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� . � ��1 5�6�49 <br /> �n�ere�� fram t��� date of disbursetnen� a� the same rate a�ses�ed on advan�es under the �an�rac� and sha�l be <br /> payab�e,vv1�h interest,upon n���ce from Lend�r�a Baxrower requesting payment. <br /> �nspection. Lender a�- its agent may make r�as�nable entries upan and insp�ctions of�he Pr�pe�-t►y. Lender shall <br /> give Barrower natice at�he tim�of�r pri�r ta an�nspec�ion specify�ng reasa�ab�e�ause for the inspection. <br /> �andemnat�on. The proceeds�f any award or c�aim for damages,d�rect or canseauentia�, in��nnec�ian with an <br /> Y <br /> �ondemnatian�r at�er ta��ng af any parC of the Pr�per�y, or for Gor�veyanc� in Iieu of caxidemnat�on, are hexehy <br /> ass�gned and sha��be paid to Lender. <br /> In �he e�ent of a ta�al �aking flf�he P�raper�y, the praceeds sha�� be appl�ed �o�he sums secured b��his 5e�uri�y <br /> Instrumen�, v��he�.her or no� then due, vvith any excess pa�d ta Barr�wer. In the ev�n� �f.a part�a� �aking of���.� <br /> Propex-�y in w�ich th� fa�r market value �f�he Proper�y immed�ate�y bef�re the �aking is equa� �a �r grea�er�han <br /> �he amount of�he sums secured by this Securi�y �ns�ru�nent �mmediate�� before �he �aking, unless Borrov�er and <br /> Lende�r o�her��se agree in v��i��ng,�he sums �ecured by�his Securi�y�nstrument s1�all be redu�ed by the arnoun�of <br /> �he proceeds mul�iplied b��he fo�lowing fract�nn: �a��h���ta�amount�f�he sum�secured�rnmediate�y bef�re�he <br /> taking, d�v�ded by �b� �he fair market �aIue of the Proper�y immediate�y before ��ae �aking. Any ba�ance shall be <br /> pa�d t� Borrovsre�. �n the event of a par�ia� taking of�he Property �n which �he fair rnark�� �7alu� of the P�operty <br /> irnmediately bef�re th� �ak�ng �s tess than �he amount af�he sums �ecu�red�imrned�a�ely before �he �a�ing, u���ess <br /> Ba�-�-awer and Lender otherw�se ag�-ee �n �vri��ng or unless App�icab�e La�o���erwise provides, the proc��ds sha�l <br /> be applied�o the sums�ecured by�his Security�nstrumen�vWhe�her or not�he surns are then due. <br /> If the Proper�y is abandoned by Barrawer, or if, af�er notice by Le�d�r�o B�rrawer�ha��h�candemnor offers�a <br /> make an av��ard or se�tle a cIaim for damages, B�rrav�er fa��s to resp�nd�� Lender w�thin�he�n�nimum nurnber of <br /> day�es�ab��shed b�Applicabie Lavv aft�r t��e dat����e no�ice�s�gi�en,Lender is authar�zed�a�ollect and app�y the <br /> proceeds, at ��s npt��n, e��her to restorat�an �r repair �f�he Property or ��o �he sum� seeured by this Security <br /> Instrument,whether o�r not then due. - <br /> UnIess Lender and Borro�er o�herv��se agree in wri��ng, any appl�catian of praceeds t�pr�nc�pal sha�l not e�te��d <br /> �r pos�pone�hc due date af�he payments due under�he C�n�ract or change�he�amo�m�c�f su�h paym�nts. <br /> �orrower Na# Released; �'orbearance �3y Lender Na� a Wa��er. Extens�an af �he tim� for pay�men� or <br /> rn.adifica��an of amar��zation of th� sums secured by th�s S�curi�y �nstrument gran�ed b� Lender�o Borrower ar <br /> any successar �n �n�er�s� of BQrrav�er shall no� operate �o re��ase �he �ia��I��� of the or�ginal Borro���r ��- <br /> Bflrrower's successars in inte�-est. Lender shall n�t be requ�red to c��nmenc�prace�dings against any su�cessar�n <br /> in�erest or refuse t�ex�end��me for payme�at or o�her��se mod�f�amar��za�ior�of the sums secured�y th�s Secur��y <br /> �ns�rument b� �reas�n af any demand made by the origina� Bor�-a�er or B��rrawer's su�cessors in interest. Any <br /> forbearance by Lender �n exerc�s�ng an�r r�gh�or rem�dy sha�l�o�be a v�ai�er of or�rec�ude�he exercise of any <br /> right or xemedy. <br /> Succes��rs and Ass�gns Bvund; Jv�nt and SQ►vera� L�abil��y; Accommada�ian Signer�. The ���enan�s and <br /> agreemen��of th�s Securi�.y Inst�rumen�shall bind and b�n�f�t�he su�cessflrs and assigns of Lender and Borrower, <br /> su�je�t �� the provisions of se��ian �i��ed Transfer of the Proper�y or a Ben�fc�aI inter�s� �n Borrower. <br /> �3arrowver's c��enants and agreements shal�be joint and se�eral. Any persan who co-s��ns�h�s Secu�-�ty�nstrurnent <br /> but has no persana� �iab��i�y under �he C�ntract ("AccammQdation Signer"}: �a) �s ��-sign�ng �h�s Security <br /> �ns�rum�nt on�y �o mor�gage, gran� and con�ey tha� �.ccon�mfldatxon S�gner's in�erest in the Property under �he <br /> ��rms of �he Security �nstrur��ent; �b) �s not personal�y obl igated to pa� the surns se�ur�d by tMis S�curit� <br /> Ins�rumen�; and�e}agrees�hat Lender and an�r ather Barro��er ma�agree�o extend, ma�ify, for��ar or make any <br /> accomm�dations�ith regard to the�erms of�h�s Securit� Ins�rument ar�he C�n�rac�w���au�tha�Ac��mmodati�n <br /> Signer's��nsent. <br /> Laan Charges. �f tl�e l�an �ecured by tt�is Securi�y �ns��rument is suhj��� to a �a�v whi�l� sets maximurn �aan <br /> charges, and tha�la�is fnally�nterpre�ed so t��aC�he in�erest or a�her Ioan charges collected or to be col�ec�ed in <br /> canne����n with the �oan exceed �he permitted l�mits, �he�: �a} any such ��an charge shal� be reduced by �he <br /> amount necessar��o r�duce the cha�ge to the p�r�nit�ed �imits and �b� any sums already c�lle�ted from Borrower <br /> which e�ceeded permitt�d I�m��s wi�� be refunded to Ba��ro�er. Lender,ma� �choose �o make th�s refund by <br /> reducin�the principal ov�ed under the Con�rac� or by rnak�ng a dire��payrnent�o Borra�er. �f a refund reduces <br /> prine�pal,�h�reduc�ion vv��I be�reated as a par��al prepaym�n�under t��e�on��-ac�. <br /> Nnt��es. Any n��ice �o Barra�v�r pro��ded for in �h�s Se�u�r�ty �ns�rument shall be bi�en l�yy deli�ering �� ar by <br /> mail�ng it by frst c�ass ma�l unless Ap�li�able Law requ�res use of an��her me�had. Tl�e��o�ice shall be d��ec�ed to <br /> the Proper�y Address ar any other address Barrov�er des�gna�es b�nQtic��o Lende�. Borro���r a�r�es�o p��v�de <br /> Lender�i�h Borrawer`s most current mailing address, as it may change fram time-t����me. Any not�ce�o Lender <br /> sha1�be given by frs�class n�ail�o Lender's address s�ated herein or any o�her address Lender des�gnates by no�ice <br /> �a Borr�wer. Any no�ice pro�ided fflr in�his Security�ns�rurnent sha��l be�de�med�o ha�e been giv�n to Borrov►aer <br /> or Lender vvh�n gi�en as pr��ided in�h�s paragraph. � �� . <br /> Gaverning Law; Se�erab�l�ty.Th�s Security I�s�rumen�sha�l be ga�erned�y federal�aw and�he Iaws of the sta�e <br /> of Nebraska. In t�e e�en��ha� any provisian ar c�ause af�his Secur�t� �ns��rument or the Con�rac� confli�ts w�th <br /> Appl�cab�� Lavv, such confli�� shall no� affec���her provisions �f�his Securi�y �nstrument�r�he Con�rac�which <br /> can be g�ve�a eff�ct without�he c�nflicting pr��Ys�on. To t��s end�he prav�s�ons�f this Securxty�nstrurnen�apd the <br /> Con��a��are dec�ar�d�o be severable. <br /> �vrrower's Copy.Barra�v��r shall be given one Gap��ofth�s Securi�y�nstrumen�. <br /> fl 2044-2415 Cnmplian�e Sys4�ems,Ir�c..AGBC-2$FE-2Q]5.3.5.IOG� . <br /> Cansumer�eal Estate-S�cu�-ity�ris[r�zx�enE DLz43G Pa�e 3�f 5 www.�omp�ianc�syster�s.�om <br />
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