��1 5�651 3
<br /> Tr�nsfen of the Property or a Seneficial Interest in Borrower.If al�ar any pa.r�af�he Proper�y or any in�eres�
<br /> �n �� is sold or transferred �ar if a beneficial intere5� �n Barrovv�er is �old �r transferred and Borrn�v�rer is n�t a
<br /> natural pers�n} tivithou�Lender`s prior written consent, Lender may, at i�s op�ion, require imrned�ate paymen� �n
<br /> fu�l of al� sums secured by this Security Instrument. �-Iou�ev�r, th�s op�z�n sha�� n�t �e exercised by Lender if
<br /> exercise is prahzbited by f�deral�avw as af fhe date of this Security Instrument.
<br /> If Lend�r exercises this opt�on, L.ender sha�l give Bon fl�rer �a��ce af acce�erat�on. The no��ce shal� provide a
<br /> period af not less than�he m.in�mum number of days es�ab�ished by Applicable Lav�r from �he date �he n���ce is
<br /> d�livered ar mailed,t7vithin tivh�ch Bnrrawer mus�pay a1� sums se�u:red b� this Secur��ty�ns�rument. �f Barro�ver
<br /> fails �o �ay these �ums privr�o the e�piration of thz� period, Lender may invtik� any rernedies permitted by th��
<br /> 5 ecurziy�ns�nunen�vvithout further not�ce or dernand on B�rra�v�r.
<br /> Borrnw�r's Right to Reinstate. �f Borrovver mee�s certa�n candz��ons, Barra�ver �ha11 have �he right ta ha�re
<br /> enfflrcez��.en�af�his 5ecuri�y Ynstrument disc�nti�ued a�any time prx�r t�the earlier�f �a} 5 da�s �vr such ather
<br /> period a�App�icable Law may speczfy for reinstatement}befare saie�f�he Pr��aer�y pursuan�t�any potiver af sa�e
<br /> contained in th�s 5ecurity �nstrumen�; or �b} en�ry �f a judgmen� enforcing �h�� Security Ins�rurnent. Those
<br /> condzt�ons are that Barrower: �a} pays Lender al1 surns which�hen�v�uld be due under�his Security Ins�rument
<br /> and th��antrac�as�f��o acce�era�i�n had occurred;�b}cures an�defau��af any a�her c�venants or agreements;�c}
<br /> pa�s all��pens�s xncurred in enfarcing th�s Securi�ty Ir�s�rurnen�,inc�ud�ng,but nat limi#ed to,reasonable attorneys`
<br /> fees to�he ext�nt per�rutted b��aw; and�d}tal�es �uch action as Lender may reasflnab�y require to assure that the
<br /> l�en�f Yh�s Secuxity Ins�rument,Lender's rights in�he Proper�y and Borrower's obligation to pa�the sums secured
<br /> by �hi� �ecurity Znstrument sha�l �nn��nue unchanged. �p on re ins�atemen�by I3 arro,t�ver, thi� S e�urit�Instrument
<br /> and the al�ligations secured hereb�shall remai.n ful�y effective as �f no a�celeratian had occurred. However, this
<br /> right�o re�.nsta�e�hall no�apply ix�the case of acceleration under�h�section ti�led Transfer of the Praperty�r a
<br /> Iienefi�i�a�In�ere�t in Borr�wer.
<br /> Hazard�u�5ubs�ances.Borrau�er sha1�not cause or perrn���he presence,use,disposa�,storage,�r releas�of an}�
<br /> Hazarda�s Substances an or�n�h�Propez�ty.�3�rr�wer sha1�not d�,nflr ailow anyone else��da,anythir�g affecting
<br /> �he Praperty that is in�riolatian �f any Enviranmental Law. The preceding �vo sen�ences shal� not apply�a �h�
<br /> presence,use,ar s�o�age o�.the Property Qf smal�quant�ties of Hazar�ous Subs�a.nces that are generall�rec�gni2ed
<br /> �o be ap�ropriate to nflrma�resid�n��al uses and�o maintenance�f the Proper�y.
<br /> Borr��rer sha�1 promptiy give Lender wri�ten na�rce af an�r invest�gati�n,claim,demand,la�vsu��or o�her act�on by
<br /> a�y govc�rnmenta� or regula�ory agency or private party involving fhe Pr�perty and any Hazardau� Su�s�nce or
<br /> Environrn�ental La�v af �vh�ch F3orro�er has ac�ual �xa.owledge. If Borrov�rer Iearns, or �s not�f ed by any
<br /> go�ernm�ental or reguta�ory authority, �hat an�remava��r other r�mediat��n of any Hazardous Substance affecting
<br /> the Praperty Ys necessary, Borrower shal� promp�ly take aTI necessary rern�dia� actions in accardance tiv��h
<br /> Environx�en�al LauT.
<br /> As used:in th�s paragraph, "�Iazardous Substan�es" are those substan�e�def ned as�oxic or hazardous substance�
<br /> by Enviranmcn�a� Lativ and the fo��flvcring substances: gaso�ine, kervsene, �ther f�ammable ar toxic pe�roleum
<br /> products, to��c pestic�d�s and herl�icides, va�a�il� s��vents, materiaLs c�n�aining asbestos or farmaidehyde, and
<br /> radiaactive materzaXs.�s used in this paragraph, "Enviranm�nta�La�v"mea�.s federal laws and laws of�he state vf
<br /> �e�brask�.that re�ate to heal�h,safety or enviranmentaX protection.
<br /> Accel�ration; Remedzes. Lender shall give n��zee �o Borrower priar �v a��e�era�ivn fa��ow�ng Borrower'�
<br /> breach of any�uvenant ar agreemen��n�his S��urit�Instrur�ent ar the�ontract�nder whx�h accelera���n
<br /> is perm��:�ed�but no�prior ta a�celerat��n under�he sect��n t��led Tran�fer of the Property�r a Benef�cia�
<br /> In�erest in BarroVver, unles5 Appiicable Law pr��ides o�herwise�. The no��ce�hall specify: �a� �he defaui�;
<br /> ��} �he ac�Yon required �� cure fhe defaul�9 �c) a date, nnt �ess than tJhe minimum numb�r of day5
<br /> es�ablished by App�icable Law from�the date�h�nvtzee is given tn Borroyver,by whi�h th�default mus�be
<br /> cured; and �d� that fai�ure �a cure the default on ar before the date sp�cif�ed �n the notice may resu�� ��n
<br /> acce�era��on of �he sums secur�d b�� th�s Security Instrument �nd sa�e �f �he �rapert�. Tv �h� �xtent
<br /> permi��e�d by law,�h� nvtz�e sha��further in�'vrm Borrower of�he righ�tv reinsta�e a#`ter ac�e�era�ion and
<br /> �he right ta br�ng a cvurt action t�assert the non-ex�stence�f a defau��vr any other defense af Bvrrflwer to
<br /> a�celerat�on and sa�e.If�he default i�not cured on or b�fnre th� date spe��f�ed in the nQtice,Lender at its
<br /> op��an may requ�re immediate paym�n� in fui� �f ax� sums secured by this Secur�ty Instrumen� rv�thau�
<br /> further dernand and may inval�e�he pvwer �f�ale and any n�her remed�es permit�ed hy Appli�able Law.
<br /> To �he �xtent permi�ted hy Iaw, Lender shall be entitled t� �oll�c� alI expenses �n�urre�t in pursuing the
<br /> re�xaedies pravid�d�n thi� Sect�a�,�n�lud�ng,bu�not limited�o,reasonab�e a�torney�'f�es and cos�s of�itle
<br /> evidence„
<br /> If�he pa�vver vf sale is inv�ked,Trustee shall r�cvrd a notice vf defaul�in each coun�y in which any part vf
<br /> #he Proper�y�s l�cated and shal�mai�eapies�f su�h noti�e in �he manner pr�scribed by A�pl��ab�e Law�o
<br /> Borrvwer and to �he oth�r pers�ns pres�ribed by Applicable�La�•. After the time required by Appl�cabl.e
<br /> Law, Tr�Stee shall gxve pubix� notic� �f sa�e �� the p�rsans and �n the manner gres�rib�d b�Appl�cabl�
<br /> Lav�.Trustee,�v�thou�demand�n Borr�wer,shall sell th�Fraperty at pub�xc auc�ion to t�e highes�b�dder
<br /> at�he time and placQ and un�ler the�erms de�igna�ed in�he r���ice af sa�e in Qne or more parc��s and in any
<br /> order Trust�e det�rrn�ine5. Trus�ee may po�tpone sa�e of all o�- any parcel �f the Pr�perty by pub�i�c
<br /> annnunc�rx�,ent a�the�ime and place of any pre�ious�y�ched��ed sale.Lender or�t�designe�xnay purcha5e
<br /> the Prvp�r�y a�any sa�e.
<br /> Upvn re�eipt of payment af the price b�d, Trus�ee sha�� de�iver ta the purchas�r Tru�#ee's deed con�eying
<br /> the Prop+�rty, The recita�s�n�he Tru��ee's deed shall be pr�ma facie ev�dence of the truth of�he sta�emen�s
<br /> �2�fl4-2415 Comp3iance Systerrts,Tnc.AbBC-�'724-2�15,3,5.1�64
<br /> C�nsum�r ReaI Estate-Security Instrr.�menF DL203C Pa�e 4 of S www.c�cnpliancesystems.conn
<br />