� � = ��1 5�6�49
<br /> Transfer�f the Pr�per�y or a Senefici�l Interest in Borrower.If a�l or an�par�flf the Prope�-�y or any interes�
<br /> in it is s�ld �r �ransferred �ar if a benef��a� int�rest in Barro�ver is �o1d ar transferred and Borr��ver is n�t a
<br /> na�ura� �e�•son} wi�hou� Lender's prior��ri�en con�e���, L�nder may, a� x�s optifln, require �mmediate payment in
<br /> full af all surns secured �y this 5ecuar�t� Ins�en�. However, this �p�ion shall no� be e�ercised by Lender if
<br /> e�ercise�s prahib��ed b�federai Ia�v as of the date of�h�s Se�ur�ty�n5trum�nt. �
<br /> �f Lender exerc�ses this opt��n, Lender sha�1 give Barrawer not�ce af accelera�i�n. The na�ice shall pro�ide a
<br /> per��d of 1�ot �ess �han the minxmum ��umber of days established by�pp�icable Law from the dat��he n4��ce is
<br /> de�ivered �r mailed �ui�hin v��hi�h Borro�ver must pay a1� sums secured by this Secur�ty Instrum�nt. If Borr�wer
<br /> fails �o pa� �hese sums prior ta �h� e�pira�ion of this period, Lender r�.ay invake any rernedies permitted by this
<br /> Securi�y�nstrurnent����hou�further notice or dernand on Borrawer.
<br /> . Sorrower's Right �o Reins�a��. �f B�rr�vver meets �ertain coxaditior�s, Borro�er �hal� have �he righ� ta ha�e
<br /> enforcemen�of�his Security�nstrument��scontinued at any time pri�r to�he earlier af: �a} 5 days (or su�h o�her
<br /> p�riod as Appl�cable Law rna�r spec�fy f�r re�nstatemen���efore sale of the Property pu�suant�o any power af�a�e
<br /> �ontained in �his Security �nstrurnent; �r (b} entry of a judgmen� enfflrcing this Securi�y �nstrument. Th�se
<br /> c��lditio��s are �ha� Borrower: �a} pa�s Lender a�1 sums whi�h �hen would be du� under�his Se�urity Instrument
<br /> and�h�Cantract as if na accelera�ivn had��curred;�b�cures any defau�t of any other�ovenan�s c�r agreemen�s;�c�
<br /> pay�a�l expenses incurred in enf�rc�ng this Security Instrumen�,including,but not�in���ed t�,r�asonable at�arne;��'
<br /> fees t�the extent permi�ted by law; and�d) �akes such a�tion as Lend�r may reasanably require�a assure tha�the
<br /> lien�f this Security Instrument, Lender's rights in t�e Pr�perfiy and�3orrotiver's❑bligat�an�o pay�he sums secur�d
<br /> �y this Se�uri�y Ins�:rumen� shall c�ntinue unchanged. Up�n reinstatemen�by Barrovver, this Security �nstrument
<br /> and the obl�gations s�cured hereby shall �r�main fu�ly eff�c��ve as if no acceleration had �ccu.rred. Howe�er,t�is
<br /> r��ht to reinstate shall no�apply�n the�ase�f acc��eratian under the se�t��n titled Transfer�f�he Property�r a
<br /> Benefciai Interest�n B�rrovver. .
<br /> Hazardou�s�ubstances,B�rro��er shall not cause or p�rmit the pr��ence,use,disposal,st�rage,flr re�ease of any
<br /> Ha2ardou�Substances an or in�he Property:�Borravver sha�1 na�d4,nvr aZlow anyane else�fl do;anyt�fng affecti�g
<br /> the Prape�•ty �hat is �n vioia�ion af any �nvi�ronmenta� Law. The pre��ding tvv� sen�ences shal� not app�y �o �he
<br /> presence,�use,or s�arag�on�h�Praperty of smal�quantities�f Hazard�us Sub�tances that are�en�ral��recogni2ed
<br /> to be appr�priate��normal residential�uses'and�a rnaintenance�f the F'raperty. . ,
<br /> Sorrower�hal1 promptly gi�e Lender�wr�t�e�notice�f an��nvestigat��n,c�aim,demand,�awsuit�r o�her acti�n�y
<br /> any gover:nm�n�al or regu�atory agency or�private parry in�o���ng the Proper�y and any Ha�ardous Subs�a.nce ar
<br /> Enviranm��nta� r�aw�of�which Borr�v��r��has actuat k.novvled��. �f Borr�wer learns, �r is notifed by any
<br /> go�ernmen��1 ar regulat�ry au�ho�rxty,�liat any remo�al ar other remedia�i�n of any Hazar�ous Sub�tance aff�c�ing
<br /> the Proper�y is necessary, Barr��ver sha�l promptl� �ake ai� necessary remedial actions in accordance w��h
<br /> En�ironm�n�al Law. � �
<br /> As used in�h�s paragraph, "Hazardous 5ubs�ances" are tho�e substanGes defned as ta����r hazardous substances
<br /> by Environmental Law and the fo�l�wing substan�es:. gaso�ine, kerasene, o�her flammable ar to�.ic pe�ra�eum
<br /> produ�ts, �oxic pes�icides a��d I�erbicides, vo�at�le solvents, ma�erials cantaining asbestos or f�rma�dehyde, and
<br /> radioac��v�materials.As used in th�s paragraph, "�n�iranmental Law"mear�s f�deral laws and l�ws�f�he sta�e of
<br /> Nebraska�that relate to hea�th,safety ar enWiranmentat protecti�n.
<br /> Accel�ration; lternedies. Len�er shall gi�e nnt�ce t� Borrower pr�or to a�ce�eration fa�lodving Burrower's
<br /> breach of any co�enant or agreement in�his Se�urit�Ins�rument�r the Con�ract uad�r which�cceleration
<br /> �s p�rmi��ed �l�ut not prior tv acce�eration ur�der the section ti��ed Tr�.nsf�r of the Pra�er�y or a Bene�cia�
<br /> Interest��n �orrower, un�ess .�A►pplica�a�e Lav� pro��des atherwise}. The notice shal� spec�fy; �a� �he defaul�;
<br /> (b) the ac�ivn required t❑ cure �he defau�t; �c� a da�:e, na� �ess than the m�nimum number �f days
<br /> e�tablishe�d by App�icahle L�vv from th�date the natice is gi�en to Borro�rer,by which�h�defau�t must be
<br /> cured; arrid �d� �ha� fai�ure t❑ cure the default an or b�fvre th� dat� speci�ed in the nnti�e may resu�t �n
<br /> acce�era�io� �f �he sums secur�d by �hi� Security ins�rurnen� and sal� of the Prnper�y. To the ext�nt
<br /> perm�tted� by law,th� notice sha�l further inform �orrnwer of the righ��o reinstate after acceleration and
<br /> the rigl�t�o bring a caurt a�tian t�assert the non-existence of a default or any other d�fense af�arrawer ta
<br /> acceleration and sale. If�he defaul�is not cured on or before the da�e specified in the notice, Lender at its
<br /> option m�y require immedia�e paym�nt in fu�i af all �ums secured b� th�s Security �ns�rumen� w�thou�
<br /> fu rth�r d�emand and may in�ake the power-�f sa�e and an� other remed�es permitted by App�icable Law.
<br /> Ta the ex.ten� perrnitted by �av�v, Lender sha�l �e entifiled t❑ �ollQct a�l exp�nses in�urred in pursuing �he
<br /> rernedies provided in�his Sec�ion, includ�ng,but nvt lim�t�d to,reas�nabie attorneys' fees and costs of tit�e
<br /> e�idence. �
<br /> If�he pvvver of sale is inv�k�d,Tr,ustee s��all r�cord a noti�e of defau�t in each county in which an�part of
<br /> the Property is located:and sha��ma�i cop��es of 5uch not�ce in the manner prQs�ribed �y Applicable�aw#o
<br /> Borrower and ta �he ofiher persons prescribed by Ap�licab�e Lav�. After th� tim� r�qu�red by Appl�Cable
<br /> Lav�, TrU�stee �hall give puhlic no���e nf sale t� the persons and �n th� manner prescribed hy Applicable
<br /> La�v. Trustee,vvithaut deman�on Borrower�shall sel�the Pro�er�y at pub��c auction to the highe�t bidder
<br /> at the time and p�ace and und�r the terms designated �n the n�t��e of s�le in one or rnore parc�is and in any
<br /> �rder Trustee determines. Trustee may pos�por�e salQ of al� or an� parce� of the Property by puhlic
<br /> announcem�nt a�the time and place�f any prev�ously scheduied s�le.Lender or i�s�esign�e m�y purchase
<br /> t��e Prope:rty at any sa�e.
<br /> �pon rec�eipt of payrn�nt of�he pric� bid, Trustee shali de�iver to�he purchaser'I'rustee'�de�d conveying
<br /> �he Property.The reci�a�s in tl�e Trus��e's de�r� �hall be prima faci�e�idence of�he tru�h of�h�s�atements
<br /> C�2Q44-2q15 Cam�liance Systems,I�c.A6B�-2B�'E-20i
<br /> Cansurr�er Real E:State-5ecurity Insfrun�ent DL.2�3G Pa�e 4 oF5 www.complian�esystems.cam
<br />