. ��15�57�8
<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> Lvan No: '��1�SS49$ {C��7tinued} Page �
<br /> Taking of the Praperty. ►4ny credi�or ❑r gvvernmental agency,tries tv take any ❑f the Praperty ❑r any ather o�
<br /> Trusta�-'s property in }n►hich Lender has a lien. This includes �ak�ng ❑�, garnishing o� ar ie�ying an Trus�or`s
<br /> accvunts with Lender. However, if Trustvr disputes in gvad faith whether the clairn on which �h� taking a�the
<br /> Praperty is based is �afid ❑r reasonable, and if Trustor gi�es Lender written no�i�e o� fihe ciaim and furnish�s
<br /> Lender with monies or a surety bond satisfactory to Lender�❑satisfy the claim,�kh�n this default prv�isian will nvt
<br /> app�y.
<br /> Breach o�nther Agreement., Any breach by Trusto�under the terms ofi any❑ther agreernen�between Trustor and
<br /> Lender that is nat remedied within any gra�e peri�d prov�ded �herein, inc[uding without limitation any agreemen�
<br /> concerning any indehtedness or other obligation o-�Trustor ta Lender,whether exist�ng now vr�ater.
<br /> Events AfEe�ting �uaran#vr. any o�the preceding even�s occurs with respect to any guarantor, endorser, surety,
<br /> ❑r accornmoda��on party of an� v�the lndebtedness ❑r any guaran�or, endorser, sur�ty, ❑r a��ommada�ion party
<br /> dies or becomes incompe�ent, ❑r r�vokes ❑r disputes �he WaEidity o�, or liabi�ity under, any Guaranty of the
<br /> lndeh�edness.
<br /> Inse�urity. Lender in gaad�aifih�elieW�s itself insecu�-�.
<br /> Right t❑Cure. �f any default, ❑ther�than a default in payrnen�, is cu�abfe and if Trustor has nat been gi�en a n�tice
<br /> of a brea�h of the same provisian o��h�s �eed of T�-us�within the preceding twelve �'1�� months,it may be cured if
<br /> Trustor, after Lender sends rrvrit�en nat't��to Trustar demanding cure af such d�faul�: {�} cures the default wi�hin
<br /> ten �1❑�days;vr ��} ifi the�ure requires more than ten {'��} days,irnmedia�ely initiates steps which Lender deems
<br /> En Lender's sole discretian�o be suffi�ient ta cure the default and thereafter�antinues and cvmp�etes a{[reasonable
<br /> and ne�essary steps sufficient to pr�duce carnpliance as sovn as reasanably practical.
<br /> RIGHTS AN❑ REME�IES DN DEFAULT. if an Even�❑f Defaul�accurs under this Deed ❑f Trus�, at any time thereafter,
<br /> Trustee❑r Lender may ex�rcise any one o�-m�re v�the follvv`ring rights and rernedies:
<br /> A�celeration Upvn De�ault:Addifivnal Remedies. lf any E�en�o�aefau�t o�Gurs as per the�erms ❑f the Nate
<br /> secured heref�y, Lender may declare a!! Indebtedness secured by�his �eed o�Trust fiv he due and payable and
<br /> the same sha11 thereupon becvme due and payable vvith�ut any pr�sentment, demand, pratest�r notEce of any
<br /> kind. Thereafker, Lender may:
<br /> {�} Either in persvn or hy agent, wEth ❑r wi�hou� bringing any action vr proceeding, or by a recei��r
<br /> appainted by a court and wi�haut�e�ard to fihe adequacy of its security, enter upon and take possession
<br /> of the Property, or any part fiherevf, in its awn name ar in�he name❑f Trustee, and do any a�ts which it
<br /> deems necessary or desirable tv preser�e fihe�afue, marketability❑r ren�alaility of the Pr�per�y, ❑�part v�F
<br /> the Property or interest in the Praperty; increase th� income from the Praperty or pr�tec�the security of
<br /> the Property; and, wifih ❑r withou� taking possession �f the Property, sue far or o�herwise �oilec�t�he
<br /> rents, issues and pr�fits v`�the Praperty, including those past due and unpaid, and apply the sarne, less
<br /> �vsts and expenses❑f aperat�an and co�iection attorneys' fiees,�❑any tndebtedness secured by�his D�ed
<br /> af Trust, aEl in such order as Lender may de�ermine. The entering upon and taking pvssession of the
<br /> Praperty, the coliectEon ❑f such rents, �ssues and profits, and the applica�ion �hereof shall not �ur� ar
<br /> vvai�e any defaul�❑r nvfii�e vf defauf�t und�r�Chis Deed of Tr.ust�r invafida�e any act dane in response t❑
<br /> such defaul�or pursuant�❑su�h notice o�default; and, natWi�hstanding the conttnuance in possession of
<br /> the Property or the �allection, receipt and applica�ion vf rents, Essues ❑r pr�fi�s, T�ustee ar Lender shall
<br /> be entitled t❑exercise e�ery right proWided for in the fVote or the Related Documents or by law upon the
<br /> occurrence��any e�ent of defau�t, in�fuding the ri�ht to exercise�he power�f sale;
<br /> {b� Commence an actEon to�oreclose this ❑eed❑�Trust as a mortgage, appoint a�r�cei�er or speci�fical�y
<br /> en�arce any�f�he ca�enan�s her�o�; and
<br /> {c} aeli�er�a Trus�ee a w�-itten declaration of default and demand for sale and a wri��en no�ice of de�au[t
<br /> and electi�n t❑cause Trustvr's inter�st in�he Praperty�❑ be sofd,wh�ch noti�e Trustee shall �ause�o be
<br /> duly filed��r rec�rd in fihe appropriate offices v�th�County in which the Prvperty is fv�ated; and
<br /> {d� V11ith respe�t�o a�l or any part of the Personal Prvper�y, Lender shaE! ha�e all th�rights and rernedies
<br /> of a secured par�y und��-the Ne�raska Uni�orm Commercial Code.
<br /> Fore�losure by Power❑f 5a�e. 1�Lender elec�s to foreclase hy exercise of the Pawer af 5ale herein cantained,
<br /> Lender shall no�Cify Trus�Cee and shall depvsit wi�h Trustee this �eed ofi Trusfi and the Nvte and such receipts
<br /> and e�idence�f expenditures rnade and secured by this Deed of Trust as Trus�ee may require.
<br /> {a� Upvn receipt a�F such no�tice from Lender,Trus�ee shall cause#a be recorded, publish�d and delivered
<br /> �o Trus�kor such Notice �f Defaul�and No�ice fl�Sale as then required by lav►� and }�y this ❑eed o�Trust.
<br /> Trusfiee shall, withaut demand ❑n T�ustor, after su�h fiime as may th�n b� required by law and after
<br /> recordativn of su�h Natice of Default and after IVvti�e of 5a�e ha�ing been gi�en as required hy law f se�i
<br /> the Praperty a��he t�me and place a� safe fixed by it in such No�ice af Sa�e, either as a virhole, or in
<br /> separate lo�s❑r par�els or items as Trustee shall deem expedient, and in su�h❑rder as it may de�ermin�,
<br /> at puhfic au��Cion t��he hi�hest h�dder fvr cash in lawfui money of�h� United S�Ca�Ces payabfe a�the time
<br /> v� safe. Trus�ee shall de[ive� to su�h purchase� vr pur�hasers fiherevfi its gavd and sufficienfi deed ar
<br /> deeds canveying the prvperty so so�d, but without any ca�enant or warranty, express ❑r imp�ied. The
<br /> recitals in such deed af any mat�ers �r facts shall be c�nclusi�e prov� ��the firu�hfu�ness fihereof. Any
<br />