<br /> �EE[� �F T�►lJ��'
<br /> �a�n 1V�: �Q4���5� �����ir7��d� ���� �
<br /> th� 1��a1 �rap�r�y. Tru�tv�' sF��l� re�rnbu�s� L�nd�r �'ar ��I tax�s� a� �escri��t� l�el�w, t�a��th�r wit� �If �xper�s��
<br /> in�urr�d i� recard�nc�r }��rf��tir�� �r �c�ntinuin� thi� ��ed of i ru�t, including witY�auf li�itati�n �IE t�xesr �e��,
<br /> dr�c:urrs�nt�ry�t�m�s, �nd cath�er ch�r����or re�C�rdiri�r�r r��ist�rir��thEs L7��d a�f��I r���t.
<br /> Taxes_ Th� fiai�o��vir�� sh�ll r.�nsti�ut� t��c�� t� which this sectiar� ��pl�es: i�� � ����ifi� tax upon t�i� ty�� o�
<br /> I���d of Trus� c3�- upQn �il �r �r�y �r�r� ofi th� �nd�l�t�dne�� s�r:ur�d b� �hi� ae�� vf Tr���t, {�} a sp�ci'�ic ldx r�n
<br /> BarrQ����r whi�h Barr�v+r�r i� ��th�riz�d e�r r�c�u���d �o dedu�t frt�rn p�ymen�� �n�h� lnd�#���dn�s� s�cured �ay tF�is
<br /> typ��f ��ed�f Trus�r 43} a�ax an-�f�is type a�F a�e� �f Trus���rar��abl� a�ai�st�he 1...����r�r th� h�ider��#h�
<br /> N�t�� �r�� ��y � ����:fi� t�x �n �11 �r any p�r�i�n a�� �he In���tecirt��� ar c�n ��ym�nt� of ��rin�ipal a�d in��r�st-.
<br /> m,�c�e by 43arr�vtire�.
<br /> �ub�equ�r�� T���s. Jf �r�y tax ta which thrs ��ctivn a�a��lies is en�ct�d s�b��r�u�r�# ta the dat� ��� tf�i� Q��d �f
<br /> Tr�st, thi� ��en� sh��l have th� s�rne �ff��t as ar� E�ren� nf a��aultr and L�nri�� rna}� exer�is� �rry or �IC �f �ts
<br /> ��rai la�f� r�rr���i�s ��r �r� Fv�nt �f ��f��€�t as pr��id ed ka�l�w un��ss Tru���� �itn�r f 1� pay� the ta� b�far� it
<br /> �c:�c�me� �ieiir��uen�d or {�� Gont��ts�he tax as pr�vi�ed abo�� in th�Taxe� �nd Liens s�cti[�r�dr�� �iPpv�it� v�ith
<br /> L�nd�r����1 r�r�suff�ient c�rp€�rr�te sur��y k�an�l�r atl����e�urity s�ti�f��tar�to�.�nder.
<br /> SE��RITY A��tE�lUI E�TA FI NAN�lPI�G SY�1TE[Vi ENT�. �h� f�}I lo�r i r�g �rar�i siar�s r�l�tin� tv th is I����i of l�rust a� a
<br /> ��c;uri�y��r��mer���r°�a p�rt Qf��tis a��t��f Trus�:
<br /> ��acUrit� Agr�ert��nt. Tha� in�trum�t�t s�r�lf ��Qn�ti��te a 5e�urity A�r��rnent ta �Y�� c�xtent �ny o�f th� Prop�r�
<br /> ��n���Cutes fixtur�sr ar�d L��.dzrt �r���ll h����II c��'tl�e riPubs c�fi �secur�d part� �nc��r�h� �Ir�itarr� Cnrr�merci�l e�d�
<br /> ��amen��d fr�m tim��to time.
<br /> Se�uri�y ln�er�st. [��c�n r�q�r�st �y Lend�r, 1'"r�r�tv� sr�afl t�k� vtirr�atev�r a�tiQn is r�qu����d by terrd�r ia pPrfect
<br /> a�7d �antrr��e L.�n���'� S�GUr'ity int�:r�S�il�th� ��r��rt�al Pra��rty. 1r� �dditi�n ta r��QT�ir�g t�is�}eed �f Trust�n th�
<br /> r��[ ��4p�rty recar��r Lende� rnay, �t �ny �Ern� an� �nrit€��u#� fur�F��r ���hariz�tiar� frnm Tru���t', fi1� �xe���e�i
<br /> �ounk�r�ar��, ���ics �r r��rc�du�ti�nS of �this D���i �f Tru�� �s � fir�ar�cin� �tat�m�t�t. Trusxa� sh�ll reirr�k�urs�
<br /> I�ender f�r �lf �x�ens�s ;n�u�re� i� p�r��ctin� �r ��nt�r��,ir�� thi� s��urit►� in��r�s�. [JpQ� ��fauC�, �ru�tar �1�all not
<br /> r�rr�4v�r �ev�r �r ��ta�h �'�e Per��n�l f�r�perty� �ram th� Pr�p�rty. Upan �i�f�ult, Tru���r �h�Sl �ss�rr�bfe �ny
<br /> P�rson�l F'r���rt� nat �ffi��� to �t�� I'rc�p�rt� �n � r��nner and a� a pl��� r��san�bly ct�n��ni�r�t f� Tr���or and
<br /> Lend�� �n� rn�k� it aU�il�bi� t� L�r�o��r �vsthin th��e {3� day� aft�r t���ipt �f �ritt�n ��rnand trvm Len�er t�the
<br /> ext�n��errr�itt�rl by ap�l�cakal��a�.
<br /> ��dr����s. `Th� rnai�in� �ddr��ses �� Trust�r �det��ar� �n� L�n�er (�e�ur�r� �art�� f��m which informa�ti�an
<br /> �an c�rnin� th� ���uri ty int�r�st�r�n��d ��th is d eed �f Trus� rn ay �� o�t�i n�� �r�a�h as r��ui r��l by�h� l�n if�rm
<br /> ��m m�rc��l�a�e� ase�s s��t�d c�n th��irst p a��af�this a��d of Trus[.
<br /> FURTHER A�51�€�AN��S; ATTQRNEY-IN-FA�T. Th� f�IlQv�in� �r�vi�i�n� r�l�tin� t� fur�h�r �ssu��r���� a�d
<br /> ��trnrn�y-in-��ct��'����rt af rhis C���d�f Trust:
<br /> Furi�h�r A�suranc�s. At�ny�im�, an€�frurn �ir��tQ tim�, u�ur� re��,�st of L�r�d�rr ����tv�v�ri�l rr��k�, e�c��ut� and
<br /> d�Ci��r� nr will ��us�t�b�rr�ade, exe�ufi�d�r d�livere�lr t� L�n��r c��t�Lender`s d�sig���, and�nrhen�e�u�sted ��y
<br /> L�n�f�rr esu�� tc��� tilP�, r�c����ci� r��i���r or r�re�vr�ed, d�th� �ase m�y]��, �t�uch tirn�s �n� �n such aff�ces
<br /> �r�d pla��s �s L�nd�r m��r de�m app�a�ri���, �ny�r,d afJ sucl� maft��g��, ci���.s �f�ru��� s�curit�de��s, se��ri�
<br /> a�re�r��r3ts, �inanGin� �tat�ments, ��n�inuati�n �t�t�rnents, sn�trurn�r�t� r�f fiurthe�r a�sur���:e, cer�i�i�at�s, �r�d
<br /> �fih������urn�nt� �s rr��►�� in th��al���ir��an€�f L�n��r, b�ne��s�ar� or d�sir��le i��r��r t���f�ctu��C�r �ampl�te.
<br /> p�rfe�t� ��nti�uer or pr�s��v� (�� Borrav+r�r`� �r�d Trust�r's �bfi��tir�n� und�r the �1���, �his ���d af�ru�t, and
<br /> the Fi���te�i ��cumen��? and t�l 1�h� �i�n� and sec�rri�r� int�rests cr�a�eo� k���hi� I�eed c��Tru�� an th� F'rop�rt�,
<br /> w��fih�r r�v���wn�d�ar h�r�aft�r��q�ir����Trust��'. �nl��s�irohi��t�ct by i�w c�r �.end�r a��ee�t�t�te��r�tr�ry�n
<br /> v�rri�ir�g, Trus��s sh�li r�imburs� �end�r�ar all c�o�ts �r�d�xp�n��s ir�curred in c�nn��ti�n v�rith t�h� rnatt�rs r�ferred
<br /> fi�in thi� p�ra�r���.
<br /> A�orn�y-�n-Fact. If Trus�Qr faifs ta d� �r�y af th�thin�s re�#�rred�� in th� pre��ding ��ragr��l�, ��nder m�y d� so
<br /> far and i n �h� r�a me �f Trus t�r an� �t Tru�tor's expen��. Fv r s��h pur��s��, Tr�rs��r ��r�h� IFF�'VO C���� a��+ai nt�
<br /> Ler�d�'r�s T�'us�c��'s at�tnrn��rµ'rn-f��t f�r thQ p��'�ase��rri�l�ingr ��e��tirigr d�liw�r�n�, filir�g, r�cn�c�in�, and��irrg ali
<br /> � ��h�� tf�in�s as ��� �� r������ar�r Qr de�ir�ble, in L�nd�r'� s�le c�p�nianr t� �c�amp�ish �h� m��tess ref�rre� t� in
<br /> ��� �t���d�ng�ar��raph,
<br /> F�1LL PE�tF���l{'IAN�E, If�arr�w�r�r �n� Tru�tor��y ��I the Er�dei�t��r,�s� vxrher�due,�an�l Trus��r�th�rv�ri$e R�rf�rrrrs afl
<br /> the�l�ii�ati�r,s irr�p�s��i u�ar�Tr�rstar�an�i�r this �e�d ��f rrust, L�n�cr sh�ll ex��r�t��nd deSiv�r t�Tru�te� �r�����t��r
<br /> �ull r�c�nve�anc� a��sha�l�x���a�� �nd�l��iu�r t�Trus����uif�al�stat�m�n�s�f��rmin��iQn o#any f�nan�in�stat�:rry�nx
<br /> �n fil���id�r�cing �en�er's security inter��t in�he R�r�ts ar�d #he ��rs�r��J Pra��rty. An�r r��t�nvey�n�� f�� r�q«ir��# }ay
<br /> f�w�h�ll t���$id by Tr��t�s�rr if��rrnitt��by�p��ica�l�lavv.
<br /> E1fE�fT'� Q� a�Fr4�1LT. At L�n��r's �ptionr Trus�Qr wil� be in default �nd�r�his C�e�� af Trust if any of th� ��Ifovtirin�
<br /> hap���n:
<br /> paym�n#Defa�,lt. g�rr�w�r��ils�v rn al�e a n�payrn��tt w h�n�1��un�f��'th��!nde�t�dn�s�.
<br /> �r��k �th�r P��mi��s. ��r�av�er or Tru�t�r f�r�a�€s �ny pr��mi$e rr�ad�t� L�nc1�r ar fail�t� p�r-f�rm prompYl�a�fh�
<br /> t�m��nd s�ri�#l�Ir�th�m�r�n�r�ravided in�hfs D���taf Tru�r or'in ar�y��r�em�nt r�late�i t�this C}��d a�Tru��.
<br /> �ampiianc� D��ault. Fafl�ar� tc� c�mp[y with any �ther te�rm, �b�i��ti4n, ����n�nt �r c�n�iti�n ��nta€r��d in this
<br /> C���ci Uf"�ru�t,th� N�tr�e��in�ny��the F�t�i�t�� f��cumer�ts.
<br /> �efauit an�xh�r Pa�rm�r��Y ��if�re�f Tr�r�t�r ir�r+thin fih� tirn�requir�� !��this ���t�a#�rust ta m��C�any�aymen�
<br /> �c�r t�xes�r in�ur�nce,�ar an��th�r���rm�n�r��c�ss�ry t❑�r���nt filfn��f crr tn eff���di��harg��r�any Eicn,
<br /> ���ault �n Fauar ��T�ird Part��s. �i�ould g�rr��er ar �ny �rant�r defaUlt un��r �n� f�a�r extensi�n a�F �r���t,
<br /> s�cur�ty agr��ment, p�arGha�� �r s�!�� ar�r��m��t, ❑r�r�y other �gr�ernent, in f�.var a� an►�Qth�r �r�ditar r�r,p�r�an
<br /> th�t r�ay rna��ri�lfy �ffect �ny �� Sarr�w�r's �r �r�y �r�n�vr's ��ap�rty r�� ��rr��r��'s ��,i�ity� to r�p�y �t��
<br /> �nd���ed�ess �r g�rr��rer's ❑r �r�r�tar`s ability ta perfQr� th�i�respe��i�� obligatiar�s under this ae��a�7r�st�r
<br /> ar���f th� R�[at�:d Dac�rn�nt�,
<br /> F�Is� S��t�m�nts, �rr�� repr���nt�tF�t� a� �t�t�ment m��e �r f urn�shed t� L�r�der �y 8atr��nr er �r �'ru�ta r �r �n
<br /> g�rr�ti�re r`s a r Tr��tar's ��h�If �nc�er this C]eed af Tru�� or the R�1 at�� �o c ume nts �� �ra Is� �r m isl�adir�g in any
<br /> rrrat�ri�l re���e�t, eit��r n�w C�r��t th���m�ma�e�r�u�nisF��d.
<br /> ��fectiv� Ga�lat�rali��ti�n. This Q��d �f Trus� or ar�y �f th� a�la#�d a��umer�t� �eases ta �� in �ulf �orc� and
<br /> ����G� �in��udin� f�it�r� afi ar�y ev�l�t�r���i��Um�nt to c�r��t� a �r�li� an� �erf�c�ed se�urity in��r�st ar �ien} �� �n�
<br /> tim�ar�d fqr�ny��as�n.
<br /> I.��ath�r In�al�,$r��y, T��ei�ath vfi�3�rrov�r�r ar Trust�rd th�ir�s�IvPn�y��Barra�rrar�r Trustar,th� ��ap�in#m�nt�f
<br /> a receiv�r far�ny�art�f Bar��c�v��r'��r�'ru�to�''� �r�FertyF ar�y as�i�nm�nt�Far t�� ��n�f�t of�reditar�, a�y�yp�o�
<br /> �red�ta� �rv�r���,t, �r fih� ��rr�m�n��rn�nt�f�r�y �ra�e��iin� u�d�r an�r h��kru�tc}��r insa�v�ncy I��� k�y�r���ins�
<br /> g�rrc�v��r or Trust�r.
<br /> T�k�ng ��#he Prep��y. Any �r�di��r �r ��v�rnrnenta� ��en��r �ries �t� tak� any v�f th� Pr���r�y or an� ath�r ��
<br /> �i�rr��,���r'� Qr�ru���r's �r�a�a�rty in which L�ricier h�s a lien. TFyi� incl�c��s takir�g �f, garnishinc� af or I�:v�in� c�n
<br /> ��rrtav�rer'�vr Tr��t�r'�a����nts v�r�th Len��r, H��r+rev�rr if�arrv���r�r Yru�tt�r �i�put�s in g��� �atth wheth�r th�
<br />