��1 5�6�9 8
<br /> aEED �]F TRUST
<br /> ��ontinued� Rage 5
<br /> EWents Af�ec�ing Guarantvr. Any a�the pre�eding e�ents occurs w��h respecfi to any guar�ntflr, �ndorser, surefy,
<br /> or accommodativn party❑f any of the [nd�btedness ❑r any guarantar, endarser, 5ure�y, or a�cvrnmadatian party
<br /> dies or b�comes in�ompetent, or re�okes or disputes the va[idity of, or liabi[ity under, any Guaranfy v� the
<br /> lndebtedness.
<br /> Inse�urify. Lender in good fai�h belie�es itse[f insecure.
<br /> Existing Indeb�edness. The payment o�any instal[ment of principa[ or any Enterest on the Existing Indebtedness Es
<br /> not made wifihin fhe time required�y the promissory nofe e�idencing such indebt�dness, or a defauft❑�curs under
<br /> the instrument securing such indebtedness and is nat cured during any app[icab[e grace period in such insfrument,
<br /> �r any suit or other a�tion is commenced�o fare�lose any existing fien on�he Prvperty.
<br /> RIGHTS AN❑ REMEdIES �N DEFAULT. If an E�ent o�Defauit oc�urs under�his De�e�1 a�Trus�, at any�ime thereafter,
<br /> Trus�ee or Lender may exerase any one ar more o�the fo[[awing righ�s and remedie�:
<br /> Acceieration Upon Defau[t; Addi�ional Remed�es. If any E�er�t of Default occurs as per the terms af the Nvte
<br /> sscured herehy, Lender may dedare all !ndeb�edness secured by�his Deed of Trust ta be due and payable and
<br /> �he same shall thereupon�ecome due and payable wi�hout any presen�merrt, demand, pro�est vr nvti�e of any
<br /> kind. Therea#�er, Lender rnay:
<br /> �a} Either in person vr by agen�, with or withau� bringing any ac�ian or pror�eeding, or by a receiver
<br /> appoin�ed by a cvurt and wi�hout regard�a fhe adequacy af i#s security, �nter upon and tak�possession
<br /> of�he Property,or any part�hereof, in its�wn name or in the name of Trus�ee, and dv any acts which i�
<br /> deerr�neoessary�r desirable ta preserve�he�a�ue, marketability or renfabili�y of th�Property,�r part ofi
<br /> �he Property or i nterest in the Property; i na-ease th�inoame fram the Proper�y or-pratect the securi'ty of
<br /> �he Prvperty; and, with or without taking possession of the Property, sue far or otherwise �o[lect the
<br /> rents, issues and profts of the P�ope�ty, induding th�se past due and unpaid, and apply the same, less
<br /> cos�s a�nd expenses of opera�ivn and coll�ivn a�torn�ys'fees,to any indebtedness secured by�his Deed
<br /> - of Trust, ali i n such order as L�nder may determi ne, The enteri ng upan and �aki ng pvssessian �f the
<br /> Prvperty, �he col[ecction of such rents, issues and prvfits, and�he appli�t�on thereo� sha�l not cure or
<br /> wai�e any def�ult ar nvti�e a�defaul�under thi s D�eed of Trust vr�n�al idafe any act done in response�o
<br /> suc�de�au[t vr pursuan�to such nat�ae of defau[t;and, na�withstanding#he can�inuance in pvssession of
<br /> the Praperty or the cvllect�on, receipt and appiication o�rents, �ssues ar prnfits, Trustee vr Lender shall
<br /> #�e enti�led ta exerase e�ery righ#pro�ded�ar in the Nvte ar the Re�ated Documen�s or by faw upon the
<br /> occurrence of any even�o�'default, induding the right to exercis�the power of sale;
<br /> �b} Comn-�enoe an action tfl foredose this Qeed of Trust as a mortgage, appoinfi a reoei�er ar specifi�a[ly
<br /> enfarve any ofi�he co�enarrts hereof;and
<br /> �c} i7e[i�er to Trustee a written de�laration of default�d dema�nd for sale and a wr�tt�n notice nf defau[t
<br /> and electian tv cause Trustor's interest in the Praperty�o be sald,which notice Trustee shaEl cause to be
<br /> duly fil�d far rec�ord in the apprapria�e offices of�he�unty in which the Property is Iocated;and
<br /> {d) With r�spec�ta al!or any part of the P�rsanal Properky, Lender shal[ha�ne all the rights and re�r�dies
<br /> of a secur�d par#y under�he hiebraska Uniforrn Commeraa[Code.
<br /> Forec[osure hy Power o�Sale. If Lender elects to foredase by exerase of fhe Power v�Sa[e herein cvn�ained,
<br /> Lender sha�l no�i�jr Trustee and sha[I d�posi�with Trustee this De�d o�F Trust and th�fVa�e and suGh receip�s
<br /> and evidenoe of expenditures made and se�ur�d by this Deed vf Trust as Trustee may require.
<br /> �a} Vpan re�eipt of such no�i�e from Lender, Trustee shail cause�o be reoorded, published and de�i�ered
<br /> tv Trustar such IVo�ice of D�fau[t and Nvtice of Sale as then requ�red by law and by this aeed of Trust.
<br /> Trusfee sha[I, without demand on Trustvr, after su�h t�me as may then be required by !aw an� affer
<br /> re�ardation of sur� No�ice vf Defau[t and af�er No�ice vf 5ale ha�ing been gi�en as required by law, se[I
<br /> the Property a�the time and place af sale fixed by it in such Nvt�oe of Sale, ei�her as a wh�le, or in
<br /> separa�e�ofs or paro�s or items as Trus�ee shaf#deem expedient, and in such ord�r as�t may det�rrnine,
<br /> a�pubfic auct�vn to the highest bidder for crash in lavuful money of th� United 5tates payable afi�he time
<br /> of sa�e. Trus�ee shall deli�er to su�h pur�haser or pur�h�sers �hereof its gvod and sufficienfi deed or
<br /> deeds con�eying the property sa s�[d, but withou�any cov�nant or warranty, express vr impfied. Th�
<br /> recita[s in suc:h deed of any matters or�acts shall be condusi�e provf of the�ruthfu6ness thereof. Any
<br /> p�rson,including v►rithouf Iimitation Trustor,Trustee,or Lender, may purchase at such sale.
<br /> (t�) As may be permitted by law, after deducking a[I costs, fees and expenses �f Trus�ee and vf�his
<br /> Trust, including casts of er�idence a�title in oonner�ian with sale,Trustee shall appiy the procee�is af sale
<br /> fo payment af ti}all sums expended under the�erms of this Deed vf Trus�or under the terms of#he No�e
<br /> not then repaid, including but not [imi�ed ta accru�d interest and iate d-�arges, �i�) afl other sums then
<br /> secured hereby,and �i�i}the remainder, if any,t�the persan or persans legally en�it[ed'�hereto.
<br /> �c} Trustee may i n the manner pro�i ded by I aw pos�pane sa[e vf alI ar any pv�t�an af the Property.
<br /> Rem�diss Not Exciusive. Trustee and Lender, and ea�h of them, sha�l be entifled tv enfnrce payment and
<br /> pertorrnanCe af any indebtedness or obligafions secured by this Deed�f Trus#and tv exercise alf rights and powers
<br /> under this �eed of Trus�, under the Note, und�r any af�he Related Dacumen�s, or under any o�her agreemen#or
<br /> any faws naw❑r hereafter fn farce; notwithstanding, �ome vr all of such indebtedness and abfigations secured by
<br /> this Deed of Trust may now ar hsreaf�er be�therwise s�cured, wheth�r�y mortgage, deed of trust, pledge, lien,
<br /> assignment or otherwise. Neither the acceptance of this Deed nf Trust nor its enfvrcement, whe�her by caurt
<br /> ac�iQn vr pursuant ta the power❑f sale or ather pow�rs conta�ned in this Deed of Trust, shalf prejudic�or in any
<br /> manner affect Trustee's or L�nder"s righ� �o realize upan vr enfor�e any ather security now vr hereafter held by
<br /> Trustee or Lend�r, it b�ing agreed tha�Trustee and Lender, and each of th�m, shal[b�enti�lsd ta enfarce this Deed
<br /> of Trus� and any v�her security now or hereafter held by Lender vr Trustee in such arder and manner as they or
<br /> either ❑f them may in their absolu�e discretion de�ermine. No remedy conferred upon or r�served to Trus#ee �r
<br /> Lender, is intended to be exc�usi�e�f any other r�medy�n this Deed of Trust ❑r�y law provided❑r perrnitted, but
<br /> each shalf be cumula�i�� and shall be in addit�on ta e�ery fl�her remedy gi��n in this Deed of Trust ar now �r
<br /> hereafter existing at faw or in equity❑r by sfatut�. E�ery power�r remedy gi��n by fhe Note ar any af the R�lat�d
<br /> Documents to Trusf�� �r ��nd�r or to which ei#her ❑f �h�m may he otherw�se entit(ed, may be exercised,
<br /> con�urrently �r independently, from time ta time and as❑ften as may be�e�med expedienf by Trusfiee ar Lender,
<br /> and �ither af them may pursue �nc�nsistent remed�es. Nothing in #his Deed of Trust shall be construed as
<br /> prohibi�ing Lender fram seeking a deficaency judgment agains�the Trustar ta fhe�x�en�such action is permitt�d by
<br /> law. �
<br /> Elec�ian of Remedies. All of Lenders righ�s and rem�dies will be �umulati�e and may be exerc�sed alane ar
<br /> together. �f Lender decides�� spend mon�y or fo �erfvrrn any af Trus#ar's vbligations under�his �eed vf Trust,
<br /> aiter Trus�or's failure to d� s�, that decis�on by Lender wi[I not affect Lende�'s righ��❑ d�clare Trus�vr in default
<br /> and to exercise L�nder's remed�es.
<br /> Request�or Nvtice. Trustar, on hehaff of Trustor and Lender, hereby requ�s�s tha�a capy�f any Notic��f❑efau[t
<br /> and a capy o�f any Notice�f Sale under this Deed❑�F Trust be mailed fo fihem at�he addresses set forth �n the first
<br /> paragraph of this D�ed❑f Trus�.
<br />