� 2�15��2�7
<br /> escraw,as�efined under RESPA,Lender shall notify Borraurer as r�quir�d by RESPA,and Bvrrower shall pay to Lende�
<br /> the arnount necessary�❑make up th�defic�ency zn accardance�ith RESpA,bu�in na more thax��Z rnonthiy payments.
<br /> Up�n paymen t in fu l l�f a�i sums secure d by t his Se�urifiy Iristrurnent,Len der shall pr�mptly refund to Barrower any
<br /> Funds he�d by Lender.
<br /> 4.�harges;Liens.Borrower shal�pay alx taxes,assess�nents,cha�rges,fines,and imposi�ti�ns a�ributable�o the
<br /> Pxoperty vvhich can attain priority av�r�his Security Tns�ruxnent,l�asehold paym�nts or graurid rents on the Proper�y,�f
<br /> any,and�ommunity Association Iaues,Fees,and Assessmen�s,if any.To the extent�ha�these items axe Es�r�w��ems,
<br /> Bo�-�ower sha�I pay�hem in tlae manner pra�ided in Se�tian 3. � .
<br /> Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has pxiority aver�his Se�urit� �ns�rument un�ess'Borrower:
<br /> �a}a�rees in wri�ing ta the pa�ment�f the ob�igati�n secured by�he li�n in a manne�-ac�eptable��Lender,�but an�y s�
<br /> l�n�as Borr�wer is performing such agreement;�b}�antests the�ien�n goad fai�h by,�r d�fends against enforcemen�of
<br /> thz lien in, lega�proceedings whzch in Lender's vpxnion ope�ate�o pre�ent�he enforcerr�ent of the��en whi�e�hase
<br /> proceedings a�e pending,but only unti�such pr�ceedings are conc�uded;�r�c}s�cures from the holder of the Izen an
<br /> a�r�ernent sa�isfactary�a Lender subardinating the Iien��this Security Instrument.If Lender de�ermines tha�any par�of
<br /> �he Proper�y is sub�ect to a lien whi�h can attain priority 4�er�his Securi�y�nstrument,Lende�may give Borrower a �
<br /> notice iden�ifying the iien.Wi�hin 1 D days af�he date on u�h��h that n4�ice i�given,Borr�wer shal�satisfy the lien or ta�e
<br /> ane or more of the actians se�f�rth above in this Sectior��.
<br /> Lender may require Borro�nrer t❑pay a�ne-�ime charg��or a r�al esta�e tax verif catian andlor reporting ser�ice u�ed
<br /> by Lender in cannection with this Loan.
<br /> 5.Property�nsurance.Borro�er shall k�ep the impr�vernen�s naw exis�ing��hereafter erec�ed an�he Property
<br /> insured agains��oss by fire,hazaxds inc�uded wi�hin�he term"�xtended coverage,"and any other hazard�xn�luding,bu�
<br /> nat limited�o,earthquakes and flaods,far which Lende�requires insurance.Th�s i.nsurance shall be mazntained in�he
<br /> amoun�s�inciuding d�ductib�e�evels}and far�he periods that Lende�requxres.What L�nd�r requires pursuant t��he
<br /> preceding sentences�an change during the term af�he Loa.n.The insu�rance carrier providing the insurance�ha��b�
<br /> chasen by Borrower subject ta Lender's ri�;ht ta d�sapprove Borrower's �haice, which ri�h�shal�not be e�ercis�d
<br /> unreasanab�y.Lender may requir�Borrower ta pay,in connection with this L�an,ei�h�r:�a�a one�txme charge for flood � �
<br /> zone determ�natian, ce�tif cation and tracking �er�ices; o�r �b�a one-time Gharg� for flaod zone de�erminati�n and
<br /> cer��f cation services a�ad subsequent�harge�each tim�remappings❑r simila.r changes flGcur which reas�nably might
<br /> affect such determina��an ar ce�txficat�an.Borrawer shall a1s�be responsibie for the payrnent af any fees impased by�.ae
<br /> Federal Emergency Managemen�Agency in�onnection with the r�view of any flood zone determination�esul�ing froxn
<br /> an obj ect�an�y Bor�ower.
<br /> �f Barrower fails�a main�ain any of the cQ�erages described abo�e, Lender may abtain insurance c4verage,a�
<br /> Lender's option and Borrower's expense.Lende�is under na�bi�gati�n�o pu�rchase any par��cu�ax type or-amount of
<br /> �a�erage.Therefore,such�oUerage sha�]c�ver Lender,bu�mi�ht or might nat pra�ect B�rrower,Borrower's equity in :
<br /> the Property,a�the c�n�ents of�the Property,against any�r�sk,ha2ard ar liability and migh�pr��ide grea�er�r lesser
<br /> covera�e than was prev�ously in effect.Borrower ack.�aowledges�hat the cast�f the insurance coverage sv ob�ained rn�ght
<br /> �ignificantiy exceed the cost of insu�rance that Borrower could ha�e obtained,Any amoun�s disbursed by Lender under �
<br /> th�s Sectian 5 shali becorne additianal d�bt af�3orrawer secured by�his Secur�ty Ins�rument.These am�un�s sha�l bea�r
<br /> interest at the No�e ra�e from the date of disbursement and shall�e payable,vir��h such�nte�es�,upax�notice fr�m Len.der
<br /> to B arrower reques�ing payment. ,
<br /> AII insurance palicies required by Lender and renewa�s of such pa��cies sha�1 be subject to Lender's �right �a
<br /> �lisapprove such policies,sha11 include a s�andaxd m�r�gage clause,a.xad sha��name Lender as mortgagee andlvr as a.n
<br /> addit�onal loss payee, Lender sha.11 have the right to ha�d the poiicies and renev�ral cer�ificates. If Lender re�u��es, .
<br /> Borro`�ver shall pramptly give t�Lender all receip�s�f paid premiums and ren�wai notice�,xf Borr��v�r ob�ains any f�rm �
<br /> of�nsurance c�verage,not atherwis�r��u�red b�Lender,for damage to,or destructian of,�he Prop�rty,such po�icy shall � • '
<br /> include a standaxd mor�gage clau��and shall name L�nder as inartgagee andlor as an addit�onal�oss payee, ' F
<br /> In th�e�rent af loss,Barrov►�er sha�i gi�e prompt natice to the insurance carrier and Lender.Lender may znak�proof .
<br /> af�oss rf no�made promptly by B�r.��wer. Unless L�nder and Borr4vver o�herwise agr�e in writing, any insurance
<br /> proceeds.whether ar nat the underly�ng insurance was�equixed by L�nder,shall b�applied#o�restorati�n or repai�af�he
<br /> NEBRASKA-Si�gle Family-Fannie Mae1F��ddie Mac�N�F�RM 1N5TRU�ENT with MERS Form 3D�8 �10�
<br /> Page 5 of�3
<br /> ios,i�c. Bor�awer�s}Ini�iafs � ��'-
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