<br /> under th��o�e;�c}an�ounts due under Section 3.S�.�Gh pa�men�s shall be applied tio each Perioci�c Payment zn the�rder �• '
<br /> in ti�hich i�became due.Any remaining amounts sha1�be applied firs��a Iate charbes,sec�nd tfl any other a.mounts due �
<br /> under this Securi�y Instrurnent,a,nd then to reduce the principai balan�e af the Note.
<br /> �f L�nder receiwes a pa�men�from Bonrativer fQr a delinquent Periadic Pa�ment�nrhi�h includes a suff cient amount
<br /> ��pay an��late charge due,�he pa�men�may be app�ied to�he de��nquent paym�nt and the�ate charbe.�f rnore�han one
<br /> Periodic Payment �s ou�standing, L�nder may apply any paymen�r�cex�ed f�am Borravver�o�he repaymen�af�he
<br /> Periodic Paym�nts if,and to fihe ex�ent�ha�,each paymen�can be paid in full.Ta the exten�tha�any excess e�ists af���- ' �
<br /> the payrn�nt�s applied to the full payment of one ar more Periodic Paymen�s,such excess n�ay be applred ta any la�e
<br /> charges due.VQlun�ary prepayments shai�be applied f�rst to any prepayment charges and then a.s described in the N�te.
<br /> Any app�ication�f paymen�s,insurance proceeds,or Miscei�aneous Proceeds to p��ncipal due under the Not�shall
<br /> not ex�end or p�s�pone the due date,or change the anaount,of the Periadic Payments. •
<br /> 3.Funds for Escrow Items.Borrower shal�pa��o Lender on the day P�riad�c Payrnents are due under the Note,
<br /> untii the Note�s paid in fuli,a sum��he"Funds"}�o pro�ide for payment of amaunts due for:�a}�a.xes a.nd assessrnent�
<br /> and oth�r items which can at�ain pr�ori� aver�h�s Security �nstrument as a Iien or encumbrance on�h� Praper�y; �
<br /> {b}leaseho��.pa�ments or graund�ents an the Pr�perty,�f an�;�c}�remiums for an�and ail�nsurance requ�red by Lender
<br /> under Secti�n 5;and�d}M�r�gage�nsuranc�premzums,if any,o�r any sums payab�e�y Bo�rawer to Lender in Iieu ofthe .
<br /> payrnent�f U�or�gage�nsuran�e premiums in accordance with the provisi�ns ❑f 5ection ��,These i�ems are called
<br /> "Escro��r �tems." At arigination or at any tirne during the term of�he Loan, Lender rnay require that C�rn�.nunit�
<br /> Assac�at�on Du�s,Fees,and Assessments,if any,be escrowe��y B�rrower,and such dues,fe�s and assessmen�s shal�be
<br /> an Escraw Item, Barrower sha�i promptly furnish�� Lender all notices of arnaunts to b� paid under this S�cti4n.
<br /> Borrow�r shall pay Lend�r the Funds far Escrow��ems unless Lender v�ai�es Borrawer's abligation�o pay th�Funds f�r .
<br /> any�r a11 Escraw Items.L�nder may waive Barr�wer's oblzgatian to pa�t�Lender Funds for any ar a1�Escrow�tems at .
<br /> any time.Any such wa��er may on�y be in writing,�n the even�of such waiver,B�rrov�er�ha�l pay d�r�c�ly,�vhen and
<br /> u�here payab�e,�he amounts due far any Escraw Ytems for wh�ch payrnent of Funds has b�en wa��ed by Lend�r and,if -
<br /> Lender r�quires, shall furn�sh�o Lender recelpts e�videncing such payment within such time period as L�nder may
<br /> require.Eor�ov�rer's obliga�ian to make such payments and�a p�-ovide receip�s sha11 f�r all purposes be deemed t�be a
<br /> �ovenant and agreement con�a,�ned�n�his SecurYty Ins�rumen�,as the ph�rase"ca�enant and agreement"is used in�ectian
<br /> 9.Tf�3�rr�wer is obligated�o pay Escz-aw��ems dzrectly,pursuant ta a wai�er,and Bor�awer fails to pay the amoun#da�e
<br /> for an Escra�v I�em,Lender may exercise its rights under Se�ti�n 9 and pay such amoun�and Borrower sha�l then be
<br /> �b�igated und�r Sectian 9 to repay to Lender any such am�un�.Lender rnay re�oke the wa�v�r as t�a�n�or a11 Escr�w
<br /> Iterns at any ti�n�by a na�ice g��en in accardanc�v�ith Section 15 and,upon such�rev�catian,Borr�vver shall pay ta . '
<br /> Lender a��Funds,and in such am�un�s,�that axe then requir�d under this Section 3.
<br /> Lender may,at any time,c�ilect and haid Funds in a.�amount�a}sufFic�en���perrni�L�nder to appI��the Fund�at �
<br /> the time spec�f ed und��r RESPA,and�b�not to exceed the rna�imum amount a�ender can�equir�under RESPA.Len��r
<br /> shall estimate the amount af Funds due on�he�asis of current data and reas�nable es��mates of e�penditures af future
<br /> E�crow�t�rns or a�herv�r�se in accordance with App�icab�e Law. ,
<br /> The Funds sha11 be he�d�n an institutio�whase deposits are insure�by a federai agency,ins�rumentaiity,or entity �
<br /> �inc�udln�Lender,if Lender is an ins�itutian��vhose d�posits are sa insured�or in a�ay F�dera�Home Lflan Bank.Lender
<br /> sha�l apply the Funds to pay�he Escrov���tems na�ater�han the�ime spe�ified under RESPA.Lender shal�no�charge
<br /> Sor�ower for hold�ng and applying the Funds,annual�y analyzing�he esc�raw account,ar verifying the Escraw�tems,
<br /> un�ess Lender pays Borr�wer interest nn the Fuu�ds and App]icab�e LavFr permits Lender to make such a chaxge.Un�ess an
<br /> agr�eln�nt is made in writxng o�Applicable Law requires interest��be paid on the Funds,Lender shall no�be requir�d to •
<br /> pay Borravrrer any interest or earnings an�he Funds.Barrawer and Lender can agree in writing,however,that in�eres�
<br /> sha�l be paid on the Funds.Lender shall give t�Barr�wer,without chaxge,ax�annual accounting af the Funds as re9uired • �
<br /> by RESPA.
<br /> If there is a surplus of Funds he�d in�scro,w,as defined under RESPA,L�nder shall account��Borrowe�for the
<br /> excess funds in accordance w�th RESPA.�f there is a shor�ag�af Funds h��d�n escraw,as defined under RESPA,Lender
<br /> sha�l not�fy Barrov�er as required by RESFA,and Borrower sha1�pay to Lender the amount ne�essary to ma.ke up the
<br /> sh�r�a�e in accordance with RESPA,bu�in no more than�2 month�y payments.�f�here is a defic�ency of Funds held in
<br /> NEBRASl�A-Sing�e Family-Fannie MaelFreddie�ac UN�F�RM 1NSTRUMENT wifh MERS Form 3��8 �t0�
<br /> Page 4 a��3 '
<br /> � �`�
<br /> ios,�nc, Bor�awer�s}initials � � •
<br /> i
<br /> �� .
<br />