��1 5�6� 1 4
<br /> DEED �3F TRIJ�T
<br /> ���nt�nued� Page 5
<br /> secured herehy, Lender may declare all Indeb�edness secured by�his❑eed af Trus�t❑ be due and payable and
<br /> the sarne sha�l thereupon become due and payab�e wi�hou�any presen�ment,deman�,prv�est or notice Qf any
<br /> kind. Thereafter, Lender may:
<br /> {a} Ei�he� in persvn or by agen#, with or wi�h�ut bringing any activn vr prviceeding, or by a receiver
<br /> appflin�ed k�y a cou�and without regard to�h�adequacy of its secur�fiy, enter upan and take possessEon
<br /> of the Prvper�y;ar any part�hereo�,in its own name ar in the narne of Trustee,and do any acts whi�h it
<br /> deems necessary or desirable�a presenre the�alue, mari€etabi[ity vr rentahility❑f the Property,or part of
<br /> the P�operty ar interest in the Property; increase th�incvme frarn the Prvperty or�rotect the security af
<br /> �he Pr�perty; and, with or wfthau�taking possession of �he Prvp�rty, sue far vr vtherwise co[[eGt the
<br /> ren#s, �ssues and prafits af the Prvperky, inc[udin� �hase past due and unpaid, �nd ap�ly the same, ies�
<br /> c�sts and expenses af vperation.and cvll�ction a�torneys'fees,ta an�indehtedness secured by this Deed
<br /> ❑�Trus�, al] in such ❑rder as Lend�r may determine. The �ntering up�n an� taking pass�ssivn ❑f the
<br /> Property, the cvllection vf such rents> issues and prafits, and the application ther�of shai[ not cure or
<br /> waive any defauf�ar notice of defaui�under thEs Deed of Trus�or in�alidate an�act done in r�spvnse to
<br /> such default vr pu�suant�o such natice of�efaul�;and, notwithstanding the�ontinuan��in possessian o�
<br /> the Pr-operty ar the collecfian, receipt and app�iea#ion ❑f r�n�s, �ssues ar prafits, Trustee or Lender shall
<br /> be entitled t� exercise�very righf pra�ided for�n�he Note or the Related ❑ocumen�s or by law upon th�
<br /> occurrence of any e�en#vfi d�fault,inc[uding the�ight tv exercise the power of sa[e;
<br /> �b} Gommence an ac�iQn to fvreclase th�s Deed o#Trust as a martgage, appoint a�e�eiver❑r specifical�y
<br /> en�orce any af the�o�enants herea�;and •
<br /> �c} De[i�er to Trustee a wri�ten declaration af de�au�t and demand��r sale and a wri��en no�ice o�de�au��
<br /> and ele�tian�o cause�rustar's int�rest in�he I'roperty t� be safd,whi�h natice Trustee shall cause to be
<br /> du[y filed fo�rec�rd in th�appropriat�offiices�f th�County in whiGh the Proper-ty�s lacated;and
<br /> �d} Wi�h resp�et t❑ all or any part a�the Persanal Prvperky, Lender shall ha�e all the righ�s and rernedies
<br /> o�a secured party under the Nebraska Unifarm Gommercia�Cade.
<br /> Fvre�lasure by Power a'�Sale. 1f Len�ier ele��s�o�arecfase by exercis�af the Pawer of S�le herein contained,
<br /> Lend�r shal! notify Trustee and shall deposit with Trustee fhis �eed of Trus�and the No�e and su�h receip�s
<br /> and evidence af expendi�ures rnade and secured by this Deed af Trust as Trustee may require.
<br /> �a} Upon receipt of such notice fr�m Lend�r,Trus�ee sha��cause ta be recarded, �ubfish�d and deli�ered
<br /> to Trustor such Notice nf Defau�t and Natice vf 5ale as then required by law and by this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Trustee shall, w�th�ut demand vn TrustQ�, after such �ime as may �hen be required by law and after
<br /> recarda�ion of such [�otice of Default and af�er I�lati�e of Sale ha�ing been given as�-equired by law, sell
<br /> the Praperty a�the tim� and p�ac:e of sale fi�ed by t� in su�h Natice Qt Sa[e, eithe� as a whal�, or in
<br /> separa�e lats or parceCs or iterns as Trustee shall deem expedient,and in such vrder as it may de�ermine,
<br /> a�publE�auctivn to�he high�st bidder far cash in Iaw�ul money of the Llnited 5�ates payab�e at the tirne
<br /> af saie. Trustee shall deliver tQ such purchaser or purchasers thereof�ts good �nd su�ficient deed o�
<br /> deeds con�ey�ng�h� proper-ty so sold, �aut without an�covenant or war�-anty, express or,implied. The
<br /> recitals En such deec!of any rnatt�rs or facts shall be canc[usive proo�of�he truthfulness thereof. Any
<br /> persan,;ncluding wi�hout limita�ion Trustor,�rustee,or Lender,may purchas�at such sa�e.
<br /> ��} As may be permitted by law, a�ter deduc€ing ali �osts, fees and expenses of Trus�ee and o�this
<br /> Trust,inc�uding casts��e�idence vf title in aonnection w�th sale,Trustee shall appiy the prooeeds o�sale
<br /> fi�payment af �i}ail sums expended under the terms of this laeed af Trust or under the terms of fhe Nate
<br /> not then repaid, inc�uding but nat limit�d �o aGcrued inter�sf and lat�eharges, �ii} a�i other surns th�n
<br /> se�ured hereby,and �iii)the remainder,�f any,tv the person or persons 1�gal�y entitled thereto_
<br /> ��} Trustee m2iy�n the manner pro�ided by faw pvstpone sale v�al�ar ar�y portion o�fhe�roperky.
<br /> RernedEes Not Exctusi�e. Trustee and Lender, and each of them, sha[� be en#i�fed to enforGe payment an�
<br /> pertormance vf any indebtedness or abliga��qns secured by this ❑eed of Trust and to e�er�ise al� rights and powers
<br /> under this ❑eed a�Trust, under�he Nvte, under any of the Related Dacuments,ar under any❑ther agreement or
<br /> any�aws now or hereafter in farce; notwithstand�ng,�vme or a[1 0�such indebtedness and obligatians secured by
<br /> this D�ed v�Trust may naw or hereafter be❑therwise secur�d, whether by rnartgag�, deed of#rust, p[edge, lien,
<br /> assignment or Qtherwise. Neither the accep#ance of this Deed o� Trust nvr its enfor�emen�, whether by court
<br /> a�tion or pursuant to the power❑f sale ar other paw��s cr�n�ained in thEs Deed af Trus#, shaE� prejudiGe or in any
<br /> manner affect Trusfiee'S or Lender`s right to rea�i�e upon ❑r en�o�ce any v�her se�urity naw or hereafter heid by
<br /> Trust�e�r Lender,i� being agr�ed that Tn.+stee and Lender,and each v�them, shall �e enti��ed ta enfarce this Deed
<br /> of Trust and any o�her se�urity naw or hereafter held by Lender or Trustee in such �rder and manner as they ❑r
<br /> e�ther o��hem may in �heir absalu#e discretion determine. Nv remedy con��rred upan �r reserved �o Truste� �r
<br /> Lender, is intended to �e exclusi�e Qf any other remedy in this ❑eed vf Trust ar by law pra�ided or permi�ted, but
<br /> each shall he cumulati�e and shall be in additian to ewery ather rernedy gi�en in this ❑eed af Trust ar naw or
<br /> hereafter exis�ing at law o�in equity or by statu��. E�ery pawer or remedy g�ven by the hlvte or any��the R�la�ed
<br /> �ocumen�s �o Trus�ee ❑r Lender ❑r to whi�h either vf them rr�ay be vthez-rnrise entit�ed, rnay be exerc�sed,
<br /> concurren#ly or indep�ndently,from time t❑�ime and as vften as may be deemed exped€ent by Trustee�r L�nd�r,
<br /> and ei�her �f them may pursu� incons�stent rernedies_ N��hing in thi� Qe�d Qf Trust shall b� canstrued as
<br /> prohibi�ing Lender fr�m seeking a de�ciency�udgment against the Trus�o�to�he extent su�h act�Qn is permitted by
<br /> [aw. Eiectian by Lender�a pursue any remedy shall no�exclude pursui#of any other remedy, and an electivn tv
<br /> rnake expenditures❑r�a take action �o pe�form an❑bligation ❑f Trustor under this Deed a�Trust, after Trus�vr's
<br /> �ailure�o perfvrm,Shaff nat affec�Lender's righ�t�declare a de�aul�and exe�rcise i�s remedies.
<br /> Request far Notice. Trusfivr,an beha�f�f Tn.rstvr and Lender, h�rehy requests that a capy o�F any Nvtice o�De�ault
<br /> and�copy of any No�ice of Sa1e under this Deed o�Trust be mai��d ta th�m a�the addr`esses se��orth in the frs�
<br /> paragraph af this Deed af Trust.
<br /> A�torneys' Fees; Expenses. !� Lender 3nstitutes any suft Qr action tv en�or�e any af�he terms af this Deec� of
<br /> Tru�t, L�nder shall be entitled to recv�rer such sum as the cour�may ad�udge reasonable as attorneys'fe�s at�ria�
<br /> and upan �ny appsal: Whether ar nat any �Qurt ac�ion is in�o��ed, and t�th� exten� nc�t prflhibited by Iaw, a!1
<br /> reasonable expenses Lender incurs �hat in Lender's Qpinion are ne�essary a� any fime fvr �he pratec�ian of i�s
<br /> in�erest or fihe enforcem�nt af i�s righ�s shall be�om�:a part af the indebt�dness payable❑n demand and shall b�r
<br /> in�er�st at the Note rate from the date af the exp�nditure until repaid. Expenses c��ere�by thzs paragraph include,
<br /> �rvithout IEmitation, however subject to an�lim[ts under applicab�e law, Lende�'s attorneys'fee�and�ender's lega�
<br /> expenses, whe�her or not there is a iawsuit, including at�arneys'fiees and expenses for ban�rup�Gy proceed�ngs
<br /> �including ef�or�s#a modi�y ar vacate any autamatic stay or injunctian},appeaf�,and any anticipa�ed past judgment
<br /> collec�ivn se�v�ces,�he cost of searching recards, obtaining�itle repv�ts�including foreclosure repvrts}y SUIVPr�/OI'Sf
<br /> reports, and appraisa� �ees, ti�1 e i nsu►Mance, and fees f��the Tn..jstee, to the exten� permitte� by appl icab�e law.
<br /> Trustar alsn wil�pay any cour��osts,in addition ta all other sums pro�ided by[aw.
<br /> 1��ghts nf Trustee. Trustee shal[have al�❑f�he rights and duties o�Lender as s���vrth in this sec�ion.
<br /> p�1NERS►4{VD �BLIGATI�NS�F TRUSTEE. The fo�lvwing pro�isivns re[a�ing�Q the powers and obl�gations of Trustee
<br /> are pa�of this Deed of Trus�:
<br />