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<br /> DEED �F T�UST
<br /> Lvan Na: 7�'l 288�9� ���ntinued} page 5
<br /> Lender cash ar a sufficient carporate sure�y�and ar nther security satis�actory fio Lender.
<br /> SECURITY AGREEMENT; FINAiVCING STATEMENTS. The following provisi�ns rela�ing to this aeed af Trust as a
<br /> se�urity agreernen�are a part a�this Deed of Trust:
<br /> 5ecurity Agreement. This instrument shafl const�tute a Security Agreement ta the exfen� any af the Prvperty
<br /> consfiitutes�ixtures, and Lender sha�i ha�e alI ❑f the rights ❑f a secured par�y under the Uniforrn Cammercial Code
<br /> as arnended from time�a time. �
<br /> Se�ur�#y In�eresx. lJpon reques� by Lender, Trustor shall take whate��r a�tian E5 requested by Lender �a perfect
<br /> and �ontinue Lender's security interest in the Persanal Proper�ky. ln additivn t� recvrding this Deed of Trus�in�khe
<br /> real property records, Lender may, a� any time and withou� �urther authariza�ion -fram Trustar, file exscu�ed
<br /> counterpar�s, copies or repraduc�ions of this aeed of Trust as a financing staternen�. Trustar shall re�mburse
<br /> Lender far all expenses incurred in perfecfiing vr cvn�inuing this security interest. Up�n de�ault, Trus�ar shall not
<br /> �emv�e, se�er or detach th� Personal Praperty from the Praperty. Upan default, Trustor sha�i assembfe any
<br /> Personal Property nofi a��ixed tv the Proper�y in a manner and a� a place reasonably c�n�enient ta Trustor and
<br /> Lender and make it a�ailable t❑ Lender wi�hin three {3} days af�er receipt ❑�written demand fram Lender to the
<br /> exten�permitted by applicable law.
<br /> Addresses. The mailing addresses of Trus�or �deb�ar� and Lender �secured par�y� from which infarmat�on
<br /> concerning the security interes� gran�ed by this aeed ofi Trus't may be obtained {each as required by�he Uniform
<br /> Cvrnmercial Cvde} are as s�ated on the��rsfi page of this Deed of Trust.
<br /> FURTHER A55URANCES; ATT�RNEY-�N-FACT. The �following pra�isians rela�ing to further assurances and
<br /> att�rney-in--�act are a par�vf this ❑eed of Trust:
<br /> Further Assurances. Afi any time, and frarn�ime to tim�, up�n request af Lender, Trustar will,make, execute and
<br /> deli�e�, ❑r will cause�o be made, executed❑r de�i�ered, ta Lender ar ta Lender's designee, and vvhen reques�ed by
<br /> Lender, �ause�❑ be filed, re�arded, refiled, ar rerecorded, as the case may be, at such times and in su�h ❑f�ices
<br /> and places as Lender may deem appropria�e, any and all such m�rtgages, deeds of trusfi, securi�y de�ds, securi�y
<br /> agreements, �inancing s�atements, continuation statements, ins�ruments ❑� �Fur#her assurance, certi�icat�s, and
<br /> vther dv�uments as may, in�he sale❑pin�an v�Lender, be necessary vr desirabl� in order to effectuate, cvmplete,
<br /> perfect, con�inue, or preser�� �'1� Trustar's ❑bligafiions under th� Nate, this Deed vfi Trust, and the Related
<br /> Documen�ts, and ��} the [iens and security interests crea�ed hy this fJeed ❑f Trust as�irst and prior liens ❑n�the
<br /> Praperty, whe�her nvw awned ❑r hereafiter a�quired by Trus�or. Unless prohibited by Eaw or Lender agrees t❑the
<br /> contrary in writing, Trustar shall reimburse Lender for all casts and expenses incurred in cvnnecfiion wEth the
<br /> matters referred�❑in this paragraph.
<br /> Atfarney-in-Fact. l�Trustor fails ta d❑ any of the#hings r��ferred�❑ in�he preceding paragraph, Lend�r may d❑ sv
<br /> for and in the name o�Trustor and a�Trus�or's expense. For su�h purpnses, Trustar here�y irre�ocably appoin�s
<br /> Lender as Trustor's at��rney-in-fact for the purpase of making, executing,deli�ering,filing, recording, and doing al[
<br /> vther#hings as may be necessary o� desirabEe, in Lender's sole apinion,.to accomplish�he ma'tters referred to in
<br /> the p�e�eding paragraph.
<br /> Fl]LL PERFORMANCE. I�Trus�or pays all the fndehtedn�ss. including wi�hout l�mitati�n a11�uture aduances. when due,
<br /> and athervuise performs all �he o�ligations imposed upvn Trustvr under this �3�sd o� Trust, Lender shall execute and
<br /> deli�er ta Trustee a reques� �For full recvn�eyan�e and sha�1 execute and deliver to Trustar suitable statements �f
<br /> termination of any �rinancing s�a�emen�k an file e�idencing Lender's se�urity interest in fihe Rents and the Persanal
<br /> Property. Any recon�eyanGe fee required k�y law shall be paid by Trustar, i�f permitted by applicable law.
<br /> EVENTS �F DEFAULT. At Lend�r's ❑ptivn, Trust�r wil� be �n de-�auEt under fihis Deed ❑f Trust t� any ofi�he #v�lvw�ng
<br /> happen: '
<br /> Payment Defiauf�. Trustor fails�o make any payment when due under the lndebfiedness.
<br /> 6reak ather Prvm�ses. Trustor brea�s any p�omise made to Lender�r fails �o perform prompt�y at�he�ime and
<br /> sfr�c��y in�he manner prvvided in this ❑eed vf Trust ar in any agreement re�ated tv this Deed af Trust.
<br /> Compliance C3efau�#. Failure #� cflm�ly wi�h any ather term, abliga�ivn, co�enant or conditian �vnfiained in this
<br /> ❑eed❑�f Trus�,the N��e or in any o�the Reiafied Documents.
<br /> ❑efau�t on�ther Paymen#s. Failure a�Trustor within the time required by�his Deed of Trusfi fia make any payment
<br /> �or taxes❑r insurance,ar any❑ther payment necessary#o pre�ent filing o�❑r t�e��ect discharge of any lien.
<br /> False 5tatements. Any representatEan or statement made ❑r furnished ta Lender by Trustar❑r❑n Trustor's behalf
<br /> under this Deed ❑f Trust or the Related Dvcuments is false ❑r mEsleading in any mater�a! respect� e��her novv ❑r at
<br /> the tirne made ar furnished.
<br /> Defe�ti�re Collateralizatian. This Deed of Trust or any �� the Related aocumen�s ceases �o be in �ull force and
<br /> ef�ect �including failure a� any colla�eral d�cument to create a �alid and per�ected security inter�st❑r lien} at any
<br /> time and for any reason.
<br /> Dea�th or 1nso1►rency. The death❑f Trustor,the inso[��ncy of Trustor,the appaintmen�of a recei�er fo�'any par�of
<br /> Trustor's property, any assignmen� for the henefi� �� credi�ors, any type af �reditvr i►v�rkout, ❑r fihe
<br /> commencement❑fi any praceeding under any bankrup�cy❑r�nsal�en�y laws by or agains�Trus�or.
<br />