<br /> re�eiver ta be appointed by a court, withaut n�tice and v�rithout regard to the ad�quacy �f an�
<br /> s�curity for the indebtedness hereby secured (a� er�ter upon and tai��passess��n of the Proper�y or
<br /> arn� part thereof an� in its a�vn name sue for ar otherw-ise c�llect such rents, issues and prof�ts,
<br /> in�Iuding thase pa.st due and unpaa.d, and app�y the sarne, less costs and e�penses of operatron an�
<br /> G�llection, including reasonable at�orney's fees, upon any indebtedrless secured here�y an.d xn such
<br /> �rder as Benef�cxary may determine; �b}�ease the sam��r any part thereof for su�h�ent.a.�,term and
<br /> upon such c�nd�t�ons as Benef�ciary's judgm�nt ma� dictate or t��mir�ate o� adjust the term.s and
<br /> c�nditi�ns of any e�xsting lease or ��ases. Unl��s Trustor and Beneficxary agr�e ath�rw�se in
<br /> �.ting, an� app��cat��n of r�nts, issues �r prnfits to any indebtedness se�ured hereby shall nat
<br /> e�tend or p�stpone the due date �f�he i.nst�.11ment�ayments as provided in the Note�r change the
<br /> ar�aunt �f SU.G�1 insta�lments. Tlze enter�ng up�n and taking p�ss�ssion af the Proper�y, the
<br /> c�l�ect�on �f such rer�ts, issues and prof�ts, and the application thereof as aforesaid, shali not waive
<br /> or cure any default or not�ce �f defau�t hereunder, �r �.nvalidate any act done pursuant t� such
<br /> noti�e. Trust�r assigns to Benefic�ar�, as fi�her securit�for th�perf�rmance �f the inde�btedness
<br /> ar�d �bligat�ons se�ured hereby, aIl prepaid rents and all moneys �vhich may have been or rna�
<br /> h�reafter l�e deposited v�ith T�ustor by any Iessee of th�Pro�er�y,to se�ure the payrnent of a:ny rent
<br /> �r damages, and up�n defau�t in t.�ie perfQrmance of an�of the provisians hereof, Trustor agrees to
<br /> d��iver such rents and depos�.ts to �3enefic�ary. Delivery �f v�r�tten notice of Beneficiary`s �xercxse
<br /> ot the rights gxante�by t�is paragrapn T���D ta any tenant o���y�ng t.�ie�raperty or any portion
<br /> th�ereof sha�l be suff�ca.ent t�requ�re sa�d�enant to pay said r�nt ta Benefici.ary unti�further no�ice.
<br /> F��TI-�. If �iere sha11 �e f led by or against the �'rust�r any �et�t�on or praceed�ng
<br /> s�e�g ar�y �.rrax�.gement �r cam�aosition �r ��tens��n �f any at�ier re�ief under or pursua,n.t ta the
<br /> Fede�al �ar�l�ruptcy �ode �r ariy other similar statute as is now �r hereafter in effect, or if the
<br /> ��`u5t�r sh�ll �� adjudi�a�ed b�krtip� or insoivent or any of T`rustor°s pro�erty shal� have been
<br /> sec�u�st��ed ar�d suGh d�cree s1�all�ave cant�uec� ur�d.�scha.r�e� and unsta..yed. f�r 9� day� after th�
<br /> entry-th��eof, �ie�the �ho�e �f t�ie 1�Tot� and �ndebtedn.es�her�b�secure�. sha1l, vv�th�ut natic�, at
<br />