��1 5�6�49
<br /> Payment uf I'rinc�pal and �nt�res�; �ther�harges.Borrawer shal�prorn.p�ly pay when due�he princ�pa�of and
<br /> in�ere5�on the debt o�ed und�r the C�ntract and la�e charges�r any other fees and charges due u�.der the�on�ra�t.
<br /> Applicabl+� Law. A� used �n this:Securit}� �nstrur�en�, th� �erm "Applicable Law'.' sha11 mean all cantrolling
<br /> app��cable federal, s�a�e and �ocal statu�es, r�gula��ons, ordinances and adminisi:rative rules and�rders�that ha�e
<br /> the eff�ct of Iaw�as�ell as ali�applicablc fina�,n�n-appealable judi�ial�pinions. _
<br /> �harges; Li�ns. Barrower sha�l pay all ta�es, ass�ssrnents, �harges, fines and impasi�ions attr�butable ta the
<br /> Property v�rhich�nay at�ain pri�r��y aver�his�Securi�Instrument, and 1�aseha�d payments or bro�nd rents, �f any.
<br /> At the req���s�of Lender,BQrrower shali promptly furn�sh ta Lend�r rec��p�s e�id�n�ing�he paym�nts.
<br /> Barrav�er�hall prompt�y discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless B�rr�wer: �a�
<br /> ag�rees in ��r��ing �� the pa�memt of�he ��l��ation se�ured b� �he li�n �n a manner ac�eptable to L�nder; �b�
<br /> c�ntests in go�d faith the �ien by, or �efends a�ains� enforcement of�he lien in, lega� proceedings whi�h in the
<br /> Lender's opin�on opera�e to pre�en� the enforcemen� of the �ien; or �c} s�cures from �he halder of the lien an
<br /> agreement satisfactary�o Lender sub�rdina��ng the �ien to tihis Security�nstrumen�. If Lender determ�nes tha�ar�y
<br /> par�af the Property �s suhject t� a lien which ma�r�ttain pr��ri�y�ver�his Securi�y�nstrurnen�, Lender may g�ve
<br /> ]Borrav�er��n��ice ident�fying�he �ien. Borr�wer shall satisfy the lien�r tak�one ar rnvre of the ac�i�ns se�fo�-�th
<br /> aho�e within I�days of�he giving of notice.
<br /> Hazard on Pr�perty Insurance.B�rrov�er shall keep the xmpravements no�v exis�ing or her�after erected�n the
<br /> Properfiy insured against Ioss by f�re,hazards inc�uded with�n�he term'°e��ended c�verage"and any o�her ha�a�rds,
<br /> inc�uc�ing floods or f�o�ding, f�r which Lender requires insurance. This insurance shali be rnain�ained �n the
<br /> am�un�s and f�r�he per��ds tha�Lend�r r�qu�res.The�nsurance carrier provid�ng the insurance s�a�l be chosen by
<br /> B�rr�wer subje�t to Lender's appr��al ��hich shali n�� �e unreasonably withh�ld. If Borr�vver fails �a rnaintain
<br /> c�v�rage �.escribed abave, Lender may, a� Lender's �ptian, abtain ��verage t� prfltect Lender's r�ghts in the
<br /> Pr�perty i��accordance��ith se�tion t��led Protec�i�n of Lender's Rights in�he Property.
<br /> Al1 insura�-�c�po�ici�s and renewals sha�l �e acceptable to Lender and sha�1 includ� a standard mortgage c�ause.
<br /> Lender sha�l ha�e the righ�to holc��e p�licies and ren�w�als. �f L�nder requires, Borr�wer sha��promptly giW��o
<br /> Lender all receip�s of paid prem�ums and renevva�no��ces. In the�vent af�oss, Borr�wer sha�l give prom��natice
<br /> to the insurance carrier and Lender.Lender may make proaf of loss if na�made pramptly hy B�rr�w�r.
<br /> Unless Lender and Bonrower atherw��e agree in writing, insurance proceeds sha�l be app�ied ta restorat�on or
<br /> repair of the Proper� damaged, �f, in Lender's sale discretion, the restora��on or repair �s econamically feasible
<br /> and Lender's se�uri�y is not less�necl. �f, in Lender's sole d�scret�on, �he rest�ra��on flr repa�r �s not ecanomicaXly
<br /> feasible�r Lender's securi�y wou�d be�essened,the insurance proceeds shai�be applied to the sums secured by th�s
<br /> Security Instrumen�, whether or no� �hen due, vvith any excess pa�t� �o Borrower. If B�rrovver abandons the
<br /> Proper�y,or does not answer wi�hin�he number of da�s prescribed by.�lppl�cable Law as set fflr�h in a not�ce fram
<br /> Lender to Borr�wer tha��he insurance carr�er has offer�d to se�tle a ci��m,then Lender rnay col�ect the insurance
<br /> proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds�a repair or restore the Proper�y�r�o pay surns secured by�h�s Secur�ty
<br /> Instrumen�:,urhe�her�r not then due.The periad of time f�r Borrawer tQ answer as�et far�h in�he na�ice v�ill begin
<br /> when�he no�ice�s gir�en.
<br /> Unless Lemder and Borrower othervvise agree �n writing, any application af proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br /> or pos�pone the due date of the paymen�s due under�he �an�ract ar chang��he amoun��f�he paymen�s. �f under
<br /> �he sect�on titled Acceleration; R�med��s,the Properry �s acquired�y Lender, Borrovr�er's right ta any insuran�e
<br /> policies and proceeds resulting fram damage t� �he Praperty�rior to�he acqu�si�i�n sha�l pass to Lender t�the
<br /> ex�en��f tlne sums secured by�his Secur�ty�nstrumen�immediately pri�r t��he acquisi��on.
<br /> Preservatio�, Maintenance a�d Pra��ction �f �he Proper�y; Borravver's Loan Ap�licat�on; Leaseh�ids.
<br /> Borrav�er sh�1�not destr�y, damage or impa�r the Pr�perty,a��ow the Proper�y to deter�orate, or commit was�e an
<br /> �he Prop���y.Borraw�r shall be�n default�f any forfeitur�a���on or pr�ceeding,whether ci�i1 ar�r�minal,is begun
<br /> �ha� i�� Le��der's goad fa��h judgmen� cau�d result in farfe��u�re of�h� Property ar othe�-�vise ma��rial�y impair the
<br /> lien �reat�d by �his Securit� �nstrument or Lender's secur��y �nteres�. Borrower may cure such a default and
<br /> reiris�ate, as pr���ded in sec�ion t��led Borrawer's Rig��to Reinstate,by causing the actian or proceeding�o b�
<br /> dism�ssed with a ruling tha�, in Lender's goad faith de�ern�ina�ion,precludes forfeiture of the Borrovver's�nterest in
<br /> the Propex-� ar ��her materia� impairment af�he �ien created by this Secur��y Instrument ar Lender's secur�ty
<br /> intere�t.Borr�wer sha��alsa b�in default if B�rr�wer,during the loan appl��at�an pracess,gave mat�r�a�iy false�r
<br /> inaccurate �nfar�nati�n or s�a�ernents �o Lender ��r fai��d �o pro�ide Lender w��h any material inf�rmation} �n
<br /> connection vvith the Ioan e�idenced�yr the �on�ract. If this Security In�t�-umen�is an a leasehold, B�rrawer sha�l
<br /> �ornp�y�i�h all the provis�ons o�the�eas�. rf Borro�wer acquires fee title to the Prapert}�,the�easehold and�he fee
<br /> ����e shall t�ot rn�rge unless Lender agrees t�the merger�n tivriting.
<br /> Protection of LendQr's Right� in the Property. If Borrawer fai�s t� perform the co�enants and agre�ments
<br /> c�n�ained in this Securi�y�nstrumen�, vr�her�is a 1ega1 pro�eeding that ma�significant��afFect Lender's rights�n
<br /> the Properrty (su�h as a�raceed�ng in bankrupt�y, proba�e, for condemnation or farfeiture or t� enforce laws flr
<br /> regula�ion�}, �hen Lender may do and pay for wha�ever �s ne��ssary to pro�ect the �alue �f the Property and
<br /> Lender's r�:ghts in�he Property.L�nder'�actions may�n�lude paying any sums secured by a lien vvh�ch has prior�ty
<br /> Q�er�his�'ecurity�nstrurnen�,appearing in cour�,payring reas�nab�e attarn�ys'fees and entering on�he Prflpert�to
<br /> make repairs.Al�hougl�Lender may take aG�ian under�h�s s�ction, Lender does n��have�o da so.
<br /> Any am���n�s di�bursed by Lender under th�s sec�i�n shal� became additiona� deb� of Borr�vver secured by this
<br /> �ecur�t� I�r�struinen�. U��less Borrawer and Lender a�ree fifl a�her terms of pa�rment, these a�oun�s shall bear
<br /> 9 20Q4-2f11 S Ca�tipliance Systems,Inc.A6BC-2SFE-2D t 5.3,5.106�
<br /> Consuiner Real Estate-Security InstnFrnent D�,2�3fi Pa�e 2 af 5 wvuw.complian�esysterns.corn
<br />