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<br /> DEFIN�TE�NS. Th�following �ap�talized w�rds and terms shall haWe the�ollowing meanings when used in fhis �e�d of
<br /> Tru�t. Lin�ess specifically stated to the contrai-y, al�reterences to da[lar amounts sha�1 mean amounts in �aw�ul mQney
<br /> o�the United States o�Am�rica_ Words and terms used in the singul�r shal� include the plura�, and the plural shai4
<br /> inGlude th� singu[ar, as �he context may requira. V1lords and ferms nat otherwise defined in this ❑eed o�Trust sha�l
<br /> have�h�meanings at�ribu��d�o suGh t�rms in�he Uniform�ammercial Cod�:
<br /> B�nefi�iary. The ward"Bene�iciary"means First Natianal Bank of�maha,and i�s suc�essors and assigns.
<br /> SQrrower. The word "Barrower" means Raymond J. O'Cannor and Jenni�er �. [J'Connar and includes atl
<br /> co�signers and co-makers signing the Nvte and all their successars an�i assigns.
<br /> Deed af Trust. The words "Deed of Trust" mean this Deed of Trust among Trusto�, Lende�, and Trus�ee, and
<br /> includes withou� �imitatian all assignment and secur�ty in�e�est provisians relating to �he Persor�aI Property an�
<br /> Rents_
<br /> Default. The usrord "Default"m�ans the Default s���vrth in�his D�ed af Trust in the s�c#inn�itle� "Default".
<br /> En�ironmenta� Laws. The words "Enviranmen�a! Laws" m�an any and all state, fiederal and locai s�atutes,
<br /> regulativns and ordinanc�s relating to the pr�#ec�ion of human he��th ar the enviranment, includin� wi�hout
<br /> limitation i�he�vmprehensi�e En�irvnmental Response, Campensativn, and Liabilify Ac�af 1�8�, as amended,42
<br /> U.S.�. Section 96Q�: et seq. �"CER�LA"}, the Superfund Amendments and Reau�horiza�ian R��af �986, Pub. L.
<br /> NQ.99-�99 �"SARA"�,the Ha�ardaus Materia�s Transpo�atian ac�,�9 ll.S.C.Sec�ion �8�1,�t seq.,�he Resource
<br /> Gvnservation and R�Govery Ac�, 4� U.S.C. Sect��n �9�1, e�seq., v�other appli�able s�ate or federal laws, rules,
<br /> or regulatians advpted pu�-su�n��hereto.
<br /> E�ent of De�auit. The wards"E�ent�f O�fau�t"m�an any�f fihe e�ents of d�fauf�s�t forth in this Deed vf Trust in
<br /> �he e�en�s af defau�t s�ction of this aeed a�Trust.
<br /> Guaran�y. The word "�uaran�y" means the guaranty fr�m guarantor,endorser,surety,❑r accammada�ion party fo
<br /> Lender,including�rvithvut limifatian a guaranty of all ar part uf the No��.
<br /> Hazardous Substances. �he wvrds "Hazardaus Substan�e�" mean materials that, because �f th�ir quantity,
<br /> concentra�ian ❑r phys�cal, chemical �r in�ectivus characteristi�s, may cause or po�e a present or potential hazard
<br /> fi❑ human health �r the en�ironment when impraperly used,trea�ed,s�ored, dispased v�, generated, manufactured,
<br /> transporfed or��herwise handled. The word� "Hazardous Substances" are used in �heir very br�ades�sense and
<br /> include withau# limifa#ian any and al� hazardous ar tvxic substances, materials ar wast� as defined by or listed
<br /> unde�-�he EnvEronmental Laws. The term "Hazardous 5ubstances"a[so includes,wi�hout 1imi�ation, petroleum and
<br /> petroleum by-products or any fractian thereof and asbestos.
<br /> �mprvvernen�s. Th� word "Impro�ements" means al� existing and future improvemen�s, huildings, stru��ures,
<br /> mabi[e homes a�Fixed on �he Rea� Property, faci�ities, addifians, reptacements and o�her construction on i�he Rea!
<br /> Praperty_
<br /> lndebtedness. The ward "�ndebtedness'" means ali principal, interest, and other amvunts, cvsts and expenses
<br /> payah�e under �he IVote or Relat�d Documents, together wi�h all renewals vf, ex�ensions of, modificat�ons of�
<br /> consolidations❑�and subs��tutions for the Note or R�la�ed Documents and any amounts expended ar advanced by
<br /> Lend�r to discha�-ge Trust�r's obligatians or expenses in�urr�d by T�-us�ee or Lender to enfarce Trus�nr's
<br /> a�liga��ans under�his Deed❑f Trust,together with inter�s�on such amaunfs as pro�ided in this Deed a�Trust.
<br /> Lender. The ward"Lende�"means Firsf Nation�l Bank���maha,ifs suc�essors and assigns.
<br /> Note. The w�rd "Note" means any�nd all ofi Borrovtrer's lia�ilities, obligations and deb#s to Lender, now exis�ing
<br /> or hereinatter incurred❑r created, inc�uding,withaut limit�tian, a�l loans, advances, interes�, costs deb�s, o�erdrafit
<br /> ind�h�edness, credi� card indabtedness, ��as� ob�iga�ivns, liabilities and abligations under in�erest rat� protectian
<br /> agreemen�s�r�Qreign currency exchange�greements or commodity pri�e prate�tion agreements,other�bl€gations,
<br /> and �iabilities Qf BQrrnv►rer �oge�her with al� modifrcatians, increa$es, renewa[s, and ex�ensions �f the
<br /> afvremen�ioned. Ad��t�anafly, hereby in�orporated as if fulfy set fo€�h herein ar� the terms and canditians o�any
<br /> promissory note, agreement ❑r o�he�- document executed by gorrower andlor Lender indicating tihis security
<br /> fnstrument or the prnperty descr;bed here�n shall he con�iderPd "Co��at�ral" securing such pram��sary note,
<br /> agreemen�,or o�her instrument,or any similar re�erenc�.
<br /> Personal Property. The wo�rds "�'ersonal Prope�ty" mean a�l equipment, fixtu�e�, and other a�ticies of persana�
<br /> property naw ar hereaft�r awned b� Trustar, and now or hereaf�er a�tachad or affixed to the Reaf Property;
<br /> togeth�r with alf ac�essians, parts, and addi�ions to, all repla�ements of, and a�l �ubstitutians far, any of su�h
<br /> prapert�; and tagether wifih ali proceeds ��n�luding without limitatian al� insu�ance proceeds and refunds ❑f
<br /> premiums}fram ar�y saie v�-other disposition of�he Prvper�y.
<br /> Prope�ty. The word"Property"means c�[lec�i��ly the Real Praperty and the Persanal Proper�y.
<br /> ReaC Praperty. The wor�s"Real Prope�ty"mean the reai praper�y, in�erests and righ�s, as�ur�her described in this
<br /> �3eed�f Tru�t.
<br /> Related Dacum�nts. The words "Re�ated Dncumenfs" rnean a[1 pramissory no�es, �redit agreements, loan
<br /> agreements, enviranmenta� agreements, guaranties, security agreements, mor�gages, deeds of trus�, securi�y
<br /> deeds, collatera[ martgages, and a11 o�her instruments, agreemen�s and documents, whether naw or hereafi�er
<br /> existing,execut�d in connectian with�he Indeb�edness.
<br /> Ren�s, Th� w�rd "Ren�s" means all �resent and future rents, r��enues, income, issues, rnyalties, prafi#s, and
<br /> o�her bene�its de�-ived fram the P�-operty.
<br /> Trustee. The word "Trustee"means First Na�ional Bank af Ornaha ,whose address is S�� A�len❑r. , Grand lsland
<br /> , NE 58803 and any substi�ute or suc�es�or trustees.
<br /> Trus#ar. The word "Trus�vr"means Raymond J. 0'Connor and,J�nni�er S.�'Connvr.
<br /> Tf�UST�R A�F�EES T��T5 TERMS.
<br /> �R�JS��]f�:
<br /> X
<br /> Rayrn J.�'�a�nnar
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<br /> Jer� if r Sb�'G� vr
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