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��15�577� <br /> �3. Recvn�eyance. Up�n payrnent of al� sums s�cured by�his Secur�ty�nstrument, Lender shall request <br /> Trustee�o reconwey��e Praper�y and shall surrender��is�ecurx�y�nstrurnent and all notes eviden��ng debt <br /> se�ured by this Secur�ty�ns�rument to Trus��e. Trustee sha�� recan�ey�he Property vv��hou�warrant��fl the <br /> p�rson or persflns lega��y en�i��ed to��. 5uch person ar persons shali pay any recordation costs. Lender may <br /> charge such person or persons a fee f�r recQnve�ing the Proper�y, hut anly if the fee is�a�d to a third party <br /> �such as the Trus�ee�for�ervices rendered and the charging af the fee�s permit�ed und�r App�icable Law. <br /> ��. Substitute T�ustee. Lender, a� its option, may fr�rn time to t�rne r�rnave Trustee and appoin�a su�c�ssor <br /> trus�ee to any Trustee appainted hereunder by an instrument recorded in�he caunty in wh�c�.this 5ecurity <br /> �nstrument is recarded. V�'�thaut conveyance af the Proper�y, th�successor trustee shall succeed ta a�l th� <br /> title, pov�er and duties conf�rred upon.Trus�ee here�n and by Appl�cab�e Law. <br /> ��. Request for Natices. Borrower requests�hat c�pies of the na�ice of defau�t and sal�be sent t�Borr�wer's <br /> address vvhich is �he Proper��Address. <br /> N�HRASfCA-Singie�ami[y-�annie MaelFreddie Mac UNI�ORM I[VSTRUMENT �orm 3�28 11D1 <br /> VMP Q VMPfi{NE)t13421 <br /> Walters ICluwer Financial 5er�ices Page 15 af 17 <br />