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��1 5�6�9 8 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> ��ant�nued� Page s <br /> Attorneys' Fees; Expense�. If I�ende�institutes any suit or action to enforoe any af the �erms vf this Deed of <br /> Trust, Lender shail be en�it[ed�fl reov�er such sum as the court rnay adjudge reasvnabie as a�torneys' �'ees at trial <br /> and upon any appeal. V1l�ether or not any courk ac�ion is in�olved, and tv �he ex�ent no� prahibited by law, all <br /> reasonable expenses Lender incurs that in Lender's opinion �re necessary at any time for the pro�ec�ian of i�s <br /> infierest or�he enforoement of its r�gh�s sha[I beavme a part of the I ndebtedness payable on der�rand and shall bear <br /> inferest at�he Note ra�e from�he da�e o�F the expend�ture until r�paid. E�enses covered by this paragraph indude, <br /> withoufi limi�a�ivn, hawe�er subjec�to any[imits under appl�cab�e law, Lender's attorneys'fe�s and Lender's legal <br /> expenses, whe#her o� not there is a�awsui�, induding a�tvrneys' fees and expenses far�ankrup�cy prac�edings <br /> �induding effarts ta modify��aca�e any au�omatic s�ay or inJunction},appeals,and any antiapated pasfi judgment <br /> oo[lection servioes, the cost a�searching re�ords, obta[ning t��le r�ports�induding fareclvsure repvrts}, surveyvrs` <br /> repvrts, and appraisal fees, title insurance, and fees fvr�he Trus#�e, �o �he extent permitt�d by app[icabfe [aw. <br /> Trustvr also wil!pay any c�ur�costs, in addition ta al[other sums prv�ided by Iaw. <br /> Rights o�Truste�. Trustee shall ha��a!l o�fhe rights and duties of L�nder as set forfh in this sectivn. <br /> POWERS AND DBLlGATI�NS QF TRUSTEE. The following pro�isians relating to the powers and a�Iigations af Trust�e <br /> are part vf this Deed of Trust: <br /> Powers of Trustee. [n a�dition�v all pouvers �f Trust�e arising as a matter of law, Trus�ee shall have the pawer#v <br /> take the fvllowing a��ians with respect#o the Prope�ty upan �he wri��en request of Len�ler and Trustor: (a}join in <br /> preparing and fi�ing a map ar plat of the Real Prop�r�y, in�luding �he dedica�ion of streets or other righ�s to #he <br /> pub[ic; �b) jo�n in granting any �asement or creating any restriction on the Real Praperty; and �c} join �n any <br /> subordination ar other agreem�nt affecting this Deed af Trust or the int�res�of Lender under this Deed vf Trust. <br /> Truste�. Trusfee shall mee�a�l quafifications required for Trustee under applicable law. In addition tv the rights <br /> and remedies set fvr�h abv�e, wi�h resp�ct to alf ❑r any part af the Property, the Trust�e sha[I have the right t❑ <br /> f�reclose by natice and sa[e, and Lender w�ll ha�e th� right�a farec[ose by jud�cial foreclosure, in either case in <br /> accordance wi�h and tv�he fu I!�xtent prv�ided by applicab[e law. <br /> Successor Trustee. Lender, at Lender's opfi�n, may frvm�ime to�ime appoint a successor Trusfee t�any Trus�ee <br /> appointed under th�s Deed af Trus� by an instrument�xecuted and acknow[edged by Lender and re�orded in the <br /> office ❑f fhe recorder of Ha[I C�un�y, State vf Nebraska. The instrumen� shall �antain, in addi�ion �o a[I ather <br /> matters requ�red by sfafie law, �he names of the original Lender, Trus#e�, and Trustor, th� boak and pag� �or <br /> camputer system referen�e} wh�re this D�ed ❑f Trust is recorded, and the name and address of the successor <br /> trustee, and the insfrum�nt shal[�e executed and a�knflwl�dged by all the baneficiaries under�his Deed v�Trus�ar <br /> the�r successors En inferes�. The successor trustee, withaut cvnveyance vf fihe Prap�rty, shal� �u�ceed to al! th� <br /> ti�fe, power, and dufies cvnferred upon�he Trustee in this De�d af Trus#and by applicabie law. This procedure for <br /> substitu#�on of Trusfiee sha[l ga�ern#o the exc[usi�n�f all vther pro�isians for subs�itufion. <br /> N�3TICE5. Any nofiice required to be gi�en under this Qeed of Trusfi, including without[[m[tafion any natice of de�ault <br /> and any noti�e of sale shail be gi�en in wri�ing, and shall be effecti�e when actually del��ered, when ac�ually recei�ed <br /> by telefa�s�mile�unless ofiherwise required by[aw�,when deposited wi�h a nativnally recogni�ed v�erni�ht courier, or, if <br /> mailed,when depasited in the Unit��States rnail, as firs�ciass, cert�fed or registered mail postage pr�paid, directed#o <br /> the addresses shawn near the beginning af this Qeed of Trust. A[I cap�es vf notices af forecfasure from the holder a� <br /> any fien which has privrify v�er this Deed of Trust sha[! be s�nt�a Lend�r's address, as shown near�he beginning o� <br /> this �eed of Trust. Any p�rsvn may �hange h�s or her address for nat�ces under this Deed vf Trusf by gi�ing formal <br /> written nvti�e to the other person ar persons, spe�ifying that the purpase of the notice is tv chang� the p�rsan`s <br /> address. For notice purpases, Trustvr agrees to keep Lender infor-med a�al!tim�s❑f Trustflr's�urrent a�dress. Unless <br /> fltherwise pravided ar required by law, ��there is mare than ane Trusfo�, any nofiire g��en by Lender�a any Trus�or[s <br /> deemed to be natice gi�en ta a11 Trus#ars. It w[1[be T�'ustor`s r�sponsibility t�tel!�he❑�hers vf the no�ice from Lender, <br /> IVIISGELLANE�[1S PR�V[St�IVS. The fvflvwing rniscel[aneous provisions are a part of�his Deed of Trust: <br /> Amendmen�s. What is written in fhis D�e�d of Trus�and in the R�lated Dacuments is Trustvr`s �ntire agreement <br /> w��h Lender concerning�he matters ca�ered by�his I]eed�f Trust. Tv he efFe�ti�e, any change❑r am�ndment�a <br /> this Deed of Trust musf be in writing and must be signed �y whoe�er will be haund ar vb[igated by the change ar <br /> amendmerr�. <br /> Cap�ian Headings. Caption headings in this De�d of Trust are far con�enience purpQses �nly and are not�o be <br /> used fo int�rpret or define the provisians af th[s Deed nf Trust. <br /> M�rger. There shall be no merger af the int�rest or esfafe �rea��d by�his �eed of Trus�with any other interest ar <br /> es�ate in the Prvpe�y af any time held by or for the benefit of Lender in any capaci�y, with�u��he wri�en consen� <br /> af Lender. <br /> Go►►err�ing Law. This Deed of Trus�will he go�erned by federa! !aw applicab[e to Lender and, �o �he ex�en� nv� <br /> preempted by federal law,the laws af the 5tate vf Nebraska w��hou�regard to i�s�anflicts of�aw pro�isions. This <br /> Deed o#Trust has heen accep�ed by Lender in th�5tate vf Nehraska. <br /> Nn lll�ai�er by Lender. Trustor unders#ands Lender wi[! nat gi�e up any of Lender's rights under this D�ed❑f Trus� <br /> unless Lender does so in writing. The fact that Lender delays ar omits to exercise any righf wil! nat mean that <br /> Lender has g���n up that right. lf �ender does agr�e �n wrifing to gi�e up ane of Lender's rights, that does nat <br /> mean T�-ustor will nat ha�e to comply wi�h fhe�ther prv�isions ❑f th�s Deed af Trust. Trus�or a[s� understands <br /> that [f Lender does consent t� a request, fha�does not mean that Trustar will nnt ha�e�o get Lend�r's c�nsent <br /> again if the situatian happens again. Trus�or further und�rsfands that Jus�because Lender consents to vne vr mvre <br /> of Trustor's reques�s, that does nat me,�n L�nder wil� be required ta cansen�#� any vf Trus�vr`s future requesfs, <br /> Trustvr wai�es presen�ment,demand for paymenf,prates�, and nv�i�e af�ishvnor. <br /> Severability. If a cflurk finds that any pravisic�n of�his Deed of Trust is not�alid or shou�d nvt be enforced, tha� <br /> fact by i�self wi I! nvt mean that�he rest of thi s Deed af Trust wi{! no�be�ali d ar enforced. Therefare, a court wi I[ <br /> enforce the res�vf the pro�isions af�his Deed vf Trus�e�en if a pro�ision of th�s Deed o#Trust may be found�o be <br /> in�alid or unenforceable. <br /> Successors and Ass�gns. Subject�v any limi�ati�ns stated in this �eed of Trust on transfer af Trusfvr`s interest, <br /> fhis Deed o�Trus# shal[ be binding upan and inure t� the benefi# of fhe parties, their successars and assigns. I� <br /> ownership ❑f the Prop�rty becam�s�est�d in a�ersan ather than Trustor, Lender, without notice to Trusfor, may <br /> dea�wi�h Trustor's successors with referenr.�ta th�s Deed vf Trusf and the�ndebtedness by way of forbearance�r <br /> extension withou�rel�asing Trustar frvm fihe flbligafions of�his Deed af Trust or liability under fhe Indebtedness. <br /> Time is af the Essence. Time is of the essence in fihe p�rf�rmance of this Deed af Trust. <br /> Vlra��e Jury. All parties ta�his Deed of Trusfi hereby waiWe the right t�any�ury tr�a� in any action, prv�eeding, nr <br /> countercla�m braugh�by any par�y against any vther party. <br /> Wai�er of Homes�ead Exemp�ion. Trustor hereby rel�ases and wai�es all righ#s and benefits af �he homestead <br /> �xemption[aws of the 5ta�e of Nebraska as tfl all Indeb�edness secured by this De�d of Trust. <br /> DEFINITI(]NS. The foflowing wvrds shal[ha�e�he�a1lowing rneanings when used in this Deed o�Trus#: <br /> Beneficiary. The word "Seneficiary"means First IVationaf Bank of�maha, and its successors and assi�ns. <br /> . <br />