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2�1 5�62�7 <br /> �F}`sNote"means the promissazy note sign�d b�Bo�rawer and dated Sep�em�er 3,��15.The Note states�hat B�rrower <br /> owes Lender TW� HUI�DRED THIRT�'THC�USAND AND N[]IlU� Dallars �U.S.$23U,�U4.�U} plus in�erest. <br /> Borrawer has promi sed to pay this debt�n regular Periadic Paymen�s and to pay�he debt in full not Iater than�ctober 1, . <br /> ZU45. <br /> ��}"Property"means the property that is described belaw under the heading"Tran�fer af Right�in�h�Property." <br /> �H3�`Loan"means�he debt e�idenced by�he l�ate,plus interest,any prepayment charges and late charges due under f.he ' � <br /> �ote,and a�l sums due under this Security Instrumen�,plus inte�rest. . , <br /> (�}"Riders'�means a�I Riders to�his Se�urity Znstrumen�that are executed by Barrower,The follvwing Riders are t� . <br /> be execu��d by B orrovver[check bax as applicable�: • <br /> ❑ Ad�us�abie Rate Rider ❑ �ondom�nium Rider ❑ Se�ond Home Rider <br /> ❑ Balloon Rider ❑ Pianned Unit Devel�pmen�Rid�r ❑ VA R�der <br /> ❑ �-4 Family Rider ❑ Biweekiy Payment R.ider . <br /> ❑ ��her�Spe�ify] <br /> (J�"Appl�cab�e Law"means all cantrolling applicabl�federal, stat�and lo�al s�a�utes,regulations, ordinances and � <br /> adminis�rat�ve rul�s and arders �that have the e�'f'ect �f Ia�v� as vvell as all applicable final, non-appealabie judicial <br /> opinions. <br /> ��)"Cornmunity Asso��ation Dues,Fees,and Assessmen�s"means aii dues,fees,assessrnents and othe�charges that � , <br /> ar�irnpos�d on Bor�rower or�he Prape�by a condamin�um associa�ion,horneawners association or similar argan��a�ion. <br /> �L};�E�ec�ronic Funds Transfer"rneans a�a.y transfe�of funds,�ther than a t�ansaction originated by�heck,draft,or • <br /> similar paper instrtxment,vrrhich�s initiated through an electronic terminal,�eleph�nic ins�rurnent,computer,or magnetic <br /> tape so as t�ord�r,instruc�,�r au�horize a f nancial inst�tution�o debit o�r cred�t an accoun�,Such term includ�s,but is,not <br /> limited�o,paint-of-sale transfers,autamated te�ler ma�hine trar�sactians,�rans fers initiate d�y te lep hone,wire t ra.ns fers, <br /> and au�orna#ed ciearin�hause�ansfers. � <br /> tM}��Escrvw I�ems"means�hose it�rns that are described in Sectian 3. . . <br /> �N)"Mise��laneou�Proe�eds"means any campensatian,settlement,award of damages,o�proceeds pa�d by any third <br /> par�y(other than insurance proceeds paid under th�ca�erages descrihed in Sec�ian 5}for:�i}damage ta,ar des�ruction <br /> of, �he Praper�y; �ii}condemnation or athe�r taking of al1 �r any part �f th� Property; �ii��conveyan�e in lieu �f <br /> candemnation;or{i��misrepresentatiQns of,or Qmissions as ta,the value andlar c�ndi�ian of the Proper�y.. <br /> ��}y�1VT�rtgage Insurance"means insurance pra��ct�ng L�nder agains�th�nanpayment of,o�r defau��on,the Loa�. <br /> �P}"Perivd�c Pa�m�nt"means the regula�rl�schedule�arnount due for�i}principa�and in�er�s�under the Note,plus <br /> (ii}any amounts under Sec�ion 3�f this Se�uri�ty rnstrumen�. <br /> ��}��RESP�." means the Real Estate Se�tle�nent Pracedures Ac� �12 U.S.C. § ���1 et seq.� and �ts implementing , <br /> xegulatian, Regu�atian���? C.F.R. Part 1�2��, as the� �night be amended from�ime t�time, or any additional�r <br /> successar legis�ati�n or regulation that go�erns�he same subj ect matte�.As used in this��curity instrument,"RESPA" <br /> refers to all requ�rements and restrictions that are impased in regard to a"federal��re�a�ed m�rtgag���an"e��n if the <br /> Loan daes nat�ualify as a"feder�Iy related mor��age ioan"under RESPA. . <br /> �R}�=Succ�ss4r in Interes�of Borrower"means any party that has taken tit1�to�he Property,v�rhether or not tha�par�y . <br /> has assumed Borrower's obligations under the Note and.lox th�s Se�urity�ns�ument. <br /> TRANSFER�F RI�HTS�N THE PR�PERTY <br /> The beneficiary of this Secu�r�ty Instrumen�is MERS�salely as nominee far Lender and Lender's successars and assigns} <br /> and to ti�e suc�essors and asszgns of MERS.This Security�nstrurnent secures to Lender:�i}the repayment af the L�an, <br /> and a�� renevvals, exterisions and madif�cati�ns af the No�e; and�ii} �h�performan�e af Borrowe�r's co��nan�s and <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Famify�Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM{NSTRUMENT with MERS Form 3�28 �Ifl� • <br /> Pag�2of�3 . � , <br /> �os,�nc. Borrawer��}lr�itials ` <br />