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��15�577� <br /> designa�ed a substitu��notice addres�by notice t� Lend�r. Borrower shall promptly n�tify Lender of <br /> Borrower's change nf addr�ss. �f Lender speci��e� a proc�dure far repor�ing Barrower's change�f address, <br /> �hen Borrow�r shail anly r�port a change af addr�ss through that spe�ified procedure. <br /> There may be onl�ane designated no�ice address under this Security �ns�rument at ax�y�ne t�me. Any no��ce <br /> to Lender shall be given by deli�ering i�or by n�ta�l�ng it by firs��lass rnail to L�nd�r's address stated herexn <br /> unles� Lender has designated another addr�s�b�n�t�ce�o Borrawex. Any notic�in conne�tion with�h�� <br /> Security Instrumen�shall not be deemed��have been g�ven to Lender unti� actuai�y rece��e��y Lender. If <br /> a�a�no�ice requir�d by th�s Securi�y Instrumen�.�s alsa re�uired under App�icab�e Law, the App��cab�e Law <br /> �equ�rement wi�l sa�isfy the co�rr�sponding re�uire�nent under this Securi�y�nstrument, <br /> 'l6. �overning Law; Serrera��iity; Rules �f Construct�on. This SeGurity�nstrument sha�l b�gov�rned by <br /> f�deral law and�he 1aw�f the�urisdi�tion in wh�c� the Proper�� is�oca��d. All right�and obtigations <br /> contained�n this Secur�ty�ns�cument are sub�ec�to any requi�rements and�in-utat��ns of�pp�icabl�Law. <br /> Appi�ca��e Law m�ght�xp�xc�tl�ar impli��tly ailow the par�ies to agree by contract❑r�t m�ght�e s�Zen�, but <br /> such sil�nc��hall not be construe�.as a prahibitifln against agreement�y contract. �n the e�en�that any <br /> provisi�n or clause of�his Securi�y �nstrumen�or the N��e c�nf�icts with Applicable Law, su�h�onflict sha�� <br /> no�aff�ct o�her pr���s�ans of this Security Instrument or the�a�e wh�ch can be given effect without�h� <br /> canf�ict�ng pra��s�an. <br /> As used �n�his Securi�y�nstrumen�: �a}words af the rnasculine gender�hall mean and�nc�ude correspon�.zng <br /> n�u�er wflr�s or w�rds of�he f�m�nine gender; (b}words �n the singular sha��mean and �nclude�he plura� <br /> and vice��rsa; ar�d tc}�he�vord "ma�" gzves so�e discretion�vithout any ob�igation to take any action. <br /> 17. Borrower's Cnpy. Borrower shall b�g�v�n one cflpy af the No�e and af�his Secur�ty Instrument. <br /> ��. Transfer af the Property �r a Benef�cia� Interest in Borrower. As u�ed �n th�s 5ect�on �8, "�nterest in <br /> the Proper�y" means any legal or benef�c�a� int�r�s� in the Property, in�Iu�ing, but nat ��m�ted ta, thase <br /> benef cia�in�erests transferred in a�ond f�r deed, �ontract for deed, insta�Iment sales c�nt�rac�ar escrow <br /> agr�ement, �h�int�n�of wh�ch is�he transfer�f t�t��by Bar�rawer at a fu�ure date�o a pur�haser. <br /> �f al�ar an�parr of�he Prap�rt�or any�n�erest in the Proper���s sold or transferred�or if Borrawer is nat a <br /> na�ura�persan and a b�n�fc�al �n�erest�n Barrower is sald or transferred}w��hou�Lender's pr�or written <br /> consen�, Lender may require�rnmedzate paym�nt in fu�l of a11 sums secured b�this Se�u�rity�nstrumen�. <br /> Hov�ever, th�s aption shall not be exerc�sed t�y L�nder�f such�xercise is prohibi�ed b�Applzcab�e Law. <br /> If L�nder exerc�s���his opt�on, L.ender shall g���Borrower notice of acce�eration. Th�natice sha11 pro�ride a <br /> per�od of nnt�ess �han 3�days from the�a�e the no�ice�s g���n in accordance with Section 15 wi�hin whieh <br /> Borrawer m�ust pa�r al� sums s�cured by this Secur�ty Instrum�nt. If Borrower fai�s to pay th�se sum�priar to <br /> the expiratian of this period, Lender may inv�ke an�remedies permit��d by this Secu�i�y�nstrurnen�w�thout <br /> further no�ice or demand on Borrovver. <br /> �9. Bvrruwer's Right tv Reinstat� After Acce[eration. �f Borrow�r me�ts cer�ain condi�i�ns, Borrow�r <br /> �ha��ha�ve the r��ht ta haue enf�rcem�nt of thi�Security �nstrument dzscon�inu�d a�any time priar to th� <br /> earliest❑f: �a}five�.ays befor�sa�e af th� Pr�p�rty put-suant to ar�y power of sa�e canta�ned zn this�eCuri�� <br /> �nstrument; �b}su�h ather period as App��cab�e Law might sp�cif�r for the t�rmination of Bnrrower's righ��n <br /> re�nstate; or�c�entry af a�ud�ment enforcing��zs Seeur�ty Znstrument. Thas�condi�ions are tha�Barrower: <br /> �a}pays Lend�r a��surns whi�h then would be due under th�s Secur�ty�nstrument and�he Not�as if no <br /> acce�eration had accurred; �b}cures any default of any ather covenants ar ag�reemen��; �c)pa�s a�� expen�es <br /> incurred�n enfarcing�h�s Securit��nstrument, inciuding, bu�not�im3ited tfl, reasonab�e attarneys' f�es, <br /> p�a���r�y �ta��pe�tiot�.�z�d v�lu������.�'��s, a�ad otl�er f�es incur��d fo��I�e�ur�ose�f pr��ec�i�g Ler�der's�r�teres� <br /> NEBRASKA-Singla Family-Fannis MaelFreddie Mac UN�FORM 6N5TRUM�NT Form 3q2$11�1 <br /> VMP[n� VMP�{N�y t'f 3023 <br /> Wo�#ers Kluwer Financiak Services Page t 2 vf 1�' <br />