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<br /> DEED� DF TRUS�T
<br /> {�ont�rlUed� Page 5
<br /> person, includin�withQut limi�a�ion Trustor, Trust��,Qr Lender, may purchase at such s�l�:.
<br /> �b� As rnay be p�rmitted by law, �ft�r deducting a�l �ost�, fees and expenses vf Trustee and �f rhis
<br /> Trust, including cnst�vf e�idence a�title in c�nnectian with sale, Trustee shali apply the�raceeds of sale
<br /> t❑ payment ❑f �i] �II sums expende�f under �he terms of this �eed of Trust ❑r �tnder th� t�rms ❑f the
<br /> Gredit Agreemen� not then repaEd, including but not limi�ed to accrued interest and ta�e charg�s, �ii� all
<br /> ❑ther surns then se�ured h�r�hy, and �iii� the remainder� if any, t� the persan or persons �egally entitled
<br /> thereta.
<br /> �C� T�us�ee may En the manner pro�ided by law p�stpone sale of a!I ar any p�rtian of the Property,
<br /> Remedies Not Exclusi�e. Truste� and Lender, and ea�h ❑f them, shali be entit�ed t❑ enforGe payrnent and
<br /> perfvrmance af any indebtedn�s�❑r abligativns secured hy this Deed af Trust and to exer�ise all rights and pa►rvers
<br /> under this Deed of Trust, under th� Credit Agreement� under any Qf the R��ated Docurnents, or under any other
<br /> agre�ment ar any laws naw or hereaf�er in farce; notwithstanding, some c�r a1! o� suGh indebtedness and
<br /> oblig�tions secured by�his ❑eed of Trust rnay n�w ar h�r�afte�be otherwise secured, wheth�r by mortgage, deed
<br /> ❑f�rust, pledge, iien, assignment or�the�wtse. hleither��� aG�eptance�f this D��d af Trus� nar its en��rc�m�nt,
<br /> whe�h�r hy cvurt ac�ian vr pursuant tv �he pawer of safe or a�her pawers �antained in th�s C���d of Trust, sh�ll
<br /> prejudic� �r in any manner affect Truste�'s c�r Lender's righ��v rea�+ze upon or �nfarce any other �ecurity now vr
<br /> herea#�Cer h�ld by Trustee or Lender, it b�ing a�r�ed tha�Trus�ee and Lender, and each❑f them, shall �e entitl�d t❑
<br /> enfvrce �his a�ed vf Trus� and any vther se�urity nvw ar hereafter held by Lender Qr Trus�ee in such order and
<br /> rnanner as they o� �ither vf �hem rnay in �heir absvlute discretion determin�. Na r�me�y con��rred upon vr
<br /> reser�ed �v Trustee ar Lender, is intended ta be exclusi�e of any a�her r�m�dy in this Deed of Trus� or by law
<br /> pra�ided ar permitt�d, but each sha�� be cumulati�e and shall lae in addition to e��ry ather rernedy �i�en in this
<br /> Deed �f Trust or novu or hereafter exis�ing at law �r in equity or by statute. E�ery p�w�r o� rem�dy gi�en by the
<br /> Cr�dit Agreemen� or any of the Related Da�uments �o Trus�Cee or Lender vr ta which eith�r of them may he
<br /> otherwise �ntitled, may b� exer�ised, �on�ucrentfy or ind�pendently, frvm time t❑ time and as often as may be
<br /> deerned expedient by Trus�tee ar Lender, and �ither af�hem may pursue incansis�ent remedies. Nathing in this
<br /> Deed o�Trus� shall be �anstrued as prahibiting Lender fram seeking a defi�iency judgment a�ainst the Trustor tQ
<br /> the ea�t�nt such action is permi�tt�d by law.
<br /> Election of Rem�dies. AiE of Lender's righ�s and remedies will be curnuiative and may be exercised alvne �r
<br /> together. lf Lender d�Gid�s tv spend rnoney or to perfiorm any vf Trustor's obligations und�r this Deed af Trust,
<br /> after Trustor's failura tn d❑ s�, that d�cisinn by Lender will not a�fect Lenc��r's right �a de�lare Trustar in default
<br /> and�n exercise Lend�r's remedi�s.
<br /> Request fQr Na�ice. Trus�ar, vn behalf of Trustvr and Lender, hereby reques�� that a capy a�any Natice❑f L�faul�
<br /> and a�opy of any Noti���f Sale under#hi� Dee�af Trust be mail�d to them at th� addresses s��C f�rth in the first
<br /> paragraph af this Deed❑f Trust.
<br /> Attorneys' F�es; Expsnses. If Lender insti�Cu��s any suit or acti�n ta enforce �ny vf the terms c�� th�s D�ed �f
<br /> Trust, Le�der shall be enti#led fio recover su�h sum as the cour� may adjudge reasr�nable as afitorney�' f�es at trial
<br /> and up�n any appeal, Whe�her or nvt any Gvurt activn is in�ol�ed, and to the ex�tent not prohibi��d by law, al�
<br /> reasanable expenses Lender incurs that in Lender's opinian are ne�essary at any time far the prot�c�ion ❑f its
<br /> interest or the en�orc�ment afi its rights sha1� become a part af the lndebtedness payable�r��emand and shall �ear
<br /> in�erest at the Credit Agreement rate from the date of the expenditure untif repaEd, Exp�ns�s co�ered hy this
<br /> paragr�ph Enclude, wifihout limitation, havve�er subject ta any limitS under applicable law, L�nder's attarneys' �ees
<br /> and Lender`s legal exp�nses, whether �r not there Es a la�vsuit, in��uding attorneys' �ees and expenses far
<br /> bankruptcy pro�eedings �including efforts to mo�i�y or �acate any automat�� stay o� injunction}, app�als, and any
<br /> antiicipated past�judgment �vlle�tion services, th� cost o# searching records, abtaining title reports �including
<br /> fore�losure reports}, sur�eyars' repvrts, and appraisaf fees, title insurance, and fees fo�the Tru�t�e, to the extent
<br /> p�rmitted by applicable law. TrustQr a�s� wii!pay�ny cvurt costs, in addition�Q all other sums prn�id�d by iaw.
<br /> Right�vf Trus#�e. Trus�ee shall ha�e all afi the ri�h�s and duties vf Lender as s��f�rth in this s�ctian.
<br /> P�WERS qND�BL��ATION� �F TRUSTEE. The fvllov►►ing pro�isi�ans relating to the powers and �blig�tions of T�-ustee
<br /> are par�o��his Deed of Trust:
<br /> Pvwers c��Trus�ee, In addi�ion tv all pawer�of Trustee arising as a matter of law, Trustee shall ha��the pawer to
<br /> take�the follvwing actians uvith respect t�the Property upon the vtir�itt�n request❑f Lender and Tru��Cvr: �a� join in
<br /> preparing �nd filing a map or plat of the Real Prvperty, inc�udin� �he dedica�ian Qf streets or vther rights to the
<br /> publ�c; �b� jain in granting �ny easem�nt ❑r �reating any restri��ion ❑n the Real Prapert�; and �c} j�in in any
<br /> �ubordinativn or other agreement affecfiing tnis Deed of Trust❑r the interest of Lender under this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Trust�e. Trustee shall meet all qua�ifii�ations required far Trustee under appli�able law. �n addition tv th� rights
<br /> and remedies set forth a�ove, with respect ta all or any par� of the Praperty, the Trustee shall ha�e the right to
<br /> #vreclose by noti�e and sale, and Lender will ha�e the right to fore�iose by �ud��ial fareclosure, in either case in
<br /> accordance with and�Q the full extent pro�ided by app[Eca�l�law.
<br /> Su��essor Trustee, Lender, at Lender's option, may from time to tiime appvint a successor Truste�t❑any Truste�
<br /> app�inted under this C]eed ❑f Tru�t by an instrument exer.uted and aGknowledged by Lender and reGarded in the
<br /> o�fiice o#�h� re�arder af HALL County, 5�ate vf Nebraska. The instrumeni shall Gantain, ir� additian tQ a�� other
<br /> rna�ters re�uired by s�at� iaw, ths names vf the original �.ender, Trustee, and Trustor, �hc b�ok an�l page {or
<br /> �ompu�er system re��r�nce} where this C]��d of Trust �s r��orded, and the narne and address af the SLJCC�SS�I�'
<br /> trus�e�, and the instrument shal� be execu�ed and acknaWle��ed by ail the�enefiGiaries under thi�C]eed ofi Trust ar
<br /> their su���ssors in in�eres�. The su�Gessor�rrustee, withou�C cvn�eyan�e o##he Pr�perty, shall succeed tQ all the
<br /> title, p�w�r, and duties canferred up�n the Trust�e in this Dee�i v�Trust ar�d by a�plicable law. This pro��dure for
<br /> substitu�ivr�of Trustee shall go�ern to the exclusian af all other p�a�isions far substitutian,
<br /> N�Tl�ES. Any notiGe required to be gi�en under this ❑eed vf Trust, including without lim�tation any no�i�e of default
<br /> and any notice of sa[e shall be gi�en in vvriting, and shall he e��ecti�� when ac�ually d�li�rer�d, uvhen aetually recei�ed
<br /> by�elefa�simile �unless oth�rwise required f�y lavu}, when depasited with a nationally recognized o��rnight�vurier, �r, if
<br /> mailed, when deposited �n th� United 5tates mail, as first class, �er�ified vr registered mail postage prepaid, d�rect�d t❑
<br /> the addresses shown near the heginning of th�s ❑eed of Trust. All copies of notices of fvreclasure from the holder�f
<br /> any lien which has priarity c��er this Deed af Trust shall be sent�v Lender's address, as shc�wn near the beginning af
<br /> this Deed of Trust. Any person may Ghange his or her address fQr nQtices under this �eed of Trust by gi�ing formal
<br /> written notice ta the o�her person vr persa�ns, specifyEng that the purpase ❑f the notice is to change the persfln's
<br /> address. F�r natice purp�ses, Trustor agrees ta keep Lend�r informed at a�!t�mes oir Trustor's �urrent address. Unless
<br /> oth�rwise pro��ded �r required by law, if�ther� �s more than or�e Trustor, any nvti�e gi�en hy L�nder t❑ any Trustvr is
<br /> deemed to be nvtice gi�en tn all Trus�ars, I�will be Trusto�'s��spansibiiity�o tell the others�f the notic�frarn Lender.
<br /> MI�CELL�4NEQU5 PROVI�I[]NS. The�ollowing miscellaneous prv�isic�ns are a parx af�his Deed of T'ru�t:
<br /> Amendments. INhat is writt�n in this De�d �f Trust and in the Relat�d ❑�Guments is Trustor'� en�ire a�reem�nt
<br /> �vith L�nder ��ncernin� �h� matters co�ered �y th�s Deed o�Trust. To be effecti�e� any chang� qr amendment ta
<br /> this Deed af Trust must�e in writing and must be sign�d by whve��r wiil be haund or❑bligated by the change ar
<br /> arnendm�n�.
<br />