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��l 5�581 1 <br /> �EEa oF TRusT <br /> ��antinued� Page 3 <br /> �he maximum po�icy limits set under the Natiana! F�vvd lnsurance Prvgram, vr a�otherwise required by Lender,and <br /> t�m��ntain su�h insuran�e fvr#he term❑f�he loan. <br /> ►�pplication o� Proceeds. Trustor shaEl pr�mpt�y notify Lend�r af any I�ss ❑r damage �❑ the F�rr�pefty if the <br /> estimated �vst vf repair vr replacement ex�eeds $�,���,��. Lender may make proof of iass if Trustar fails ta d❑ <br /> s❑within fi#teen �15y days of the casual�y. Vllhether❑r nat Lender's security is impaired, Lender may, at Lender's <br /> elecfiian, re�ei�re and retatn the pr��eeds of any insurance and apply the prQceeds t❑ the reductian vf the <br /> Inde��edness, pa�menr af any lien a�fec�ing the Prvperty, or �Che restorat��n and repair of th� Proper�y. I� Lender <br /> elects to apply #he prvc�eds �o restoration and repair, Trust�r �hal! repair ar repface the damaged 4r destroy�d <br /> Improvements in a mann�r sat�sfaGtvey to Lend�r. Lender shall, upan satisfa�tory proaf of such expendi�ure, pay <br /> Qr�eimburse Trust�r frQm �he prace�ds fvr the reasonabl� cQst of r�pair ❑r res�tc�ratican if Trustar is nat in de�ault <br /> under this Deed of Trust. Any praceeds whiGh ha�� not �een disbursed within 180 days after their receipt and <br /> which Lender has na��ommitted ta th� repair vr res#oration v��he Property shall b� �sed first ta pay �ny amvunt <br /> ❑wing to Lender under this D�ed of Trust, then t❑ pay ac�rued int�rest, and the �emainder, �f any, shall be applied <br /> tv the prin�ipal bal�nce of the Indebt�dness. If L�nder hvlds any praceeds after paymer�t in full of tl�e <br /> Indebtedn�ss,such proceeds shall be paid to Trusto�as Trustar's interests may appear. <br /> LENDER'S ExPENQITtJRES. If Trustar �ails (A� tv keep the P�rQperty free of a11 taxes, liens, se�urity interests, <br /> encumbranG�s. and ather claims, �B� t❑pra�ide any r�quired insurance�on the Praperty,�r �C� #o make rep��rs tv the <br /> Property then l.ender may da sa. if any act�vn ❑r proce�ding i� �omm�n�ed that would material�y affe�t Lender's <br /> interes�s in the P�vperty, �hen Lender on Trustor's behalf may, bu� is not required t�, �Cake any a�tivn that Lender <br /> beli��es tQ�e appropr�ate to pratect Lender's interests. All expenses incurred or p�id by Lender far such purpvses wi11 <br /> then bear inter�st at the rate charg�d un�er the Cr�dit Agreemeni frvrn th�date incurred �r paid by Lender�o�the da�e <br /> vf repayment by Trustvr. All �u�h e�pensgs wi�f become a p�rt of�he I ndeb�tedness and, at Lender's optivn, wi11 �A} <br /> be payable on demand, (B� be adde� to the balance of the Credit Agre�ment and �e apportioned �mong and he <br /> payable with any installm�nt pa�ments to �ecdme due during ei�her �1 f th�term af�ny applicable insur�n��poliGy;or <br /> t2) the remaining term afi the Cr�dit Agreement; �r �C� b�treat�d as a hallaon payment which wi1�b�due and payable <br /> at the Credit Agreement's rna�urity. The Q�ed af Trust also will se�ure payment❑�these amvunts. The righ�s pro�ided <br /> for in this paragraph shall be in additian to any other rights or any remedies ta whi�h Lend�r may be entitfed❑n a��vunt <br /> of any d�fault, Any such ��tion by Lender sh�ll not be canstrusd as �uring the defiaujt so as t� bar Lender from any <br /> remedy th�t it o�herwise wauld have had� <br /> WARAANTY; ❑EFENSE�F TITLE. The fa[loviring pro��sions relating to ownership af the Prv�erty ar�a part af this Deed <br /> af Trust: <br /> Titl�, Trustor wa�rants that: �af 7rusta� hoids good and mark�tab2e titie of record to the Praper�y in fee simple, <br /> �r�e and �lear of a11 I iens and encumhrances o�her than those set �orth in the Real Property des�ription ❑r in any <br /> title in�uran�� pvlicy, titl� repar�C, ❑r final �i�l� opinion issu�d in favor o�, and ac�ept�d by, Lender in connection <br /> with this❑eed❑f Trust, and �by Trustor has the full right, pQw�r, and authority to�xecute and deliuer this Deed �f <br /> T'rusfi to Lender. <br /> D�fense of T�t�e. Subject t❑ the excepti�n in th� paragraph abr�ve, Trustvr warrantS and wifl fare��r de�end the <br /> title tv the Property against the lawful �laEms af all persons. In the �ven� any a��+an�r proceeding is cammenced <br /> that questiQns Trustor's�itle or the interes�af Trustee or Lender under this Deed❑f Trust, Trustaf shal!defend�he <br /> action at Trustor's exp�nse, Trust�r may b�the nominal par�y in such praceeding, but Lender shall be entit�ed to <br /> parricipa�e in the proce�ding and to be repr�sented �n the proceeding by �aunsel nf Lender's own choi�e, and <br /> Trustor will delive�,ar cause to be deli��r��, tv Lender suCh instruments as Lender may requ�st�rom time t❑time <br /> to permi�such participativn. <br /> �amp�ian�e With Laws. Trus�or warrants that the ProRerty and Trusta�'s use o�the Property complies with all <br /> existing appli�able law�, ardinances,and regulations of governmental authorities. <br /> Survival of Promises. All prvmises, agreemsnts, and statements Trustvr has rnade in this Deed Q� Trusti shafl <br /> sur�i�e the execut�an and deli�ery a�this D�Gd af Trust, shall be continuing in na�ure and sha�l remain in�ull force <br /> and effeC�untii such tirne as Trustor's Indebfiedn�ss is paid in full, <br /> C�NDEMNAT[�N. The fol�owing prv��s��ns relating t❑Gandernnatian praceedings are a part of this ❑e�d Qf Trust: <br /> Proceed�ngs. If any praceeding in condemnativn is filed, Trustar sha�l promptly notify Lender in writing, and <br /> Trustar shall proR��tly take such steps as ma� be neeessary t� d�fend the a��ic�n and at�tain �he award. Trustor <br /> may be the nominal party in such pro�eeding, but Lender shali be en�itied tv participate in the prac�eding and to be <br /> repr�sented in the proce�ding by counsef of its awn �hoice, �nd Trustvr will deliv�r ❑r cause to be de�ivered ta <br /> L�nder such instrum�nts and dv�umentation as may be requested k�y Lender from tim� to time tQ permit suGh <br /> par�iGipa�ion. <br /> Application of Net Pr�ceeds. If all �r any ��rt of the Pr�per�y is c�nd�mn�d �y eminent damain proceedings or by <br /> any proceeding or pur�hase in lieu vf cvndemnatian, Lender may at its ele�tian requir�that all vr any portian❑f�he <br /> net proceeds af the award be applied ta the Indebtedness or the repair or restora�ivn ❑f the Praperty. The net <br /> proc�eds a#the av�vard shall mean the av+rard after paym�nt c�f all reasanable �as�s, ex�enses� and attorneys' f�es <br /> incurred hy Trusfiee ar Lender in �onne��ion with the�ondemna�ion. <br /> IMPQSlTI�N �F TA�CES, FEES AND CHARGES BY �DVERNMENTAL AUTHaRITIES. The fivllvwing pro�isians relat�ng <br /> ta ga�ernmental taxes, fees and charges are a part of this Q�ed of Trust: <br /> Current Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upon request by Lender, Trustar shall exe�ut� such documents in addition to <br /> this Qeed af Trust and take whatever oth�r aG�ivn is requested by Lender ta perfect and cvntinue L�nder"s lien an <br /> the R�ai Property. Tr�rstor shall reimburse Lender for a11 ta�ces, as described helQtirv, ta�ether with all eacpenses <br /> incurred in recording, perfccting ar continuing this Deed �f Trust, including vvithaut lim�tatiQn ail �axes, f�es, <br /> dacumentary stamps, and❑th�r�har�es fear recarding vr registering this Deed ❑f Trust. <br /> Taxes. Th� fallvwing shal� constitute taxes t❑ vuhi�h this section applies: {1) a spe�ific tax upon fihis type of <br /> C�eed �f Trust�r upon all �r any part af�he �ndebtedness secur�d by th�s Deed of Trust; [2� a specific ta�c on <br /> Trustar which Trustor is authorized v�required�v deduct frnm payrnents on th� ind�btedness secured by this fiype <br /> af L7eed of Trust; �3} a rax❑n this type af C��ed❑f Trust charg�able against the Lende�-or the halder o�F�he Credit <br /> Agreem�nt; and �4y a Specific tax an all or any parti�n v�r �he fnd�htednes� ar an payments ❑f prin�ipaf and <br /> interest made by Trus#ar, <br /> 5ub�equent Taxes. I� �ny tax �� which �his sectivn applies is ena�ted subsequen� to the date of this D�ed of <br /> Trust, this e�ent shall ha�e the same efFe�t as an E�ent of �efault, and Lender may exerci�e an� or ail o� its <br /> avai�able remedies for an E�ent of Defau�t �s prQuided below unless Trustor either t�� pays the tax befare it <br /> h�comes delinquent, vr ��) contests the tax as prv�ided abv�e in the Taxes and Lien�sectian and depQsit� with <br /> Lender cash or a sufficient c�rp�rate surety bond vr oth�r se�urity satisfactory to Lender. <br /> SECURITY AGREEMENT; FINANCING STATEMENTS. The following pro�+sions relating to this Deed of Trus� as a <br /> securi#y agreemen�are a�aar�of this Deed of Trust: <br /> Security Agreement. This instrument shall �onstitute a Securi�y Agreemenfi tQ the extent any of the Prap�rty <br /> GQnstitutes fixtures, and Lender shall have ali of the rights❑�a secured party under the LJni#vrm ��mmercial Code <br /> as amended from time tca time. <br />