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��15�6589 <br /> ��E� �F `��IJ�T <br /> L��n N�: ��]�7 S��S {,���1tin��d� Pa�e � <br /> d�s�l�s���❑ an� ��I�����e����!i�y Lender in�vritin�r ia} n�i�h�r Trus��r r��r ar�y�en�nt, �ontr��ta�, age�t or vther <br /> author���d us�:r�f th� P��,��rty s���a�l u��, �en�r�t�. rrran�#��ture, �t�re, tr��t, d�spas�ofi�r r�lea�� any H����dc�us <br /> Subst�n��r�n, �n�er, abaut�a��r�m th� Pro��rt•�; a��i ��} �n}r�u�h a�fiivit�r sh�ll b� �and��t��i in c�rnplt�n�e v�i�h <br /> �ll ����i�at�l� f�ti�r�l, state, an� I�c�l lavtir�, r�gulatt�ns �n� ar��r��n���r �r�c�u�in� v�ith�ut l�mEt�ti�n all <br /> �n�irur7rr��nC�l La�rvs. Tr�a��car auth�ri��� L�nder �n� its ���n�s tQ �nt�r �p�n rF7� Pr��ert� t� make s�cl� <br /> insp�cti�ns and t�s��, �t �rus�or's �xper,s�r �� Lender m��+ d��m ap�r�pr�ate tc� det�rrnine �+�m�liar��� Qf tf�� <br /> Proa��t�+ v�ith �[hi 5 se c�i�rn �f the ��ed of Trust. �1 r�y i r�s�a��tions Q r �est� m��i� �� L�r�d�r sh�11 be �nr L�r��l�r's <br /> �urpc�s��an�y and sF��l� r��t ����ns�rued tc��rt��te�rr�resporr�i�ili�y or li��ility or�th� pa�#Qf L�nr��r�a Trust4r rar <br /> t� �n�r�tl��r p�r��r�. Th� r�Rr�s�nt�tiar�� �nd vuar�anti�s contair��d h�r�i� ar� l��sed an `�rust�r's du�di]i��n�� in <br /> ir��estic��tin� th� P�o��rt�#c�r t���ar�ou� �ubs��nGras. Tr��tar��r�by t'f� r�leases �nd wai��� an�r fut�r� e��irr�� <br /> ���ins� L�nc��r �ar ind�rnn[ty�r �antributi�n ir� Ch� �v�nt T�ust4r be�orn�s I����� �or ����n��� nr r3i�h�r c�sts ur�d�� <br /> �r�y�u�h lav�sf and ��� ��re��fc� i�d�mnifyP d�fend, an���Ici h�rmless Le���r a��in�t �r�y�r�d�il claimsr la�s�s+ <br /> I�abiliti��, d�ma��sr p�n�lt��s� ��d��p�nse�r�hich L�nder m�y directl�or�ndi�r��tly sust�in��.�ufif�r r�sultin�fr�m <br /> a i�r�a�h ofi�th�� ��Gti�r� �fi th� i�e�d flt Trust�r as a ��ns���e�c:� r�f ar�� us�, gene�ati�n, ma�ufactur�r st�r���, <br /> dispa�al� relea�e ar threater��d r�l�:�s�u��urrir�g pri�r to `�ru�tar's c�wr�er�hip Qr in�er�st in th��ro��rt�r��nrh�th�r�r <br /> n�t �he ��rn�: vtiras ar �h�ul� hav� ���n kr��vv� to Trust�r, Th� �rQvi�i�ns c�f ihis s�c�ian ���hr� [��e� of Tru�t� <br /> ir��ludin�th�ab�i��ti�n t�ir�demn�fy�nd d���r�d, shal��urviv�the paym�r�t a�tl��In��k�t��n�5� and t���S�f�sf��tia� <br /> and r�canU��r��rit;�af�h� [i�rr af��i�C3e�c� €�f Truat�nd shall r�cat b�aff�ct�d �� Ler���r's a��ui�iti�n �f�n�int���st <br /> in th� Pr�perfi�r,��heth�r by�F�reclasur� �r�th�rv�is�. <br /> t�uisa�n��. Wast�. T���t�r sha[I nnt c�us�, can�u�t �r }�ermit ari� nu�sance n�r ��mmitr �ermit, +�r su�f�r any <br /> stri��it�g ��Qr v�r�ste an r�r to th� Pr���ri��r �ny partian ❑f' �F�� Pr�R�rty. �111ifihau� limitiri� �f�� gcn�rality af th+� <br /> f�f��r�inyr Trust�r vvill nQt r�mover �r grant ta ar7y vtl��r p�rty th� r��ht ta r�m���r �n�timl��r, min�r�l5 ��n�ludir�� <br /> ail ar�r��as�r ���I, �I�y� sr.nri�, sailr grav�l c�r r��k prQ���ts inri��o�� L�i3cl�r's�ari�r vtrri�t�n��n��r�t. <br /> R�m�val�f�mprovemen#�� T��st�r�hall r�ot d�mQlish flr rerr�aW�arty�rn�r�vem�nt�frr�m�he F��a�Prap�rty w�ith�ut <br /> ��nd�r'� �ri�r v�fritt�r� ��ar���n#. As�c�nditi�an t�fh� rem�v�l af�r��r Im�ra�ernenfs, L�r�de�- rr���r�quir�Tr�astor to <br /> rnak� arranc��men�� �atisfa���r�r �� L�nd�r t� r�pla�e �u�h �mpr���rrrents w��l� lm�ra��m�n�s ��i �t I�ast equal <br /> �c�f41�. <br /> [,�r��er"s �ight t� Ent�r. L�nder an� L.�n�ier'� ��gen�t� and repr����ntativ�� m�y �n��r u��r� �he R��l F'rap�rty at ali <br /> r�a��,�t�b�� ��m�s tQ ���end �o L�nder`s inter�sts an� to insp�ct the F���� P��p�rty f�r ��rp4��s �f 7ru�t�r�s <br /> �ompEianc��rit�h�;he�r�rm��r�d c�ndi�ci�ns��this Uec�d r�f�ru�t. <br /> �ornp�iance wi#h �a�r�rnm�ntal R�quiraman#s. Trust�r ��al1 �rc�mptfy ��mply �i�h a�l ��v+�s, �rdin�n��sr �nd <br /> r�gula�ion�� n�vv or her�after in �ffe�t, �� �II ga�r�rnment�l autharit;��s ���lica�le t� th� u�� c�r ���upanc�y ❑f th� <br /> Pr�pert�. i�ru�tar ma�c�nt�st in����faith�n�s�ch la�r�r, ��din�n�e,or r��ulati�r��nc1 w�tl�hQl��amplianc��iur�r,r� <br /> �riy pra����ing, ir,clu�ir�g ap�arr��riat� �����l�, �o l�r�� as Trust�r has natifi�d L�n��r in �vf�ting �riQ��t� �ain� sa <br /> �nd s�a le�n� as, in Lend�r'�sole o�i�ni�n, Lend�r's in��r�sts ir,th� �ro�rty ar� nQt je���r�i�ed. L�:nt��r Rr�y re�uire <br /> 7`r��tQr t���rst�.de�U�t�s��urity Qr�s�r��ky�r�r�d, r����n�k�ly���i�f�c#�r�t�L�nd�r,t��r�t��t Lend�r's i��ere�t. <br /> [�uty tca P�rot��t. Tru stc�r �gre�� n�ither to a k��n�an ar [�a�r� ur��tt�nd�d th� PrQ��;r�ry. Tr�usta�r s�a�1 do a II �#h�r <br /> ��t�, ir��d�it��n t��hos� acts����ort�a���e iE�th�s se�t��nr v�rhi�n �r�rn the�h�r�e�t�r a��!u���f tl�� Pr�perty�r� <br /> rea��r�a�b1�ne�es�ary to pro�����r�d pre��r��the Prc�perty. <br /> aUF�IV S�►l�� ��QN�ENT gY t�tlid�R. L�n��r rn��, at��nd�r's ap1:i�nr d�clare immed�at�l�r�u� �nd����ab[e�Il sums <br /> �e��lr��J h�r��i� D�ed�fi Tr�st�rpon th���I� �r tran���r, vvitl���t L�n��r's pri�r�vritten G�nsent, �f�II ar an�p�rt afi th� <br /> ��al Pr���rt�, or�ny in��res�in�h� ��d[ prop�;rty. A "sal� �r tr�n��er" m��n��thP rnnveyan�e �f Re�C �rop�rt�r or any <br /> ri��tr titl� vr in��r��# in 1��� Ff��l �r�perty; v�rl���h�r le��lr b�nefici�l �r ��uita�le; �+rl�e�th�r ��lunt�r� �� �nval�ntaryr <br /> vtirheth�r �y �u�ri�ht sal�, ��e�, �nsxalfinent sal� �antra�-t, ��r�� c�ritract, ��ntr��t f�r de�cl, l�ase�al� inter�.s� �nritt� a <br /> term �reat�r tf��n thr�� �3} year�, I����-optiar� cor�tract� �r�O� sal�, ���it�r�rn�nt, or�r�n�f�r o# any b�n�fi�i�l in�eresr�n <br /> �r ta any f�r�d tru�t h�l�iin� titl� t� Ch� R�al l�r�pe�ty, or hy ���+ ather rn�th�d�f conv��an�e of ar, int�w���t in th� �eal <br /> Pr�pe���r, H�w�v�r, thi� �pti an �h�ll n�# �� ���rc is�d hy L�n d�r �f s uch �x�r�ise is pr�hibit�d by fed�r�l la vv �r by <br /> Nearasl�a [��rv. <br /> TA�E� Ai�� L�ENS. Th� f�llav'+�;n� pr��ri5i�n� rel�tin� t� th������ and liens �n th� Prv��r�y�r� part �f thi� �e�d �f <br /> Trust: <br /> paym�r��. Trustar�hall pa�r wher���r� ��n� in�II �v�r�ts �ri�r��d�linqu��cy} �Il taxes,sp��i�l t��esr a��essrr��r�t�f <br /> char�e� {in�[udin� �nrater �r�d �c�v��r), f�ns� �nd impo�i�i�ns le�ied ��ains�ar c�r� ��c��u��t Q�th� Prc�p�rty, and shal[ <br /> �a�wC��r� due a[I cl�im� ��r wark d�n�Qn �r for ��rvi��s r�r�der�� �r mat��ial fUrnishe�€t�t[�� Rrr���rty. Trusta� <br /> shall ma�r�#�in th��r�p�rt�r�r����all �i�ns haUing �riarity�V�r�r�r��a�l�a th� int�r�st af L�nd��r�nder thi� ��ed�f <br /> Trustr ��r.���t f�r th�� [ierr af ta�c�s ��� as���sment� n�t �u�: �x���� f�� t��� E�.i�ti�� In���tec�n�ss ret�r��d �r� <br /> ��latinrr an�f�xc�pt as ath�r�isQ}�rauid���n thEs D����f Tru�t, <br /> Righ�ta�ant��t. Tru��tar rn��vrithh4ld p�yr�r�r�t o� any tax, ��s���rn�n�+ vr rl�im in ��n�eGtic�n�nrith a ���d faitf� <br /> �i��u�e ❑v�r�h�a�li���i�n t� p�y, s���n�a�� L�nder'� in��rest ir�th��r���rt�is r+oC je�p�r�fi��d. If� [ien�ri���❑r <br /> is fi[��! as � r�su�t af nvr�paymenl-, Tru��tor �hajl ��fithin f�fte�n �'15� days aft�r th� li�r� ari�e� �r, i� a �ier� is fil�d� <br /> ��ithin �i�F��Pn {1�� day� aft�r Trus��r h�s nati�e �f th� �ilin�� �e�;ur� th� �lis�l��rg�� af th� [ien, ar if r�qu��t�d �y <br /> Ler�der, d��Qsi�with��n��r�a�h�r a su�fi�ient carp�r���sur�ty band�r�th�r���urit�s��ist��ta�-y t❑��n+��r in ar� <br /> am�unt 5�ff�ci�nt�ta tiisch�r��thc li�rr plus any��st� an� �tt�rney:�' ���s, a��tl���cltarg���th�t��uld 'accrue a� a <br /> resu[t Qf���r��l�sur��r sale �and�r��� li�n. In�ny c�nt�st,Tru�tc�r�hal!d�#�nc#i���lf�nd L�nd�f�nd sha�l�;.satis�}r <br /> any adv�r�e judgm�nt�ef�r�enfar��m�nt a�ain�t th� Prop�rty. Trustar�half r��rn� L�r�������r�.�dditi�n�l'c��lig�e <br /> und er�ny�u rety b�nd�urnisn ed i r�tM�can���t�rcac:�a��i i r���. <br /> Evid��t�e Q��'a�ment. Tr�st�r s f��ll up�n�e m�nd fu rni sh t� L�nd�r s atisfi�ct�ry�uid�ric��f paym�n��f th�ta��s <br /> rar �ss��s�ents �nd shall auth�ri���h���prQ�ri�t� gc��r�rnrnent�l �ff�ci�l t��eliv�r te�L�ntfe��t�n}�tim� �wri���n <br /> �t�t�me�t❑��h�tax�s and �����srn�nts�gainst the�r�p�rty. <br /> l�ati�e �f�an�tru�xian. Yru�tar�hall natify L�nd�r �t l�ast fif���n �15� �i�ys ��f�re �ny��ark is ��rr�rr�cn��d, �r�y <br /> s�rvices �r� furr�i$��d, or a��y mat��ials ar� su��l��d t� th� �r�p�r�y, i�F�r�� mecl��rai�'� lien� i�na�eri�lrn�n'� li�n, Qr <br /> �th�� li�n �Quld �e a�s�rted on a��aunt o�t�� work, �ervi���r Qr rnat�ri�l�. Trus�or wtll up�n r�qUest o� Lerr��r <br /> furni�h ta L�ndc:r �d�anc� as��arances sati�f�ctarY t� L�r�d�r fihat T�u�-tar c�n �nd �ill p�� th� c�st a� �u�E� <br /> impr��em�nts, <br /> PRQFERTY �AMA�E iNSIl��.NGE. T�ra fc�flov�fing �ravisi�ns r��atinr��� in�urin� �h� �rD�?E�r�l�r�r� � �art af th�� De�d �f <br /> Trust. <br /> �I�ir�t�r��i��e �f Insuran��. �rustnr �hall pracur� �r7�i rr�air7t�ir� ��IiGies of fir� insur�nc� wi�h st�r�dr�rci ��ct�r7�1�� <br /> ��uerage t�n�ar�em�nt$ or� � r�pl���m�nt b�si� far the #�II insiar��le v�lue cc�v�rin� all [m�ar�v�m��ts on the F���I <br /> I�r�p��'t� in an �mount���fi�ient t� a�roEd a�pli�a�ion �f �ri�r cainsuran�� �lau��f and ��ri�h � �tan�ard rnor�g���c <br /> �lause ir�f�u�ar of L�nd�r, �og�ther with�u��r c�ther h��ard and lia�ilit}r insur�r�Ge a� L�nd�r�a�r r��svn�bly requ�re. <br /> Poli�i�� shAll bP written in Fc�rr�, am�unts, cav��a��� �nd �a�is t'e�s�n�biy ac�e���C�ble t� Lr�r�de�' ���i issu�� by a <br /> �����r��r ar comp�ni�s reas�na�l�+ a���pt�l�le �c� L�nd�r. T�ustor, u�an r��uest �f L�nd�r, v�i�l �i�li�r�r ta Lender <br /> fro� timP t�f tirn� th� �li�i�s or��rtifica-t�� af�nsur�n��in�iQrm ���i�facrtar�ta Lenr�er, in�ludin� �tipuia�i4ns tr��� <br /> ��vera��s v�ril� n�t t�� ��r�c�fl�t� or dimir�ished �nri�h�u��t 1�a�t ��n (�f�� days priar written n��i�� t�, �.�n��r. E��h <br /> in�uran�� p�li��+ al�a �hall in��u�e �n �n�iarsem�n� pr�vidir�g that �aver��� in f���r a� Lend�r�rvill r�o�b� irr�p�ired <br />