��1 5�6�9 8
<br /> aEED �F TRUST
<br /> �Contl�ued} Pag� 7
<br /> 6orrawer. The word "Bvrrawer"m�ans Jane Baher and includes all co�signers and c�-rnakers s�gning the Note and
<br /> aIl fheir successors and assigns.
<br /> Deed of Trust. The vuords "Deed vf TrustfF mean this Deed af Trus# among Trustvr, Lende�, and Trustee, and
<br /> in�[udes wi�hout lirnitation al[ assignment and security in�eresf pro�isions r�lating �o the Personal Property and
<br /> Renfs.
<br /> En�iranmental Laws. The wnrds "Environmental Laws" mean any and all stafe, federal an� local statu�es,
<br /> regulaf�vns an� ardinances re[a�ing to the prot��tion of human health or the en�ironrnent, inc[uding withaut
<br /> limitation the Cvmprehensi�e Environmental Response, �ampensatian, and Liahility A�t af �980, as amended, 42
<br /> U.S.C. Section 9G��, et seq. ("�ERGLA"}, the Superfund Amendrnents and Reauthor[z2��ion A�� of �986, Pub. L.
<br /> No. 99-499 ("SARA"}, the Hazardous Materials Transporta�ian Act,�9 U.S.C. Se��ivn 18D�, et seq.,the Resource
<br /> Conservation and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.�. 5ect�on �9�1, e� seq., �r vther applicabl� state or federa[ laws, rules,
<br /> ar�eguiativns advpted pursuant thereto.
<br /> E�ent of De#ault. The words 4fE�ent of Default"rnean any of ths e�ents of default se#forth in this Deed of Trus�in
<br /> the events vf default sec�ion of this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Existing Indeb�edness. The uvords "Existing Indebt�dness" mean the indebtedness described 'tn the Ex[st�ng Liens
<br /> prv�isian of this �eed af Trust. �
<br /> Guaran�y. The word "�uaranty"means fhe�uaranty fram guarantor, endorser, sure#y, flr accommodation party�o
<br /> Lender, inc[uding without[imitation a guaranfiy of a[1 or par�of the [Vote.
<br /> Hazard�us Substan�es. The wards ffHazar�vus 5ubstan�es" mean ma�erials fhat, because of their quantity,
<br /> concentrafivn vr physical, chemica� or infect[aus character�stics, may caus� �r pos� a presen� or potential ha�ard
<br /> �v human h�a1#h or the en�i�-anment when improperly used, treated, stored, disposed of, generated, rnanufa�#ured,
<br /> transpart�d vr�therwise handled. The words "Hazardous 5ubs�ances" are used in �heir v�ry broades�sense and
<br /> in�fude without lirnitation any and a[1 hazardaus or foxi� substances, materia�s or waste as defined by or listed
<br /> under the Env�ronrnental Laws. The�erm "Hazardous 5ubstances"alsa includes,wi�hout lim�tation, pe�rofeum and
<br /> petro[eum by-products ar any fractian fhereof and asbestvs.
<br /> [mpr��ements. The ward "Impra�ements" means al! existing and future improvements, buildings, stru�tur�s,
<br /> mobile hvmes affixed vn the Real Praper�y, faci[i�ies, additians, rep�acements and other construction on the Real
<br /> Pra�aer�y.
<br /> Indebtedness. The word "[ndebtedness" means a[1 prin�ipal, interest, and other arnvun�s, cas�s and expenses
<br /> payab[e under th� Note ar Related Documents, tagether uvith ali renewa[s of, extensions of, rnadifications of,
<br /> consolidatian�vf and subs�itutions for the Note or Related Documents and any amaunts expended ar advanc�d�y
<br /> Lender ta discharge Trustor`s abligations ar expenses incurred hy Trustee or Lender to enforce Trustor's
<br /> abfigations under fhis❑eed of Trust,together w�th inferest on such arnounts as provided in this Deed of Truste
<br /> Lender. The word "Lender" means First Nativnal Bank af �maha, its su�cessors and assigns. The words
<br /> "su�cessors or assEgns"mean any person ar company that acquires any interest in th� N�te.
<br /> N�te. The ward "Note" means the prvmissory nvte dat�d August 2�, 2015, [11 �h� origina� prin��pal
<br /> amou n� of$S S,0 n 0.�� �rom Trustvr t❑Lender,�agether with afl renewals❑f, extensians vf, mvdifcations of,
<br /> ref nan�ings vf, consalidatians ❑f, and subs�itu#ivns fiar�he promissary no�e or agreemen�. The maturity dafe of
<br /> this �e�d af Trust is February 2�, �C��6.
<br /> Rersonaf Property. The words "Personaf Praperty" mean af! equipm�n�, f�xtures, and vther artic[es af personal
<br /> proper�y now ar hereafter owne� by Trus�ar, and now or h�reaf�er at�ached �r �ffixed to the Real Prop�rty;
<br /> �ogether wi�h all accessions, parts, and additians tv, all replacernents of, and all substitu#�ons far, any ❑� su�h
<br /> property; and tvgeth�r vuifh a[I pro�eeds �including wi�hvu� �imitatian al� insurance proceeds and refun�s of
<br /> premiums}frorn any sal�or ather d�sposition of th� Property.
<br /> Prvperty. The word "Prvperty"means collecti�ely the Real Prvper�y and the Personal Property.
<br /> Real Rrvperty. The words "Rea[ Properfy"mean�he r�al property, interests and righ�s, as further described in this
<br /> Deed of Trust.
<br /> Reia�ed Documen�s. The words "Related Dacumen�s" mean al! prarnissvey notes, credit agreemen�s, Ioan
<br /> agreerrien�s, envir�nmenta[ agreements, guaranties, security agreements, rna�tgages, deeds of �rust, securifiy
<br /> deeds, callatera[ mortgages, and a!I �fher instruments, agreernents and dacuments, whefher now or hereaf�er
<br /> existing, executed in conne�fion with the Ind�b�edness.
<br /> R�nts. The wvrd F4Rents" means all present and future rents, re�enues, income, issues, royaities, profi�s, and
<br /> other benefiits deri�ed from�he Property�
<br /> Trustee. The word "Trus�ee" means First IVat�vnal Bank of qmaha, v►►hose address �s �620 D�dge S#reet Sto�
<br /> �ode 32��, �maha, NE 68'[97 and any substitute or successor trusfiees.
<br /> Trustor. The word "Trustor"means Jane Bvber.
<br /> A�REES T� IT5 TERMS.
<br /> TRUSTaR:
<br /> X ���
<br /> � �
<br /> J ane Bober
<br />