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��15�57�8 <br /> DEED �F TF�UST <br /> Loan hlv: 7�'1�88U°�� �C�ntinued� Page g <br /> computer system reference] where this ❑eed vf Trust is recvrded, and the name and address ❑f the su��essar <br /> �rus�ee, and the instrument shall €�e�xecuted and acknowEedged by afI the beneficiaries under this Deed af Trust or <br /> fiheir successors in in�erest. The successo�-trusfiee, wi�hau� can�eyance ❑f�he Praper#y, shall succeed t❑ alf the <br /> ti�le,,pow�r, and duties canferred upon the Trustee in this Deed of Trust and l�y applicable law. This procedure�or <br /> subs�i�u�ian❑f Trustee shall gaWern to�he ex�lusivn�fi all ofiher pra�isions for suhsfiitution. <br /> NaT10ES. Any natic� required to he gi�en under this Deed of Trust, inc�uding without limitatian any notice ❑�defau�t <br /> and any nofiic� o#sale shall he gi�en in writing, and shall be efifec�i�e when actually deli�ered, when ac�Cually �-ecei�ed <br /> hy�e�e�a�simile {unless otherwise required by faw}, when depasi#ed with a nati�nally recagni�ed overnight caurie�, ❑�, if <br /> mailed, when deposited in�he United States mai[, as�irst c[ass, cer�ified o�'registered mail postage prepaid, directed to <br /> fihe addresses shov�n near the beginning ❑�this Deed ofi Trust. A!i �apies a-�notices af foreclosure from the hvfder at <br /> any lien which has priority oWer this Dsed o-�Trus�shall be sent to Lender`s address, as shawn near the beginn�ng of <br /> this Deed o�f Trust. Any person may change his or her address �ar notices under this Deed ❑t Trust by giving farmaE <br /> writ�en natice �o the oYher person or persons, spe�ifying �hat the purpase of the no�ice f5 t❑ change the persan's <br /> address. For notice purposes�Trustor agrees�o keep Lend�r in�Fvrrned at ali tErnes a�Trusfiar's cur�-ent address. Unless <br /> otherwise pro�ided vr requ�red by law, if there is more than ane Trustor, any natice gi�en hy Lender�o any Trustor is <br /> deerned ta be notice gi�en�o a1�Trustars. lt wili be Trustor's responsibili�y fio tell fihe vthers o�f the notice fram Lender. <br /> Ni15CELLANE�US PR�V151�NS. The follawing miscellaneous proWisions are a part of this Deed of T�rust: <br /> Amendments. What is written in�his ❑eed o�Trusfi and in the Rela�ed Docum�nts is Trustar's en�Fr� agreement <br /> w�th Lender cvn�ernin�the matters covered by this Deed o�F Trust. To be �ffective, any change or am�ndment t❑ <br /> this Deed af Trust must be in writing and must be signed �y whoe�er will b� bound ❑r obiigated by the change or <br /> amendmen�. <br /> Cap��on Headings. Caption headin�s in �his Deed of Trust are far con�enience purposes on�y and are na��a be <br /> used ta interpret_ar de�ine the pra�isi�ns vfi this ❑e�d of Trust. <br /> Merger. There shall be no merger❑�r the in�eres��r esta�e cr�afied by fihis Deed of Trust with any othe�-interest or <br /> es�ate in the Property a�any tirne he[d by or fior the benefit of L�nder in any capaci�yf wi�hau�k the writ�en cansent <br /> of Lender. <br /> Choice of Venue. If�here is a lawsuitr Trustor agrees upon Lender's request to submi��o the ju�isdi��ion of the <br /> courts of Hall Caunty, State❑f Nehraska. <br /> Joint and Se�reral Liabili�y. All ❑laiigati�ns a�Trus�Cor under this Deed a�Trust shall be joint and se�e�al, and all <br /> re�e�ences to Trus�or shall mean each and e�ery Trustor, This means that eaGh Trustar signing be�ow is <br /> respnnsible far all abligations in�this Deed of Trust. <br /> No Waiver by Lender. Trustar understands Lender wi�E n�t gi�e up any❑�Lender's righ�ts under this ❑eed of Trus� <br /> unless Lender does s� in writing. The �Fa�t that Lender delays ar om�ts �❑ e�c�rcEse any right wi�I nat mean �hat <br /> Lender has gi�en up �hat right. I� Lende� does agree En writing to gi�e up on� af Lender's rights, that does not <br /> mean Trus�or will nat ha�e ta comply with �he o�her pr��isions a�this aeed a�Trusfi. Trustor alsa understands <br /> that if Lender does consen�to a requesfi, �hat d��s not mean �hat Trustor wil� not ha�e �o ge� Lender's �ansent <br /> again if�he si�ua�tion happens again. Trustar further unde�stands�ha�just because Lender cvnsents tv one or more <br /> o�Trustar's requests, that does not mean Lender will be required to consent t❑ any of Trustor's �uture requests. <br /> T�rust�r wai�es�r�sentment,demand�or payrnen�, pra�es�,and nfl�ice of dishvnar. <br /> , Severability. l� a court�inds tha� any pra�isian afi th�s Deed of Trust is not valid ❑r should nat be enforced, tha� <br /> �fa��by itseif wii! not rnean that the�-est of this Deed of Trust wifl no�k be�alid vr enfarced. There��re, a caurt wil! <br /> enforce�he rest o�the pro�isions of this �eed❑f Trust e�en E�a praWision afi fihis ❑eed ofi Trus�may he�vund�v be <br /> in�a�id or unen�orceable. <br /> Successvrs and Assigns. 5ubje�t to any lirnitati�ns stated in this Deed af Trus� on transfer��Trus�ar's interes�k, <br /> �this Deed af Trust sha!! be binding upon and inur� fia the benefi� of fihe parties, fiheir successa�-s and assigns. lf <br /> awnership flf the Property becames vested �n a pers�n ather#han Trustor, Lender, withau�n�tice to Trustor, may <br /> deal with Trus�tor's suc�essors with referenc��❑this Deed❑f T�-ust and the Indebtedness by way of forbearance❑r <br /> �xtensi�n withou#releasing Trus�ar frarn the❑bligativns❑f this I�eed ❑f Trust or liability under the lndehtedness. <br /> Time is of the Essence. T�me is of the essence in�he performance❑f�his D�ed o�Trus�. . <br /> 1Nai�er vf Homes�ead Exemptian. Trustor hereby rel�ases and wai�es all rights and benefifis a# the homest�ad <br /> exemption laws�f the State of Nebraska as t❑all �nde�tedness secured by this�7eed af Trust. <br /> DEFINiT�DNS. The following words shall ha�e the following meanings when used in this Deed o�Trust: <br /> Beneficiary. The word "Beneficiary" rneans Fi�e Points Banl�, and ifis successors and assigns. <br /> Barrower. The virord "6orrower" means SHERMA C J�NES and MARK J J�NES and in�ludes all ca-signers and <br /> �o-makers signing�he Nate and al�their successvrs and assigns. <br /> Deed of Trus�. The words "Deed o�Trust" mean this Deed vf Trusfi amon� Trus�ar, Lender, and Trus'tee, and <br /> in��udes wi�hvu� limitativn all assignment and securi�y inte�rest provisians reEa#ing �a �he Personal Prvperty and <br /> Ren�s. <br />
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