�� 15������
<br /> ag�eements under this Security Instrument and the�1o�e.For th�s purpose,Bo�rrowex xrrevo�ab�y grants and can�eys to ,
<br /> Trus�ee,in�rust,�ith pawer of sale,the following descr�bed proper�y laca�ed in the Caunty of Ha�l:
<br /> Lo�Twu�2�,A and�Secand Subdivis�on,Hal�Cflunty,Nebraska
<br /> Parcel ID Number:44U47114U _
<br /> which currently has�he address af 7�5�.W Highway 2
<br /> Grand Is�and,NEBR.ASKA 68$�3,�"Proper�y Address"�: , .
<br /> T��ETHER WITH all �he improvements now or hereaft�r ereG�ed an fhe property, and al� ��asements, .
<br /> appur�enances,and fi�tures n4w or hereafter a par�af the praper#y.AII repiacemen�s and additians shall alsa be covered ,
<br /> by�his Security�nstrument.All af the forega�ng is referred�o in this S�curity Instrurnent as the"Prapert�y."Bar�rower ,
<br /> understa.nds and agrees that MERS holds oni�legal title ta the interests granted by B�rrower in th�s�e�uri�y�nstrumen�, .
<br /> but,if necessary to�omply with�a�or custom,��ERS�as namin�e for Lender and Lender's successors and assigns}�has
<br /> �he ri�ht:to exercise any or all of thase interes�s,including,but not lim��ed�a,the righ��o foreclose and sell the P�aper�y; �
<br /> and to take an�action required af Lender inclu�ing,but nat�imi�ed tfl,re�easing and canceling this Secu�ity�nstrumen�.
<br /> BC�RR��?VER C�VENANT�that Borrawer is ia��vful�y s�ised of th�estate hereby c�n�eyed and has�he�igh���
<br /> gran�and c�nvey the Praper�y and tha�the Praperty is unencumbered,�xcept for encumbrances of r�cord.B�rro�ver � .
<br /> war�ants and�ri11�efend generall�the title to�he Praper�y against ail c�aims and demands,sub,��ct to any encum�rances
<br /> af�reco�d. �
<br /> TH�S SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines unzform co�enants fvr national use and non-unifarm covenants wi�h
<br /> lirnited�ar�a�ions hy jurisdiction to const�tute a uniform security inst�rument co�ering�eal propea-�y.
<br /> UNZFaR.R.'��C�VEI�IA�'TS.Borrower and Lender cavenant and agree as follows: ,
<br /> 1.Payment af Principal,Interes�,Escraw i�ems,Prepayment Charges,and Late Charges.Borr�wer shall pay
<br /> u�hen due the pri�cipal af,and in�eres�an,the debt e��denced b�the Nate and any prepaym�nt chaxges and Ia��char�es
<br /> due under th��ate.Bar�rawer shall also pay funds for Escr�w Items pursuant��Section 3.Payments due undez�h�N��e
<br /> and th i s 5 ecurity Instrument sha��be made in U.S. curren�y. H�weWer,if any check or ather ins��rumen�received by - ,
<br /> Lender as paym�nt under the Nate or this S�curity Instrument is re�urned to Lender unpaid,Lender may require that any '
<br /> or ali subsequent payments due under�he Note and this Security Ins�urn�nt�e made�n one❑r m�re of the follaw�ng
<br /> forms,as sei�cted b}�Lender:�a}cash;�b}money order;�c�certif ed check,ban�check,treasurer's che�k or�ashier's �
<br /> check, provided any such check is drawn upon an institution �nrhose deposits are insured by a fed�ra� agency, �
<br /> instrumen�ality,o�entity;ar�d�Electranic Funds Transfer.
<br /> Payments �.re deemed received by Lender�rhen�ec�ived at the laca�ion designated in the Note or at such oth�r ,
<br /> Iflca�ian as may be designated by Lender in accordance tivith the na�ice�rovisi�ns in Sectifln�5.Lend�r may return any
<br /> payment ar par�zal payment if the payment ar par�ial payments are insuffcient�Q bring�he Lvan current,Lender may
<br /> accep�any payment ar paxtial payment insuffic�ent�o bring the Loan curren�,without wai�er�f an3�rights hereund�r or
<br /> prejudice t�its righ�s to refuse such payment 4r par�ial payments in the future,but Lender is r�a�obligated�Q�apply such ,
<br /> payments a�the time such pa�ments ar�accepted.If each P�riadic Payment is applied as of its scheduled due date,t�en .
<br /> Lender ne�d nat pay interes�an unapplied funds.Lender rnay hold such unapplied funds unt�l Ba�rower ma.l�es paymen� •
<br /> to bring the Loa.n current.If Borrower daes not do sa within a reasanable perz4d of tirne,Lend�r sha�l ei�her apply such . �
<br /> funds or return them to B�rrower.if not app��ed earli�r,such funds will be applied ta the outs�anding�rincipal balance
<br /> under�he Note immediately prior to forec�osure.No offset or�laim which Borrower m.�ght have n�v�•�r in the futur�
<br /> a�ainst Lender shall reiieve Borrower fr�m nzakin� payment� due under the�o�e and this Security Instrument or
<br /> perf�rrni�g the�avenan�s and agreem�nts secured by this Se�ur�ty Instrument. �
<br /> Z.Appiication of Payments or Pruceeds,Except as other�vise descri�ed rn this Section 2,a�l payments accepte� -
<br /> and applied by Lend�r shall be appl��d in the fall�wing�rder of priori�y:�a}interest due under�he Note;�b)prin�ipal due
<br /> NEBRAS�A-Sir�gf�Family-Fannie Mae�Freddie Mac lJNIFDRM INSTRUMENT wi#h NlERS Form 3�28 �10�
<br /> Page 3 af�3 ��� �
<br /> EQs,��c, Borrawer�s}Init�a�s�_
<br />