<br /> in the Pr�per�y and rights un��r�his 5ecurity�nstrument; and�d}takes su�h action as L�nder ma�
<br /> reasonably requ�re ta assur�that Lender's in�eres�in the Prap�rty and rights under this 5ecuri�y Ins�rumen�,
<br /> and Sarr�wer's�b�igatian t�pay th�sums se�ured by this Security In�trument, shail continue unchanged.
<br /> Lender may requ�re�hat Bflrr�wer pay such r�instatemen�surns and exp�nses in one ar more of�h�fo�lovving
<br /> farms, as selected by Lender: �a} cash; (b}maney order; ��}cer�if�ed check, bank check, trea�urer's�heck ar
<br /> cashier's check, provided any such check is drawn upon an institu�ifln vUhose depasits ar�insured by a
<br /> federa� agen�y, ins�rumentali�y a�r�nt�t�; or(d}Electron�c Funds Transfer. Up�n reinsta��ment by Borrov►�er,
<br /> this�ecur�ty Instrument arld�bliga��ons secured hereby shal� remain fully�ffecti�e as if no accelerati�n had
<br /> occurred. �3owe�er, this righ�to reinstate shall not apply�n the case❑f acceleratic�n und�r S�c�ion 1$.
<br /> 2�. Sale of Note; Change of Laan Ser�i�er: N�ti�e vf �rievance. Th�Na�e or a partial interest�n�he
<br /> Note�together with th�s Security �nstrument}can be sald one ar mar��imes�vithout prior na�i�e to
<br /> Borrower. A sa��migh�result in a cha��ge�n the enti�y�known as�he "�an Servicej�"}that co��ec�s Feriodic
<br /> Paymen�s due under the Note and this Secur�t� �ns�rurnent and perfornn.s other mor�gage loan servicing
<br /> ❑bliga�ions under the N�te, th�� Securx�y Instrumen�, and Applicabl�Law. There als�rnight be one ar more
<br /> changes of the Loan Servicer unreia�ed�a a sa�e of�he Note. �f ther�is a chan�e of�he Loan 5ervicer,
<br /> Borrower w�11 b�gi�en vvritt�n no�ice of the change which w��l sta�e�he name and address of the new Loan
<br /> Serv�cer, the address�o wh�ch pa�ments shou�d b�made and any��h�r informatinn RESPA r�quires in
<br /> connec�ion with a no�ice of tr�nsf�r of ser�icing. Yf�he I�o�.e is sold and th�reafter the Loan is serviced by a
<br /> Loan Serv�cer other than the purchaser�f the N�te, the mar�gage loan servic�ng�bl��at�ons to B�rrnwer will
<br /> rerna�n with th�L�an Serv�cer or�e transferred t� a successor L�an Servicer and are n�t assu���ed b�r the
<br /> Note purchaser unless o�herwise pr�vided by the Note�urchaser.
<br /> Nezther Borrawer nar Lender may commen�e,�o�n, or he�a�ned�o any jud�c�a� act�on�as ei�her an
<br /> indi��dua�litigant or the member of a class��ha�ari�e� frorn the other party's actions pursuant to thi�
<br /> Security�ns�rumen�or that a�ieges that�he o�h�r par��has breached an�pro�ision of, or any duty nwed by
<br /> reason�f, �his �ecur�ty Zns�rument, unt�1 such B�rrower or Lender has not��ed the o�her pa�fiy�wi�a such
<br /> not�ce�iven in compliance wi�h the requirem�nts af Section 15}of such al�eged breach and afforded the
<br /> othez-part�here�fl a reasonable per�od after the gi��ng of such natice�o take corrective actian. �f Appiicable
<br /> Law prov�des a�ime period which must elapse before c�rtai�act�on can b�taken, that time per�ad w���be
<br /> deem�d to be�easonable for purpo�es of�h�s paragraph. The no�ice�f acce�eratian and oppor�unity�o�ure
<br /> gx�en to Borr�wer pursuant ta Sec���n 22 and�he not�ce of acc�lera�ian g��ren t�Borrower pursuant��
<br /> Sec�ion 18 shall�e deemed�a sa�isfy the no�ic�and opportunit�ta take correc�ive ac��on pro�isians of this
<br /> �ection��.
<br /> ��. Hazardaus Substan�es. As used in�h�s Sect�on 2�.: �a} "�Yazardaus Substances"are those su�as�ances
<br /> de��ned as�oxic or hazardaus subs�ances, pollutan�s, or v�astes by Environmental Law and th�fo��owing
<br /> subs�ances: gasoline, kerose�e, othe��.ammable or tox�c p�tr��eum produc�s, t��ic pest�c�d�s and her�icid�s,
<br /> vo�atile soi�rents, ma�eria�s eontaining asbesto5 or formaldchyde, and radzaacti�re ma�eria�s; �b}
<br /> "En�ironn�e��al L�ax�"means fe�erai �aws and laws�f�he jurisdict�on where the Proper�� is Iocated�ha�
<br /> re�ate ta health, safety or en�ironmenta�pro�ec�ion; �c� "Er�viror2nxenta�C`leanu,�" �nc�udes an�response
<br /> acti�n, remed�a�action, or remo�al actian, as defin�d in En�ironmental Law; and �d} an "E'nvrran�rt�ntal
<br /> Gd��dition"means a�ond�tion that can cause, c�ntr�bute ta, �r o�h�r�v�se�r�gger an En�ironmental.C�eanup.
<br /> Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, dxspnsal, �tarage, ar re��ase of any Hazardous
<br /> Subs�ances, �r threaten ta re�ease any Ha7ardous Sub�tances, on or in the Praperty. B�rrower sha��no�do,
<br /> nor a�lo�v anyone e�se to do, anyth�ng affect�ng the Praperty�a}that�s in vialat�an of any�n��ranmen�al
<br /> Law, (b}wh�ch crea�es an Enviranmenta�Cond�tion, ar�c}which, due�a the presence, use, or releas�of a
<br /> Hazar�ous Substance, creates a cond��ion that adverse�y affects �he�atue af the Proper��. The preceding two
<br /> N�BRASKA-5ir�gle�amily-�anni�Ma�l�reddie Mac UNIF�RM 1NSTRUM�NT F�rm 302$'f109
<br /> VMP C� VMP6f��}t7342)
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