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��1 5�651 3 <br /> interest fxom the date Qf d�sbursement at the same rate assessed o� advances under the Cantrac� and sha�1 be <br /> payable,with in�erest,up�n notic�fr�m Ler�der t�Borra��er requestzng pay7men�. <br /> Inspect�an. Lender or its agent may rna�e reasonab�� entr�es upon and inspec��ans af the Praper�y. Le�ader shal� <br /> give Borrawer no�ice at�he�ime of or prior�o an�spec�ion speczfyxng reasonab�e cause f�r�he�nspection. <br /> �andemna�ion.The proceeds of any avvard or�laim far damages, direct or conseque�tia�,in car�ne�tian��th any <br /> condernnation or a�her taking of any part af the Pr�pert�, or f�r�anveyance in lieu �f candemnation, are hereb� <br /> assigned and sha��b�pazd�o Lender. <br /> In the �vent of a�otal ta.��ng of�he Property, �he pruceeds shall be app�ied�a the sums secured by�h�s Securit�r <br /> Instrumen�, ti�vhether or not then due, wzth an� excess paid �o Barr�wer. ��x �he event of a partzal �aking of�h� <br /> Property in�vhich th� fair rnarket�alue of the Propetrty imrnediat�ly before the tak�.ng is equal ta or greater than <br /> the amoun�af the sums secured by th�s Se�uzity Ins�rumen�imrnedzate�y befor� tihe taking, un�ess Borrower and <br /> Lend�r otherv�rise agree in urrxt�ng,�he sums secured by thxs S�curxty�nstrument sha��be xeduced by�he amount of <br /> the proceeds mul�iplz�d by�he fo�lo�wing frac�ion: �a}the ta�a1 amoun�of th.e sums secured immedia�ely before the <br /> takirig, divided b� �b} the fair market va�u� af�he Proper��mmed�a�ely befare the taking. Any balance sha��be <br /> paid�o Barr�Wer. �n�hc even�af a partial taking af�he Proper�y�n which�h.e fa�r marke�value af�he ProperFy <br /> �mmedia�ety b�fare the taking is less than ��e am�unt of�he sums secured irnmedxat�Iy befare the �a�, tlri��55 <br /> F3oz�r�vvcr and Lender a�herwise agree �n wrzt�ng ar un�e�s App�zcab�e Lav�r a�herw�se provides,�he proceeds shall <br /> be appl�ed to the sums secured by�his Securi�y�ns�rumen��vhether or nn��he sum�are�hen due. <br /> If�he Property is aba�doried by Borrawer, or if, after natice by Lend�r ta Borrflv►�er�a��he�flndernnor offers ta <br /> make an award ar sett�e a cTaim far damages,B�rrawer fa�ls�o respand to Lender vv��hin�he minirnum numher of <br /> days�s�ablis�.ed b�Ap�Iicable LavtT a�er the da�.e�he notic�is gzv�n,Lender�s authori�ed�a co��ec�and apply the <br /> proceeds, at ��s op�ion, e�ther ta restorat�on �r repair of the Proper�y ar t� the sums secured by this 5 ecur�ty <br /> Znstrument,vvheth�r or not th�ri due. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Borrawer otherwise a�ree�r�wr�ting, any applzcat�on of praceeds�n pr�n�xpal shall nat extend <br /> ar pas�pone�he due dat�af the payments due under the�on�ract ar�hange�he am�unt of such payments. <br /> B�rrovver Nat Re�eased; Farbearance By LQnder �flt a Wa�ver. Ex�ensz�n of the t�me far paym�nt or <br /> modzf�catiQn af amvrtization �f the sum5 secured by �his Securi� Ins�ument gra�lted by Lender to Barrower or <br /> any successor in �nteres� af Borrovraer shall na� opera�e to rel�ase �he liabi�i�� af �he or�g�nal Barrovver or <br /> Bvrr�urer's successars in�nterest. Lender shall no�be required to cammenc�praceedings agains�any successor�n <br /> interes��r refuse�a extend tiime f�r pa�rment or otherwise modify amor�izatio�z of the sums secur�d by�his Securzty <br /> �ns�rurnent by reasan of any dernand made by �he arig�naX Barrovver or Bvz-�'ower's success�rs �n �r�t�res�. Any <br /> forbearance by Lender in ex.ercis�n�any right or r�medy shall nat be a waiver af or preclude�he exercise of any <br /> right or r�medy. <br /> Su�cessQrs and Assigns Bound; Joint and Several Liabx�ity; A�evrnmodativn Signers. Th� covenants and <br /> agreements af�h�s Security I�nstrum�n�shal�bind and benef t the successors and assigns af Le�der and Barrawer, <br /> subj ect t� the prav�s�ons of �ecti�n t��led Trattsfer of the Property or a Benef�i�a� Inter�s� in B�rr��vver. <br /> B�rrativer's covenan�s and agreernents shal�be ja�n�and several.Any per�on v�rha c�-�signs�h�s Security�nstrumen� <br /> but has no pers�nal lzabi�i� und�r �he Contxact �"Accamrnodat�on Signer"}: �a} �s co-s�gning this 5e�urit� <br /> �ns�rument on�y to mar�gage, gran� and Gonvey that Accornmodation Signer's int�rest in the Praperty under �he <br /> terrns of �he 5ecurzty Instrument; �b} is n�� personal��r ob��gated �o pay �he sums secured by �h�s 5ecuar�ty <br /> �nstrument;and�c� agrees�hat Lender and ar�y a�her Borrow�r rnay agree to ex�end,mod�fy, forbear or make any <br /> acc�mmada�.ons wi�h.regard to�he terms of this Securi��n�trument or the Cantract without tha�Acc�m�moda�ion <br /> S��,mer's ca�seri�. <br /> Loan Charges. �f�he I�an secured �y this 5ecurity �nstrumen� is subj�ct to a �aw v�rhzch sets maximum laan <br /> charg�s, and tha��aw i� f nally interpre�ed so�hat�he �n�erest o�-other�oan charg�s collected or tv be col�ected in <br /> Cannec�ion wifh �he �oan ex�eed the permi��ed lirn�ts, then: �a� any such l�an charge �hall be redu�ed by the <br /> amount necessar�to reduce the charge to the pern�i�ted Iimitis and (b} any sums a�ready co�Iected from F3orrower <br /> which �xceeded permitted limi�s will be refunded to B�rrower. Lender may chaase to make �his refund by <br /> redu�ix�g the princxpal ovved under th.e C�ntract or by mak�ng a dire��payrnent�� Baxrow�r. If a refund reduces <br /> pri�cz�al,the reductxon w��l be treated as a par�ial prepayment under�.he�ontract. <br /> Na�ices. .A�y no�ice to Borr�wer pravided for in this 5ecurity In.s�rumen� shal� be gzven by de�ivering i� nr by <br /> mai�zng i�by first class xnail unl�ss Appli�able La�t requzres use of anather methad.The no�ice shall be d�re�ted�o <br /> the Praper�y Address or any other address Borro�wer des�gnates by notice to Lender. Borrawer agrees t�provide <br /> Lender wi�h Barr�wer's mos�cur�'�nt maxl�ng address, as zt may change from time-�o-time. An�r noti�e ta Le�.der <br /> shall be g�ven by first class ma�x ta Lender's address stated herein or any other address Lender designa�es by notice <br /> �a Borr�v�rer.An�no��ce pro�ided far�n�his Security�nstrurnen�shall be deemed to have been gxven to�3orro�er <br /> or Lender when given as pra�ided in�his paragraph. <br /> Ga�rern�ng Law; Se�erab�ity.This 5ecuri�Ins�ru.ment shal�be governed by federai lativ and the laws�f�he state <br /> af Nebraska. �n �he e�en��ha� a.�y provzsion or c�ause of�his S ccur�ty Ins�rumenti�r the Contrac� c�nflicts wi�h <br /> Applica��e Law, such c�n�ict shall not aff�ct other prov���ans �f th�s 5ecurity�nstrumen�or�he Con�ract w hzc h <br /> �an be g�ven effecti�vi�hou�th�conf��ct�ng provisian.To�his end�he provisians of�h�s 5�curity Ins�ruament and�he <br /> Can�rac�are de��ared�o be severa��e. <br /> � Borrower's�opy.Borrower shall be bi�en one copy of�his Se�uri�y Instrurnen�. <br /> tc�2�04--2415 Com�liance Systerns,Inc.AdBGF72�-ZO]5.3.5.I Ob4 <br /> Con�umer Reai Estate-Secu�ity�nstrurnent I]L2Q3G Pa�e 3 of 5� <br />
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