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��15�5811 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> {C�ntinued� Page 4 <br /> S��curity In�erest. �pan request by L�nder, Trustor shall �take whate�er acti�n is requested by Lend�r to perfect <br /> and continue Lender's security interest in th� Persvnal Property. In additian to recording �his Deed of Trust in the <br /> real prapert�r recards, Lender may, at any time and without �ur�her authariza�ion fram Trus�ar, ��[e executed <br /> cuunt�rparts, cvpies vr repraduct�ons v� this Deed af Trust as a fEnancing statement. Trus�ar shall reimburse <br /> LFnder fvr all expenses incurred in perfecting vr cvntinuing this security interest. Upon default, Trust�r shall not <br /> remo��, se�er or detach the Persanal Prvp�rty from the Property. LJpon default, Trustvr shall ass�mble any <br /> P�rsonal Property nat affixed to the Property in a manner and at a place reasonably c�n�enient tv Trus#ar and <br /> L�nder and make it a�ai�able to Lender within thre� t3� days after receipt of written demand �rom L�nder to the <br /> extent permi�ted by app(icable lav►r. <br /> Addresses. The mailing addresses of Trustor �debtar] and Lender {secured party� frorn which �n��rmation <br /> cancsrning ��e security interes'�granted by �hfs ❑eed ❑f Trust may be ahtain�d �each as r�quired by the Unif�rm <br /> CUmme��iai�ade� are as stated on the first page of this Deed of Trust. <br /> FURTHER AS5t1RAN�ES; ATT�RNEY-�N-�ACT. The following pra�isians retating to turther assuran��s and <br /> attorn�y-in-fact ar�a par�of this Deed of Trust: <br /> Fur�her Ass�ran�es. At any time, and frvm time to tirne, upan request❑f Lender, Trustvr wiff make, execut� and <br /> d�li�err ar wi[I cause�a be made, exe�uted or defi�rere�, tv Lender ar�o Lender's d�signee, and when requested by <br /> L�nder, �aus� �a be filed, recarded, refiled, ar rer�corded, as �the �ase may be, at su�h times and in such o��i�es <br /> ar►d places as Lender may de�m apprapriate, any and al[ su�h rnortgages, deeds a� trust, security deeds, security <br /> ac�reemen�s, �inan�ing s�atements, Gontinuation stafiements, instrumen�s of �urth�r assuran�e, �ertificates, and <br /> ' ather documents as may, in�he svle apinian of Lender, be n�cessary ar desira}�le in arder to effectuate, complete, <br /> p�:rfect, continue, or pr�s�rve {1} Trustar's v��igations under the Credi�Agre�men�, this D�ed of Trus�, and the <br /> Rf.lated Dacuments, and (�} the fiens and securi�y interests created by�his ❑eed of Trust as��rst and priar�i�ns <br /> or�the Prvperty, whether naw ov►�ned or hereafter acquired by Trustor. lJ nless prahibit�d by law�r Lend�r agrees <br /> tv the�ontrary in writing,Trustvr shall reimburse Lender�or afl�osts and expenses in�urred in connection with the <br /> mat#ers referred t❑ in this paragraph, <br /> A�t#arney-in-Fact. I€Trustor faifs ta d� any �f the things re�erred to in the pre�eding paragraph, Lender rnay do so <br /> f�r an� in �he name of Trustor and at Trustvr's expense. For such purpvses, Trust�r hereby irr��ocably appoints <br /> L�:nd�r as Trustvr's attnrn�y-in-�act far th�purpose o#making, exe�uting, deli�ering, filing, recarding, and daing a�i <br /> other �hings as may be necessary or desirable, in Lender's sol� opinion, ta ac�ompiish the matters re'�erred to �n <br /> the preceding paragraph. <br /> FULL F�ERFaRNiANCE. If Trustor pays al!the lndebtedness v+�h�n du�,terminates the credit line a�count, and vtherwise <br /> per#o�-rns all the �b�igations imposed upon Trustor under this Deet�of Trust, Lender sha1� exe�ute and deii�er to Trustee <br /> a request for �ull recan��yance and sha[l �xecu�e and deli�er ta Trust�r suitable statem�nts af termfnatian of any <br /> €inancing statemen�k on file e�idencing Lender's securi�y �nter�st En �h� Rents and the Persanal Property. Any <br /> recanveyance fiee required by law shall ba paid by Trust�r, if�ermitted by applicable law, <br /> EVEIVTS �F DEFAULT. Trustvr wjl� be in default under this �eed vf Trust if any of�he fo€lowing happen; �Ay Trustor <br /> cammits fraud or rnakes a material misrepresentation at any time in cannecti�n with the �redit Agreement. This can <br /> includ�, for examp�e, a false statement abaut Trustor's incame, assets, liabiliti�s, or any other aspects a� Trusto�'s <br /> �inanciaf conditian. �B� Trusfior does nat meet the repaymsnt terms�f the Credit Agreement. t�� Trustor's actian or <br /> inac�ion ad�ersely af�ects th� callateral ❑r Lender's rights in �he ca[[ateral. This can includep �ar exampfe, failur� to <br /> rnaintain required insurance, waste�r destru�ti�e use o��he dweffing, failure to pay taxes, death of all persans liab�e on <br /> th� a�caunt, firans�er ❑fi titl� ar sale af the dwe�ling, G�eation af a seniar lien an the dwelling without Lender's <br /> p�rmissian, fiorec�osure by the ho�d�r�f ana�her lien,❑r�khe use of funds or the dwellin�#o�pr�hibited purposes. <br /> RIGHT� AND REl�1lEQIES �N DEFAULT. If an E�ent a�De�ault occurs und�r this Deed af Trust, a�any�irne thereafter, <br /> Truste�ar Lender may exercise any one vr mvre of�he fo��o►rving rights and remedies: <br /> Accelerativn Upvn Defaul�; Addi#ional Rernedies. If any E�ent o�Defaul�accurs as per the#e�ms af the Credit <br /> Agreem�nt secured hereby, L�nder may declare a�� Ind�btedness secured by this Deed of Trust t� be due and <br /> payabl� and the same shalf thereupvn become due and payable without any pres�n�ment, dernand, profiest�r <br /> noti�e o�any kind. Thereafter, Lender may: <br /> �a� Eit�her in person or by agent, with ar with�ut bringing any actiQn o� proceeding, ar by a recei�er <br /> appvinted by a �vurt and wi�hout regard to the adequacy of its security, en�ter upon and take poss�ssion <br /> af�he Property, ❑r any part thereafi, in its awn narn� ❑r in the name af TrUstee, and do any acts which it <br /> d�ems necessary or desirable to preser�e the�alue, marketabili#y ar rentabiiity ofi the Praperty, or part o� <br /> the Property ar int�rest in the Property; in�rease �he incorn� fram the Praperty or protec#�he security ❑f <br /> the Propert�; and, with or withaut taking possession ❑f the Property, sue far ar otherwise �ollect th� <br /> rents, issues and prvfits vf the Pr�perty, inc�ud�ng�hose past due and unpa�d, and app�y the same, less <br /> costs and expenses�f❑peratian and cvllectian attorneys' fe�s,�v any indebtedness secured by this Deed <br /> af Trust, afl in suGh o�der as Lender rnay det�rrnine. The entering upan and taking pvssessian a� th� <br /> Property, the calle�tian af such rents, is$ues and prafits, and �Che applicat�Qn therevf shafl nv'� cure or <br /> wai�e any default ar notice��f default unde�this Deed ❑f Trus�t or in�alidat� any ac�€done in �esponse �� <br /> such de€ault or pursuant to suGh no�ice vf default; and, natwithstanding the continuance�n pvssessivn v� <br /> the Property or the collectian, receipt and appfica�ian of ren�s, issues or prafits, Trustee or Lender sha�� <br /> be en�itled ta exercise ��ery righ�prv�ided fvr in the Credi# Agreement ❑�the Rela�ed Dacumen�s or by <br /> law upon th�oc�urrence of any e�ent vf de�ault, in�luding the right�o exercise the power o�sale; <br /> �b} Commen�e an ac�ion to�vreclose this Deed a�Trus#as a mortgage, appoint a recei�er or specifically <br /> enf�rce any af the ca�enants hereof; and <br /> tc� D�[i�er to Trustee a r►vritten de�larativn of defau[t and demand�for sa�e and a written natice vf default <br /> and ele�tion ta cause Trustor's interest in�he Property t❑be sald, wh�ch natice Trus�ee sha�l cause�o be <br /> du�y fiiled for�ecord in�the appropriate❑ffices of the County in which the Property is lo�ated;and <br /> �d} With respect ta all or any part o#th� P�rsona� Praperty, Lender sha�! ha�e all �he rights and remedi�s <br /> a�a secured party under the Nebraska UnFfvrrn Carnmercial Code. <br /> Farecla�ure hy Pawer of Sale. If Lender elects to�QreClose hy exercise af the Power of 5ale her��n contained, <br /> Lender �ha�f na�ify Trustee and shall depasit wi�h Trus't�e this �eed of Trust and the Cr�dit Agreement and <br /> such r��eipts and e�idence af expenditures made and�ecured hy�his ❑eed a�Trust as Trustee may require. <br /> �a� upan re�e3pt at su�h notice�From Lender, Trus�tee shall Gause to be re�orde�, published and delivered <br /> to Trustar su�h Notice of De#ault and N�tice af Sale as then required by faw and by this Deed af Trust. <br /> Trustee shall, with�ut demand on Trus�or, a�#er su�h time as may then be �equi�ed by larrv and a�t�r <br /> recvrdation❑�su�h Nvtice o#De#ault and after No�ice of Sale ha�ing b�en g�ven as required by law, sel� <br /> the Pr�perty at the tirne and p�ace v� sale fix�d by it in such Natice of 5a[e, either as a who�e, ar in <br /> separate�ots ar parcels or items as Trustee shall deem expedient, and in such orde�as it may de�erm�ne, <br /> at puhlic au�tion to the highest hidd�r far cash in fawful money a#the �nited States payable at the �irn� <br /> of safe. Trustee shall del��er t� such purchaser ar pur�hasers fihere�f its govd and suffici�nt deed vr <br /> deeds con��ying the praper�y s� sold, hu� withaut any �o�enant or warran�y, express or imp�+ed. The <br /> re�itals in such d�ed of any matters or facts shall be conclusi�e prvof of�he truthfuiness therea�. Any <br />