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<br /> DEED �F TRU�T
<br /> {��nt�r�u�d� Page �
<br /> Powers af Trustee. �n addition to a!I pawers of Trustee arising as a rnat�er❑�[aw,Trus�ee shall ha�e�he power to
<br /> take the�ollowing a�t�ons with respect�a the Property upvn the v�ritten reques�o�Lende�and Trustor: �a}join in
<br /> prepa�ing and f�ling a map or plat af�he Real Prap�riy, in�luding the d�dica�ivn Qf s�reets a�Qther rtgh�s �v the
<br /> public; �b) �o�n in granting any eas�m�nt �r creating any restriction on the Real Proper�y; and �c) join in any
<br /> suhordinativn ar other ag�eemenfi affecting this Deed v�Trust ar the interest o�Lender under this D�ed o�Trust.
<br /> Trustee, Trustee sha�! meet al[ qualifications required fQr Trustee under app�icabfe�aw. In addition to the rights
<br /> and remed3es se�for�h aboWe, wi�h r-espec�to all or any park�f the Prvper€y, �he Trustee shal] ha�� the right�v
<br /> for�c�ose by n�tic� and safe, and L�nder sha�f ha�e the r�ght to fflreclase �y judicial fareclasure, in either case in
<br /> accordance with and�o the fu��exten�prn�ided by app�icable law,
<br /> 5uccessvr Trust�e. Lender,at Lender's aptian,may frvm time#o time appQint a suce�ssar Trus#ee to any T�ustee
<br /> appoinfied under this Deed af Trust�y an instrument exe�uted and acknowledged by Lender and reco�d�d in the
<br /> ❑fiF�ce a��he re�ord�r v� Ha[f �ounty Caun�y, 5tat� of Nebraska. The ins��urnent shall contain, in additian to all
<br /> ather matters required by state law,�he names of fhe original Lenderl Trustee, an�Trustor,the bv�k and page{vr
<br /> comput�r system referen�e} where this Deed �f Trust is recvrde�, and the name and add�ess af the successor
<br /> trustee,and�he instrument sha[I be execu�ed and a�knowledged by alf the benefciaries under this Deed❑f Trusf or
<br /> �heir su�cessv�s in interest. The su�cessor trustee, withou# con�eyance o�the Property,shall succeed to ali the
<br /> title, power,and du�ies��nferred upan the Trustee in this Deed a�Trust and by applicable faw. This prvicedure for
<br /> su bs�itutian af Trustee shal[go�ern t��he exc�usian o�al�othe�pro�isi�ns fior substi�utian.
<br /> N�TtCES. Any natice required to b�gi�en unde�this Deed af T�-us�, including without limifa�tion any nntice af default
<br /> and �ny no�ice of sale shall be�i�en in writing, and shall be effec�ive when actually deli�ered, when actually re�ei�ed
<br /> by telefacs�mife�unless o�her-►lvise required by�aw},vrrhen depos��ed wi�h a na�ionalfy�-ecagnized o�ernight caurier,or, if
<br /> mailed,when depasited in the llnited 5tates mail, as f�rs�Glass, �ertified ar�-egistered mail pas�age prepa�d,direct�d to
<br /> the addresses shown near the beginning af#his aeed af Trust. All �opies a�nati�es o�f��rec�osure fr�m�he holder❑f
<br /> any lien which has priority vver this Deed vf Trust shall be sen#tv Lender's address, as shawn near the beginning af
<br /> this Deed of Tru�t. Any party may�hange its at�dress far n�ti�es under this Deed of Trust by giving formal written
<br /> na�iCe �a �he other parties, specifying �ha� �he purpose �f fhe nati�e is tv change �he party's address. F�r notiGe
<br /> pu�poses,T�-ustor agrees to keep Lender informed at alE times af Trustvr's current address. tJnless o�herwise pro�ided
<br /> �r required by lav�r, if there is mvre than one Trustar,any notice given by Lend�r�a any Trustar is d�emed ta be natice
<br /> gi�en�a al)Trustors.
<br /> E�.ECTR�NIG COP1E5. Lsnder may ��py, electrnniGally or otherwise, and thereafter des��oy, the ariginals of this
<br /> �greemen� andlor Re�ated ❑o�uments in the regu�ar course of Lend�r's business. All such cvpies produced from an
<br /> eiectronic form ar by any❑ther re�iable m�ans �i.e., phatographic image or�acsimile}shall in alf resp��ts b��ansidered
<br /> equiva�ent ta an orig�nal,and Bvrrvwer hereby wai��s any righis nr o�jeG�ions to the use of such copies,
<br /> II��SCELLANE�US�'R�VlS[�A�S. The foflvwing mis�ellanevus pro�isions are a part af�his Desd�f Trust:
<br /> Am�ndments. This D�ed af Trust,#ogeth�r with any f�elat�d l�v�uments,constitut�s tha enti�e understanding and
<br /> agreernent❑f the p�rties as tv the mat�ers set f�rth in t�is �7eed a�Trust. IVa alteratian of or arnendrnent t❑this
<br /> aeed❑f Trust shall be effecti�e unless gi�en in wri�ing and signe� by ihe par�y�r parties saugh��❑ be charged or
<br /> bound by the a��era�on vr amendmen�.
<br /> Annual Repor�s. If the Pr�perty is used for purpc�ses othe� than Trustor's residenoe, Trus�ar sha�l fumish to
<br /> Lender, upon request, a certified s�atement of ne� apera�ing income recei�ed from the Property during Trus�or's
<br /> previvus fiscai year in such farm and detail as Lender shall require. "Net❑perating income" sha�i mean al! cash
<br /> r�ceipts fr�m�he Prop�rty less all cash expenditures made in connec�ion with�he vperatian�f the Prvpe�.y.
<br /> Cap�ion H��dings. Gap�ion headings fn �his D�ed vf Trust are far can�enience purposes vnly and are not t� be
<br /> used to int�rpret❑r d�fn�the pra�isivns of this Qeed of Trust.
<br /> Merg�r. Th�re shall be na merger of the interest or estate created by this ❑eed af Trust with any o�her interest ar
<br /> estate in the Praper�y at any time held by vr far th�ben�fi�ot Lender in any capacifiy, without the wri�ten �ansent
<br /> v�Lender.
<br /> GoW�rning Law, This �eed o�Trus�will be garrerned by federal law appliGab�e to Lender and, tv the extent not
<br /> p�eempted by�edera!law,thQ laws of the 5tate af Nebraska withou#regard�o its conflicts of Iaw provisions. This
<br /> �eed v�Trust has been aGcep�ed hy Lender rr�the State af Me�raska.
<br /> Choice of Venue. �f�here is a lawsuit, Tr-ustar agrees upvn Lender's request fv subm��to the jurisdicfian af the
<br /> cvu�ts of Hall Gounty,S�ate�f Neb�-aska.
<br /> JQint and Several Liability. A�� obligatians of Trustar under�his Deed a�Trust shal[ be jvint and several, and all
<br /> references ta Trustor shaEl mean each and �ve�y Trustar. This means tha� each Trus�or signing below is
<br /> responsible for a!I abliga�ions in this Deed af Trust.
<br /> Na 1Nai�er by Lender. Lend�r sha[[not be deemed to ha�e wai�ed any rights under this Deed of Trust unless such
<br /> waiver�s given in wri�ing and signed by Lender. No de�ay or omission on the part vf Lender in ex�rcising any right
<br /> shall operate as a vrraiver of such right or any other righ�. A waP�er by Lende�'of a provisivn v i th�s Deed��Trust
<br /> shall not prejudice ar constEtute a wai�er of Lend�r's right ❑therwis� ta demand ��ric� comp�iance with that
<br /> prvvision ❑r any o�her provisivn o# this Deed of Trust. �la prior w�i�er by Lend�r, nor any course �f dea�ing
<br /> between Lende�and l�rustor, sha�� consti�ute a wai�er v�any vf Lender°s rights or of any of 1��-ustar's ob�igations
<br /> as tv any futu�e transac�ions. 111�hen�ver�h� consent❑f Lender is requ�red under this C�eed of Tr�st, the g�antfng
<br /> of such consent by Lender in any instance sha1� not cor�sti�u�e continuing consent t❑ sub�equ�n�instances whe�e
<br /> such�onsent is required arad in aii cases such cansen�may be gran�ed ar wifhheid in�he sote discretion o�Lender.
<br /> Serrerability. If a�aurt of�ampe�ent}urisdiction finds any p�o�ision of this Deed��r Trust�a be i(legal, in�a�id, o�-
<br /> unenforceab�e as ta any pers�n ar circumstance,that frnding shafl not make�he a�fending pra�ision iilegal,in�alid,
<br /> ar unenforceable as tv any a#her person ar circum�tance. If feasiale, the of�ending pro�ision sha[f be considered
<br /> modifed so�hat it beGames iegal,valid and enforceable. If�he offending pro�ision r,anna�be sa modified, i�shall
<br /> be conside�-ed de[efied �rarn this Deed nf Trust. Unless otherwise required by �aw, the ill�gality, in�alidi�y, ar
<br /> unenfarceab�lity�f any pra�ision of this D�ed of Trust sha!! not a�fect the�egali�,�ali�lity or enf�rceability of any
<br /> �ther pra�isinn of this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Suecessars and Assigns. Sub�ect#o any limitations sta�ed in this Deed o�Trust on transfer af T�us�or'S interest,
<br /> th�s Deed of Trust shall be binding upon and inure ta �he b�neft vf the parties, th�ir successars and assigns. If
<br /> ownership o�the Praperty beGornes�est�d in a person Qther#han Trustar, Lender,withaut notice ta Trustor, may
<br /> deal with Trusfior's successors with reference to this�eed❑f Trust and�he lndeht�dn�ss hy way af fvrbearance or
<br /> extension wi�haut releasing T�ustor firorn the obligatians af this Deed af Trust ar liability under the Indebtedness.
<br /> Time is���he Essence. Time is o�'�he essence in the per�ormance of th�s Qeed o�Trust.
<br /> VtiJai�e Jury. A�! pa�ties tn#his De�d of Trus�hereby waive�he ri�ht�o any jury�ria! in any action, praceeding, or
<br /> �vunte�c�airn braught by any pa�agains�any�ther pa�ty.
<br /> �I�Fai�er a� Hor�estead �xemption, Trustvr her�by �-eleas�s and wai�es a�l �-ights and k�enefts of�he homestead
<br /> exemption la�nrs v�the S�a��v�Nebras�a as to all lndeb�edn�ss secured by this De�d of Trust.
<br />