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<br /> ' � ��15�57�8
<br /> . DEED �F TRUST
<br /> Laan Na: 'I��288498 ��orttinued� Page 7
<br /> person, including withaut Iimitatian Trustar�Trustee, or Lend�r, may purchase at such sale.
<br /> �by As may i�e permi�ted by Iaw, after dedu�ting all casts, �ees and expenses ❑f Trustee and of thEs
<br /> Trust, including cvsts of e�idence of tEt{e in conne�tian wi�h sale,Trustee shall apply�he prviceeds o�sale
<br /> t❑payment❑f �iy all sums expended under the��rms❑f this �eed❑�Trust or under the�errns❑f�he Nate
<br /> nat then repaid, including bu� nat fimited to ac�rued in�erest and late charges, �iiy all other sums �hen
<br /> secured hereby� and �iii�the remainder, i�any,�❑�he pers�n or persons legaily entitled�hereto.
<br /> {�} T�usCee rnay in the manner provided hy law postpone safe❑�F all❑r any pv�tian of the Praperty.
<br /> Remedies �Nvt Exclusive. Trus�ee and Lender, and each of them, shail be en�itled ta enforce payment and
<br /> performance v�any indebtedness or obligations secured k�y this Deed❑�Trust and ta exercise alE rights and powers
<br /> under this Deed of Trust, under the Nv�e, under any of the Related ❑acumen�s, ❑r under any ather agreement or
<br /> any laws now or herea#ter in�vrce; notwifihstanding, some �r all of such indeb�edness and oblE�ations se�ured by
<br /> this Deed o�Trusfi rnay now ❑r hereafter be otherwise se�ured, whether by mor�gage, deed o�trust, pledge, lienr
<br /> assignment or o�her►nrise. Nei�ther �he acceptance ❑f �this Deed ❑� Trust nar its enforcement, whe�her by �aur�
<br /> actian ❑r pursuant�❑fihe pawer of sale or o�her pawers contained in this ❑e�d n�Trust, shai! pre�udice or �n any
<br /> mann�r afFec�Trus�ee's or Lender's right�o r�alize upan ar en�arce any ather securEty now �r herea�fter held by
<br /> T�'uste�ar Lender, it being agreed�ha�Trustee and Lender, and ea�h of them,shal�be entEt�ed ta enfarce this Deed
<br /> of Trust and any ❑ther security naw or hereafter held E�y Lender ❑r Trustee in such ❑rder and rnanner as they or
<br /> ei�her of them may in their absalufie discretion determine. No rernedy �vn�erred upan or r�ser�ed to Trustee or
<br /> L�nder, is intended to be exclusive �f any o�her remedy in�his ❑eed o�Trusfi vr by �aw provided ❑r permitted, but
<br /> each shal! be cumulati�� and shall be in additi�n to e�ery other remedy gi�en in this �eed o�F Trus� or novir or
<br /> hereaf�er existing at law or in equity or by s�atu�e. E�ery power❑r remedy gi�en by the Note❑r any❑�the Related
<br /> ❑v�urnen�s to Truste� or Lender ❑r t❑ which eifiher ofi �hem may be ❑fihertinrise entitfed. may be exercis�d,
<br /> concurrenfily or Endependen�ly, �ram t�me to�ime and as often as may be de�med expedient by Trustee or Lender,
<br /> and ei�her of them may pursue incansistenfi remedies. No�hing in this I]eed ❑� Trust shall be cvns�rued as
<br /> prahibi�ting Lender fram seeking a deficiency�udgrnent against�he Trustvr ta the exten�such actian is pe�mitted by
<br /> 1aw.
<br /> Elec#ion of Remedies. A!1 of Lender's rights and remedies will b� cumulati�e and may be exer�ised alone �r
<br /> together. 1� Lende�- decides to spend rnvney or�� perforrn any of Trustor's obliga�ions under this Deed afi Trus�,
<br /> after Trustor's failure ta d❑ so, thafi decision by Lender wi[I nat affec�k Lender's righ�to decfare Trus�or in de�auit
<br /> and�o exercise Lender's rernedies.
<br /> Reques�t�ar Not�ce. Trustar, on behalf a#Trus��r and Lender, hereby requests that a capy❑f any Nnt�ce of De�auEt
<br /> and a �vpy of any Notice a�F Sa�� under this Deed ❑�Trus�be mailed ta�hem at the addresses se�farth in the first
<br /> paragraph af�his aeed❑�Trus�.
<br /> Attarneys' Fees; Expenses. ifi Lender institutes any suit vr action �a enforce any vf �he terms o�F �his Deed af
<br /> Trus�, Lender shall be entE��ed tv recover such sum as�he �aurt may adjudge reasonable as attorneys' fees a�triaf
<br /> and upan any appeal. �Jllhe�her or na� any cour� action is in�oC�ed, and �o �he exfient not prohibi�ed by law, all
<br /> �easonable expenses Lender inGurs �hat in Lender's opinian are necessa�ry at any time for the pra�ecfiion ❑f its
<br /> interest❑r the en��rcement❑f i�s righ�s shall be�arne a par�❑f the Indeb�edness payable❑n demand and shafl bear
<br /> interes�at the Nate rate from fihe da�C�of the expenditure until repaid. Expenses co�ered by this�aragraph include,
<br /> withou�limi�ativn, hawever subject t❑ any limits under applicable laW, Lender's at�orneys' fees and Lender's legal
<br /> expenses, whether ❑r not �here is a �awsui�, including attarneys' �ees and expenses fvr bankruptcy praceedin�s
<br /> �including e��orts fia mvdify nr vacate any autama�ic s�ay❑r injunction}, appeals, and any antic�pated pos�-�udgmen�
<br /> co[fec�ion s�r�ices, �he cost❑f search�ng r�cvrds, obtaining title repor�s �including fareciosure repor�ksy, sur�eyors'
<br /> r�ports, and appraisal feesr �i�le insuran�e, and �ees for the Trus�ee, to the ex�en� permitted by applicable law.
<br /> Trustvr als❑will pay any caurt casts, in add�tian to a[I ather sums pra�ided by law.
<br /> Righ�s of Trus�ee. Trustee shall haWe a1�a�the rights and duties❑f Lender as set forth in th�s section.
<br /> PO1r1�ERS AND�BLI�ATI�NS ❑F TRUSTEE. The falloWing prv�isivns relating to�he powers and obliga�kians of Trustee
<br /> are part of'�his Deed ❑f Trust:
<br /> Powers of Trustee. ln addE�ion t❑ a[�powers af Trust�e arising as a mafiter of law,Trusfiee sha�l ha�e the pawer to
<br /> �ake�he following ac�ivns wi�h r�spect�o�he Property upon the wri��en r�quest vf Lender and Trustor: {a�jain in
<br /> pr�paring and �filing a map vr pla�t �� the Reai Praper�y, including the dedicat�an of streets ❑r o�her rights t� the
<br /> public; (b� joFn in g�-an�ing any easemenfi ❑r crea�ing any restriction ❑n the Fiea! Prvperty; and ��y �oin in any
<br /> subardination or other agreement affec�ing this Deed vf Trus�or the interes�C of L�nder under this ❑eed❑f Trust.
<br /> Trustee. Trus�ee sha11 mee'�all quali�i�ativns.required far Trustee under app�icai�le faw. En additian to �he ri�hts
<br /> and remedies set farth abave, with respect ta all ar any part❑��he Praperty, the Trus�ee shall ha�e the right to
<br /> fvrecivse by na�ice and sale, and Lender will ha�e the right t❑ fareclose by judicial for�closure, �n ei�her case in
<br /> accordance with and ta fihe full exten�pro�ided by applieal�le law. �
<br /> Succ�ssor Trus#ee. Lender, at Lender's aption, may from time fia time appoint a successor Trus�ee�o any Trus�ee
<br /> appointed under this ❑eed v�Trust by an Enstrument execu�ed and acknawledg�d hy Lender and recorded in the
<br /> o��F��e o��he recorder of HALL Coun�y, Sta�e �� Nebraska. The instrument shall contain, in addifiion �a all ❑ther
<br /> matters required by state law, the names vf �he o�iginal Lender, Trustee, and Trus�vr, the book and page {ar
<br />