<br /> �E�� �� r����
<br /> �a�� �u�: �������s ���n�ir����� ���� �
<br /> in an��vay h�r �r�y actr �r�-iissi�r�or€���a�alt Q��4"r�,st�r Q�����th�r p�rsQrt. �ha�l��h� R�al �rn��rty��I��a�t�d iri
<br /> �n ar�� d�signat�� by th�Ad�nin�s�rat�r�af€h� F�d�r�l �merg�n�y �l1ar����m�n�A�en�� �s � s���iai #tQ�d haza�d
<br /> �r�$, Trusto�' ��r��� t� ��t�in �nd m�intair� F�ci�r�l rIUC7CI �I�I�L3CAf1C:Pr i# av�ilaUi�f �For t�he #�II +�n�aic� pr�n�iRa1
<br /> I���a��ck of th� l�ar+�nr.i a���rior lier,s�n th�pro�aert�r s���rir�g tl�e 1��r7, u�t��h�rn��rmurn p�l�c�firnit�set u�d��
<br /> th� �d�tian�! Fl�ad lns�ran�� �rogr�m, ar �s Qthertr+r�s� requir�d by Lend�r, and tv main��in ���h i�su�'an�� �ar the
<br /> t�rrn of rh�I��r7.
<br /> �ppl���f��n ��PrpG��C�Sw Tru�tar sha�l �r�r�rptly r�otif�r Lend�E af any��s�ar�afrr�g� to��e �r��erty. L�r��$r rn�y
<br /> �alte �rc��f ❑� fQs� i� ��r�s��r fai�� t❑ d� sa v�rithin fifit��r� {1 5� r��y�s of �h� casu��ty. �Jllh�th�r �� no� Len€��r's
<br /> se�urity i� ir�p�iree�, �.�n��r rn��� a� Lcr�d�r's Pl��tic�r�, r�c�i�� ar�d rr�t�in��e p��c��ds +�f�ny iri��ranc� and �p�lY
<br /> th� nra���ds �v the r�d«ctic�r� of tF�e Iridebtec�ness, p�aym�r�t �f ar�y li�n aff��ti�� t�� Prcapert}�, a�t�� r�s��rati�n
<br /> �nd r��ai r��th� �r�p�r`ty. I f L�nd�r el e�#s to a�p I�}th� pro���ds t� r�s�o r��i�n �nd r���i rt Tru�ta r s��a�l r��a�ir�r'
<br /> r��ta�e th� �arn��ed �r d�str�y�d Srnpr���rnEnts ir� a rr��r�n�r �atisfa�tor+� to Lend�r�. L�nder s�all, �pan
<br /> ��tisfa�t�ry �ro�� uf.��cf� �xp�r�di�uf�, �ay ar r�irnb�r�� Trus�or fru�n �rhe �rac���� far tl�� r��sQ��ht� ���t ❑�
<br /> r���ir �r r�st�rat€�n if Tr����r i� n�t in defau�t un�i��r il��is C��ed ofi Trus1.. Any �roc�eds v,rl��ich h��� na�� b�c�r��
<br /> di�k�urs+�d tiArithin 1 SQ ��ys �f�er ihe�r re�eipt an� �►rhi�� Lend�r has r��t��mt��i���d ta th� repair or r�st�r�tivn �f
<br /> �he Pr�p�rty sN�all�e �s�d �ir�t t� pay ar��{amc�unt �win� �a L�n��r�n�er th�� C��e� af Trus�, t��n to ��y a�crr���l
<br /> interest, �r��# tt�� r�rr��inti�r. E� any, �hall b� appli�d t� th� principa� bal�n�� cafi t�e lnd�k�t�dne��. If ��nder [��Ids
<br /> ar�y prac��ds ����r p�ym�nt in fufl rsf the Ind�bt�dr�ess, s�ach p�n��ed� shal� �� �ai�! �a Trus��r as Tr��stv�`�
<br /> �nte rest�rr����pg�a r.
<br /> Carnpli�n�� �nrith �xis�t�n� lnd��tedr�ess. Durtng th� p�riad �n wh�cl� any �xi�tin� �n��bt��n�ss r�es�r�ka�� belo�,�r i�
<br /> in �fi���tr �om��ian�a ��vEtl� kEi� in�u��r+�� pr�vi�ivr��.c�ntai���i in th� i�r�trum�n� e�rid�n�ir�g such ��isti��
<br /> lr7��btecfr���s shaiJ �an�ti#u�� ��rrr�rfianc:� with �h� ir��uran�� pfavi�ions under this de�d �f Tru��� tc� �h� �x��nt
<br /> �€�mplian�G �vith th� terms �f this �e�� �f Tru�t tinr��a�d ��ar�stitu�� a c���lica�ic�n of ;nsur�nr.e r���.Firen��n�. If�n�
<br /> �roc���� from �h� in�urance b�c:t�me Fsy�bl� �r� �o�s,�h� �rv�isi�ns ir� t�ris D�e� of Trust�c�r di�isian �f pr���e�s
<br /> s�alf apply�nl�t�t�a���r�i�n of xh�pr����ds n�t pa���ale t�th�h�1�l�r�f th�Existing fnd�bt�d�es�,
<br /> LEND�R'� E�FEN[�I�l�R�S. f� Tr�st�r ��ils (�4} t� k��p the Pr�p��'t►� fr�P �f a�l t����r �i�n�, security ir�t�r��ts,
<br /> ��.cum�r�ncQsr and �th�r �i�im�r tB� �� p�vv��� �n� r�quired in��r�n�� ot� tE�� F'roR�r�+�, {�} t� m�ke r�p�irs �o t��
<br /> f�rr���r�V or�� c�m�aJ�+ with �n��blig�tivn ta rnd�r��ain Exi��ing �r�c:i����d���� ir� g��d �tar��in� �� req�ir�d Er��ravu, t�7�n
<br /> L�n��r may dc� s4. If �ryy� a�ti�n or pr�r�e�dir�g is camrnenc�d tl��t �v�ui� rnat�r�ally aff��t� L�nd�r'� inter��ts in th�
<br /> Prop�rty, �I�en Len��r �n Tru�tar's b�half m�yr I�ut �s r�t�t requi�ed t�r take �ny ��ti�n t��t �.�nder beli�ves tt� k��
<br /> appr�pri��� to �r���Gt ��nder's int���sts. All ��pen��� ir�curred ar pai� by L�n��r far su�h �u�pa��s vjrill �h�n b���
<br /> cn��r�s� �t th� ra�� �h�rg�t� ur�d�r th� �o�� frQm the d�t� in�urre� Qr paid �y I..e�d�� ta th� �a�� Q� r����+m��i� b�
<br /> �r�a�t+�r. A�! s�rch �x�er��e� will b�com� a p�rt�nf�he Inr��t�t���n��s �n�r at L�nti�r's r��tian, will �A� bQ p�yabfe an
<br /> dem��di ��) h� ad��� ta the t�a�a�nc� o# tF�� Nr�te �n�! �� ap��r�i�r�ed a�nar�g ar�d �� p�y�bl� v+�it� a�r�y in�taElrn�nt
<br /> ����n�r�ts t❑ ����rn e �ue duri ng eitl��r �1} the terrr� ❑��n►� a pp li�ab��: i nsu�ar��� �Ql i�y; Q� (2} th� r�ma friing t�:rm ❑-�
<br /> the N�te; ar ��} �� trea-��d a� � baf��ron �a�ym�nt whic#� vtirilC�� �u� �nd ��yabl� �� tf}� f�ot�'� rr�atur�t�r. ��h� D€�d ��
<br /> Tr�s� a�s� wi�l ��cur� �a�rm�nt �#t�e�e �marar�ts. The ri�ht� �r��ided ��r i� this paragraph �ha�i i�� in additi�n ta an�
<br /> ath�r right� ar an� rerne�i�s t� w�ich �.�n�er may l�e �r�titJ�� an acG�ur�t af ��� �et��rl�. Ar�y s��h a�ti�n �y L�n��r
<br /> ���I�not b���rts�ru�� ��cu�in�t��d�f�ult�o���o b�r��r��f�r fr�m�ny��rrred�tF��t�t�thee�is��v�uld h���h��t.
<br /> 4lw.ARRANTYr ❑��EN�E QF�'ITLE. The f�llawin� �ravi�i�ns r�l�ti�t�t�Q�rne�sl�i���'�h� Praperty ar�� ��rt af tt�ts C���d
<br /> n��"ru�z:
<br /> Title. Trus�o� �rvarrants tha�: f�y Tr��t�ar hald� g�od �r��f m�rketable ti�l� ��F r���rd t❑ th� Prc�p�rty in ��� �im�le,
<br /> fr�� �rrd �lear c�f aEl li�ns an�f �r��um�r�nc�s �fi��r t���� tl�c��e ��t f��tJ-� ir� tF�+� F�eal �'��p�rt� descr��ti�n or ir� �h�
<br /> Cxi��ing In��bt�c�ness s�ctic�n�ela��,��r in�ny ti�le'rnsurance p�licy� �i��e r�pc��, �r�in�rl t+tl�v�inic�r� is�u�d in����r
<br /> �f, and ac��pt�d i��r ���der ir��an�e��i�r� ��ith t�i� D�e�! �fi Tr�l�tr �nc� {�� Trust�r 4��s the fuil ri�h�, paw�r, �nd
<br /> a����rit��ta���c��e ar��d�li►��r�his D��d�f Trust�a L�nd�r.
<br /> ��f�n�� nf�itle. Sub��ct �o th� �xc�pti�n ir, �h� p�ra�r�ph a��v�f Tru�t�r w�rr��t�s �nd will fo����r d�f�nd tl��
<br /> t[tle t� the Pr�p�r�y ag��nst the la�vfu��laims o�a�l p�r��n�. ln th� ev�nt any a�ti�n �r�rac�eding is��rrtm�r���d
<br /> �ti7��que�tion�.Trustar's-rit��a�the ir�t�r�st�f Tru�t��or L�r�cier und�r th�� D�cd�f Trus�,Tru�#vr�h�ll d�fen�ti�e
<br /> a�ti�r� �t{"rus�ar`s ��€p�ns�. �ru.���r rr�ay be th� nc�mi�raf �art� in�u�h� �roc��dir�gr �rut L�nd�r sh�ll b� �nti�l�d ta
<br /> p�rti�i��t� rn th� prc�c���l�n� �nd t� ba r��res�r�t�d ir� th� prac��di�g E�y counsel �f L�n�#�r'� ��n �h�i�e. an�
<br /> Tr�star��r�11�el�v�rr Qr��Us��a b����iv�r�d� �a Lender such ir�str�rm�r�t:� �� L..�n��r rn�y re����t���rri tirr��t�tim�
<br /> t��errnit su�h�p�r��ci�ation,
<br /> ��mpli�r�c� 1�Vith ��ws. Tru�tar wr�rrant� th��th� F'rr��ertY an� Trustor`s ��� �f t#�� F��a�ert� ��rnpli�s �vi�h �I�
<br /> �xi�tin� appli��l�la lau��r �r�in�r��e�, an�l r�y�l�tion��f ga�r��rtmental a�tl�o�iti��.
<br /> Survival �f Pramises. AI� pr€�mi���r �c�r��ment�� �t�d stat�mer�ts Trustar has mad� in #his D��r� r�f `�r�s# ���II
<br /> surrr:�� tl�� ex�:��at�Qn��d ��liv�ry�# this C���d�f Truslt► �hall �e��nt�nuir�� i� n��t�r��n� �halr r�rr��in �n f��i� fi�ar��
<br /> �nd�f:ec�unti�su�h time a�g�rr�a���r`���d�bte�fr�es�is��id in f��lf.
<br /> EJ�I�TiiV�II�DEBTEDI��S�. ThR�alla�+rin� pro�risinns car�cernin�p E�€i�ting d����t��r��s��re a�art��th�i�f��ed a�Trust:
<br /> Fxisting L��r�. Th� li�r� ❑f ��is ���� af Trust ��curin� tf�� lndet���dn��� rnay �� ��c�nd�r�+ �n� �nf�rior ta an
<br /> �xistin� It�n. Trustor�x�r�ssly�ar�enan�� and a�r��s to p�y, �r s��t�th� paymer�t�f, the Existir�c� Ir�dat�tedne�s
<br /> a�d tQ pr�v�nt�ny de��f�ult on su�h in��k��e€�n��s, �n�default�,n�er�h�instrum�r�ts��i��n�i�r�such indebt��n��sr
<br /> �r�ny d�f�u�t un��r ar�y s��uri�y�l�,��,r��nts��r s�r�h ind��tedne�s.
<br /> I'k�� Mu�ii#i��tinn. T���t�r sh�ll r�ot ent�r �nta an�r a�r�em�nt �+vith the holder �rt a�y m�rtc�g��, d��� �� trustf vr
<br /> a�her se��ri�r ag��em�r�t ��rhi�h h�s �ari�rity aue� th�s Q��c� vf �'ruSt b� �hich �ha� a�re�r�n�nt i� r-no�ifi�ed,
<br /> am�n��d, ��t�nd��1, r��- r�ne�ru�� vuitfir��t �I�� �ri�r vuri�l�r� ��nsent of L�ri�f�r. Tru�t�r shd�l n�:ith�r requ��t n�r
<br /> ac��pt ar�y f�ture�dv�r��e�un��r�ny su�h���urity�gr�em�r�����itl�o��th��riar wvritr�n��r�s�r�t���e�d�r.
<br /> �(�IVa�1�INAT���. The f��IQwin�pravisia�s rera�ting t���r�d�m���i�n pra����ir�gs ar���art�f thi� ae�d��F Trus�:
<br /> Pr�c��dings. I� an�r pr€�����ir�� in �an�i�mnatia�r is fi��d, Tru�tor sh�ll pr�mptly n�#�f�r L�nd�r ir� vvritin�f a��i
<br /> Trus t�r �h a l� pr�m�tl►�ta�� �u��r s���s �s m�y k�� ne�����r��a ��fend r�� �����n �ncf €�bt�in tf�� avv a rd. Trusto r
<br /> m�y be�h�n�rriir����ar-�y in s�ch pr�G��ciin�; ��t�Len�i�r sf7��ll �e�ntitf�d to ��rti�ipat�in tha�rr�����ing�nd [a b�
<br /> r��r�s�nt�d in th� prac�er�ing b� ��uns�� �f it� Qwn �I��ic�, �nd Trus�ar v+ril� d�lEver ar ca�us� �a he d�liv�r�d #o
<br /> L�r�d�r �uc� inst��rn�nt� �r�d �o�ur�n�ntati�r� �s m�� b� requested k�y L�n�er �r�rri ti�� t�v #ime t� �ermit �e��l�
<br /> par�i�i�ati�n�
<br /> A�pli�ati�n of��t Rr�����15. I��F1 Qr �ny��r�n�th� Pr�p�r�y is �or��l�mn��i b��rr�inPr�#�I�rnair�pra�eedin�s�r E��
<br /> any pr��e��ir�g or RurcF�ase in Ji�u r�f�and�mrr��i4�, L�nd�r r�ay�t i�Cs�I�c�ifln r���air�that a1!or ar��p�r�:i�n o�t��
<br /> rtet �ro�e��i�s �f the �v+s�rd k�P a{aRlie� ta �he lniiebte€�ne�s aX thc� r�p�ir ar rest�r�ti�r� �f the f roperty. Th� ne#
<br /> pr����ds �f�tha av�:a�'d �hafl m��r�th��war� �ft�r��ym�nt�f�Il re���r���l� r�s�s, �xp�r�s�sr ��d �tta�ney�' �ees
<br /> ir��urr�d ��r Tr���e��r L�nd�r in�onn��tivr�v�rith the�un�l�mnation.
<br /> lMP��IT���11 ��TAX��� �FE� A11ID CHAR�ES �Y ��11�F�NI��NT�L AI�TN�RITEE�. T�� fo�lauvin� pr��i�it�r7s re��t�n�
<br /> t�g ov��-r�m�nt�l#�x��, f����n�l c�a rg���t'�� ��a rt��this Q�ed�f Tru�#�:
<br /> ��,rrent Ta�cesr F��� �r�+��h�rges. L�p�n r�quest �y Lend�r. �`r�st�r shall ex�c��t� sta�� d�cufner��s ir� ��iditian ta
<br /> �h�i� a��d�f Tr�ast ar�d t��l�� uvh�t��er�th�r���ir�n is r��u�st�d by L�nd�r�o p�rfcct�r�d c�ntinuc L�r�c��r'� lier���
<br />