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��15�577� <br /> sentences shal�not apply to the presence, use, �r starage on the Praperty af smali quantities of Hazard�us <br /> Substan��s that ar���nerally recogniz�d to be apprapriate to norma� res�den�ial use�and to maintenance�f <br /> the Proper���inciuding, but not�imited to, hazardous sub�tances�n c�n�umer produc�s}. <br /> Borra�er shall pramptly give L�nder wri�ten notzce of�a}any�nvest�bat�on, c�azm, demand, lawsui��r o�her <br /> actian by an�go�ernmen�al�r regu�at�ry agency�r private par�y in�fllving�he Property an�i any Hazardaus <br /> Subs�ance ar Env�rnnmental Law af wh�ch Barr�wer has actual knowledge, (b}an� En�rironmentai <br /> �ond�t�on, �nc�uding but not limited ta s any sp�llir�g, leaking, discharge, release or threat of re�eas��f any <br /> Hazard�us Substance, and�c}any cand�t�an caused by the presenc�, use ar re�ea�e nf a Hazardous Substan�e <br /> �vhich adver,�el� affects the va�ue af�he Praper�y. �f Barro�er�earns, ar is no��fed by any ga�ernmenta�ar <br /> regula�ory authority, or any pri�ate part�, �ha�any remoual ar a�her remediation of any Hazar�.ous Substance <br /> affec�ing the Praper��is necessary, Borrower sha11 prornpt�y take aI�necessary r�medial actions in <br /> accordance u�i�h Environm�ntal Lavv. Nothing herein shall create any�bligati�n on L�nder for an <br /> En�i�on�nen�a� ��eanup, <br /> Non-LJniform Carrenants. B�rro��rer and Lender co�enant and agree as fo��aws: <br /> Z2. A�ce[erat�an; Remedies. L�nder sha�l give no�ice�o Bvrrovver pr�or to acce�era�ian fo��owing <br /> Barrower'�br�ach of any co�enan�ar a�reemen�in�his Securi�y Ins�rument �but not prior�� <br /> acce�eration und�r Sec��vn 1S un�ess Appl�cab��Law provides v�herw�se�.The n���ce sha�l 5p�c�fy: �a) <br /> �he default; �b}�he ac�i�n re�u�r���a cure the defaul�; �c} a da�e, no��es�tha�34 days from the date <br /> �he natice is given ta Borrower, by which the defauit must be cured; and�d� �ha� fai�ure to cure the <br /> default an ar before the date sp�cified in�he no�ice may result in accelera��an af the sums 5ecured by <br /> �his Secur�ty Ins�rumen�and sa�e af�he Proper�y. The natice shal�fur�her inform Borr�wer oF the <br /> righ�ta reinstate after a�c�ierat�on and�he righ�to�ring a court activn to asser��he nan-exis�ence of a <br /> de�au�t or any o�her def�n�e of Borrower�o ac�e�erat�on and sale. If�he�efaul�is not�ured�n ar <br /> befare the da�e spec�f�ed�n the nat�ce, Lend�r at�ts ap��on may requ�.re�mmed�ate pay�ment�n fu�� vf <br /> all sum��ecured�y th�s Secur�ty Ins�rument�v��hout further dexnand and may�nvok�the pQwer oF sa�e <br /> �nd any a�her remedies permitted by App�ica��e Law. Len�er shall�e ent�t�e��o col�ect ai�expenses <br /> incurr�d�n pursuing the r�medies pr�vided in�his Sec�ion 2�, including, �ut n�t�irni�ed to, rQasonabie <br /> a�torn�ys' fees and cost5 af title ev�dence. <br /> If the power of sa�e�s xnvaked, Trus�ee sha�l record a notice af defaul���each county in�vhich any <br /> par�of the Proper�y is�ocated and sha��ma��copies of such no��ce�n�he manner prescr�bed by <br /> Applicable Law�a Barrower and�o the o�her persons prescrzbed by App��cab�e Law. Aft�r the time <br /> r�quired by Appli�able Law, Trustee shal�g��e public no�ice of sale�o the persons and in the manner <br /> prescr�bed by App�icahle Law.Trus�ee, wi�hout demand vn Borr���er, shall sel�the Proper�y a�pub�i� <br /> auc��on to the h�ghest b�dder at�he t�rn�and place and under the terms designated�n the natxce af sa�e <br /> �n one ar mare parce�s and�n any or�er Trustee de��rxnxnes.Trustee rnay pos��one sa��of a��or any <br /> parce�af�he Proper#y by pubiic annauncexnent at the t�xne and plac�af any previvusly�chedu�ed sa��, <br /> Lender ar its designee may purchase the Praper�y at�any sale. <br /> IJp�n recexpt of payment of the pri��b�d, Truste�shall deliver�o the pur�haser Trus�ee's deed <br /> con�e��ng thQ Property. The rec�ta�s�n�he TruS�ee's de�d shai� he prima fac�e ev�dence af�he truth of <br /> �he sta�crnents mad�there�n. Truste�sha�l app�y the proce�ds of the sa�e�n the fa�Iaw�ng order: 4a}to <br /> ali cos�s and expen�es nf exercis�ng the povv�r of saie, and thQ sale, including the payment of the <br /> Trustee's fees ac�ually incurred and reasonable a#torney�' fces as permi��ed by Applicablc Law; ��}to <br /> ali 5urns secur�d by this Security In�trt�men�; and�c�any exc�s�to the persnn�r persons Iegaiiy <br /> entitied�o i�t. <br /> N�BRASKA-5[ngle Fami�y-�annie Mael�redd�e Mac UNI�aRM INSTRUM�NT Form 3q28 1101 <br /> VMP� VMP6�NE1 t13�2} <br /> Wolters KIuwer�inancial Ser�ices Page 14 v#17 <br />