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��1 5�651 3 <br /> Paym�nt�f Princxpa�and Int�rest; Dther Charges,Barrower sha�l prQmp�ly pay�vhen due the pran��pal�f and <br /> in�erest vn the debt owed under th��ontract and�ate charges or any flther fees and charges due under the Con#�-ac�. <br /> Appli�abie LavF•. As used in �his Security Instrurnent, the term "A,pplzcab�e Lavv" shal� mean �.11 c�ntroiling <br /> appl�ca�l� f�deral, s�ate and laca� statutes, regu�a�ivns, ordinanc�s and adminrstra�ive rules and�rders (#hat have <br /> the effect af�aw}as vve�l as al�applicable final,non-appealable judicia�opini�ns. <br /> �harges; Liens. Borrawer sha11 pay a1I taxes, assessrn�n�s, charges, f nes and impositions a�tributable to the <br /> Prop�rty v�rhich ma�attain priori�y o�er this 5e�ur��y Instrument, and Ieasehald payments or gr�und rents, �f any. <br /> At the rer�uest af Lender,Borrower�ha��prompt�y furr�.ish to Lender r�ceipts e��denc�ng the paymen�s. <br /> Barravver shall pr�rnpt�y d�scharge any lien which ha�priority ov�r this 5��ur�ty Instrurnent unless Borrower; (a} <br /> agrees in writing �o th� paymen� �f the obligation secured by the lien in a manner accep�ab�e �� Lender; �b} <br /> �on�ests in good fazth the �ien by, or defends agains� enf�rcemen� of the lren in, Iegal pr�cee�.ings which in the <br /> Lender's opinion operate to pre�ent the enforcemen� of th.e ��en; ar �c) secures from the holder of the lien an <br /> agreemcnt satisfact�ry to Lender subordina�ing the�ien tn this Se�ur��y rnstrument. �f Lender de�errn�nes that any <br /> part of t�e P�roperty zs subj ect�� a lien which ma�attaxn przor�ty ove�r th�.s Secu�r��y�nstz-u.merit, Lender may gi�re <br /> Borrower a no��ce ident�fying the�ien. B�rrower sha�l satxsfy the �ien or�ake�ne or more�f the ac�ions set forth <br /> ab�ve wi�thin 1 D days of the gi�ing of n��ice. <br /> Ha�ard �r Praperty Insuranee,B��-raWer sha��keep�he ii-nprovements now�xisting or h�reafter erected o��the <br /> Praperty insured agains��os�by�re,hazards included vvi�hin the�erm"ext�nded coverag�" and any other ha2ards, <br /> inc�uding flood� or flfloding, for vv�hi�h L�nder requ�res insurance. This insurance sha1l be main�ained in the <br /> amaunts�nd fo�ihe peri�ds that Lender requires. The insu.ran.c�carri�r pro�iding the insurance sha11 be chosen by <br /> }3�rrotiv��• sub�ec� to Lender's approval v►�hich shal� n�t be unreasonably wi�hhe�d. If Borrawer fai�s ta rnaintain <br /> coverag� described above, Lender may, at Lender's aptian, �btain �ov�rage t� pratec� Le�d�r's r�ghts in �he <br /> Property�n acc�rdance�vith sectian ti�led Protect�i�n of Lender's Rights in the PropQrty. <br /> A11 �nsurance pal�c�es and renevvals shall be accep�ab�e to Lender ar�d sha�l �nclude a standard mor�gage c�ause. <br /> Lender s�iall have th�righ��o hold�he pol�cxes and ren�wals. If Ler�der re�uires, Borrov�er sha�l pr�rnpt��give�o <br /> Lender aI1 r��eipts�f pazd premiums and reneura�natices. In the e�ent af loss,Borrotiver sha��gz��promp�no�ice <br /> �a the�nsurance carrier and Lender.Lender may make proof of�oss if no�made promptly�ay Barrovver. <br /> I�nless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in wri�ing, xnsurance proceeds sha�i be app��ed �a restora�ion or <br /> repair af the Prflperty damaged, if, in Lender's sale d�scret�on, �he restaratian ar repair is ecanomical�y feasible <br /> and Lender's securr�is n���essened. �f, in Lende�'s so�e discretion, �he res�oratzon or repair is no�econamieally <br /> feasible a�r Lender's secur��y wou� lessen�d,the�nsuran�e proceeds shall be app��ed t�the sums secured b�this <br /> ��curity �nstrumen�, whe�her or nat then due, with an� e��ess pa�d �o B�rrower. �f B�rrotiver abandons the <br /> Property, or daes not answer within the number o�'days prescribed by App���ab�e Law as set forth in a notrce from <br /> Len�.er�a Borr�wer�ha�the�nsuranc�carrier has offered to set�le a claim, then Lender may�ollec��he insuranc� <br /> proceeds. Lender may us��he proceeds to r�pair or restore frie Proper�y or to pay surns secured by this Secur�ty <br /> Instrumen�,whether ar not then due.The per�ad of�zxne fnr Borrovver to answer as set forth in the notice vvill begin <br /> �vhen the notice is gxven. <br /> Un�ess L��nder and Borro�uer atherw�se agr�� in wri�ing, any applicat�on of praceeds to principa�sha��not extend <br /> or pas�pone�he due da�e af�he payrnents due under the Contrac�or change the amount of the paymen�s. If under <br /> �he section titled Ac�e�era�i�n; Rerned�e�, the Praper�is ac�uired by Lender, B�rrourer's right�o an��nsurance <br /> p�Iicxes and proceeds resuiting from damage ta �he Praperty pr�or to the acquisition sha�� pa�s to Lender ta �he <br /> exten�af�the sums secu�ed by this Security�ns�rument immedia�ely pr��r t�th�acquisi��on. <br /> Prese�~�vai��n, Ma�ntenanc� and Prn�ec�ion of the Praperty; BarroYver's L�an Applica�xon; Lea.sehflids. <br /> Barrati�er shall not�estroy, darnage ar impair�he Property, al��ur�he Praperty to de�er�orate, or commi��vas�e on <br /> �he Property.B�rro�wer sha.�l be in d�fau���f any forfeitur-e ac�ion�r pr�ceeding,whe�her civil or crimina�,�s begun <br /> that in Lender's g�od fazth judgment Gould resul�in farfeiture �f�he Proper�ar fltherwise materia�l�impa�.r th.e <br /> lien created by this 5ecuri� In�trument or Lender's security interest. BorroWer ma� cure such a defau�t and <br /> re�n�ta�e, as provided zn sec�ion�i�led�orrower's Right �o Reins�at�, by caus�ng the actian or pr�ceeding to be <br /> dismxssed vvi�th a ru��ng that,in Lender's gaod farth determina�i�n,prec�udes farfe�ture of the Borr�urer's in�eres�in <br /> the Prap�rty or oth�r material irnpaitment of the lien crea�ed by �his Securzty �nstrument or Lender's secur��y <br /> int�rest,L3arro�rer shall also be�n defaul��f Borrower,durzng the laan app�ication pra�ess,gave mat�rially faise or <br /> ina�cura�; informa�ion or statemen�s �o Lender �or failed ta provide Lender v`r��. any material i��forrna�ian) in <br /> cnnnect�on wi�h the laan evidenced by the �flntract. If�his Security Ins�rurnent�s on a l�aseho�d, Sorro�nrer shal� <br /> camply vsr���the praviszons of the��ase.�f B�rrovver ac�uires fee��1e�o the Proper�y,the leasehald and the fee <br /> title sha��nnt merg�un�ess Lender agrees to�he merger in wrztzng. <br /> Pr��e�t�on of Lender's Ri�ghts �n �he Fropertye Yf Barro�vver fails to perform �he cavenan�s and agreements <br /> conta�ned rn this Securrt�Instrum�nt,ar there is a I�ga�praceeding�hat may significant�y affect Lender's r�ghts in <br /> the Praper�y �such as a proceeding in bankrup�cy, proba�e, for condemnat�on or forfeiture or to enforce �a�rs flr <br /> regu�atiorns}, then Lender may do and pay for tivhatever is necessary tQ pratect the va�ue of the Propez�t� and <br /> Lender's rights in�he PraperCy. Lend�r's ac�ians may inc�ude payzng any sums secured by a Iien�vhich has priori� <br /> o�rer thxs�ecur�t�r Ins�rumen�,appear�ng in caur�,paying reasonab�e attorneys'fees and en�ering on�h.e Pr�pert�r to <br /> make repa�rs.Although Lender may�ake ac�ion under�his secti�n,Lender does not have�a d���. <br /> Any amaunts d�sbursed by Lender under this �ec�ian shall becorne additi�nal debt of Borrourer secured by this <br /> S e curzty Ins�rumen�. �7n��ss B�rrower and Lender agree �o other �errns af p ayment, th�se am�u.�ts sha�� bear <br /> c��oo4-zo�5���,p�i�;.�sy5c�s,���.ASBc-F�?a-aa i s.3.s.�o�a <br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security Instrument DL2435 Pa�e 2 af S ti+nvw,Gvmpliancesysterr� <br />